The real happiness
Is an insatiable hungerFor sleepless God-Satisfaction
In God’s own Way. ```My mind waits
For the return of God’s Power.My heart waits
For the return of God’s Peace. ```Our Lord Supreme tells us
That He wants to be soughtAnd not to be bought.
```The surrender beyond all surrenders
Is our constant willingnessTo please God in His own Way.
Is necessary.God-obedience
Is more than indispensable. ```Expectation and despair
Always move together,Although they do not care for each other
At all. ```God has been waiting
For a long, long timeTo greet my eagerness-heart.
```There are many ways
To make God smile,But the easiest way
Is to tell God sincerely,“You are my All,
My Eternity’s All.” ```There are many enemies I have,
But I feel that expectationIs my worst enemy.
```A heart of faith
Is not a fairytale.A heart of faith
Is the beauty and perfectionOf the angelic world.
```It is simply impossible to create
An anxiety-worry-free territoryInside one’s mind.
```A transformation-life
Is within the reachOf every human being.
```Today we call it
The darkest night.Tomorrow that very thing
We will call the brightest dawn. ```Gratitude
Is the very breathOf our constant love of God.
```God asks us
Not to think of the Goal.He just asks us
To take a first step. ```God has quite a few
Closely-guarded secrets.The most important one
Is man’s unexpected total transformation. ```A goalless seeker
Will eventually have frustrationAs his sad finish.
```If you want to be another God,
Then renounce your lifeOf pleasure-illusion.
```Each and every human being
Will realise God eventually.But if one wants to expedite
One’s God-journey,Then one has to take God-choice
As the first and foremost choice. ```The art of self-giving
Is, indeed, a supreme promoterOf God-manifestation
Here on earth. ```God the Compassion
Knows when to caress our hearts.God the Justice
Knows when to smite our minds. ```God never justifies Himself,
For He knows that in the endWe are bound to justify Him ourselves.
```What is enmity?
Enmity is nothing other thanThe inner wrestling of human beings.
```O my mind,
No matter how many timesYou refuse to be transformed,
There shall come a timeWhen you are bound to be transformed —
Of course, at God’s choice Hour! ```To strengthen our capacities
We need assistance from two divine helpers:A sympathy-heart
And an encouragement-hand. ```My love of God
Has no need of Heaven’s Bliss,For my love of God
Itself is the highest Bliss. ```When we aspire
Most sincerely and most soulfully,We come to realise
That there is no such thingAs an unattainable goal.
```God tells the human mind,
“My ignorance-child,You are hating the world today,
But tomorrow I shall change your hatredInto amusement-laughter.”
```Although we may not agree,
According to GodEverything a genuine God-lover has within
Is lovable. ```Each good thought
Immediately opensThe gate of inner strength.
```The shortest short-cut
To Heaven’s highest HeightIs our sleepless and breathless self-giving
To the Will of our Lord Supreme. ```My Lord tells me
That for the fastest progressIn my spiritual life
I have no need for the past or the future. ```When God clothes Himself
In a physical body,He is not only misunderstood
But also ridiculedBy humanity.
```My Lord Supreme,
I pray to You to bless my gratitude-heart-birdWith the strongest wings
To fly at every momentIn the sky of Your Compassion-Light.
```Do not try to bribe Fate;
You will fail!Do not try to chase Fate;
You will fail!Try to conquer Fate;
You will succeed,For success is your ultimate birthright.
```God within me
Is not the criticBut the audience,
Filled with curiosity and concern. ```Nobility in the mind
And generosity in the heartAre two most essential friends
That make our spiritual progressFaster than the fastest.
```What God finds difficult to pardon
Is not our misdeedsBut our unwillingness to confess.
```My Lord,
Do not allow my tiny aspiration-sunEither to fall asleep
Or to be eclipsed! ```O my inspiration-mind,
O my aspiration-heart,I want you both to work together.
Never quarrel, never! ```God the Justice we can never bribe —
No, not even God the Compassion.Why?
Because He has not yet developedThat weakness.
```God does not like to be
On the side of the past.He does not like to be
On the side of the future either.He likes only to be
On the side of the present. ```My Lord Supreme,
Keep me awake all the timeSo that I can fulfil You
Whenever Your Command comes. ```My Lord,
I do not want to remainInside any man-made pocket.
I want to be alwaysInside Your Heart-Pocket.
```There is nothing
That is not within the reachOf an aspiring human being.
```Problems there are,
But they do not have to existAny longer
If we make our surrenderAbsolutely complete.
```The darkest nights of the mind
Must eventually surrenderTo the illumination
Of the brightest dawns. ```My Lord Supreme,
I am offering my gratitude-breathTo Your Eternity’s Patience-Life.
```Upon mankind’s obedience-rock
OnlyCan a peace-world ever be built.
Is only a first step,And not the goal.
```Today’s God-realisation
Will definitely add toTomorrow’s God-manifestation.
```Two inconstant realities:
My self-doubtAnd my self-assertion.
```I am precious
In God’s EyesOnly when my heart becomes
Sleeplessly gracious. ```As century after century dawns,
Humanity’s heartWill eventually awaken
To Divinity’s Light. ```The day I made
My unconditional surrender complete,I was embraced by God
With all His Enthusiasm-Pride. ```We get joy
In keeping some secrets,But God does not subscribe
To our philosophy.He keeps no secrets
From His close associates:Self-giving God-lovers.
I never knew how beautifulMy God-surrender-tears would be!
```As it requires
Full-time devotionFor mankind to please God,
Even so, it requiresFull-time attention
For God to please mankind. ```The mind, vital and body of those
Who do not want to beAcquainted with God’s Will
Will eventually sink into the abysmal abyss. ```Those who have
Invaluable inner insightsWill have the power
To help transform man into God. ```The transformation
Of a single bad thoughtCan be the manifestation
Of something divine, absoluteAnd supreme.
```Our heart’s cries
Are our special messengersFrom our soul to God.
```When I am determined
To have God-choiceAs my only choice,
My goal does not remainA far cry any more.
```My Lord,
Do tell me the choice HourThat You have selected
To liberate meFrom unending bubbles of thought.
```My Lord,
Will we ever realiseThe gravity of our spiritual disaster
When we criticise YouAnd do not see eye to eye with You?
```The choicest Blessing-Smile of God
Descended upon himWhen he remained unmoved
By world-appreciationAnd unperturbed by world-deprecation.
```No, not even hell
Can smash a gratitude-heartThat wants to please God always
In His own Way. ```Our aspiration-thirst
God will gladly quenchAt His choice Hour.
But our ego’s thirstDefinitely He will not quench
Permanently. ```Peace will be
By far the best promoterOf God-manifestation on earth.
```Be not caught
In your self-criticism-net.Be not caught
In your world-criticism-net. ```To have a good idea
In the mind,And to perform a better action
From the heart,Will definitely expedite
Our journey towards our goal. ```The best way to liberate ourselves
From the confusion-mindIs to live inside
The cries of our heart. ```Every morning
I get tremendous satisfactionWhen I look at the delight-rainbow-smiles
Of the dawn. ```We must offer
Our gratitude-heart to GodFor our every progress-breath.
```We must transcend
Our inferiority feelingsAt every moment
To be one withThe ever-transcending Reality.
```The ignorance-mind plays
Win-and-lose games.The wisdom-heart plays
Only oneness-game. ```Right from the very beginning
Conquer your small worries and anxieties.Otherwise, they can grow into
Very serious problems. ```O my Lord Supreme,
Do grant me one single boon.Do liberate me
From my human one-track mindThat always runs towards
Ignorance-destruction. ```If we act from the very depths
Of our inspiration-heartSleeplessly,
Then God is bound to extol our virtuesTo the skies.
```Wherever there is a oneness-heart,
God the Singer of Joy-SongsIs available there.
```I thrive on my life’s
```What is ignorance?
Ignorance is somethingThat always tempts us
To run backwards. ```God Himself shows our hearts
How to walk alongHis Compassion-flooded Path.
```Wherever God goes,
He always allowsHis Peace and Delight
To accompany Him. ```Of all the inner world’s hooligans,
DisobedienceIs the worst.
```God has invited my soul
To give a lecture on obedience,And He has compelled
My heart, mind, vital and bodyTo attend.
```When your life is clothed
In obedience and gratitude,God-realisation will not remain
A far cry. ```Only our inner gratitude
Has the capacityTo multiply and magnify
The beauty of our aspiration-hearts. ```Because my heart cries
Prayerfully and soulfully,God always has a soft spot
For my heart. ```My Lord Supreme
Again and again tells meThat I came into the world
Only to realise and not to socialise. ```My heart always comes first
In my God-expansion-life.My soul always comes first
In my God-satisfaction-life. ```Because you did not
Take God unconditionally,God cannot
Take your life seriously. ```Endless
Is our mind’s expectation.Beginningless and deathless
Is our heart’s gratitude. ```We empty the mind
So that God can enter.We fill the heart
To sing God’s Glories. ```If you want to climb
Surrender-ladder,You must have the courage
To change your mind. ```We compel God to change His Mind
Countless times.But, poor God!
When He asks us to change our mindOnly once,
We immediately refuse. ```My stupid and senseless mind,
No more shall I allow youTo torture my heart-bird.
Realisation-mountainAnd God-satisfaction-mountain
Do not have any topmost peak. ```Every day my soul comes
To unlock my mind-door,But every day it sadly fails.
```If you want to astonish God,
Then on the strengthOf your unconditional surrender,
Open all your heart-petalsAs quickly as possible.
```From:Sri Chinmoy,Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 242, Agni Press, 1998
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