A heart of devotion
Not only sweetens,But also brightens
Our God-journey. ```When the mind
Ceaselessly boasts,Death thinks
The proper time has comeTo take the mind
In its clutches. ```My Lord,
I do not want to be famous,But I would like to be precious
By serving YouIn the heart of humanity.
```I do not know,
And perhaps I do not need to know,The difference between
The perfection of the mindAnd the satisfaction of the heart.
```God has many assistants,
But He heavily depends onHis peace-assistant.
```My Lord, I pray to You
To shake my disobedience-mind-treeTo its very roots.
```My prayerful heart
And my Lord’s merciful HeartHave promised each other
To meet every day, without fail,At least once.
```My Lord, do bless me
With sleepless dreamsOf ever-transcending
Beauty and fragrance. ```Every day
My Lord’s Compassion-Music-EyesHelp me transform
My wild, unruly mind. ```I shall claim
Only two victories:God’s Compassion-Flood
And my nature’s fire-pure transformation. ```When God invites
My soul and my heart,He deliberately does not send
An invitation to my mind. ```My God-aspiration-dream
Was good.My God-manifestation-reality
Is infinitely better. ```O my mind,
Everything gets old.How is it that you
Do not get old and decaySo that my heart and I
May together peacefully live? ```My doubting mind
Every dayTries to keep my aspiring heart
Knee-deep in confusion. ```God-reliance I need,
Not self-confidence,Which is astonishingly fragile.
```My life’s God-surrender
And my heart’s God-gratitudeAre two most significant highlights
Of my spiritual journey. ```Unlike our mind-dictionary,
Our God-dictionaryDoes not house two words:
Hopeless and useless. ```Each God-realised soul
Has three invaluable giftsFor humanity:
In God’s own Way. ```O my mind,
I want you to beA full-time God-seeker.
O my heart,I want you to be
A full-time God-lover.O my life,
I want you to beA full-time God-server.
And I myselfWant to be
A full-time God-dreamer. ```God accepts love-letters
Only from thoseWho can swim
In their heart-riverWith bravely powerful strokes.
```I wanted to pluck fragrant flowers
From my heart-garden.Alas,
I am collecting only dry weedsFrom my mind-jungle instead.
```In the morning
I pray to God the LightTo illumine my mind.
In the eveningI pray to God the Peace
To envelop my heart. ```Man’s unwillingness,
Man’s disobedienceAnd man’s ingratitude
Are prehistoric relicsFrom antiquity,
Yet we cherish them still. ```A moment
Embodies Eternity.Eternity
Reveals itself through Infinity. ```God wants us to be
Practical and realisticNo matter which approach we take
To realise Him. ```The inner confidence
And the outer competenceMust go together
To make man perfectIn all spheres of life.
Is my outer name.God-fulness
Is my inner name.One more name I need
In my inner worldAnd in my outer world:
God-satisfaction. ```The willingness of the mind,
The eagerness of the heartAnd the selflessness of the life
Can make a seeker perfect. ```If you violate
Your God-manifestation-promiseTo your soul,
Then you will be utterly ruined. ```If God forgets my phone number,
What can I sayAnd what can I do?
But if I lose God’s phone number,I should and will remain
Inexcusable and inconsolable. ```O my Lord,
Do give me the capacityTo catch my gratitude-bird
At my heart’s doorWhen it wants to fly away.
Sometimes I do not knowThe difference between
Cruelties and stupidities. ```To make the fastest progress,
We have to sweeten our heartWith prayerful tears.
```May my heart feed
On God’s Compassion-flooded inner SmileAt every moment.
```With a thunderbolt-determination,
I shall build my HeavenInside my heart’s despair-night.
```My Lord Supreme,
I need onlyAn unconditional surrender-triumph,
Not a series of earth-gloriesWhich are short-lived triumphs.
```My soulful smiles
Have an unmistakable source:My gratitude-heart.
```I must not allow
My ancient fears and doubtsTo haunt
My present God-hungry mind. ```Only when we are unconditional
In our aspiration-heartAnd our dedication-life
Can we soar upInto God’s ecstasy-flooded Sky.
```I do not want to become
A joy-billionaire.I want only to have God
In every wisp of my thought. ```I saw the Face of God.
Alas,My salvation remained a far cry.
I touched the Feet of God.
Lo, I have becomeA salvation-smile-life.
```A fear-mountain
And a doubt-forest I was.But now a confidence-sea
And a faith-fountain I am. ```If your aspiration is extremely strong,
Then ignorance is bound to failIn its mission in your life.
```A real spiritual Master
Is he who has earnedThe full support
Of the inner worlds. ```My Lord,
I do not want a mindThat desires to eclipse
The greatness and goodnessOf my fellow citizens of the world.
```When you do not care in the least
For the noise of popular acclaim,You will be able to dance
With Heaven’s brightest and purest stars. ```Do not try to fool yourself
By thinking that you will be ableTo please and fulfil God
At the final stroke of your life-clock.If you want to please God in His own Way,
Then pray and meditateConsciously, willingly and self-givingly
At every moment. ```Once more
My Lord Supreme will take birthIn my gratitude-heart-tears.
```Readiness, willingness
And eagernessHave no occasion for remorse.
```Become a genuine seeker,
So you do not have to breatheShorter than the shortest
God-love-breaths. ```O my mind,
Sleep and sleepIf that is what you want.
O my heart,Sleep is not meant for you.
You must always remain awake. ```Not one, but two saviours I have:
My tearful heartAnd my cheerful smile.
```No, my mind,
You are, as usual, wrong.It is your brother, heart
That God wants and needsTo assist Him.
```Breathless aspiration
Sweetens our Heavenward journey.Selfless dedication
Brightens our Heavenward journey. ```Alas,
How can I pleaseMy Lord Supreme
When I haveSuch a self-infatuated mind?
```My heart says to God,
“My Lord,In spite of all my weaknesses,
Do count on meWhenever You need something.”
```The dissatisfaction-mind
And the satisfaction-heartAlways collide.
Alas, the satisfaction-heart suffersInfinitely more.
```O my mind,
Remain not stupid any more.Be wise,
And put an end to your doubt-lifeAs quickly as possible.
My life is still an unbloomed promiseAnd an unblossomed God-satisfaction.
```I am so happy that at last
My stronger than the strongest faithIs able to place my mind’s doubt
On its deathbed. ```Every day I must desperately try
To address the task of perfectionWith my earthly life.
```My heart’s promise
Is indeed good,But my life’s fulfilment
Is infinitely better. ```If you are every inch
A God-lover,Then God wants you to complete
Your inner education only,And no other education.
```We are so fortunate
That it is God the CompassionAnd not God the Justice
Who makes the rounds of inspectionOf our aspiration-heart.
```Every day in vain
My doubting mind triesTo keep my aspiring heart captive.
We live in a success-worshipping eraAnd not in a progress-loving era.
```O my body, vital, mind and heart,
I really want you to beNot only related,
But also interdependent. ```Alas,
My self-indulgent self-congratulationHas ruined my aspiration-beauty’s heart.
```If you have really done something
Worthwhile for God,Then God will never allow you
To pass into oblivion. ```Nothing else
But a cheerful and sleepless obedienceIs the backbone of spirituality.
```I am so happy that my mind
Has at long last decided to participateIn my heart’s search for God,
And will not hide any longerBehind a curtain of indifference.
```The mind’s helplessness
And the heart’s hopelessnessHave the unusual capacity
To spread like wildfire. ```Expectation is eventually forced
By the divine forcesTo knock at the frustration-door.
```Alas, when I look within,
I see a mountain of dirtIn my mind,
And when I look without,A temptation-tempest
Ruthlessly tortures my entire being. ```Only the multitude
Of God-hungry soulsCan and will save this world
From the destruction-blowsOf ignorance-night.
```My service to God
Paves the way.My love of God
Makes the day. ```My Lord commands me
Not to be ashamedOf myself,
But to face my weaknessesAnd transform them.
```Trust not what you hear,
Trust not what you see,But trust
What you feel. ```Today is the day
My mind has chosen to beThe child of sincerity,
My heart has chosen to beThe child of purity
And my life has chosen to beThe child of humility.
```O my mind,
Do not run away.O my vital,
Do not hide.You both can change
And will change. ```From kindness,
Goodness blooms.From goodness,
Fulness blossoms.In fulness, we transcend ourselves
And become the Satisfaction-SmileOf God.
```Be pure,
My jungle-mind.Be self-giving,
My garden-heart.Be perfect,
My God-surrender-life. ```O my mind, be not stupid.
Do not run awayFrom your illumination-heart-home.
```Today I am caught in a flurry of fears
Because I neglectedMy morning prayer-mind
And meditation-heart. ```My Lord is available
In all delicious flavoursOnly when I most prayerfully
And most soulfullyDo Him little favours.
```We came into the world
To be dynamic for God-manifestationAnd not to enjoy slumber-complacency.
```The mind is ready to pray to God
For God-satisfaction in God’s own WayOnly when life has lost
All its desire-charms. ```Is there anything forbidden
In our spiritual life?Yes!
Our self-doubt-mindAnd God-doubt-heart.
```My Lord,
Do bless me with a single boon:Do allow me to decorate Your Feet
With my heart-tears. ```Like my soul,
I want my heart, mind, vital and bodyTo walk along
My Master’s compassion-light-road. ```You can love the world
Self-givinglyOnly when your own life
Is fully God-activated. ```Alas, will the human mind
Ever be tiredOf playing with ignorance-desire-night?
```God never misses
His Forgiveness-Duty,But we so often forget
Our aspiration-duty. ```When your love of God
Becomes unconditional,Only then will God be interested
In all the details of your outer life. ```My Lord,
If You want to smash my pride,Do smash it,
But do not allow me to forgetThe beauty and fragrance
Of Your Compassion-Eye. ```O my physical pain,
I am all gratitude to you,For you have intensified
My God-aspirationAnd God-dedication.
```O my mind,
Are you not ashamed of aimlessly roamingInside your God-unwillingness-land?
```The mind that is a professional
World-fault-finderCan never have even an iota
Of oneness-heart-life-satisfaction. ```The human in us
Knows only one thing:How to acquire.
The divine in us
Also knows only one thing:How to aspire.
```My Lord tells me
That all my sweet secretsAre safe with Him,
All my mind’s uncomely thoughtsAre safe with Him,
All my life’s trembling insecuritiesAre safe with Him.
```From:Sri Chinmoy,Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 238, Agni Press, 1997
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/ap_238