When the mind’s simplicity
And the heart’s purityGrow together,
They create unimaginable beauty. ```My Lord Supreme,
Do give me a heart of hopeAnd a life of promise
That will never die. ```My Lord is delighted beyond measure
When He sees that my gratitude-heartIs never out of breath.
```God wants to heartily congratulate
My willingness-mindOn its eagerness-performance.
```If you give from the heart,
You win.But if you take with the mind,
You lose. ```Success
Always intoxicatesMy mind.
Always satisfiesMy heart.
```There remain only two choices
In my life:Either I look forward
Towards my destination,Or I look backward
Towards the animal kingdom. ```There is no greater sorrow
For GodThan my constant unwillingness
To obey Him. ```I must reach
My God-Destination-ShoreRegardless of
My mind’s inclement weather,Relying upon
My heart’s eternal Spring. ```God wants human beings
To be interdependent at least,Since we do not depend on Him
Completely at every moment. ```Compassion
Is God’s beginningless pastAnd God’s endless future.
```My doubting mind’s sincerity
Amuses God.My loving heart’s purity
Inspires God. ```The only reason
Why God is fond of youIs because you are sleeplessly devoted
To Him. ```For want of inspiration-freedom,
His aspiration-lifeIs descending and descending daily.
```Because He does not
See us smiling,God every day sheds
Sorrowful tears. ```My Lord Supreme is planning
To write a new book —Alas, a very short book —
On my obedience-mind. ```God long ago read my mind’s
Disobedience-letters.But He forgave both my mind
And its letters. ```Sincere willingness
Will sleeplessly and breathlesslyAdvance
In God’s direction. ```God takes
A God-gratitude-heartAnd a self-giving life
As His most valuable Treasures. ```I rejoice
In God’s Compassion-Sea.God rejoices
In my gratitude-drop. ```If we take pride
In the noise of our popular acclaim,Then down we fall
Into the abyss of self-disgrace. ```Simplicity’s sweetness
And simplicity’s fruitfulness,Alas,
Always remain underestimated. ```If you want to make
Faster than the fastest progressIn the spiritual life,
Then your outer loss and outer gainMust be less than minor considerations.
```O my soul-bird,
For me do not lowerYour vision’s perfection-wings.
```Who is weakening me?
No, not any outer enemy,But my own disobedience-mind.
```I beg my mind:
“Sleep and sleep and sleep.”I command my heart:
“Wake up, wake up, wake up!” ```My aspiration-heart
And God’s Compassion-EyeHave promised to meet
At least once a day. ```Aspiration
Heightens my God-journey.Devotion
Quickens my God-journey.Dedication
Enlightens my God-journey. ```My Lord, I know Your other Name
Is Compassion.Do You have another name for me?
“Yes, My child,I have one more name for you:
Hope.” ```If you have inner competence
And outer courage,Then your mind will be
A soulfulness-beauty,And your life will be
A fulness-fragrance. ```O my God-surrender-life,
I owe you everything goodThat I am.
```Alas, I never thought
That my mind’s confidence-towerWould tremble so helplessly.
```The true path
Leads upward and inward.It leads me upward
To see God;It leads me inward
To become another God. ```When I do not please
My Lord Supreme,I feel that I am a soul-bird
With broken wings. ```If you are inwardly resolute,
Your God-realisation-destinationCannot remain a far cry.
```A determination-mind
And a sincerity-heartAre of paramount importance
To succeed in any sphere of life. ```What is aspiration?
It is something that fills my lifeWith beautiful hopes and sweet dreams.
```It is high time for me to believe
That I can offer my life totallyTo serve God to His Satisfaction.
```If you give and give and give
Unconditionally,Then only will God
Place the stamp of perfectionOn your outer life.
```May my heart-room
Never allowAny Godless thought
To enter. ```When I meditate
And dive deep within,I hear the voiceless Voice
Louder than a thunder-roar. ```O my mind,
Are you not ashamedOf what you are doing?
You have put God on holdFor such a long time!
```My Lord, what I am
Is Your Compassion,And what I have
Is Your Forgiveness. ```The foolish mind
Looks at what is lost.The wise heart
Looks at what is left. ```For every obstacle-mountain
There isA God-Compassion-Fountain.
```Do not depend on tomorrow.
Do not depend even on today.Just depend on now,
This very moment. ```Each seeker
Must develop a mindThat will be averse
To ignorance-food. ```I live in between
My heart’s God-realisation-hopeAnd
My mind’s God-manifestation-promise. ```What is faith?
Faith is a meteoric aspiration-rise.And what is doubt?
Doubt is a meteoric aspiration-fall. ```We sadden God
When we restOn our yesterday’s laurels.
```How do you dare to think
That God is pleased with you,When you allow yourself
To be buffetedBy desire-storms?
```My Lord Supreme,
May my life be non-stopService-delight.
```If you do not pray
Every morning and evening,Then you must realise
That you are descendingInto spiritual poverty.
```Earth sleeplessly depends on
Heaven’s Compassion.Heaven ceaselessly depends on
Earth’s dedication. ```My Lord,
I have done so many thingsTo displease You.
Do You still love me?God’s one-word reply:
“Yes.” ```The mind’s superiority-brilliance
Does not last.The heart’s unity-radiance
Forever lasts. ```Anything that is human
Is an invalid passportTo Heaven.
```Because our spiritual eyes
Are still shortsighted,We do not see God
When He compassionately looks at usFrom a distance.
```If the mind is filled with sincerity
And the heart is filled with purity,Then there cannot be a collision
Between the mind and the heart. ```My heart’s aspiration
And my life’s dedicationAre perfect for each other.
```If you can graduate
From your God-obedience-school,Then there will be nothing unattainable
For you. ```An unconditional service-life
Is at once gratifyingAnd edifying.
```O my mind,
Can you not see that my heartIs always ready to purify you
With its sunshine-thoughts? ```To my extreme delight
My heart’s Heaven-climbing tearsHave reached God’s Satisfaction-Heart.
```Both our God-aspiration-record
And our God-dedication-recordShould remain unblemished forever.
```Alas, we mortals
Walk along so many roads;But somehow we fail to walk along
The gratitude-path. ```An unconditional surrender
Is indeedThe achievement-pinnacle.
```Spirituality is not a part-time
But a full-time relationshipWith divinity.
```I know
I have made considerable progressIn my spiritual life,
All due to my heart’sIndispensable assistance.
Because of God’sUnconditional Compassion-Descent,
My life’s imperfection-dayHas drawn to an end.
```Although humanity has kept
Very few of its promises so far,God still has perfect faith
In humanity. ```Make your mind
At every momentSweeter,
And make your heartAt every moment
Purer. ```Although I am totally lost within them,
My Lord Supreme tells meThat He has practically no interest
In my mind’s archives. ```When I live in my uninspired mind,
I do not even want to knowWho God is and where God is.
```God’s Feet may not be available
At every moment,But God’s Heart
Is always available. ```To serve God unconditionally
Is indeedAn exceptional privilege.
```If it is true
That my mind is in loveWith God the creation,
Then it is equally trueThat my heart is in love
With God the Creator. ```If your life is armed with spirituality,
Then in everything you do,You will keep God first and foremost.
```My mind is my battlefield.
My heart is my life-gardenPlus my soul-fragrance.
```Open your eyes soulfully,
And trust what you seeUnmistakably.
```When I dream God-dreams,
I lovingly feedMy heart-garden.
```May my morning
Be decoratedBy the beauty
Of golden silence. ```My Lord does not want me
To compromiseIn anything whatsoever.
```I know, I know,
Gratitude has a safe shelterIn everybody’s heart-home.
```God does not want you
To explain everything to Him.He just wants you
To entertain Him. ```My Lord has come to me
With wonderful news!From now on,
I shall be able to please HimIn His own Way.
```I challenged God’s Pride
When I said that my useless mindIs beyond transformation.
```My Lord,
Do tell me if there is anythingThat far surpasses everything else
In beauty.“My child, it is
Your own aspiration-heart.” ```God’s Blessings
Are always available,But where is the beauty
Of my receptivityAnd the fragrance
Of my gratitude? ```I am always to be found
Either in my mind’s prayerful criesOr in my heart’s soulful smiles.
```The very nature of the mind
Is to watch carefully.The very nature of the heart
Is to give freely. ```A God-centred life
Will, without fail,Either today or tomorrow,
Arrive at the ultimate Destination. ```The human mind
Will always want more.The divine heart
Will always give more. ```O my heart,
At every momentTry to climb and climb
My life’s aspiration-tree. ```My mind wants me to love
God the Mother and God the FatherEqually.
Indeed, this is a very difficult taskFor the human mind.
```Each time
My heart does something great,My soul celebrates
My heart’s achievement. ```There are many entrance-ways
To God’s Palace.I have chosen my life’s
Unconditional surrender-way. ```The expectation-messenger
Foolishly knocksAt the frustration-door.
```May my heart-dream-sky
Always remain free of cloudsSo that I can fulfil the Will
Of my Lord Supreme. ```O my heart,
Every day I want to batheIn the infinite joy of forgiveness.
```From:Sri Chinmoy,Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 237, Agni Press, 1997
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/ap_237