Comes from commitment.Commitment
Comes from eagerness.Eagerness
Comes from soulfulness.Soulfulness
Comes from purity.Purity
Comes from sincerity.Sincerity
Comes from necessity,My God-necessity.
```My God-satisfaction-promise
I have not kept,But once more I promise
That I shall fulfilMy God-satisfaction-promise.
This time I can and I shall! ```Who is waiting for me?
God Himself.Whom am I waiting for?
I am waiting forThe God-doubt-lover in me.
Alas, alas! ```When I am happy,
I say to myself,“So much I have done!
Just a little more to do.”When I am unhappy,
I say to myself,“Just a little I have done.
So much more to do!” ```Impossibility
Is my mind-thorn.Possibility
Is my heart-rose.I have made my choice
Once and for all.I want my heart-rose.
```I must not destroy
My God-fulfilment-dreamWith my self-doubt.
Reality is at God’s Feet.Dream is inside my heart.
Let me place my heartAt God’s Feet,
Him to fulfil in His own WayIn and through me.
```So many God-dreamers
And God-loversHave realised God.
Today is my turn —Today, here and now.
```This morning
My Lord Beloved SupremeIs telling me
That before I dare to claimHis immortal Love, immortal Joy
And immortal PrideAs my own, very own,
My own faith-heart-garden-blossomsMust infinitely increase
Their beauty and fragranceInside His Compassion-flooded Heart.
```Yesterday nothing was possible.
Today everything is possible.Why?
Why?Because yesterday my mind talked
For the admiration of the world.Today my heart acts
For the liberation of the world. ```My Absolute Lord Supreme,
No more my face-lift!From today on I shall pray to You
Only for my heart-lift —High, higher, highest,
Self-givingly and unconditionally. ```My Beloved Supreme,
Do tell meHow I can please You most
In the New Year.“My child, you will be able
To please Me mostIf you just give Me two things
Once and for all:Your mind’s ceaseless deception-night
And your heart’s sleepless aspiration-light.” ```The longer your mind refuses
To bow to your heart,The further away you are
From true happiness. ```Insecurity-barriers
Can be surmountedOnly by tearful prayers
To the Lord Supreme. ```At every moment
We shall have to be carefulIn our aspiration-life.
If not, we shall be swept awayRuthlessly
By ignorance-current. ```When there is a tug-of-war
Between my desire-mindAnd my aspiration-heart,
God always takes the sideOf my heart.
```My Lord,
As You need no audienceWhen You speak to me,
How is itThat I always long for an audience
When I am with YouAnd around You?
```My fame-fed ego
Has forced meTo be the possessor
Of constant unhappiness. ```If your heart and mind
Are schooled in patience,Then there is nothing
That you cannot accomplishEither in the world of aspiration
Or in the life of dedication. ```There is and there can be
No specific “right moment”For God-adoration
And God-satisfactionIn God’s own Way.
```The mind’s jealousy-jungle
Does not have a long life.Sooner or later,
It has to wither away. ```As ignorance does not want
To let me go,Even so, I do not want
To let God go from me. ```My aspiring heart shuns
Everything that is detrimentalTo my spiritual development.
```Plunge deep,
Spread wideAnd rise high!
Lo, your heart becomes oneWith God’s Smile-Blossom.
```If you have unwavering aspiration,
Then God will appear before youWith His Rainbow-Happiness.
```Each time a doubt
Attacks my mind,My soul-bird suffers
In my heart-cage. ```Disobedience-destruction,
Is lowering the consciousnessOf the loving, aspiring, self-giving
And peace-dreaming humanity. ```O my compassion-heart-eye,
My mind needs youFor its purification and perfection.
```God has blessed us
With not one,But a thousand exits
If we want to escapeFrom our mind’s doubt-prison.
```The mind-cancer
Is doubt.The heart-cancer
Is insecurity.The life-cancer
Is fear. ```Companionship
I try to enjoy.But solitude
I do cherish. ```Since you have not made
A life-long commitment to God,How do you expect God
To bless you with enlightenment? ```At every moment a desiring man
Is assaultedBy the forces of chaos.
```A genuine seeker
Orbits only aroundHis Lord Beloved Supreme.
```Take all activities
Not as obligations,But as opportunities
To arrive at the destined shore. ```Alas, when we descend considerably
In our spiritual life,How difficult it becomes for us
To mend God’s broken Heart! ```A hostile force can easily,
Ruthlessly and effectivelyPounce on our life
Without any warning. ```My mind wants
God’s Arms.My heart wants
God’s Feet.I cry for
God’s Heart. ```I am safe only when
My surrender-heartIs functioning well.
```Since God has done you
A great favourBy forgiving you,
Can you not do God the favourOf expressing your gratitude to Him?
```If you want to make
A world-evolution-contribution,Do not question the world.
Just love the heart of the worldAnd serve the life of the world.
```When your mind continues
To question God,Embarrassment becomes your soul’s name.
```O my innocent heart,
I simply do not knowWhy and how
You can always be deceivedBy the shamelessly clever mind.
```O world,
Do call me by my true name:God’s Compassion-Success-Life.
```When I stand
Side by side with God,God teaches me how to smile
Sweetness-fragrance-smile. ```We must prayerfully accomplish
EverythingThat we are supposed to accomplish
As soon as possible,For we are endowed
Only with brief and flickeringLife-flames.
```The mind does not come
When it is called.It comes only
When it is chosen. ```If you do not water
Your heart’s faith-plantEvery day,
Your mind’s doubt-dragonWill before long devour you.
```A sleeplessly God-loving heart
Can make no mistakeAlong the God-Realisation-Road.
Is always a two-way street.It reaches God’s Home
And comes backTo adorn its own home.
```God’s Compassion-Eye-Road
Is the oldest roadThat the seekers walk along.
```God sadly accepts
My daily late attendanceAt His Heart-School.
```The pleasure-mountain-peak
Will definitely crumbleBeneath you
Sooner or later. ```Not by begging,
But by threateningYour ego
Can you conquerThe pride of ego.
```God expects a seeker
To do his aspiration-heart-homeworkFirst,
Before he becomes anxiousTo approach God.
```Lethargy is always unhappy
When it seesReadiness and eagerness
All around. ```One life for each to give —
Therefore,Each can smilingly choose
To give his own life to God. ```In vain
My aspiration-heart triesTo offer God-advice
To my restless vitalAnd my soulless mind.
Has had many warnings.Therefore,
It does not deserveOne more last warning.
```The very nature
Of powerful meditationIs to expand
The aspiring heart’sSilence-fragrance-room.
```What I need is
Sleepless receptivityTo throw open
All my heart-doors. ```Impurity-thoughts
Immediately weaken the mind.Purity-thoughts
Immediately sweeten the heart. ```My surrender-life
God declaresAs His own stupendous success.
```The invitation of eagerness
God alwaysDelightedly accepts.
```There really are no short-cuts
To reachGod’s Perfection-Satisfaction-Shore.
```O seeker,
You must never violateThe rules
Of your aspiration-heart-temple. ```Those who yield to threats,
Although they eventually surrender,Will never become the friends
Of their tormentor. ```If you can happily surrender
Your earth-existence to God,Then no hope of yours
Will ever be able to desert you. ```In your spiritual life,
If your heart-flames are not mounting,Then there may come a time
When you will be buriedBy your own doubt-avalanche.
```Hard is it
For any human beingTo go beyond
His desire-reachTo arrive
At his destination. ```Now that your heart
Is free of ignorance-night,Your heart-love-blossoms
Will have no thorns. ```Educate at and graduate from
The soul-universityTo be a perfect human being.
```God surprised me
By coming into my lifeQuite unexpectedly.
I am surprising GodBy staying inside His Heart-Garden
Permanently. ```Only our surrender-joy
Has the capacityTo climb up to
God’s Transcendental Height. ```Dream of the future’s sweetness
By casting asideThe bitterness of the past.
```Every day, at every moment,
God treasuresOur heart’s gratitude-fountain
And our life’s surrender-fountain. ```Indeed, today’s life
Is a painful experience.But this painful experience
We can transform intoOur Godful realisation.
```By expecting nothing
From this worldWe can definitely gain
God-fulfilment-experiences. ```In our aspiration-life,
Simplicity is beautiful,Sincerity is powerful,
Purity is fruitful. ```The day God showered detachment
Upon my life,I became the possessor
Of joy infinite. ```Today’s hope-dreamer
Will definitely beTomorrow’s reality-possessor.
```My Lord,
When will You come to see me?“I shall come to see you,
My child,Only when you take
My tearful Eyes seriously.” ```Wait for God’s choice Hour.
Do not pressure Him.Nothing good
Can ever come into existence,Nothing good
Can ever be achievedBy pressure.
```I want to discover myself
In the depthsOf my tearful heart
And in the heightsOf my delightful soul.
```Now that God Himself
Is giving me surrender-lessonsOnce more,
I am truly happy. ```God keeps calling my mind
Incessantly.Alas, my mind does not believe
In answering. ```When the heart-lotus blossoms,
The mind becomesA God-dreamer
And the life becomesA God-lover.
```God, will You leave me
If I speak ill of you?“No, My child, I will not.”
When will You leave me then?“I shall leave you
Only when you underestimate yourself.” ```The philosophy of the mind
Is good.The poetry of the heart
Is better.The song of the soul
Is by far the best. ```God does not want to know me
By my mind’s thought-jugglery.He wants to know me
By my heart’s fountain-deeds. ```To think of
God’s infinite BreathIs to live in
God’s immortal Life. ```Ignorance-foundation
Has to be brokenIf we want to awaken
The dormant perfection in us. ```An unhappiness-free life
Sees the beauty of LightEven inside
The ugliness of darkness. ```If you invoke God
With your heart’s gratitude-tears,Then God will expand and expand
Your dream-flooded-horizons. ```In the morning
I directly receiveInspiration from God’s Smile,
Aspiration from God’s HeartAnd dedication from God’s Life,
And from nobody else. ```Alas, when will my unhappy mind
Ever knowWhat my heart’s happiness embodies?
```I believe in you, O my soul.
But, unfortunately,I am unwilling
To walk with you,Listen to you
And follow you. ```My mind’s mind-philosophy
Confuses God.My heart’s heart-song
Amuses God.My soul’s soul-silence
Fulfils God. ```Before long,
God’s Infinity-PeaceWill prevail in my life
Because my mind has becomeA vast silence-sea.
```God’s Justice
Does not silence man’s ignorance,But illumines man’s ignorance.
```My Absolute Lord Supreme,
May my mind today and every dayThink of You only.
May my heart today and every dayLove You only.
May my life today and every dayServe You only.
May I today and every dayPlace my success-joy and my progress-peace
At Your Compassion-Feet. ```From:Sri Chinmoy,Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 205, Agni Press, 1994
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/ap_205