The best way
To stay on any spiritual pathIs to claim the path as one’s own, very own,
Unreservedly. ```The human in me thinks
That if I cry,Then only will God smile.
But the divine in me knowsThat if I offer God my heart-smiles,
Then only will God smile most proudly. ```My aspiring heart
Is the bridge betweenHumanity’s tears
And Divinity’s Smiles. ```O God-seeker,
Be not afraid to takeA giant step forward.
God Himself is dreamingHis loftiest Dreams
In and through you. ```God’s Compassion-Eye
My aspiration-heart follows.God’s Forgiveness-Feet
My clever mind follows. ```My mind is always the loser
Every time,No matter how cleverly
It betrays the soul. ```A sincerity-mind and a purity-heart
Will never get lostOn their way to the God-destination.
```In my aspiration-heart
I always strongly feelThat the peace-seekers
Are the best God-lovers. ```The inner chaos
Will be infinitely worseIf we mix with
The outer darkness. ```A doubt-dominated mind
Will never be able to hearThe sound of God’s Doorbell.
```Each human being
Either consciously or unconsciouslyIs a student of hope.
```If you constantly and deliberately
Disobey God,God may forgive you,
But you will never be ableTo forgive yourself
Until you allow God-awareness,God-obedience and God-gratitude
To fully blossom in you. ```If there is no obedience-seed,
There can be no love-plant.If there is no love-plant,
There can be no devotion-tree.If there is no devotion-tree,
There can be no surrender-fruit. ```The beauty of my morning prayer
I treasure.The fragrance of my evening meditation
I treasure. ```Our life is not
An opportunity-scarcity.Our life is
A determination-failure. ```To establish our oneness
With God’s Will,What we need
More than anything elseIs a thought-free mind.
```My Lord, I pray to You
To give me the capacityTo be always away from
Self-sufficient people.My Lord, I pray to You
To give me the capacityTo be always near
Those who entirely and ceaselesslyDepend on You.
```My Lord Supreme,
I do not know how I dare to sayThat I love You deeply
When I consciously and deliberatelyDo not want to be one
With Your all-knowing and all-fulfilling Will. ```I enter into my mind-jungle
To paint it with rose-purity-colours.I enter into my heart-garden
To paint it with lotus-divinity-colours. ```If you want to succeed in life
In any field,Then you must cultivate
A razor-sharp concentration. ```Each time I have
A God-soaring thought,I swim in the sea of happiness.
```Every morning I sing
At least seven heart-fragrance-songsTo please my Lord Supreme.
```Only when I surrender to God’s Will
Can I make friendsWith the rising satisfaction-sun
Of my heart. ```I can escape
From my madness-mind,But it is simply an impossible task
To escape from my sadness-heart. ```I do not get any joy
From my proud peace-possession.I get joy only
From my soulful peace-invocation. ```May my heart have two achievements:
An aura of sacrednessAnd the fragrance of gratitude.
```Whenever anybody asks me
How I succeed in so many things,I tell them that my heart has deep roots
In surrender-soil. ```Every day
My heart’s aspiration-intensitiesFight against
My mind’s complacency-absurdities. ```Each time I offer
My sweetness-gratitudeTo my Lord,
My heart becomesInfinitely more luminous
Than I can ever imagine. ```A tranquillity-mind
Is, indeed, a very rare boonFrom God.
```There are many ways
To expand our aspiration-heart,But the easiest way is to imagine
A flower-purity-presenceInside our heart.
```What I need
At every momentIs a gratitude-expansion-breath.
```Soulfully throbbing inspiration
From the heartCan definitely show us
The way to our destination. ```What God is really looking for
Is not our capacityBut our willingness.
```Willingness knows
That there is no time to delay.Everything has to be done at once,
Happily and self-givingly. ```Unwillingness thinks
It has plenty of time.Therefore, it does not
Have to surrender itself to speed. ```The mind wants to exhibit
Its towering greatness.The heart wants to hide
Its flowering goodness. ```My surrender-heart
And my life-happinessAlways go together.
```Morning dawns.
My life’s hope and my heart’s promiseMeet together
For a new fulfilment. ```Every day
I pray to my Lord SupremeTo help my faith blossom
To its fullest proportions. ```Alas, is there any day
That I do not tortureGod’s Compassion-Eye
And His Forgiveness-Heart? ```My life’s delight
Never fails to amply rewardMy willingness-heart.
```May my peace-hope
And my peace-promiseExtend from horizon to horizon.
```God will soon make it public
That the disobedience-seekersWill never, never arrive
At the Goal. ```Do you really love God?
Then come and show the torrentsOf your God-longing tears.
```I am confident in my spiritual life
Because every dayI hear God singing
His Forgiveness-Song,No matter what I do.
```Only the purity-breath
Of angelsCan purify the mind
Of human beings. ```When it is a matter
Of the Godward race,It is always obedience
That wins. ```Alas,
Why do I allow my doubting mindTo spoil the beauty of my heart
And the fragrance of my soulEvery day?
```In the spiritual life,
Emptiness is preparatory to fulness.Alas, the mind is frightened to death
When it experiences emptiness. ```Only the aspiring and self-giving soul
Can hearGod’s Footsteps.
```The wings of desire
Break downEven before the flight begins.
The wings of aspirationFly and fly
Through Infinity’s Sky. ```Love is not life’s finished song.
Devotion is not life’s finished song.Surrender is not life’s finished song.
Only a sleepless and breathlessGod-oneness-heart
Is life’s finished and ever-fulfilling song. ```Return to your childhood’s
Forgotten dreams.You will be able to expedite
The fulfilment of your life’s realities. ```The mind’s storms
At times we can weather,At times we cannot.
But to weather the heart’s stormsIs almost an impossible task
Unless Grace divineDescends from Above.
```My Lord, do not give me a mind
That in turn veils and unveilsYour divine Reality in me.
```If you have a simplicity-mind,
A sincerity-life and a purity-heart,Then you are really ready
To walk along Eternity’s Road. ```My Lord,
I do not need Affection from You.My Lord,
I do not need Compassion from You.My Lord,
I do not need Concern from You.My Lord,
I need only one thing from You:Do allow me
Every morning and every eveningTo kiss the dust of Your Feet.
```When others walk out,
My Lord’s Compassion-EyeSecretly comes in
And my Lord’s Forgiveness-HeartOpenly comes in.
```God has no time
To build a roadInside my mind
To reach Him.But God is busy
Every dayBuilding a new road
Inside my heartSo that I can arrive
At my DestinationAnd forever live there.
```The best thing to have
Is an aspiration-heart.The best thing to become
Is a forgiveness-soul. ```Every morning
God welcomes meTo drink as much as I want
From His own Inspiration-Fountain. ```Immortal happiness blossoms
From the divine hungerTo give and give and give.
Is divinely sacred.Serving
Is supremely sacred.Self-giving
Is eternally sacred. ```He who has a heart of fragrance
Will give to others freelyThe lustre-message
Of self-transcendence. ```God asks me not to remember
When I giveAnd not to forget
When I take. ```The Compassion-Heart
Of my Lord SupremeMay not be imminent
But it is always immanent. ```If you weep
At your yesterday’s grave,How will you ever
Be able to standOn your life’s victory-stand?
```Both in the inner world
And in the outer world,Negativity blunts
Divinity’s Reality-Splendour. ```God constantly tells us
That an obedience-lifeHas no equal.
```When we give our all
To God’s Will,No more do we remain
A grain of sandUpon Infinity’s Shore.
We just becomeInfinity’s Shore itself.
```O my mind,
Do not refuse to followGod’s Lead
If you want to immortaliseYour earth-sojourn.
```The best use of each second
Is to feelThat God not only knows everything
But also is growingIn and through us
In an unprecedented way. ```God’s endless Arms
Will embrace immediatelyWhoever self-givingly
Turns towards God. ```What I need
Is not an unending talkWith God’s Will,
But an unending walk and runWith God’s Will.
```Not my greatness-mind
But my goodness-heartHas a free access
To God’s Nectar-flooded Heart. ```Every morning
I pray to GodFor an extra supply of Compassion.
Every eveningI pray to God
For an extra supply of Forgiveness. ```My gratitude-heart,
Believe it or not,Has the capacity
To turn all my calamitiesInto divine blessings.
```God and God’s Forgiveness together
Every day cultivateOur heart’s aspiration-soil.
```My God-belief is not enough.
My God-faith is not even enough.But my God-surrender is not only enough
But also more than enough. ```My gratitude-heart
Has a free accessTo God-Perfection
And God-Satisfaction-Palaces. ```My gratitude-heart
Is a perfect strangerTo all my mind’s negativities.
```If we fulfil God’s Will,
We immediately becomeGod’s own loveliest blossom.
```Alas, I am longing and longing
For a temple-heartAnd a purity-mind.
```When I pray,
I want to be chainedTo God’s Compassion-Heart.
When I meditate,I want to be chained
To God’s Justice-Eye. ```My mind is sleeping
Day and night.My heart is weeping
Day and night.My soul is envisioning
Sleeplessly and breathlessly. ```I can run away
From my heartAt my sweet will.
But alas,When I want to run away
From my mind,I find it to be an impossible task.
```O army of God-manifestation-soldiers,
Your task is to serve GodUnconditionally,
And God’s Task is to be proud of youUnreservedly.
```When I try to find fault with the world,
God immediately shows meThat I am nothing other than
A towering pillar of imperfections. ```O my mind,
Do you not think it is high timeFor you to have peace,
Even an iota of peace?Then do not act like a rushing river
Of aimless thoughts! ```The birds in my gratitude-heart-garden
Are not only beautiful and pure,But also constantly self-giving
While they are flyingAnd spreading the Message
Of my Lord Supreme. ```God can do anything He wants to.
To our widest surprise,He may even rock His own Boat
To enjoy His self-chosen failure-life. ```What everybody needs
Is a path-finder.What nobody needs
Is a fault-finder. ```My mind is always eager
To dominate the world.My heart is always eager
To nominate God for everything. ```I now enjoy roaring laughter
When I think of my lifeWhich was once thoroughly drenched
By desire-monsoons. ```The mind always tries to negate
The pure feelings of the heart.But the heart always tries to propagate
God’s ViewsIn the life of the unwilling mind.
```Why does God not care for me?
He does not care for me becauseI have completely covered my heart
With ignorance-dust. ```Do not blame the world;
Do not blame even God.Just blame yourself
For having now helplessly fallenInto frustration-chasm.
```The outer school teaches me
Earth-bound information-confusion.The inner school teaches me
Heaven-free illumination-satisfaction. ```At every moment you have to feel
That you are a tidal wave of readiness,Eagerness and willingness
If you want to please GodIn His own Way.
```From:Sri Chinmoy,Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 241, Agni Press, 1998
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