It is not enough to know
That God is very powerful.You also have to feel
That He really loves you. ```You decide:
You can go far away from God,Or you can take every opportunity
To be absolutely dearest and closestTo God’s Heart, to God’s Soul,
To God’s Life, to God’s VisionAnd to God’s Mission.
```You may think
You are sincerely doing your bestTo expand your heart,
But you can do even more:You can make room for others
Inside your oneness-heart. ```If it is difficult for us to identify
With the good qualities of others,It will be difficult for us to value
Those same good qualitiesIn ourselves.
```If you feel you are quite perfect,
Then become more perfectBy forgiving others
Instead of speaking ill of them. ```If you think you are a better person
Than somebody else,Then become infinitely better
By proving that you can establishDivine harmony with everyone.
```Jealousy is not going to leave your life
Unless and until you have establishedYour real, permanent oneness
With God the creation. ```If you listen to your Lord Supreme
Cheerfully at every second,You can have no inner fear,
Doubt or jealousy. ```When His children
Are praying and meditatingAnd singing His Adoration-Songs,
God the Father gets boundless JoyAnd boundless Satisfaction.
```If you have
Sleeplessly mounting aspiration,You will not and cannot do anything
To displease your Beloved Supreme. ```The supreme Dream
That God is cherishingInside each of us
Must be transformedInto a living reality.
```For your nature’s transformation
Only one thing is needed:Your cheerful, prayerful, soulful,
Ready, anxious and eager obedienceTo the Will of the Supreme.
```God wants you to be loyal to Him
To the end, very end,In your life of aspiration
And your life of dedication. ```Happiness
Is what you want from God.Happiness
Is what God wants from you.This happiness depends
On your constant onenessWith the Will of the Supreme.
```Our Lord Beloved Supreme
Does not actually punish us.With His Heart’s infinite Love,
He tries in every way to illumine usSo that we can become
His most perfect instruments. ```Be happy, divinely happy.
In your divine happinessIs your unimaginable progress.
```Your so-called greatness
God does not need.What God needs is your goodness:
Your goodness-heartAnd your goodness-life.
```Remember, just remember
Your own divinity-manifestations:In how many countless ways
You have served the Supreme,Loved the Supreme
And fulfilled the Supreme.These are your true divine possessions.
```Two wings of our soul-bird:
Hope and promise.With our hope, we walk, march, run
And fly towards our destination.With our promise, we bring the destination
Unmistakably towards us. ```Each soulful song I sing
Is a gratitude-flowerFrom my heart
To my Beloved Lord Supreme. ```He who continues to disobey
His Lord Beloved SupremeSlowly and steadily digs a big hole
In his spiritual life. ```O unpardonable, insincere seekers,
Can you not see that your ugliness-lifeIs revealed and manifested
On your faces? ```If you have an iota of sincerity
In your mindAnd an iota of purity
In your heart,You can march forward,
Fly upward and dive inward. ```To you the spiritual life
May seem boring, boring, boring.But to me the spiritual life
Will always be crying, crying, cryingFor God
And soaring, soaring, soaringTo God.
```If you can feel that you are
A seven-year-old child,Filled with enthusiasm, readiness,
Willingness and eagerness,The spiritual life will never fail you.
```Inspiration, aspiration and dedication
Are three branches of one tree,And that tree is called the life-tree.
The life-tree has also three more branches:Love, devotion and surrender.
```God suffers in your hands
Because He feelsThat you do not care for Him.
You suffer in God’s HandsBecause you think
That He is an autocrat. ```If you are not for your Lord Supreme
One hundred per cent,Then you cannot claim Him
As your spiritual Father,But at most as an acquaintance.
If you are one hundred per cent
For your Absolute Lord Supreme,Then you are His all,
And He is your All. ```Truth-seekers and God-lovers
Who obey God unconditionallyDeserve His Heart of Pride
Along with His Heart of Gratitude. ```If we use each day properly,
We can fulfil God and fulfil ourselves.If we misuse and destroy our life,
Then earth will not care for our existence,And Heaven will not care for our arrival.
```With utmost Affection, Compassion,
Fondness and Willingness,God is prepared to carry you
On the longest road:The birthless and deathless perfection-road.
```The Supreme owns only those
Who are with Him constantly,Who are in Him constantly
And who are for Him constantly. ```You are bound
To climb upward immediatelyHigh, higher, highest
If your heart’s cry is sincere, simple,Pure and sleeplessly self-giving.
```The more soulfully and prayerfully
You can sing divinity-songs,The sweeter you will feel
Your own heartbeatAnd your own life-breath.
```God’s choice Hour
And man’s choice hourAre never the same,
For God’s choice HourWill always be ahead,
Far ahead. ```God’s Vision-Eye
And God’s Compassion-EyeAre constantly feeding us,
Nourishing us and inspiring usTo wake up.
```We fear that God will come
Without informing us,But God need not inform us.
It is we who have to keepOur willingness and eagerness
Always ready for His Arrival. ```My heart of love has become
The Creator’s beaming SmilesAnd the creation’s streaming tears.
```You tell me that
God can be seen,God can be felt
And God can be realisedAnd manifested.
I want to followIn your success-footsteps.
```O my mind,
Never, never betrayMy heart’s inner voice,
Which is my Eternity’s polestar-friend. ```God-creation is our heart’s
Only true gospel.Self-destruction is our mind’s
Only true gospel. ```Simplicity has the master key
To open sublimity’s roomAnd reality’s safe.
```When I pray to God
With severe austerity,God asks me instead
To play with His creation self-givingly.He says that if I can play self-givingly
With His creation,I shall please Him infinitely more.
```Careless, we play
In our mind’s obscurity.Sleepless and selfless, we sing
In our heart’s profundity. ```If you do not bury
Your dead disappointments,Who can and who will
Bury them for you?Bury all your disappointments
Here and now!Then run towards the effulgence
Of your soul’s light and delight! ```O my mind,
You house the threatOf nuclear annihilation.
But my heart,Which is all aspiration-illumination,
Will, without fail,Conquer you.
```The wonders of the outer world:
A sincerity-mindAnd a sincerity-life.
The wonders of the inner world:A purity-heart
And a purity-life. ```My prayerful mind,
My soulful heartAnd my self-giving life
Are the three most significant boonsThat I have received
From my Lord Beloved Supreme. ```If you want to manifest God’s Will,
Then you must braveThe world’s wild criticism-barrages.
```Each breath can be pure
If it is placed at the FeetOf the Absolute Lord Supreme.
```All sincere, self-giving
Aspiration-attemptsAre bound to succeed
Either in the near futureOr in the distant future.
```A man of conscious, constant
And unconditional surrenderTo God’s Will
Is indeed a living miracle. ```To please God
You must renew and fulfilYour old promises.
Only then will you be entitledTo make higher promises.
```Whenever I become a victim
To insecurity,I give my Lord Supreme
A migraine headache. ```Man’s mind is the story
Of separation-destruction.Man’s heart is the song
Of oneness-illumination. ```What I need
Is an ancient heart of purityAnd a modern life of activity.
```God considers it a great joke
When my mind challenges my heartTo please God
More than my mind can please Him. ```God Himself is shocked to see
That His world-saving PatienceIs running short.
```My Lord,
All my heart’s tearsI am ready to barter
For Your one fleeting Smile. ```Whenever I live in the aspiration-heart,
I clearly see and feelThat my Lord’s Love is my All.
```My heart is telling me
That I can easily find rosesWhere my critics find only thorns.
```I am so happy that God’s Will
To fulfil me in His own WayIs still very much alive.
```When we dedicate ourselves completely
To the Will of God,We no longer remain infatuated
With this falsehood-temptation-world. ```True, outer failure may not be sweet,
But my God-surrenderIs sweet, sweeter, sweetest.
```What is human pride, after all?
It is something that hasA very fragile foundation.
```Every morning
I pray to my Lord SupremeTo bless me with gratitude
In plenitudeSo that I can become happiness
Within and without. ```Once you have mastery
Over your animal qualities,Your God-manifestation
And God-satisfaction-dreamsWill be fulfilled.
```How can God be pleased with you
And proud of youIf you are not specialised
In self-transcendence? ```To make a dream come true,
Do not do anythingTo displease God.
```When God sees my mind,
He laughs and laughsUntil He is ready to cry.
```Nothing could please God more
Than my conscious withdrawalFrom world-criticism-life.
```When your God-appointment-hour
Arrives,Pray to God to fulfil
All your God-satisfaction-dreams. ```O my mind,
You cleverly fool yourself,But you can never fool
God’s all-seeing Eye. ```If your devotion to God is genuine,
Then God Himself will be responsibleFor all your activities.
```If you do not have
A divine tenacity of purpose,Then you can never fulfil God
In His own Way. ```May my heart’s aspiration-cry
Belong to the heartOf all humanity.
```We do not have to be
Confronted by our fateIf we pray to God
To make His Will our will. ```My Lord Supreme,
Do make my heartA heart of conscious surrender
To Your Will,So that I can enjoy
Your Nectar-Compassion-Flood. ```When my heart has gratitude
In boundless measure,I need nothing more to please God.
```Every day you must try
To increase your love for God.Otherwise your life may still
Be dashed upon the rocksOf self-doubt.
```Those who live in the mind-forest
Make a foolish mockeryOf God’s Peace-Dream-manifestation
On earth. ```When I allow doubt to guide me,
It invariably leads meTo a land of nowhere.
```My Lord Supreme,
May my aspiration-heartAscend and ascend
Towards the unknowable heightsOf God-intoxicated Vision.
```If I have a God-pleasing life,
Then God will take me farBeyond the boundaries
Of Infinity and Eternity. ```May my spontaneous love of God
Transform everything and everyoneThat comes to oppose me.
```God definitely wants me to remain
Here on earth to serve Him,Instead of flying back
To my soul’s kingdom. ```O my doubting mind,
Do not dare to reappearIn the guise of an advising friend!
```My Lord tells me
That nothing can be more illuminingAnd more fulfilling
Than my heart’s soulfulness-tears. ```My aspiration-heart
And my dedication-lifeFeed only
On God’s Compassion-Smile. ```Not my mind’s new and false
Truth-invention,But my heart’s old and true
Truth-discoveryIs the unparalleled road
To my God-destination. ```Like a child I must cry
To express my gratitudeThrough my soulful smile.
```O my God-searching mind,
Go forward, go forward.Do not allow your ancient fears
To haunt you. ```May my heart’s hope
And my life’s promiseRemain always inseparable
To please my Lord in His own Way. ```God the Fulfilment
And God the SatisfactionAre within your heart’s
Aspiration-reach. ```O my mind,
Your desire to eclipseMy heart’s goodness
God will never be ableTo satisfy.
```My mind the prison
And my heart the palaceEvery day, without fail, invite me.
Alas, indecision is my name. ```I want to live
In a progress-worshipping eraAnd not in a success-demanding era.
```Each time I offer my gratitude-heart
To my Lord Supreme,I am blessed with a deeper and richer
State of existence. ```When God wants to go on vacation,
He invites only my self-giving heartTo accompany Him.
```To embrace the whole world
In its totality,I must develop the quality
Of infinite adaptability. ```From:Sri Chinmoy,Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 236, Agni Press, 1997
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