My unconditional surrender-life to God
Is exactly what God has been waiting forFor centuries.
```When we are ready to please God
In God’s own Way,He blesses us with a panorama
Of opportunities. ```God tells me that
Those who sincerely aspireAre His Divinity’s treasured angels.
```It seems that a lifetime of longing
Is absolutely necessaryTo liberate us
From our bottomless anxieties. ```Meditation
Is the only painkillerFor all our mind-ailments.
```God-reliance only
Has the capacityTo clip the flying wings
Of doubt. ```When we stop praying and meditating
Altogether,Self-indulgence-abyss invites us,
And we immediately accept its invitation. ```The mind’s obstinacy
Shuts the heart-doorDeliberately and ruthlessly.
```Oh, where is the God-Reality-Heart-Boat,
Where is it?I am all eagerness to be a passenger.
```What we desperately need
Is a God-realisation-promiseAnd a lifetime surrender-heart.
```O self-infatuated mind,
God’s Perfection-TouchAnd God’s Satisfaction-Smile
Will never be yours! ```What is self-doubt,
If not a lengthening chainOf suffering?
```It is the blows of life
That will be embracedBy God’s Compassion first.
```A cheerful surrender
Is the sunlit pathTo the Source.
```God cannot close His Eyes
To the factThat humanity on the whole
Does not care for HimAnd does not feel it needs Him.
```All the divine blessings
Can easily be foundInside a gratitude-heart-garden.
```You can efface destiny’s stamp
On your foreheadIf your life-breath becomes
God-reliance. ```To me,
God is His beautiful Eye,God is His peaceful Heart,
God is His blessingful Feet. ```If we really want to be happy,
Then we must purify the mindOf its surprisingly
And astonishingly limitedUnderstanding-power.
```When I have a deep meditation,
God Himself invites meTo be in the company
Of Heavenly stars. ```May my life
Be totally immersedIn God’s Forgiveness-Fountain.
```The gratitude of the heart
Is itself the breath-gratitudeOf life.
```Because the mind is insincere
By nature,Obscurity can come
And powerfully shake handsWith the mind.
```I need two things
To gladden my heart:The beauty of tolerance
And the fragrance of patience. ```When all else fails, just repeat:
“My Lord, I am all Yours;You are all mine.”
Lo, you are completely savedAnd utterly satisfied.
```My Lord, why is our inner journey
So arduous?“My child, so that you will value
The supreme necessity of your destination:The Golden Shore.”
```I tell my Lord
That I am a shattered heart.My Lord tells me,
“My child, then I amMy blessingful Smile for you.”
```My Lord,
You know I am not doing at all well.Forgive me.
“My child, I know, I know.Just do not give up.
Everything will be all right againAt My choice Hour.”
```My Lord of Compassion
Every day visits meTo cure my outer blindness
And inner illness. ```Unless you dare to say
A categorical “No!”To your world-frustrations,
Your life is bound to beFarther than the farthest
From satisfaction. ```O seeker, be careful!
At any moment fear and doubtCan turn your heart-waves
Topsy-turvy. ```Nothing can be more accurate
And perfectThan this realisation:
Today’s God-seekerIs tomorrow’s God-discoverer.
```Alas, for the mind
The Hour God choosesComes and goes by.
```A sincere seeker does not allow
God’s CompassionTo remain anonymous all the time.
```The divinity of my soul
Is my life’s templeAnd my heart’s shrine.
```It is, indeed, an extremely difficult task
To cheerfully and proudly climb upThe tower of gratitude.
```When the mind speaks endlessly,
It sees nothing,It feels nothing,
It remains nothing —As usual.
```Insanity of the mind
Is the worst possible calamityIn the aspiration-life.
```When you are proud,
You can never contain the world.You can only foolishly
Disdain the world. ```Love and devotion
Must cheerfully walk,March and run
Along the beauty-floodedSurrender-road.
```The doubting mind
Undoubtedly needs a cane,While the aspiring heart
Desperately needs a plane. ```O intellectual mind,
Let us see how long you can remainWithout being dull
And without being gloomy. ```The body’s austerity
Is nothing short of stupidity.The heart’s intensity
Is all divinity. ```O my heart’s cheerful journey,
To me you are in no way inferiorTo my blessingful Goal.
```God laughs hysterically
When I say that I amGood for nothing.
```Do we ever realise
That because of our mind,We have become virtually
Desire-victims? ```My expectation is my foolishness.
My foolishness does not allow meTo see the life-tree
Or its God-satisfaction-fruits. ```Illusion has found its home
Inside my mind.Depression has found its home
Inside my vital.And I have found my home, only home,
Inside my God-gratitude-heart. ```Even a faint-hearted seeker
Deserves my sincere appreciationAnd admiration.
```Smile, smile as powerfully as possible
To relieve yourselfOf your mental tension.
```No human being
Is forever doomedTo swim in the sea
Of ignorance-night. ```May my heart’s aspiration-train
And my soul’s realisation-planeForever remain unstoppable.
```How I wish my doubting mind
To be pronounced guiltyAnd sentenced!
```The beauty of God’s Compassion-Eye
Is now inexplicable,But one day it will become
Quite transparent. ```If you develop harmony with all,
Then yours will be a heartTotally free from sorrow.
```Everything you must transcend
If you want to become a God-fulfillerAnd not just a well-wisher of God.
```God’s Compassion has always been
The source of my aspiration-heartAnd dedication-life.
```My Lord of Compassion,
I have finally decidedI shall not hide from You
And I shall not run away from YouAny more.
```Never say good-bye
To the God-dreamersOf peace, light and bliss.
```As earthly tears
Are irreplaceable,Even so, Heavenly smiles
Are irresistible. ```Do not allow your mind
To crucify your sincerity-heartAnd simplicity-life.
```Do not give up your spiritual life.
If you do,Eventually you will become
Heart-rending, flaming tears. ```God is God-Infinity’s Compassion-Sea.
And what am I?I am just a few tiny God-drops.
```Not my curiosity-mind
But my receptivity-heartIs the shortest distance
To reach the heightOf the ever-transcending Beyond.
```You will be able to travel
In the company of starsIf your mind becomes kindness,
Your heart becomes affectionAnd your life becomes oneness.
```Abandon those thoughts immediately
That do not have the courageTo defend God.
Defending God is the only wayTo arrive
At your luminosity-flooded Shore. ```My Lord,
Every day You come to meAs a Forgiveness-Fountain.
May I not becomeA gratitude-mountain?
```What I need
Is an outer rainbow-smileOf inner delight.
```My Lord Supreme,
I do not believe inHumanity’s proud opinion
Of Your Universal Life. ```Inside our aspiration-heart
There is always the beautyAnd fragrance
Of the Unknowable. ```Alas, will my mind ever become
A flower-garden of purity-lifeAnd aspiration-breath?
```God’s biggest frustration
Is my mind’s unwillingnessAnd my heart’s unreadiness.
```My Lord of Compassion
Loudly appreciatesThe prayer-breath
Of my heart-boat. ```O my tricky mind,
What you deserve is a thunder-kickFrom my aspiration-heart
And dedication-life. ```My Lord Supreme,
I know if I do not obey YouCheerfully and self-givingly,
Then my life will eventually becomeA sorrow-flooded sea.
```O twinkling gratitude-moments
Of my heart,How beautiful, how illumining
And how fulfilling you are! ```The human life is a market
Of desire-absurdities.The divine life is a garden
Of supreme necessities. ```May my heart one day rise
To majestic authorityOver my audacity-mind.
```God wants each and every heart-train
To be completely fullBefore it starts
Its God-Destination-journey. ```Not only does the heart know
But also it is heading towardsImmortality’s blue-gold Shore.
```You want to know what I am doing.
I am just singing and playingAnd playing and singing
In my soul’s universal nest. ```Each dancing drop
Of God’s DelightIs quenching my Eternity’s
God-thirst. ```God, You are my heart-beauty’s
DivinityAnd my soul-divinity’s
Immortality. ```A happy, happier, happiest heart
Is neededTo awaken and mould man’s smile.
```Every morning when I pray,
I keep my heart hummingThe soulful beauty-melodies
Of light, peace and bliss. ```My self-indulgence
AndMy ingratitude-life
SomehowAlways want to live together.
```A rainbow-smile from his heart
Has coloured the faceOf the entire universe.
```God’s Compassion-Eye descends
To satisfy the hopesOf countless human beings
In a twinkling. ```Your unwilling admiration of God
Is the productOf your unendingly unillumined mind.
```O seeker, do not worry!
Your aspiration-heart-criesWill eventually untie
The anxiety-worry-knots of your mind. ```My morning aspiration-eye
Brightens my inner lifeAnd lightens my outer life.
```My mind prefers complexity,
My heart prefers simplicityAnd I prefer unity.
```God will be hospitable
To your tearsIf you are hospitable
To humanity’s smiles. ```What I need is not
Human God-invention,But divine God-discovery.
```I have decided that
I shall no longer remainMy mind-puppet-slave.
```When the divine in us
Fails to come to the fore,The human in us
Starts disintegrating. ```Do not compromise,
If you really want to cherishThe bloom and blossom
Of your freedom-life. ```May my heart, my vital
And my body becomeA constantly self-giving fountain.
```How beautiful and soul-stirring
Are the aspiration-eyesThat glisten with sleepless tears.
```The task of a perfect God-lover
Is to tell the whole world what God,Out of His infinite Bounty,
Does for each human being,And not what God is or where God is.
```From:Sri Chinmoy,Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 258, Agni Press, 1998
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