Caring to know God’s Will
Is not enough.We must be sincere and brave enough
To try to execute God’s Will. ```God is always in a hurry.
Why?Because He has to be
Of immediate supportTo His self-giving seekers.
```God does not need
Anybody’s advice.Yet He asks His dearest child,
Peace,To advise Him.
```On the mental plane,
Silence gives much information.On the psychic plane,
Silence gives much illumination. ```The golden age of the remote past
Can at most inspire us,But cannot illumine us.
Therefore,Here and now we must aspire
To realise and grow intoThe Highest.
```My obedience-life
Is not onlyMy perfection-life,
But alsoGod’s Satisfaction-Heart.
```My surrender-breath
And God’s Will supremeTogether breathe
At every moment. ```God wants each human being
To be His choicest hero-warrior supreme,To fight against ignorance-night
And transform it intoHis Eternity’s, Infinity’s and Immortality’s
Light and Delight. ```God tells the inner champion,
“In you I have found someoneWho will not be engulfed by darkness,
But will be the dependable torch-bearerOf My Light and Delight.”
```God has many rooms,
But He prefers to speak to meIn His Silence-Room.
```It is always advisable
To preach and practiseAt the same time.
If not, quite oftenWe spend so much time in preaching
That we have no time to practise. ```Unlike human love,
Divine loveNever, never retreats.
```If a seeker does not have
A thunderbolt-determination,Then his progress will be slower
Than the speed of a turtle. ```What is saving my life
At every moment?It is God’s unconditional
Compassion-Eye. ```O seeker, have patience!
Your prayerless days and soulless nightsWill eventually disappear.
There shall come a timeWhen you will have
Prayerful days and soulful nightsTo please God in His own Way.
```My Forgiveness-Lord,
My self-indulgenceAnd Your compassionate Indulgence
Always meet together. ```God does not believe in
Our philosophical and theoreticalAccomplishments.
He wants from us quite tangibleDivine manifestation-accomplishments.
```My heart’s hope
And my mind’s promiseMust always remain inseparable
For God-manifestation here on earth. ```My mind’s willingness
And my heart’s eagernessAlways run faster
Than the rest of the Heavenward runners. ```At every moment
You have to chooseBetween light and darkness
If you really take your spiritual lifeSeriously.
```O my sleepless heart,
Cry!Cry breathlessly,
So that I can soar upwardInto my Lord’s unhorizoned
Bliss-Fountain-Sky. ```Although God’s Compassion
Is unconditional,God’s Grace descends
Upon our aspiration-heartAnd dedication-life
According to our receptivity. ```If it is a desire-life,
Then it must be livedBehind a veil of tears.
```Today God has told me:
“From now on you have to proveThat you love Me, need Me and want Me
Infinitely, infinitely moreThan your ignorance-life.”
```Every day
You can either renewOr reject
Your spirituality-choice. ```Today’s cheerful heart,
Not yesterday’s fearful mind,Can help me run
Towards the Golden Shore. ```If we can develop the capacity
To laugh triumphantly,Without the least hesitation,
At our sad failures,Then we shall be given
Countless opportunitiesBy the Lord Supreme
To win the aspiration-race. ```My heart’s constant prayer
To my Lord Supreme is this:O my Lord,
Do not allow my mind to enjoyIts constant ruthless ambition.
```Continue, continue on the sunlit path!
One day your life will be floodedWith your own inner divinity-joy.
```Alas, today ignorance-temptation
Has come to meIn giant-titan form
To prove it can smashMy spirituality-pride.
```To be the possessor
Of an unconditional surrender-lifeIs not a short-lived triumph
On our life’s journey,But an abiding triumph
In our life divine. ```O my mind,
Although you are one,In you I find endless dictators
To torture my entire being. ```You are mistaken, completely mistaken,
If you think you can simply wait aroundFor your teeming temptations to die.
```Each moment presents itself
As a supreme choice.Pray and meditate,
Meditate and prayTo make the right choice!
```If the right choice is difficult
To carry out,There will always be help available
From the Inner Pilot Supreme.God will always be all for you.
```Although each right choice
May be just a tiny drop,Inside that tiny drop
You will find the oceanOf God’s Love, Joy and Pride.
```If you choose God’s Way,
God will do everything for youTo make you happy in His own Way.
```Who is sitting
Right next to my Beloved Supreme?My heart of ever-climbing tears.
```Who leads and wins
The aspiration-race?The seeker of constantly
Unconditional surrender. ```What I call
My obedience-life,My Lord Supreme
Calls that very thingHis Perfection-Fragrance.
```Either in the near future
Or in the distant future,A genuine heart-climber
Is bound to reachGod’s Summit-Satisfaction-Heights.
```My mind lives in the hope
Of meeting GodThe Omnipotent Power.
My heart lives in the hopeOf meeting God
The Transcendental HeightAnd Universal Love.
```Who cries more:
God or I?If I exercise my sincerity,
Then I am definitely bound to seeThat God cries for me
Infinitely moreThan I cry for God.
```Do not try to understand
Divine obedience.Divine obedience is not a thing
That one can understand.It is something
That we can only grow into. ```You want to know
How to express your gratitude?It is quite easy.
Just smile your soulful smile.Your soulful smile
Embodies gratitudeIn its purest fragrance.
```The mind regularly disappoints
The Master’s trust.The heart at times disappoints
The Master’s trust.But the soul never, never disappoints
The Master’s trust. ```O my Lord Supreme,
Do grant me the capacityTo remove, once and for all,
The dark curtainOf my ignorance-night.
```Why do you think of those
Who are standing in your way?Think only of the One
Who is your Friend,Your Father,
Your Mother,Your Everything
For all Eternity,And that is the Supreme.
```Everyone else may change direction
And decide to take another course,But you continue walking
Along Eternity’s RoadUntil you stand at the Feet
Of the Absolute Lord Supreme. ```The mind is fluctuation.
The heart is aspiration.The soul is realisation.
The life is manifestation. ```Everything real
In the inner lifeHas to be a matter of
Step-by-step progress. ```The divine Grace
Is ready not onlyTo welcome us
But also to help usAt every moment.
```Man must not resort
To wild animal violence.Indeed, this is one
Of God’s inviolable Laws. ```The mind advertises
Its knowledge-lake.The heart treasures
Its wisdom-sea. ```The heart
Helplessly sheds tearsWhen the mind and the vital
Enjoy ruthless disputes. ```Countless people on earth
Remain fast asleep in ignorance-night.But you are really fortunate,
For you see something divine in othersAnd something divine in yourself.
```Today I see that by God’s Grace
And my own sincerity,I have already succeeded
In the inner world.Now I only have to manifest it.
```I know
My sincere surrender-lifeWill be of tremendous
And abiding significanceIn God’s Satisfaction-Heart.
```No matter how many lifetimes elapse,
I shall try again and againTo become
A supremely choice instrumentOf God.
```Only the heart’s gratitude-tears
Can wash away most effectivelyThe mind’s doubt-dirt
And suspicion-filth. ```My inmost prayer is this:
May my lifeReach the pinnacle-heights
Of God-fulfilment-promise. ```What can poor Time do
If we aspiring humansDo not use it
Properly and wisely? ```The mind feels
That the best thing for the mindIs to fly away.
The heart knowsThat the best thing for the heart
Is to dive within. ```Alas, I know,
But when shall I come to acceptThat the knowledge of my mind
Is as insignificant as dust? ```The last two words
Of my aspiration-letter to GodWere surrender and gratitude.
```God wants me to strike
His largest Victory-GongInside my aspiration-heart-temple.
```The doubting mind
Focuses on ignorance-night.The aspiring heart
Focuses on wisdom-delight. ```O my mind,
If you are excessively proneTo self-pity-indulgence,
Then you will never be ableTo see my Lord Supreme smiling
His world-illumination-Smile. ```The human in us
Is always self-contradiction.The divine in us
Is always self-perfectionAnd God-Satisfaction.
```God is omnipresent.
He is always inside you,But He is watching to see
Whether you want HimOr ignorance.
```You may feel that you are
In a thick forest of thorns,But if you faithfully and carefully
Walk along the narrow passage of light,You will definitely find your way
Out of the forest. ```Hard is it for the mind
To liberate itselfFrom self-limitation.
Hard is it for the vitalTo liberate itself
From world-temptation. ```In order to make spiritual progress,
We must leave behind usMany things,
Beginning with our self-doubt-mind. ```My life is not
My mind’s desire-forest.My life is
My heart’s aspiration-garden. ```Sincere God-lovers
Remind us of one fact:That it may be difficult,
But it is not impossibleTo turn the mind
Constantly towards God. ```My body’s enthusiasm
Is nothing short ofMy soul’s full satisfaction
With my spiritual life. ```A true Master
Will give his divine wealthTo his disciples
According toTheir aspiration-need,
Not according toTheir desire-greed.
```My Lord Supreme,
Do give me the capacityNot to restrain
My gratitude-tearsAt any moment.
```I love God,
But I want to love GodInfinitely more
With my gratitude-heart-tears. ```Heaven can be reached
Only by one vehicle,And that vehicle is
My God-surrender-life. ```No doubting mind,
No suspicious mindWill be able to occupy
The throne of peacePermanently.
```May all the good qualities
Of my lifeTogether sit at the Feet
Of my Lord Supreme. ```God wants to have
My aspiration-heartAnd not my exaggeration-mind
Or my extravagance-vital. ```There is not a single place on earth
Where God and God’s ForgivenessDo not love to travel.
```I do not want my mind
To engage inGod-explanation.
I want my heartTo embody
God-supplication. ```If the human mind
Does not start aspiring,It will eventually collapse
Under the heavy weightOf ignorance-night.
```I rely infinitely more
On my Lord’s CompassionThan on my own aspiration
To realise the Absolute. ```O my God-pleasing days,
Where are you?Why have you been hiding
For such a long time? ```In the inner race,
Our wisdom competesWith our ignorance.
If our wisdom wins,God will act in and through us
With utmost pride. ```My Lord,
You tell me that You love me.If it is so,
Then You must place Your Blessing-FeetUpon my crying heart.
```My heart and I
Are all eagernessTo embark on a pilgrimage
To my nature’s perfection-country. ```As water is for my thirst,
Even so,My unconditional surrender
Is for God’s Hunger. ```My heart’s hope-buds
Every day needMy life’s faith-sun
To blossom. ```The happiest years
Of God’s LifeAnd my life
Were the years when I did everythingFor God-manifestation
With no expectation whatsoever. ```My soul’s rainbow-birds
Carry my heart’s hope-dreamsTo my Lord Supreme.
We live in the worldOf success-hunger
And not in the worldOf progress-meal.
```My God-surrender-smile
Is the mediatorBetween my heart’s aspiration
And God’s Compassion. ```God Himself asks
The world-peace-dreamersTo take the fastest highway
To reach the God-Satisfaction-Palace. ```The barrier that exists
Between my heart’s cryAnd my soul’s smile
Is no barrier at all. ```If you can prove to the world
That you can serve God wholeheartedly,His Appreciation and Admiration for you
Will prove to beYour life’s complete transformation.
```From:Sri Chinmoy,Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 235, Agni Press, 1996
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