Although I doubt it very much,
God is absolutely certainThat I am a choice instrument of His.
```Each self-giving thought proves
That we have deep insideThe Fragrance of God’s Heart.
```The oneness-heart
Eventually will triumph overThe reasoning mind.
```The day I do not pray and meditate,
I see a complete eclipseOf my God-fulfilment-promise.
```My continuous surrender
To frustrationHas shut every door
Of my heart-room. ```Each undivine thought
Has the capacity to oust usFrom our own divine heart-garden.
```O Lord,
Restore me to what I used to be:A loving and faithful child of Yours.
```I shall always deeply treasure
My soul’s peace-promiseTo the world.
```Be not afraid
Of a volcano-temptation.Your heart’s mounting aspiration
Can silence it. ```O my mind, be wise.
How long are you planningTo keep yourself attached
To your ignorance-life? ```I have only one question for God:
Does He need meThe way I need Him?
```Be happy
When you offer your good actionsTo God.
Be equally happyWhen you offer your bad actions
To God. ```I am at once a fool and a rogue
When I blame othersFor my own misdeeds.
```God treasures
Not onlyThe smiles of my soul,
But alsoThe tears of my heart.
```When we want to change
God’s Will to ours,God does not allow it.
Why not?Precisely because
He cares for our perfectionVery dearly.
```We do not know
And we will never knowHow clever and strong
Our self-deceptions are. ```Do you not see
That God’s Compassion-EyeIs chasing your runaway vital?
Is the ignorance-multiplicationOf life.
```God congratulates me
Only when I transformMy mind’s “I”-ness-pride
Into my heart’s oneness-light. ```I am satisfied
When God’s MouthSpeaks to me.
God is satisfiedOnly when my heart
Speaks to Him. ```God will give you many, many chances
To change your nature.Therefore, be not disappointed
Even if you continuously fail. ```You do not have to take care
Of yourself.Just give God the chance,
Cheerfully. ```From my gratitude-heart
I get everything.From my surrender-life
I become everything. ```Every night I dream
That my mind’s nightmaresWill soon come to an end.
```Who is not on the right track?
He who thinksThat he has nothing,
And he who thinksThat he has everything.
```Alas, quite often
Success creates nothingBut untold miseries.
```Our sleepless and breathless prayers
Show us the royal roadTo self-discovery.
```To see God smiling,
I must drownMy questioning mind.
```Unless I am one hundred per cent
For God,How can I expect satisfaction
Either from myselfOr from the world?
```If you can offer God
Your heart’s streaming tears,God will cheerfully carry you
All the way to His Peace-Abode. ```Your heart’s sorrows will turn into
Your soul’s joysIf you can surrender each thought of yours
To fulfil God’s Will. ```You always converse
With your division-mind.Can you not once in a while converse
With your oneness-heart? ```God sends an invitation to you
Every day,But unfortunately you are always absent
From your heart-home. ```Eagerness of the mind
And willingness of the heartCan bring about the greatest miracle:
The transformation of life. ```Who is responsible,
If not my mind,For compelling me to be
The slave of imperfection? ```My cheerful surrender
To God’s WillIs indeed the master
Of my fate. ```When readiness is your name,
You are bound to seeYour divine qualities
Come to the fore. ```Alas, even when I am totally successful
Only because of God’s Compassion,I forget to give credit
To God’s Compassion-Eye. ```How can you participate
In God’s self-giving GameWhen you are completely in love
With your name and fame? ```The heart shows me its depth
Unconditionally.The mind fails to show me
Its real heightEven when I plead with the mind.
```The summit of God’s Divinity
God wants to showIn humanity’s tears.
```To make us divinely happy,
What we needIs the light of silence,
And not the power of sound. ```You are looking for
The perfect seeker.Why not train yourself
To be that perfect seeker?Start with yourself.
```How long can my mind resist,
Since God Himself is insistingOn my life-perfection?
```My Lord Supreme has finally
Pronounced the deathOf my disobedience.
```Every day
My Lord Supreme,Out of His infinite Bounty,
Illumines the pathless woodsOf my mind.
```In my mind’s impurity
I have many enemies.In my heart’s purity
I have no enemy. ```O world,
What I need from youIs your heart,
Not your mindAnd not even your hands.
```A oneness-heart-lover
Does not believeIn subordinates.
```We can escape
From everything else,But not
From the heart of Truth. ```My unconditional surrender
Is the only anchorThat firmly holds me to God.
```My striving heart
Is my pilgrimage.My smiling soul
Is my destination. ```My self-giving heart
God unquestionably prefersTo anything else.
```Nothing is really
Against us.Everything is only
For itself. ```In the spiritual life,
Each opportunity is likeAn open heart-door.
```There is no self-torture
As powerful asDepression.
```If we cannot tame our vital,
Then we are doomed to haveA life of sheer exasperation.
```Our heart’s surrender-door
Is the only doorThat God uses
To enter into our life. ```Nothing is worse
Than a constantlyCriticising mind.
```A self-giving life
Is always the SmileOf the Absolute Supreme.
```My Lord, kick me!
Kick me hard!The harder You kick,
The better I become. ```God suffers more, much more,
When He disagrees with man,Than when man
Disagrees with Him. ```The world is lost
BetweenIts possessiveness-vital
And its cynicism-mind. ```Instead of spending
Your time in tears,There is another way
To live on earth:You can spend
Your time in smiles. ```Jealousy’s hostility
Is as dangerousAs standing in front of
A tiger. ```Everything that is false
Must be negatedAs soon as possible.
```To weaken the strength
Of ignorance,We must laugh
At ignorance. ```Book-knowledge
Is quite oftenNot only superficial,
But also imperfect. ```Each undivine thought
Increases the lengthOf darkness-night.
```If we do not aspire,
Then our mindWill always remain
Deplorably confused. ```Do not allow any divine dream
To get lost,If you want to run
Towards your destination. ```When we have made
Our surrender unconditional,We have satisfied
All of God’s Requirements. ```My mind only knows
How to frighten me.My heart only knows
How to enlighten me. ```The reasoning mind
Can at timesBe unimaginably fragile.
```The law-maker-mind
Is alsoThe law-offender-mind.
```Is there anything
More difficultThan to please
One’s own mind? ```My heart does not need
To read any bookTo become wise
And remain forever wise. ```Nature’s perfection
Unavoidably requiresEndless time.
```Nothing really belongs to us.
No, not evenOur aspiration-heart.
```The spiritual life
Can easily liveFar beyond the understanding
Of the mind. ```My aspiration-heart
Definitely has the rightTo destroy my ego’s vanity.
```My self-giving heart
Is the only thingThat God enjoys
When He is sad. ```My divine thoughts
Are the blooms and blossomsOf my aspiration-breath.
```No matter how great and good
You are, alas,You are bound to be discredited
By the jealousy of the world. ```The mind is a train
That is always lateIn thinking of God
And praying to God. ```Do not think
Of your undivine qualitiesAll the time.
Indeed, that is the worstTorment of all.
Is nothing other thanA road that winds uphill
All the way. ```My heart’s happiness
Is marredBy my constantly reasoning mind.
```If we do not try to satisfy God
In God’s own Way,Then we are not above
The level of animals. ```The unruly torrent
Of man’s vital lifeCan be silenced
By the soul’s adamantine will. ```Every thought,
Either divine or undivine,Marks either a satisfactory
Or unsatisfactory life. ```Each desire-fulfilling thought
Is strewnWith many dangers.
```The mind that wrestles
With the worldAlso has the capacity
To embrace the world. ```We have the capacity
For self-appreciation.We have the capacity
For self-abnegation.How is it that
We do not have the capacityFor self-perfection?
```We make a colossal mistake
When we allow our lifeTo be governed
By mere curiosity. ```Your heart will not remain
Always barren of hopeIf your prayers
Are unmistakably genuine. ```Loneliness attacks us
So ruthlesslyThat at times it is impossible
For us to escape from it. ```Nobody can compel us
To be an absolute strangerTo Truth.
It is we who make ourselvesStrangers to Truth.
```Only the practice of detachment
Can make a human beingReally happy.
```Life is worth living,
For in life abidesGod’s Golden Dream.
```From:Sri Chinmoy,Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 222, Agni Press, 1995
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