My heart’s devotion
Every day carries my lifeTo the Feet of my Beloved Supreme.
```Our aspiring gratitude-heart
Always expandsAs it rises.
Will not take “No” for an answerFrom the mind.
```God the Compassion
Sleeplessly keeps His EyeOn everything
That we say and do. ```Once we become seekers,
We must take each dayAs a one-time opportunity
To realise and please God. ```Each smiling heart
EmbodiesA God-willingness-breath.
```When my mind started searching
For God,God immediately heaved a sigh
Of relief. ```My heart wants to be claimed
Only by my Lord’sCompassion-Eye.
```I want to be a conqueror
Of my egoAnd a perfect slave
Of my soul. ```There was a time
When I used to weepA river of tears,
But not now.Why?
Because God’s golden SmilesHave enveloped my entire being.
```A beautiful heart-garden
Is a blessingful messageFrom the Lord Supreme.
```Every day
My soul is secretly and openlyHelping my heart
To expel my mind’sDoubt-ghosts.
```A seeker’s self-giving life
To GodCan never grow old.
```Love in measureless measure
Results inUniversal oneness.
```The soulful music
Of the heartIs the voice
Of divinity’s perfection. ```Only a life of surrender
Can sitOn the throne of tranquillity.
```We treasure
The power of independence.God treasures
The power of interdependence. ```My soul does not use
A loud voice.It always speaks
In whispers. ```The fragrance
Of a gratitude-heart-blossomIs unparalleled
In running the fastestTo God’s Kingdom.
```The oneness
Of aspiring heartsEmbodies and reveals
The most haunting illumination-melody. ```True God-seekers
Are Heaven-pilgrim-soulsThat throng before
God’s Lotus-Feet. ```The difference between
Detachment and indifferenceIs this:
Indifference blinds us;Detachment illumines us.
```My life’s happiest moments
Are thoseWhen I am blessed
With brief glimpsesOf my Lord’s Smile.
```If you do not forgive and forget
Your past unhealthy experiences,God will not be able to bless you
With His Enthusiasm-Dynamism. ```When courage is founded
Upon oneness-love,We can challenge the pride
Of ignorance-night. ```May my entire day be blessed
With the unparalleled beautyOf the morning’s rising sun!
```How do we regain
Our long-lost divinity?Only through constant
God-obedience-willingnessAnd eagerness.
```Each time I have
A God-surrendering thought,I immediately multiply
My heart’s goodness. ```O seeker, be patient!
Sooner or laterYou will definitely reach
Your sunlit aspiration-summit. ```My Lord,
The moment You smile at me,My heart and I fly
A million miles aboveThis sorrow-filled earth.
```Do not cut down the mind,
But cut down the thick mind-forestIf you want to be divinely wise.
```If you want to live
In the world of peace,Then keep tomorrow’s thoughts
For tomorrow. ```He who is master
Of his thoughtsIs indeed the president
Of the universe. ```If you want constant happiness,
Then every dayEnlarge the circle of your love.
```When we dive deep within,
We definitely can hearThe whispers of Infinity.
```The simplest, the easiest
And the most effective wayTo achieve God-realisation
Is to breathe the very breathOf unconditional surrender.
```My crying heart
And my surrendering lifeHave reawakened
My God-oneness-cry. ```My Lord Beloved Supreme,
I look and lookFor Your Compassion-Eye
Inside my heart,But alas,
It is not to be found there. ```God is unable
To keep back His TearsWhen I doubt
My God-fulfilment-capacity. ```There is only one thing I cherish
At every moment,And that is my tearful heart.
```Just go to God and give Him
What you have:Your heart’s cry.
God will immediately give youWhat He has for you:
His Infinity’s Smile. ```Love God
According to your limited capacity.He will give you unlimited opportunities
To multiply your capacity. ```You are wrong when you think
The child inside you — your soul —Has no power.
The soul has powerFar beyond your imagination.
But it uses its powerOnly to please God
In God’s own Way. ```It is never too late to start doing
The right thing.You definitely can once again love and please
Your Beloved Lord Supreme. ```If you really want to see God smiling,
Then start doing the right thingAnd becoming the right person
At this very moment. ```It is you who have to decide
Whether you want to beA supremely chosen instrument
Of GodOr a willing instrument
Of ignorance-king. ```The harder the battle is,
The more faith God will have in usWhen He sees we are winning
On the battlefield of life. ```God tells me
He does not want me to proveMy capacity.
He only wants me not to miss any opportunityTo love Him and please Him
In His own Way. ```Do not feel
You are doomed to disappointment,Although your spiritual life
Has been a dry desert for years.The golden days shall beckon you
Once again.What you need is patience
And loving determination. ```You feel fear
Only when you doubt yourselfAnd doubt your own spiritual life.
Just identify yourselfWith something higher and deeper.
Lo and behold,Fear is nowhere to be found.
```Following a spiritual Master
Is like walking with someoneWho is infinitely stronger than you
And is always ready to help youAnd make you happy in a divine way.
```Manifestation is divine
And manifestation is perfectOnly if it is done
With the heart’s self-giving smile. ```At every moment
We have to feel our onenessWith humanity
If we want to be loved and embracedBy the universal Light.
```Alas, countless times
You are bringing thorns to the SupremeBy criticising mercilessly
Those who are trying to give Him roses. ```To make God really happy,
What your body needsIs strength,
What your vital needsIs dynamism,
What your mind needsIs clarity,
What your heart needsIs eagerness.
```Daily appreciate the beauty
Of your heart’s forgiveness-flowersAnd your life’s tolerance-fruits.
```Just as unaspiring, negative
And doubt-filled thoughtsSeparate you from God,
Even so, aspiring, positiveAnd faith-blossoming feelings
Take you speedily to God. ```May my mind, like my heart,
Be always eagerTo place everything it has and is
At the Feet of my Lord Supreme. ```Bring your best to the fore
And keep it there.You will unmistakably see
How close you are to God. ```God will definitely take care of you
And make you a happiness-kingIf you just love your heart
Infinitely more than you do now. ```If you pray to God sincerely,
Is there anythingHe cannot and will not
Do for you? ```You are bound to feel God’s Love
Infinitely moreIf you love Him, not in theory,
But in practical reality’s intensity. ```My Lord,
This is my very special prayer to You:Do give me the capacity every day
To offer You a new gratitude-heart. ```O seeker,
Why do you give GodYour worst possible spiritual defeat
When you have the capacity to give HimYour supremely glorious victory?
```Today imagine
That God loves youAnd God needs you.
Tomorrow you will seeThat your imagination was nothing more
Than a reality unblossomed. ```Do not worry about the future.
The present moment is heavy enoughFor you to carry.
How do you know that tomorrowA bright and illumining dawn
Will not invite you? ```God wants you constantly to cherish
Your own aspirationExactly the way He enjoys
His own Satisfaction. ```You are bound to make progress
And make yourself really happyIf you take spirituality
As your real and only life. ```Only when we dive deep within
And meditate self-givinglyDoes the cosmic sound reverberate
In our heart’s aspiration-sky. ```God gives you the beauty
Of aspirationTo love Him.
God gives you the fragranceOf dedication
To manifest Him. ```My God-surrender-blossoms
God Himself placesOn His own Satisfaction-Heart-Shrine.
```Every day we must bring to the fore
The roaring lion in usAnd manifest the divine Light,
To transform the face and fateOf mankind.
```God always watches
Our heart-hungerAnd, according to our heart-hunger,
His Compassion-Eye feeds us. ```God begs us for two things:
To give Him the opportunityAnd the certainty
Of remaining permanentlyInside our life-breath.
```God does what He has to do:
He keeps us inside His Heart.Unfortunately, we do not keep Him
Where He is supposed to be:Inside our own heart.
```Just try always
To see God’s Nectar-Smile.Then, along your aspiration-road,
No wrong committed by youCan seriously discourage you.
Dauntlessly you will runTowards your destined goal.
```God is asking you to consider
Only three questions from HimAbout your inner life:
In how many ways have you loved God?In how many ways have you served God?
In how many ways have you fulfilled GodOver the years?
```Remember this once and for all:
Your heart’s gratitude-smileHas the fastest speed
To reach Infinity’s Golden Shore. ```Do not think of how many times
You have disappointed God.Only think of one thing:
Do you still love God?If so, make a fresh attempt.
Lo, you have won the Goal. ```The human in you does not dare
To claim the divine in you.The divine in you not only claims
The human in you,But also helps the human in you
To enter into Infinity’s Peace-Sea. ```God the Creator
Loves you.God the creation
Needs you.To God the Creator
Give your heart.To God the creation
Give your life. ```Happiness is radiating on your face
From your heart.Do you know why?
Because you have pleased GodIn His own Way today,
And because you will please HimInfinitely more tomorrow.
```God feels His Presence
Inside your heart.God feels your presence
Inside His Heart.Therefore, He is happy.
If you want to be happy,Then bring God and keep God
Inside your mind. ```Do you want to know
The Will of God?Then do two things:
Become and remainYour heart’s streaming tears.
You do not have to striveTo know the Will of God.
Your soul on its own will tell youWhat God’s Will is.
Your soul wants and needs from youOnly one thing:
An ever-deepening meditation. ```We all need fulfilment.
Therefore, why do we hesitateTo go to the right person
Who is all eagerness to bless usWith fulfilment?
Who is the right person?None other than your own highest self!
```If you are true to yourself,
Only then will God remainYour Eternity’s only Boss.
```Whom can we obey?
Our Lord Beloved Supreme.How can we obey Him?
Just by sleeplessly listeningTo the dictates of our soul,
The direct representative of God. ```Real happiness can be found
Only in the world of dynamicAnd self-giving activities.
```Our outer beauty
Feeds our eyes.Our inner beauty
Feeds our Lord Supreme. ```God’s greatest Blessing-Light
To manIs a sleepless hunger
For God-satisfaction. ```I need a heart-cry
That will be satisfiedOnly with an eternal God-union
And not with just a long-term God-union. ```O my heart,
Do not be discouraged.God and God’s Compassion-Eye
Will not be able to hide from youForever.
```He is unfortunate
Who descends from aspiration-tree.But he who descends
From aspiration-treeAnd does not recognise his descent
Is infinitely more unfortunate. ```I cry and smile.
I cry astonishinglyWhen I enter into the human mind.
I smile ceaselesslyWhen I enter into the human heart.
```To my extreme joy
My heart-tearsAre nourishing
My life-blossoms. ```If you choose your soul
Instead of anything else,Only then will your suffering life’s cries
Come to an end. ```Yesterday
I was on my Lord’sForgiveness-List.
I am on my Lord’sCompassion-List.
I shall be on my Lord’sSatisfaction-List.
```God tells me
That there is no differenceBetween
My heart’s breathless criesAnd His Eye’s sleepless Smiles.
We painfully call itHumiliation.
We shall call that very thingIllumination.
```Life is God’s Universal Game.
The seekers join God’s sideAnd play along with Him
Against the undivine and unlit forces.God’s side, without fail,
Will eventually win. ```From:Sri Chinmoy,Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 232, Agni Press, 1996
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