Check your aspiration-pulse
Early in the morning.Check your dedication-pulse
At noon.Check your surrender-pulse
In the evening. ```You are unhappy
Because your heartIs contradicting
Your eyes. ```If you have
A time-squandering mind,Yours will be a life
Of most deplorable dissatisfaction. ```God likes
Many things I do,But He especially likes
Our silence-heart-conversation. ```Today
I have come to learnThat my mind’s insincerity
And my heart’s insecurityHave a common source:
Self-deception. ```Everything else is complicated
In our human lifeSave and except the beauty of Light
And the fragrance of Delight. ```Each day’s death
Makes the desire-mindAnd the aspiration-heart
Equally unhappy. ```The final hour of ignorance-night
Does not come on its own.We work towards it
And then announce it. ```Let us be prepared to welcome
The fast-approaching promise-blossomsOf a new century.
I told my bragging mindThat it was sending me
To the mental asylum,And I told my lagging heart
That it was forcing meTo be a helpless street-beggar.
```My God-surrender-life
IsMy Heaven-entrance-assurance.
```When I am in
My highest consciousness,Everything feels like God
To me. ```I do my highest meditation
Only when my soulUnconditionally smiles at me.
```My Lord,
Do come and confiscateMy mind today.
And tomorrowObliterate it totally.
```I want to tell God
Once moreHow great I am.
God wants to hear from meOnce more
That I need the breathOf surrender-life.
You have no aspiration.Yet
Your mind is ever richIn expectation.
```My Lord’s Eyes become
A Beauty-Fragrance-GarlandWhen I claim God
As my very own. ```A God-offering heart
Can neither be dauntedNor haunted.
```A heart of sorrow
Comes into existenceFrom desire-tragedies
Of the past. ```At times
God lives insideMy determination-mind.
At timesGod lives inside
My dedication-life.But I would like
God to be always insideMy aspiration-heart.
```O seeker,
Are you such a foolThat you have to allow
The negative forcesTo admire and choose
Your mind? ```O my soul,
To you I owe everything,For constantly
You are inspiringMy very life-breath.
```A self-giving heart
Is a God-fulfillingEarth-representative.
```Alas, my mind weeps
A river of tearsWhen my desire-life
Is not daily fulfilled. ```My vital longs to live
To enjoy its world-supremacyIndefinitely on earth.
My heart wants to liveTo enjoy its God-intimacy
Permanently on earth. ```Today,
Alas, I have given GodA severe headache
By telling Him that my spiritual lifeHas sadly failed.
```A cheerful and eager
God-surrender-heartHas the fastest speed
To arrive at the God-Destination. ```When the aspiring heart
Is misunderstood,The seeker’s breath
Will automatically be tormented. ```How can you be happy
When none of your deedsMirror any of your soul-dreams?
```God at times
Deliberately hides from usTo create in us
Our God-discovery-hunger. ```God is always anxious and eager
To shorten the distanceTo our journey’s goal.
My doubtful mind and IWere forced to wade through
A great deal of miseryFor ignoring God’s Compassion-Eye.
```Since God is
A good listener,Can I not be
A great speaker? ```Today,
From my God-disobedience,God has suffered the most powerful blow.
```My mind learns earthly lessons
Quickly.My heart learns Heavenly lessons
Self-givingly.My soul learns both earthly
And Heavenly lessonsIntuitively.
```As God does not allow any thought
To enter into His Mind unbidden,Even so,
I shall not associate myselfWith any unaspiring thought.
```Today, alas,
I have become the dying breathOf my shattered hopes.
```God cries
For a dependable man.Man cries
For an understandable God.God cries
For an inseparable man.Man cries
For a lovable God. ```Today
God-unbelieving mindsAre bound to be devastated
By their own ignorance-volcano. ```Before the ultimate God-realisation,
Everybody thinks and feelsThat God is unknowable.
```The age of God-obedience will begin
When we realiseThat God’s Way is the only way.
```Today, alas,
My negativity-mindIs destroying
My aspiration-heart-garden. ```O seeker,
Do not feel that you areDoomed to disappointment.
Your failure-breathBefore long will vanish.
Wake up!Make a fresh attempt.
Victory’s crown is awaiting you. ```God tells the human mind
That it is hard for HimTo keep it in His Heart-Garden.
I seriously warnedMy unaspiring mind
That there areDestructive sufferings ahead.
```My heart-hotel
Has no vacancy,For God remains there always
As a permanent Guest. ```Today
God is saddened to discoverThat I have buried
All my God-realisation-hopeConsciously and deliberately.
```For a God-lover,
A miserable day is the dayWhen he fails to please God
In His own Way. ```I do not care for
A precious mind,But I do care for
A gracious heart. ```O seeker,
Pray to God to bless youWith a purity-heart-flower
That will never wither. ```My Lord,
Do tell me how many timesMy mind has deceived You
And how many timesMy heart has disappointed You.
Most painfully I have come to learnThat no matter how hard I try,
My mind’s dark riddlesWill remain unsolved.
```God is every day counting
My God-pleasing deeds.Therefore,
I must be sleeplessly carefulIn all that I say and do.
I have asked my mindWhether it has accepted its desire-slavery
Happily or unhappily. ```The eyes of a God-loving seeker
Are the perfect expressionOf his all-embracing heart.
```Even the devil
Was shocked to see himAfter his own aspiration
Had deserted him. ```Today
I am absolutely certainThat my God-disobedience-footsteps
Will not only falter,But also meet with a serious accident
And severe punishment. ```A purity-heart
Has the capacityTo shield us
From the mind’s doubt-storm. ```At long last,
Today I madeMy Lord Beloved Supreme
HappyWith my heart’s
Climbing criesAnd my life’s
Brightening smiles. ```Today
God’s Compassion-EyeSees that I am an aspiration-dwarf.
Therefore, God’s Compassion-EyeDoes not want God to be
A Self-Transcendence-Giant. ```I do have faith
In God’s Compassion.But alas, I need faith
In God’s Patience. ```Only my heart’s sleepless tears
Can keep my mindOut of ignorance-prison.
Alas, God has confided in my soulThat He is not satisfied
With my heart’s aspiration-homework. ```If you are shopping
In the desire-market,Nobody will flatter you.
On the contrary,The cosmic gods may batter you.
```God the Teacher
Is always eagerTo give you the highest marks
In your soul’s fastest progressAnd your heart’s highest evolution.
```If you want to live
In God’s Heart-Nest,Then you have to be
Devoted and faithfulTo His Heart-Nest.
```If all our good qualities
Are traced to one source,That source is undoubtedly
Obedience. ```Claim God’s Vision
As your own, very own,Since you want to bask
In God’s Vision-Glories. ```Your impurity-mind
Will never be able to blightGod’s Compassion-Eye-Delight.
```Because of your soul’s promise
To God’s Eye,And because of your heart’s promise
To God’s Heart,God has accepted the challenge
Of transforming your life. ```Think only of others’
Good, divine and self-giving qualitiesTo stay inside God’s Heart-Garden,
Instead of your own mind-jungle. ```Gossip-mongers, beware!
Today you are enjoyingMalicious pleasure-gossip
But tomorrow you may becomeThe most deplorable gossip-victim.
```The Absolute Lord Supreme
Is only for thoseWho are sleeplessly singing God-Songs
In God’s own WayAnd carrying only His Tune.
```My life was built on
My soul’s promise.My life is now being built on
My heart’s hope.My life shall be built on
God’s Smile. ```Although I am losing badly
On the battlefield of life,I am absolutely sure
That I shall ultimatelySound my victory-drum.
```If you want to remain always
In your heart-garden,God will be there with you,
Full of Gratitude and Pride. ```Gratitude
Is my aspiration-heart’sOnly unfailing God-searchlight.
```Do not forget
That inside your mindIs your life’s imperfection-lock,
And inside your aspiration-heartIs the key.
```A spiritual Master
Has a life of beautyAnd a heart of fragrance
To transformYour earth-bound life
Into a Heaven-free life. ```“Humanity’s
God-Gratitude-Heart-Tears and Smiles”Is the only book that God has written
So far. ```The human in me
Has only one requestFor God:
“My Lord, do tell me how good I am.” ```Mine is the self-giving heart
That thrillsAt the sacred and secret whispers
Of my Lord Supreme. ```Only a God-surrender-heart
Enjoys the safest havenOn earth.
```My restless mind
Needs a slower speed,And my selfless heart
Needs a faster speedTo arrive at God’s Heart-Home.
I cannot consciously converse with God,But my heart’s silence-tears
At every moment speak with God. ```Although the human in me
Is a poor listener,My Lord Supreme never stops
Speaking and advising. ```My Lord Supreme
Blessingfully offered me many special things.But to my sorrow, the human in me
Politely declined everything,And the animal in me
Vehemently rejected everything. ```I am so fortunate
That God the Compassion,Not God the Justice,
Checks my aspiration-pulseEvery morning and every evening.
```Because my Lord Supreme
Is pleased with me,My mind is rich in hope
And my heart is rich in promise. ```My Lord Supreme,
Do tell me what I am supposed to doWhen I feel unloved.
“My child, you and I are in the same boat.Do not worry.
Our boat will one day definitely reachThe destination: Love infinite.”
```O my time-squandering mind,
Can you not see that I dislike youImmensely?
Because of you I have lostMany God-fulfilling opportunities.
```When I live in my heart-garden,
I see everywhereGod-Beauty’s Eye
And God-Prosperity’s Heart. ```God can and shall
Do everything for youIf you just allow Him
To play on your heart-strings. ```I have come to realise
That my sleepless God-obedienceIs my endless God-Delight.
```God allows only
A gratitude-flooded heartTo claim Him unreservedly.
```Each beautiful flower
Is indeed a lovely letterFrom God Himself
To mankind. ```O my Lord Supreme,
Your fleeting SmilesImmediately inspire
My very life-breath. ```O my stupidity-mind,
You and nobody elseWill choose negative, hostile forces
To fulfil you. ```I feel I am perfect and satisfied
Only when I awakenMy sleeping God-hunger.
```My Lord,
I pray to You todayFor a series of boons:
Do not fulfil my physical desires.Do not fulfil my vital desires.
Do not fulfil my mental desires.Do not fulfil my psychic desires,
For even my heartCountless times desires wrong things.
Only fulfil the longings of my soul,Which will never ask You
For what is uninspiring,Unaspiring, unillumining
Or unfulfilling. ```From:Sri Chinmoy,Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 231, Agni Press, 1996
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