I cry for
God the Runner.I die for
God the Sprinter. ```Chaos is the real name
For the mind.Catastrophe is the real name
For the vital. ```God tells me that
He knows of no better sightThan my tearful eyes.
```Pray to God sleeplessly.
He will definitely give youSovereignty over yourself.
```When I live inside
A tiny expectation-circle,I die.
```Impurity has not found
And will never findThe soul.
```When God shares
His supreme Secrets with me,The human in me proudly smiles.
```O slave of pride,
You are, indeed,A self-imposed sufferer.
```Alas, I pride myself
On my success-mind,Not on my progress-heart.
```Thank God it is all over!
I do not have to be stungBy self-doubt-mind any more.
Is the supreme necessityOf the awakened heart.
```I tire God out in many ways,
Consciously or unconsciously,But my eagerness to love and serve Him
Can never tire Him out. ```When I tell God that I shall become
An unconditional instrument of His,It delights Him immediately
Plus immensely. ```O doubt,
Why are you so cruel to me?When you die
Nobody will attend your funeral —No, not even my mind.
```No matter how bad and useless we are,
We cannot ultimately interfereWith God’s infinite Happiness.
```Unlike us, God never fails,
Even for a fleeting second,To appreciate openly
Each and every human beingIn His creation.
```Each aspiring and climbing sun-flame
In my heartIs dearer than the dearest
To the Heart of my Lord Supreme. ```Even God finds it hard
To accept those human beingsAs His own
Who are unused to working for Him. ```I shall no more allow
My mind to attendThe jealousy, insecurity
And negativity-meetingThat takes place every day.
```An unaspiring vital
Quite often locks itself upIn its own torments.
```God never forces anybody.
He only speaks to those and for thoseWho give Him a willing ear.
```My Lord,
I have broken Your Heart many times.From now on,
I give You my soul-promiseThat I shall love You, serve You and fulfil You
In Your own WayUntil I breathe my last.
```The heart-lamb
Is so adorable.The mind-horse is, alas,
Always ungovernable. ```Alas, my heart’s gratitude-hours
For God to cherishAre so surprisingly few.
```There is only one message
We receive from peace,And that message is:
God is come. ```God could hardly believe His Eyes
When He saw me crying so soulfullyFor my nature’s transformation.
```I do not know
Anything about others.But I do know
That God always insistsOn knowing the details of my life.
```My Lord,
I may not love YouThe way You want me to love You:
Unconditionally.But I assure You,
You will never be neglected,You will never be rejected
By me. ```God has good reason for asking me
Why I am not ready for God-realisation,Since I accepted the spiritual life
Centuries ago. ```Unlike us,
God never enjoys quarrelling with us.On the contrary,
When we quarrel with Him,He suffers more than we can ever imagine.
```When I make
Even some small progress,God comes and dances
Inside my heart-garden. ```God’s Compassion does not allow Him
To listen to our bitter complaintsAnd our unthinkable accusations
Against Him.But we must know that
Nothing is out of God’s Earshot. ```Even the heart of suspicion
Is ugly.Even the breath of suspicion
Is destructive. ```The beauty and fragrance of peace
Is neither young nor old —It is immortal.
```For the sake of God within,
My heart cries.For the sake of God without,
My life smiles. ```Life is not to be thrown away.
But life’s unwillingness-demonMust be thrown away
Sooner than the soonest. ```I do God a great wrong
When I say that neither GodNor God’s Compassion
Is for me. ```God laughs and laughs
When I tell HimThat I am not yet ready
To be His Eternity’s comrade. ```My mind’s inconsistency,
My mind’s carelessness,My mind’s callousness —
These things can neverBe approved by God.
```How can a doubting mind
Ever be certain of anything,Either in the outer world
Or in the inner world? ```God knows the art
Of multiplication so wellThat when I offer Him
An iota of perfection,In return He blesses me
With His infinite Affection. ```As my destiny unfolds itself,
I feel that my heart shall haveA quenchless thirst
For God’s Compassion-Eye. ```God is so compassionate
That He never accepts our failureAs something final.
```God’s special friend
Is humour.God’s worst enemy
Is rumour. ```He who has no peace of mind
Does not like to followOr to be followed.
```Very old was my mind.
Therefore, it had to die —Needless to say,
Not willingly. ```The world does not forgive me.
I do not forgive the world.Poor God is being strangled
Because of His Oneness with meAnd the world.
```My Lord Supreme has forgiven me
Time and again.How is it that I never even dream
Of forgivingAnybody here on earth?
```Do you know what my fear does?
My fear has the capacityTo chase my Lord Supreme away.
```Do you know what my doubt does?
My doubt does not allow my Lord SupremeTo enter into me.
```Do you know what my jealousy does?
My jealousy does not allow my Lord SupremeTo smile at me.
```Do you know what my insecurity does?
My insecurity stabsMy Lord Supreme.
```My Lord’s Heart is for expansion.
My Lord’s Mind is for perfection.My Lord’s Life is for transformation.
```There is nothing of God’s
That I do not love,But His Compassion-Eye
And Forgiveness-FeetI love sleeplessly and breathlessly.
```Alas, I do not know
Why I allow my desire-mindAnd not my aspiration-heart
To catch a glimpse of God’s Smile. ```I may not know
What is in God’s Mind,But I do know
What is in God’s Heart:Unconditional Love for me.
```I want God to fulfil
My heart’s hopes.God wants me to fulfil
My life’s promises. ```The human in me prays to God
For comfort from God.The divine in me prays to God
For God’s Advice. ```I did not know
That I was making a horrible mistakeWhen I started giving so much importance
To my doubting mind. ```Alas, there is not a single human being
Who is spared the experiencesOf physical pain, mental agony
And vital frustration. ```My aspiration-heart
Is regaining its strength once moreUnder God’s tender Handling.
```I am amazed to see
How my soul keeps God up-to-dateOn everything in my life.
```In spite of my repeated
Himalayan blunders,God’s Compassion has concluded
That I am not past correction. ```The difference between God and me
Is this:I do not allow God to run fast
Inside my heart.He not only allows me, but also begs me,
To run the fastest inside His Heart. ```I am nothing.
I can do nothing.Alas, will You not accept
My life’s failure-tearsAs my only gifts to You?
```Alas, I do not know
When and howMy mind became
The towering rock of pride. ```My Lord,
If You once come intoMy little heart-room,
I assure You,You will not only like it,
But love it. ```Both God and I
Desperately need speed.I need speed in my God-hunger.
God needs speedIn my nature-transformation.
```Human life can become perfect
Only when the life-breath of the heartSelf-givingly loves the Lord Supreme.
```God’s Compassion-Eye
Never pierces anybody,But illumines and enlightens
Everybody. ```How can your heart find peace,
When you allow your mindTo roam everywhere?
```My Lord,
The Compassion-SmileOf Your Compassion-Eye
Has fed my heartBeyond my imagination.
```My Lord,
I want to love You unconditionallyEvery day.
If I miss even one day,Then that very day I want to die
And be buried,Along with my ignorance.
```God the Justice
Either cannot or does not want toPlumb the depths
Of God the Compassion. ```My Lord,
Do not allow my life to dieWithout significance
And mingle with the dust.I really want to love You
In Your own Way.I really want to please You
In Your own Way. ```To my extreme sorrow,
My unconditional love for GodIs of a very short duration.
```Repeat, repeat
The Name of the Lord SupremeCountless times, unceasingly.
This will eventually absolve youOf all your countless sins.
```Life is given to each human being
For a very special purpose.This secret each human being
Must discover for himself. ```God’s infinite Beauty
Is His own Eternity’sSilence-Bliss.
Fight again and againTo break down your mind’s
Unwillingness-wall! ```Be always willing and eager
If you want to brighten your mindAnd sweeten your heart.
```If there is true willingness,
Then there can be no iotaOf hesitation.
```O my mind,
Prayerfully let us together exploreThe galaxies of Heaven.
```The generosity of the mind
And the purity of the heartAre interdependent.
```Gratitude-tears are extremely quick
In erasing the mind’sFoolish dictation.
```God watches my mind
Early in the morningAnd weeps
During the entire day. ```When I met God
For the first time,He shared with me
Compassionately and blessingfullyA wealth of sweet anecdotes.
```It is becoming more and more clear
To GodThat I love only the human in me
And not the divine in me. ```Finally my mind is ready
To announce its latest news:It is all ready to surrender
To my life’s oneness-heart. ```When we achieve something great,
God smiles and smiles.When we achieve something good,
God tells us,“Stop not, stop not!
This is just the beginning.” ```O my Lord Supreme,
Do shelter my lifeEvery day, every hour,
Every minute and every second. ```Alas, I do not know how and when
Our human mind will be readyFor radical changes
And illumining improvements. ```It is always a good time
To talk to God.But the very best time
To talk to GodIs in the small hours of the morning,
Between three and four. ```If you can offer gratitude to God
Before your meditation,During your meditation
And after your meditation,Then you will feel your progress-light
Clearing your mind-clouds. ```Who can ever determine
The age of earth’s aspirationAnd the age of Heaven’s Compassion?
```To receive joy infinite,
I shall always walk along the pathOf a peace-pilgrim.
```I try to hold God spellbound
With my sound-victories.God always holds me spellbound
With His Peace-Songs. ```The voice of Truth
Will speak to usOnly when our heart becomes
A sacred reservoir. ```Each time we offer
Our prayerful gratitude to God,He blesses us immediately
With a newly awakenedSatisfaction life.
```When my mind becomes
A sea of tranquillity,God blessingfully greets my mind
With a most beautiful victory-garland. ```From:Sri Chinmoy,Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 227, Agni Press, 1996
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/ap_227