If you can love the power
Of the Eternal Now-Time,Then God will lead you
To His Infinity’s Satisfaction-Clime. ```God loves you proudly
Because you are your mind’sClarity-day.
God will love you proudlyIf you can become your heart’s
Hospitality-sun. ```The divine in us surrenders
To God the Faith.The undivine in us surrenders
To man the disbelief. ```God will proudly feed your life
Only when your mind wantsWhat your heart needs.
```My heart,
You were not born with insecurity.Where did you get it from, where?
My mind,
You were not born with uncertainty.Where did you get it from, where?
My vital,
You were not born with restlessness.Where did you get it from, where?
My body,
You were not born with idleness.Where did you get it from, where?
My life,
You were not born with imperfection.Where did you get it from, where?
```If you want your heart
To compose a song on delight,Then you and your mind
Must not mix with the ignorance-nightOf the unaspiring world.
```If you think that you are
Your heart’s compassion-sea,Then offer at least a few compassion-waves
To the unaspiring man-made world. ```Doubt invades your mind
Because you do not ask your heartTo sweeten your mind,
And you do not ask your soulTo enlighten your mind.
```If it is truth,
Then it has to be thoroughly enjoyable.If it is falsehood,
Then it is sleeplessly abominable. ```My aspiration-life,
On you move!Cling not to your old glories’
Summit-crown. ```If your mind is a blunt indifference
To your desire-success,Then your heart’s aspiration-progress-flower
Is going to blossom. ```What is a desire-life
If not a birthless and deathless lifeOf waiting?
```If your outer life is proud
Of your long-term determination,Then make your inner life a God-cry
Of sleepless aspiration. ```How long can your mind remain
In endlessly frustration-supported stupidity?When will you look at your God-awakened,
Satisfaction-manifested beauty? ```Each unrevealed truth
Is a rainbowOf unmanifested achievement-divinity.
```What I need is either
A cheerful Smile or a hurtful FrownFrom my Lord Beloved Supreme
To take away immediatelyThe long-cherished groans
Of my doubt-cherishing mind. ```O human mind, do tell me,
In which way are you betterThan a tempest-trembling
Uncertainty-tree? ```If your heart is not surcharged
With an indomitable will,You may not be able to conquer
The inevitable,But you can certainly postpone
The fully-prepared arrivalOf the inevitable.
```My sleepless aspiration-heart,
God the birthless CompassionAnd God the deathless Compassion
Are yours for the asking. ```Keep your heart’s
Obedience-door open.Lo, God’s Golden Shore
Is beckoning you. ```God transcends His highest Height
So that the darkest nightOf the human mind
Can be better examinedAnd illumined.
Is a most precious gift.The seeker’s surrender-life
Cheerfully accepts this gift. ```Attention, attention —
This is what the human in us wants.Participation, participation —
This is what the divine in us wants. ```A heart of gratitude
Is a delightful responsibilityAnd a fruitful divinity.
```At long last
My Absolute Lord SupremeHas come into my life
To abscond with my ignorance-night. ```Yesterday I became
My mind’s desire-storms.Today I have become
My heart’s aspiration-blossoms.Tomorrow I shall become
My soul’s realisation-sun. ```Time is always too short.
Aspiration is always too weak.Realisation is always too self-giving,
Furthermore, all-giving. ```The Master’s final request:
Either dive deep withinTo please me,
Or go away, far away from me,To please yourself.
```My Lord’s Compassion-Smile
Is at onceMy mind’s inspiration-garden
And my heart’s aspiration-flower. ```When I enter into
My heart’s silence-temple,Even before I call,
God replies. ```Dedication creates order
From chaos.Aspiration creates perfection
In order. ```Your doubt-mind has blinded
Your vision-eye.Therefore, you do not see
When God paints a rainbowAcross your devotion-flooded heart-sky.
```Confidence comes from commitment.
Commitment comes from aspiration.Aspiration comes from compassion.
Compassion comes from vision. ```When God asks you to try,
You must realiseThat not only does He know
What He is talking about,But He also knows
That you do have the capacity. ```When the physical body
Does not aspire,It is definitely among
The living dead. ```Fortify your fragile faith.
God will grant youHis Infinity’s Oneness-Heart.
```Without experience-flames,
How can I increase my faith in God?Without realisation-delight,
How can I carry man’s life-burdenInto God’s Heart-Garden?
```You do not have to surrender
To world-cynicism.You do not have to fight
Against world-criticism.God will do the needful for you.
He only asks you not to belongTo ignorance-era.
```God believes in
Your eventual God-realisation,Although you do not have
Even an iota of belief in Him. ```Blunders are inevitable:
So says the human mind.Perfection is inevitable:
So knows the divine heart. ```Your mind’s desire-attack
Is a very old story.Your heart’s desire-conquest
Is today’s plus tomorrow’sNew story.
```There is no substitute
For the mind’sConstant and willing faith-experience
In God’s life-transforming Light. ```God is asking you
To be true to your own heart first.Listen to Him
If you want Him to tell youWhat you are supposed to do next.
```God calls.
Man’s heart devotedly answers.Man’s mind proudly does not answer.
```A purity-gratitude-heart
Is a supreme gift of GodAnd not man’s creation.
```Only one thing I need:
The assuranceOf God’s constant Forgiveness.
```A big mind
Cannot receive satisfactorily.A small heart
Cannot give unconditionally. ```Two Eternity’s rivals:
Heaven’s soul-birdAnd
Earth’s life-cage. ```My mind’s thousands of years
And my heart’s just tomorrowAre the same.
```A doubting mind
Is always in transitTo nowhere.
```Alas, I do not know
How many centuriesWill dawn for me
Before my life becomesA gratitude-heart.
```By feeding your imaginary sufferings,
You are separating your lifeFrom God’s Compassion-Eye.
```God observes
His happy BirthdayInside my gratitude-heart-bud.
```I have known about my surrender-life
For many incarnations.But where is it?
Does anybody knowWhen or where it will come
And befriend me? ```Like my soul,
I wish to beAn eternal optimist,
Not justA long-term optimist.
```O life’s misfortune
And tragedy-stories,I really do not want
To be fed by youAny more.
```With my prayer-mind
And meditation-heartI am going to transform my life
Into a temple of God-songs. ```Everything that God does
For our aspiration-heartAnd dedication-life
Is unconditional.It is simply impossible for God
To be otherwise. ```Not the loftiest experience,
But God-realisation itself,Is the ultimate reach
Of meditation’s longest arms. ```Each good thought
And each good actionIs indeed a descendant
Of God’s Heart-Fragrance. ```Neither God nor even death
Wants to hear from me.I am worthless and useless
In every way! ```O disobedience-fool,
Will you ever knowThat you do not even care
To understand yourself? ```If you really want to realise God,
Then do not postpone your obedienceUntil the endless tomorrow.
```I am so happy,
O my mind,That your disobedience-life
Is so swiftly sinking and dying. ```I become a burden to myself
When I want to see everythingIn my own way,
And when I want everything to be doneIn my own way.
```God smiles at me
Most compassionatelyAnd most proudly
When I stretch my heart-dreamsTo the sky.
```O my mind,
I am not an inch from the truthWhen I tell you that
You are nothing other thanA non-practising perfectionist.
```Each time I do selfless service,
God blessingfully tells meTo enjoy a feast
Of His Compassion-Smiles. ```The seeker who wants nothing
From this worldIs equally as wise
As the one who lovesAnd wants to depend
Only on God’s Compassion. ```An unaspiring person
Is he who is sustainedBy lifeless dreams
And fruitless hopes. ```My Lord Supreme
Every day commands meTo nurse
My soul’s sleepless thirst. ```Try to please God
In God’s own Way.Otherwise, your life is bound
To remain saddledWith unfulfilled expectations.
```You are bound to dance
With your mind’s tragediesIf you do not bring into your mind
Your soul’s wisdom-flooded light. ```You want to know how
I remain spiritually so rich.I remain spiritually rich
By keeping careful watchOver my mind-thief.
```O my mind,
Be reasonable, be wise,Be truth-searching
And do not try to live onTomorrow’s extravagant hopes.
```Although a true seeker
Does not invite disobedience,Disobedience often visits him
Uninvited. ```O seeker,
Ignorance never falls asleep.Therefore, do not think of
Working for GodWhen ignorance is asleep.
```He who lives all the time
In the heart and for the heartIs definitely suited to serve God
In a very special way. ```The absurdities of imperfection
Do not leave us on their own.At every moment
Consciously and heroicallyWe have to cast them
Far away from us. ```I am sure
There shall come a timeWhen my mind’s disobedience
Will be sick of itself. ```God swims in the sea of tears
When I desperately desireTo outshine others.
Has a few select companions:The sincerity of the mind,
The purity of the heartAnd the spontaneity of life.
```You will have
Life-transforming experiencesOnly when God-thoughts
Inundate you with joy,Just as gold delights
A deplorable miser. ```O idleness,
You steal my hours,You steal my days.
But I know that very soonMy soul’s dynamic energy
Will catch you red-handedAnd energise you
To become a choice instrumentOf God.
```Alas, we keep
Our aspiration-heart-eye closedAnd blame God unnecessarily
For not blessing usWith His Compassion-Eye-Smiles.
```Every day
I remind my unaspiring mindOf its worthless thoughts
And useless actions. ```The vital and the mind
Every day ask the heartFor advice.
But alas, they never take it. ```The depression of the mind
Finds it very easyTo make friends with
The aggression of the vital. ```God allows me to share
Private moments with HimOnly when I become
A Heaven-climbing heart. ```What I like best about God
Is His Compassion-Eye,For His Compassion-Eye
And His Forgiveness-HeartHe has kept inseparable.
```My first name
Is hope.My middle name
Is determination.My surname
Is self-offering. ```We cannot even properly imagine
The gap that lies betweenOur planning mind
And our serving heart. ```From now on
I would like to be soulfully involvedOnly in the activities
In which my aspiring heart excels. ```To make this world really happy,
I must keep my heart-garden safeEvery day
From my mind’s impurity. ```Who knows if the “golden days”
Were really golden?But we do know that the present days
Are not only challengingBut also devastating.
```Your latest fall took place
When you deliberately belittledThe goodness
Of your God-loving soul. ```O disobedience, if you think
That you are enjoying yourself,Then you may as well feel
That God is also enjoyingHis indifference.
```The sweetness of God-devotion
Eventually conquersThe bitterness of disobedience-pride.
```When I say that I love God,
I immediately seeHis Feet.
When I say that I need God,I immediately marvel at
The Rainbow-BeautyOf His Heart.
```My Lord, can You keep a secret?
“Certainly, My child, I can.”My Lord, from this moment on
I shall definitely fulfil YouAnd please You in Your own Way
In everything that I say and do. ```From:Sri Chinmoy,Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 212, Agni Press, 1994
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/ap_212