A oneness-heart-runner
Is never afraid of any distance,For it is always ready
To run along Eternity’s RoadTo realise, reveal
And manifest God. ```When I do not see God’s Compassion-Eye
Looking at me,I become as powerless and worthless
As a straw in the howling wind. ```Before it is too late,
The soul compels usTo please our Lord Beloved Supreme
In His own Way. ```The tearful eyes
Of a God-loverSatisfy God
In a unique way. ```If you are afraid
Of a life of self-discipline,Then you will never be able to befriend
The satisfaction-smile of your inner Sun. ```God is constantly informed
By your own soulAll about your activities,
Divine and undivine. ```No matter how reluctant and stubborn
The human mind is,The aspiration-heart can disable the mind
When the Hour of God strikes. ```A heart of devotion always knows
That obedienceHas its exceptional privileges.
```My heart of aspiration
Constantly teaches meHow to climb high, higher, highest
Even when my mind begs meEither to sleep or to resist.
```If you have no aspiration,
Then you have nothing to loseIn the inner world.
But if you have aspirationAnd do not aspire,
Then you are bound to loseFar beyond your imagination.
```O God-lover,
Be not a fool,Act not a fool!
Do not wait until tomorrowWith your God-manifestation-opportunity.
```You ask me
Why ignorance follows you.Just ask yourself
Why you enjoy marching backward. ```If you are a genuine seeker
And do not pray and meditate regularly,Then sadness is bound to steal
The beauty and fragrance of your heart. ```If you sing the song of self-offering,
Nothing will be able to eclipseThe brightness and fulness
Of your inner sun. ```You are disaster-prone
In the inner worldBecause you have implicit faith
In your doubting mind. ```If you nurse hope
In your aspiration-heart,Then God will come and join you
With His Promise-Eye. ```No matter what I learn
Through my eyes,It is all wrong and absurd.
No matter what I learnThrough my heart,
It is not only beautiful but perfect. ```My mind’s disobedience
Will never be able to arriveAt my Lord’s Fulfilment-Satisfaction-Door.
```I love to tell God
About my spiritual poverty.God loves to tell me
Blessingfully and sleeplesslyAbout my spiritual potentiality.
```Unless God is known first,
This world of oursWill confuse our mind
And strangle our heart. ```One doubt-cloud
Is more than enoughTo totally eclipse
The inner sun. ```Neither the unknown
Nor the unknowableWill ever frighten us.
It is our imagination-fearThat tortures us.
```No, never!
The power of forgivenessCan never fail any human being
In the inner world. ```Impurity does not need
Any outer punishment.Its very existence
Is its own inner punishment. ```O unhappiness,
Is it true that you can neverEven for one moment
Forget this world? ```There is only one blessing
That can save me and my life.That blessing is
My Lord’s unconditional Concern for me. ```Only a sleepless God-lover
Is entitled to embarkOn the God-Summit-expedition.
```Alas, nobody knows
When his mind’sGod-disobedience-disaster
Befalls. ```Alas, I thought
That my absurd stupidityWould help God forget
All His troubles,But unfortunately it does not.
```May I be the hope-bird
Between my life’sRising sun and setting sun.
```O my Lord Supreme,
Do tell me whyIt is so difficult even to imagine
Something pure in someone. ```Alas, man’s modern reality
Has not comeFrom man’s ancient dream.
It has comeFrom somewhere else.
```I was born
For God’s Victory supreme,My satisfaction unparalleled.
```Alas, I do not know
Why I am destinedSo helplessly to travel
Unlit streets. ```I do not expect anything
Illumining and fulfillingFrom the mind that is schooled
In the art of self-deception. ```How can we make progress
In our spiritual lifeIf we do not have
Doubt-devouring faithIn our aspiration?
```Perfection is
When willingness givesAnd readiness accepts.
```Alas, each human being
Is eager to proclaimThat he is a truth-finder
Without first being a truth-seeker! ```Continue to fight
With your frustration-foe.One day you are bound to triumph!
```Your aspiration-preparation
Will inevitably lead youTo your perfection-realisation-goal.
```The joy of inevitability
You may not know.The strength of possibility
You may not know.But the depth of sincerity
You must know. ```Loneliness does not catch us
Tenderly.It catches us almost always
Ruthlessly. ```I do not know
Why the heart has to carryThe heavy weight
Of the mind’s ingratitude-breath. ```When a human being
Sincerely shows GodThe ugliness of his past,
God immediately shows himThe unmistakable beauty
Of his future. ```When hope abandons us,
Our heart becomesCompletely blind
And our mind becomesCompletely dumb.
```The mind does not want to know
How to thank God.The heart knows
How to thank God.The soul not only knows
How to thank GodBut lives in God-gratitude-breath.
```A wrong-doing life
Always followsA wrong-thinking mind.
```In my monkey-life
I was quite successfulIn amusing God.
In my human lifeI fail again and again
When I try to confuse God. ```Just think that
The soul is knowable.Soon you will feel
That the soul is no longerUnfathomable.
```When a heart is made of
Purity-prayers,It can always please God
In God’s own Way. ```He who dwells on negativity
Will be deprivedOf life’s inner prosperity.
```If it is true
That God hides from us,Then it is equally true
That we do not search for Him. ```The more we indulge
In self-doubt,The more we push ourselves
To the brink of self-destruction. ```If you can be the master
Of your mind,You will see that your body and vital
Have already surrendered to you. ```If you can ignore
Your disobedience-mind,You will be able to implore
God’s CompassionEasily and effectively.
```Two possessions of ours
We must discard:Our angry mind
And our fearful vital. ```It seems the transformation
Of the worldWill always remain
At an infant stage. ```When I pray to God
To give me the capacityTo accept His Will cheerfully,
I enjoy the fragranceOf my God-blessed heart-flower.
```The impurity of our mind,
The insecurity of our heartAnd the futility of our life
Are three unfailing friends. ```God enjoys His own
Earth-Transformation-LecturesWhen they are attended by
Softness-minds and sweetness-hearts. ```You can give up everything else,
But do not give up the struggleFor the peace of your mind.
```I do not know how and why
My mind cherishesSo much hostility
Towards God the creation. ```Aspiration at once
Silences the animal in manAnd awakens the God in man.
```You do not have to ask ignorance
To shut up.Just ask your heart’s devotion
To dance all the timeAround your mind.
```Your God-realisation-hope
Is bound to vanishIf you cherish your mind’s
Chronic desire-life. ```A man of prayer asks God
To show him the wayTo please God.
A man of meditation asks himself
How he can please GodAll the time.
```If we do not realise
That divine loveWill give us complete freedom
In life,Then we shall never
Be fulfilled on earth. ```I shall be happy and fulfilled
Only when my mind is crownedWith the beauty and purity
Of silence. ```The presence of greatness
Never satisfies me.The essence of goodness
Always satisfies me. ```O seeker, can you not see
That you are drowningIn the ignorance-sea
While flattering yourExorbitant love of God?
```He is a fool who thinks
That his life will automaticallyBe changed for the better
If or when he has to faceAn inner crisis.
```Can you ask yourself
What you are actually enjoying?Are you enjoying your mind’s
Attachment-tearsOr your heart’s enlightenment-tears?
```Alas, each day
Is flooded withDeath’s unannounced
Arrival. ```We can never be
Completely perfectUnless we have translated
Our transcendental realisationInto our universal action.
```Delight is both
The soul’s journeyAnd the heart’s destination.
```A heart of surrender
Is the fastest climberUp the peak
Of aspiration-ecstasy. ```My heart’s newness-hope
Has blossomedFrom the blissful moments
Of my deep meditation. ```My God-obedience costs nothing,
Yet it embodies everythingThat I ever longed for.
```Alas, how can I awaken
And inspire anybodyWhen my heart’s own aspiration-tree
Is dying? ```My mind’s enthusiasm
Has awakened my life.My heart’s enthusiasm
Is showing my lifeThe way to liberation.
```Love beckons us
To go forward.Fear commands us
To go backward. ```In the vast majority of cases,
Human beings not unconsciouslyBut consciously
Do not care for God. ```There is no such thing
As weak temptation,As all temptations are too strong.
```Difficult, not impossible,
For a seeker to escape successfullyThe clutches of impurity!
```Each time I have a pure thought,
My heart becomes a fountain-delightTo my Lord’s Eye.
```If God fulfils all our desires,
Then it will be very harmful,Without fail,
Instead of being joyful. ```Constant self-giving
Is indeed a subjectExtremely dear
To both my heartAnd my Lord’s Heart.
```A purity-heart rises
Early in the morning.An impurity-mind moves around
Throughout the whole day. ```Disobedience is not only hopeless
But useless —Right from the beginning!
```There must be a constant inner thirst
If one wants to make his heart proceedAnd his life succeed.
```To my mind, everything appears
Easy to accomplish.But in reality, nothing whatsoever
Is easy to accomplish. ```A purity-heart and a sincerity-mind
Are alwaysIn a minority.
```When I look back from a distance,
I see and feel that happinessIs more transient
Than a rope of sand. ```On the basis of seniority,
Our aspiring heart should alwaysBe given priority
In settling spiritual matters. ```God’s earlier Dream
Was to see perfectionIn the mind of man.
God’s present Dream
Is to feel satisfactionIn the heart of humanity.
```To become a divinely spiritual being,
The first requisites areA simplicity-mind,
A spontaneity-heartAnd a purity-life.
```Only when I try
To correct my defectsDo I feel they are
Undeniably enormous. ```Supremacy-greed
Has always been a tragedyThroughout history.
```He who has neither bias
Nor prejudiceIs indeed a child
Of Heaven-harmony. ```It is by my own will and choice
That I would like my life to beA gratitude-flower
At the Feet of my Lord Supreme. ```From:Sri Chinmoy,Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 221, Agni Press, 1995
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/ap_221