My Beloved Supreme,
I am totally lostWithout the Smile of Your Eyes.
“My child,I am immediately lost
Without the love of your heart.” ```God does scold the weak souls
That fail to manifest HimSuccessfully on earth.
This is a direct reportA seeker has received
From the soul’s country. ```God has dismissed my vital
For its restlessness.God has dismissed my mind
For its carelessness.God has dismissed my heart
For its helplessness.But God has not dismissed me
For I am still all soulfulness. ```The story of a former God-seeker is this:
God does not need him any moreAnd earth ridicules him evermore.
```If you lose your grip
On the obedience-rope,You are bound to find yourself
Inside the abysmal abyssOf destruction.
```God is ready to invent
A new way every dayFor you to please Him.
Now the question is,Are you going to accept it?
Are you?Ever?
```Your life may be a slow
Aspiration-train,But you will reach
Your God-ordained destinationUnmistakably.
```O my mind,
I am now all readyTo clip
Your shameless jealousy-wingsWith my soul’s oneness-light.
```God will grant you
His Victory-SpeedIf you are willing to sit
At His Compassion-FeetWith your heart’s surrender-smile.
```I see my helpless soul
Between my Lord’sBlessingful Messages
And my mind’sDeaf ear.
```My Beloved Supreme
Has lovingly and carefully shapedMy aspiration-statue
From ignorance-clay. ```If you love God only,
Then God will sleeplessly protect youFrom doubt’s giant embrace.
```Every day my aspiration-heart
Takes a number of exercises.Otherwise my life will suffer
From my desire-burden’s excessive weight. ```He who loves God
In the aspiration-worldHas no responsibility of his own.
The Compassion of GodDoes everything for him.
He who loves ignorance
In the desire-worldHas also no responsibility of his own.
The temptation of ignoranceDoes everything for him.
```The tentacles of attachment
Have crippledHis unlit earthly years.
```Why do you not claim
The ever-claimable GodInstead of claiming
Ignorance-rogue? ```While crying,
If you get satisfaction,Then God is unmistakably coming to you
For your liberation-smile. ```I whistle
My universal oneness-songIn the sweet arms
Of my golden dreams. ```Where am I?
I am in betweenMy heart’s newness
And my Lord’s Fulness. ```The only time you can be beaten
By the worldIs when your mind becomes bound
By the chain of your fat pride! ```In the outer world
Sincerity-childrenAre in great demand.
In the inner world
Purity-saintsAre in great demand.
```My self-chosen ignorance-life
I started to forgetThe day I chose to treasure
My Lord’s Silence-Smile. ```If you are consistently receptive
To God’s blessingful Smile,Then your liberation
Will not remain a far cry. ```Because of your heart’s
Inner revelationToday we are able to see the lustre
Of your outer illumination. ```Now that I am
My heart’s silence-light,My Lord has become
His own Ecstasy-Height. ```A pioneer-soul
Is he who hasTwo beautiful and powerful
God-serving wings. ```Mine is the mind
That is hopeless helplessness.Therefore, mine is the life
That is forced to beAn eternal ache.
```His mind is embarrassed to pray
Because its little inferior brother,The vital,
Saw it praying to God the DestroyerAnd not to God the Liberator.
```You are a fool
If you thinkThat it is not necessary
To keep your heart-roomsFilled with shrines.
```The worst culprit is he
Who does not want to prayTo tomorrow’s God
And meditate on tomorrow’s God.Who is tomorrow’s God?
The Peace-Dance of Oneness-Delight. ```O my soul’s hunter-seeker,
You can easily killMy life’s ignorance-tiger.
Just try!You are bound to succeed,
You are bound to succeed! ```Yesterday my mind
Was walking up a steep hill.Today my heart
Is a beacon lightOn that steep hill.
```I worship
God’s Compassion-Flood.God energises
My life-blood. ```O desire-man,
Your heart’s doorHas a very strong lock.
No man-made key can open it.Therefore, I am praying
To God’s Vision-EyeNot only to open your heart
But also to help me enterInto your heart
And play with you thereGod’s Satisfaction-Game.
```God’s Compassion-Heart
Is always for sale,But God’s Justice-Eye
Is never for sale. ```My prayer is my heart’s
Hidden power.My meditation is my soul’s
Revealed light. ```A soulful seeker will never allow
The wild hungerOf his untamed vital-tiger
To be deathless. ```Do not allow your hope to fade!
It is never too lateTo become a perfect instrument
Of God. ```His life’s crucifixion
Is the daily giverOf human aspiration.
```If you desperately need God,
God will grant youA full moon in your hope-sky.
```Yesterday my desire-life
Desired to bind GodFrom the Sole of His Foot
To the Crown of His Head.Today my aspiration-life
Is begging my Lord SupremeTo liberate me.
```Two are the incurable
And unending diseases in my life:My mind knows everything,
My life does not learn anything. ```My serving life
Belongs to him aloneWho needs my loving heart.
```How can I be your friend,
My mind,When you are disproportionately infatuated
With your little self? ```A church-goer is supposed to be
A God-believer.But, alas!
A God-believer is supposed to be
A God-lover.But, alas!
```If you want to neglect anything,
Then neglect your oldUnaspiring life.
Let it totally dieOf neglect!
```How and why should God
Open His Heart-Gate to youIf you secretly enjoy
The storm of hate? ```Your soul’s God-love will outlast
Your heart’s inner frustrationAnd your mind’s outer destruction.
```Alas, why have I allowed
My deception-mindTo hijack my heart’s
```Your mind may be
In jealousy’s prison,But your heart is definitely
In the delight-wavesOf oneness-sea.
```I prayed to God
For a doubt-free mind.Therefore, His Protection-Umbrella
Is shielding my head. ```I have two beloved Guests:
God the visible CryAnd God the invisible Smile.
```If you are a true truth-seeker,
How can you fearInvestigation?
If you are a true God-lover,How can you not fear
Procrastination? ```A heart of silence
Is the perfect answerTo my mind’s volley of questions.
```What are you doing?
Can you not hearThat your soul
Is summoning you?Can you not see
That real happiness-petalsAre blossoming within you?
```Because your mind is searching
For hope,Your soul will free your life
From ignorance. ```Although yours
Is a self-chosen pain,The physician within you
Has decided to cure youCompletely.
```Every day my Beloved Supreme
Affectionately and blessingfullyTrains my devoted heart
On my soul’s beautiful track. ```The Compassion-Eye of my sweet Lord
Is always ready to lead,But is my insecurity-heart
Willing to follow? ```I have a cute monkey-mind
To entertain my outer life.I have a soulful flute-heart
To enlighten my inner life. ```My Beloved Supreme,
Do give me only one boon:That I shall not make
Even a single mistakeIn my next lifetime.
```Every morning I ask myself
Only two questions:Why am I not loving my Beloved Supreme
More, infinitely more?Is God pleased with me,
Really pleased with me? ```Alas, my Beloved Supreme and I
Do not see eye-to-eye with each other.This morning I was so excited
In telling my Lord SupremeThat I have become, at last,
The purity-glow of my soul.My Beloved Supreme
Immediately corrected me:“My child,
It is not the purity of your soulThat you have become.
You have become the pretence-showOf your vital!”
```During your meditation
God appears and reappearsMany, many times before you,
But your blind despair-lifePrevents you from recognising God.
```My Beloved Supreme tiptoed
Through my golden dreamsAnd left behind on my bed
His Compassion-EyeAnd His Forgiveness-Heart.
```Until I have unmistakably realised
That my desire-life is a dead-end street,How can my Lord Supreme show me
And lead me alongHis free Highway?
```How can you have
A free parking permitIn God’s Self-Transcendence-World
When you have not prayed to GodTo give you one of His
Earth-transcendingAnd Heaven-transcending
Vision-Cars? ```At long last
My mind has become divine!This morning
My mind gave a standing ovationTo my heart
For its free access to my soul. ```My heart is every day
Carefully nurturing the aspirationOf its infant brother, mind.
```Aspiration-medicine cures
Both the mind’s foolishnessAnd the heart’s barrenness.
```Oh, I need help,
I need everybody’s help!My life is chained
To my mind’s despair-night. ```You may at most
Touch another’s mind,But never, never
His mind’s doubts. ```Only a heart of implicit faith
Is chosen to beOn Heaven’s Board of Directors.
```Do not be a fool!
God has already loweredThe God-realisation-price
Considerably.He is not going to lower it
Any more. ```Self-pity,
Are you not the worst foeOf my God-given
Satisfaction-capacity? ```Behold!
God has given youA front-row seat
To watch His Satisfaction-Dance. ```A common experience:
A doubting mindEventually becomes
A betraying mind. ```Unless you have a mind
Of equanimity,How can you live
Inside the Satisfaction-HomeOf God’s Heart?
```Because I am spanning
The summits of the mind,My life is able to live
In the houseOf tomorrow’s perfection-smile.
```My heart touched God’s
Dream-BoatOnly to become
A reality-passenger. ```My Lord Supreme,
Only one prayer I have:Do give me a gratitude-heart
Of birthless originAnd deathless end.
```God has broken my mind
So that my heart can claimHis Life as its very own.
```You doubt me.
That means you do not seeGod’s Vision-Beauty
In me and through me. ```My heart’s mountain-moving faith
And my Lord’s Compassion-descending EyeShall eternally remain
Two excellent friends. ```My mind is never ready
To choose anything.My heart is always ready
To choose silence. ```God always wants
A purity-heartTo be His Satisfaction-Standard-Bearer.
```As a doubting mind
Deserves an immediate death,Even so, a faithful heart
Deserves an eternal life. ```My Lord, alas,
My heart-bridge is broken.“My child,
Do not worry.Give your soul a chance.
It will be able to repair itEasily and perfectly.”
```Your mind’s brilliance
Will lose all its charmLong before your heart
Is ready to wake up fully. ```Your inner life needs
A constant reminderOf purity’s beauty.
Your outer life needs
A constant reminderOf sincerity’s certainty.
```Your mind’s ignorance
Will examine you.But your soul’s wisdom
Must examine you firstIf you want to become
A perfect God-lover. ```Alas, my heart’s surrender-plant
Does not grow,And my life’s gratitude-fruit
Never ripens. ```Beg your conscience
To examine you.It will help you to become a good student
At God’s Perfection-School. ```My Lord,
Yesterday You were something to me.Today You have become everything
In my life. ```Heaven gave him
An all-seeing soul.He is giving Heaven
An all-loving heart. ```Desire-life
Burns his body.Aspiration-heart
Not only illumines him,But also satisfies God.
```God’s most favourite Dance
Is my nature’sFire-pure transformation.
```Why do you have to wait
For time to carry you to God?Can you not carry
Your little human bodyTo God immediately?
```His mind’s aspiration-plant
Is saving himFrom frustration within
And frustration without. ```All that is needed
Is aspirationTo realise God.
All that is needed
Is surrenderTo become another God.
```From:Sri Chinmoy,Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 21, Agni Press, 1984
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