Only one kind of dedication I need:
My sleepless heart-dedicationTo my Lord’s Compassion-Eye-Smile.
```What is a heart?
A heart is the life’sAspiration-manifestation-nest.
```When we live in the unaspiring mind,
We cannot free ourselvesFrom the darkest chaos
That clings to us. ```Spiritual death
Invariably visits meWhen my heart is empty
Of God-cries. ```O my mind,
Do not be a stark fool!You will never succeed
In hiding my God-hunger-heart. ```In the inner world
Nobody is rejected,But injected every day
By God HimselfFor a new hope-dawn
And a new promise-sun. ```In the inner life,
Gratitude is the secret of secretsTo increase considerably
The seeker’s inner stridesTo arrive at God’s
Satisfaction-Heart-Palace. ```Every day make it a point
To forget at least oneOf the mind’s doubt-stories.
```When you walk with God,
In God and for God,The darkness of the mind
Becomes the delight of the soul. ```O seeker,
Be extremely careful!The aggression of your vital
And the suspicion of your mindCan seal once and for all
The Heaven-door of your soul. ```The goodness of the heart
Is a miracle-power.Whenever it is seen,
It is seen with the beauty, purityAnd divinity of the soul.
```Nothing that you are meant to do
Will be left undone on earthIf you can consciously feel yourself
To be a real God-manifestation-soul. ```As there is no unattainable goal,
Even so,There shall be no unfulfilled
Truth-seeker and God-lover. ```He who spreads peace
Is not only a God-loverBut also a God-bringer
Into the world. ```O my God-loving heart,
It is your faithfulnessIn everything that you do
That is keeping me divinely aliveHere on earth.
```What is the real American dream?
The real American dream isA universal oneness-ecstasy —
Nothing more and nothing less. ```Alas, I really do not know
When and howI will be able to come back safely
To my aspiration-heart-home. ```When my mind tells me
That it can and willObey God’s Dictates,
I always suspectThat it has an ulterior motive.
```A God-loving soul
Must pray and meditateEvery morning and evening
Without fail.Otherwise, he has to carry
An extremely heavy burdenOf self-blame.
```My unconditional surrender
And my cheerful gratitudeHelp my Lord to smile, sing and dance
Right in front of the world-assembly. ```O seeker,
Your aspiration-heartIs bound to realise
That your lifeIs not fruitlessly pursuing
God-Satisfaction-Award. ```O seeker,
Your eyes can deceive you.Your body, vital, mind,
Even heart can deceive you.But no, never,
Your constantly God-blossoming soul. ```My hope-heart blossoms
Only when I worship GodSmilingly and self-givingly.
```O my mind,
When are you planningTo come out of your
Thoughtless and uselessFrustration-jungle?
```The ego-bound human being
Will always remain blindTo tomorrow’s dawn.
```God’s Heart-Intimacy I feel
Only whenI prayerfully accept
His “never say no” policy. ```God can bless the seeker
With His Himalayan SmileOnly when he is all ready
To give up his desire-hunger-life. ```Each purity-thought in our mind
Helps us achieve the racehorse-speedTo arrive at
Our ecstasy-flooded destination. ```To reach the mind’s oneness —
And the heart’s fulness-summit,I must wake up and delay not
In coming out ofMy ignorance-pleasure-abyss.
```A oneness-heart
Does not greedily devourBut lovingly houses
A division-mind. ```God neither hires us nor fires us
For His Light-manifestation on earth.It is we who choose Him, love Him
And manifest HimTo swim in the sea of happiness.
```God’s most extraordinary Gift to humanity
Is His Compassion-Eye.Humanity’s most extraordinary gift to God
Is its gratitude-heart. ```The compassion-sun of the soul
Purifies the mind,Intensifies the heart
And beautifies the life. ```If yours is a heart
Of indomitable courage,Then God will entrust you
With His world-manifestation-Light. ```The absence of disobedience-darkness
Is good.The end of disobedience-night
Is by far the best. ```My Lord,
Is there any placeWhere You enjoy my presence
And where You dislike my presence?“My child,
I have a real likingFor your heart-garden-fragrance,
And I have a strong dislikeOf your mind-thorn-jungle.”
```When the mind and the heart
Are in dispute,God outwardly does not interfere,
But inwardly He always takes the sideOf the heart.
```Poor God is crying and dying
Just becauseMy heart is not loving
And my mind is not surrendering. ```When we have a childlike trust,
Nothing can keep us awayFrom God’s Happiness-Pride.
```The mind and its confusion-fog
Cannot obscure our heart-visionIf our life becomes a selfless service-song
To God. ```O my mind,
Is it such a difficult thingFor you to treasure some prayerful thoughts?
O my heart,Is it such a difficult thing
For you to become dynamicAnd not remain perpetually restless?
O my life,Is it an impossible thing
For you to remain sleeplessly and breathlesslyAt the Feet of the Lord Beloved Supreme?
```When I am inside my gratitude-heart,
I find it quite easyTo accompany God everywhere.
```Wave after wave of bliss
Will envelop usIf we can make our love of God
Unconditional. ```God asks me if I have any questions.
I tell God that I have only one question:Will I ever be worthy
Of His constant Forgiveness? ```When I decided to love God
Sleeplessly and breathlessly,God immediately heard the news
And was completely overjoyed. ```My Lord,
My world-complacency daysAre now all dead.
My world-loving daysHave just begun.
```Each time I tell God
That I love Him only,He gives me two special wings
To fly in His Infinity’s Heart-Sky. ```I am just a tiny drop
In the ocean of God’sHope-manifestation.
```For the past few years
My aspiration-heartHas been crying and crying
Only to unlearn the thingsMy desire-mind has taught me.
```If you are undaunted
By earthly defeats,Your Heavenly victories
Will before long dawn. ```O seeker,
Be careful at every moment!If not, at any moment
Desire-lightningCan easily strike you down.
```Your aspiration-heart
And God’s Compassion-EyeWill definitely help your heart-boat
Sail the fastestTowards the Golden Shore.
```Alas, I am totally lost!
FearIs haunting my heart
And doubtIs daunting my mind.
```There was a time
When I prayed to GodFor my mind’s grandiosity,
But nowI am meditating on God
For my heart’s luminosity. ```O seeker,
Your half-hearted meditationsWill not only delay
Your God-realisationBut will also weaken
Your heart’s inner cry. ```God’s Compassion
Has raised us up.Now allow His Satisfaction
To swiftly come down. ```A desire unfulfilled
Is not a tragedyBut a real triumph
Of the heart over the mind. ```As the aspiration-road
Is long, longer, longest,Even so, the temptation-flow
Is strong, stronger, strongest. ```I came into the world for two things:
To notice the limitationsOf desire-strength
And to see the illuminationOf aspiration-peace.
```In the world of aspiration,
O seeker,Always try to be inspired
By Heavenly deedsAnd not by earthly thoughts.
```My eyes are glowing and glowing
Because my heart’s gratitude-tearsAre ceaselessly flowing.
```Only a oneness-heart
Has the capacityTo challenge and defeat
The ignorant division-mind. ```A mind of harmony
Has to be foundedUpon a oneness-heart of bliss.
```God will bless you
With a vast reservoirOf inner wealth
If you are ready to give HimYour outer possessions:
Fear, doubt, jealousy, anxiety,Meanness and selfishness.
```To easily know what God’s Will is,
We have to feed the Divine in usAnd illumine the human in us.
```Try to have a new heart
If you want to succeed.Your old heart is infected
By darkest impurity. ```My Lord makes me happy
With the breath of a momentAnd not with the lives
Of hours. ```God’s Compassion-Heart
And my aspiration-heartHave forever and forever
Sealed their partnership. ```My mind needs the God
Who reprimands.My heart needs the God
Who commands. ```When I get up early in the morning,
My God most affectionately says to me:“My child,
I shall do everything for you.”When I get up late in the morning,
My God says to me:“My child,
You be the doer and the enjoyer as well.” ```I give God
What my life has:A prayer.
God gives meWhat His Heart is:
A Smile. ```I stand upon the summit of my years
To sing happily and proudlyMy soul’s unsung songs.
```Sound is the pride
Of my fleeting time.Silence is the pride
Of God’s own EternityAnd Infinity.
```How can you have satisfaction
If you do not care forTotal perfection in your life?
```Life’s trials and tribulations
Bring to the foreThe splendour and lustre
Of our own divinity. ```God’s outer Promise
Is the inner SmileOf His unconditional Compassion.
```What is doubt?
The thing that punctures our mind,Tortures our heart
And starves our soul. ```Only when we love God unconditionally
Can we enjoy the boundless peaceOf a freedom-sky.
```A sleeplessly self-giving disciple
Is indeedThe Master’s greatest pride.
```May my mind swim every day
In the river of simplicity,And may my heart swim every day
In the sea of sincerity. ```May I each and every day
Sing a never-endingSurrender-song.
```When we do not meditate on God
For the fulfilment of God’s Will,We just allow expectation-thunder
To completely deafen us. ```If we do not soulfully pray,
Then our God-obedience-songIs bound to be out of tune.
```My God-reliance
Is the speed and breathOf my Golden Shore-arriving
Life-boat. ```A spotless life of virtue
Is indeed good,But a sleeplessly self-giving life to God
Is better. ```I am not dismayed
By the world’s ingratitude,But I am definitely dismayed
By the world’s God-denial. ```A blessingful Smile from God
Is indeed a cureFor our heart’s
Streaming tears. ```God does not expect us
To understand Him.He just wants us
To derive happinessFrom His Will.
```My Lord,
You have made me truly happy,Truly proud, truly fulfilled
By telling meYou have a limitless claim
On my love. ```O doubt,
Because you are so stupid,You dare to judge others.
O suspicion,Because you are so useless,
You want the rest to be in your company. ```O doubt, do not boast.
Not only my heart-coastBut even my mind-coast
Cannot welcome you. ```What is my mind?
My mind is an ill-fatedRunaway train.
```To me my heart’s gratitude
Is most precious,And my mind’s ingratitude
Is dangerously infectious. ```God-aspiration and God-realisation
Are the two journeysThat I am expected to take
All by myself. ```The unaspiring mind
Is a mass of contradictions.The searching mind
Is the fragrance of God-affirmation. ```Because your meditation
Is an afterthought,I cannot appreciate your wisdom-light
And God-awareness-height. ```You do not have to be afraid
Of your bold God-promises.Because you have a sincere heart,
God will illumine youAnd fulfil Himself in and through you.
```The outer wounds may be healed
Sooner or later,But to heal the inner wound
Is almost an impossible task. ```Now that my love is pure,
My devotion intenseAnd my surrender spontaneous,
I see my Lord Beloved SupremeDancing in my heart’s all-illumining dawn.
```Who is the Master’s greatest pride?
The Master’s greatest pride is the God-loverWhose heart breaks into millions of pieces
When the Master is hopelessly swimmingIn the sea of tears.
Who is the Master’s greatest pride?
The Master’s greatest pride is the God-loverWho proudly, sleeplessly and breathlessly
Watches the Master flyingIn Infinity’s ecstasy-sky.
```From:Sri Chinmoy,Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 214, Agni Press, 1994
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