The closeness
Of my Lord Beloved SupremeIs the only dream-reality
That quenchesMy heart’s aspiration-thirst.
```If we want to be perfect
In our spiritual life,Then we must bravely march
Inside our heart-territory. ```God’s infinite Compassion
Every day flows towards usThrough His Forgiveness-Heart-River.
```I wanted to offer
My undivine thoughts to GodEvery hour,
But my Lord wants me to offer HimMy undivine thoughts
At every second. ```When I feel my need
Is God’s Need,I dance with absurdity.
But when I feel God’s NeedIs my need,
I enjoy the full blossomingOf Divinity’s Reality.
```The road of the intellect
At times can be very gloomy, darkAnd even dangerous.
```Each undivine, uninspiring thought
Is, indeed, a curseTo my spiritual life.
```Our heart’s genuine aspiration-cries
Keep us away fromOur mind’s confusion-prison.
```Is there anybody
Who does not want to enjoyThe sweetest flavour
Of blooming hopes? ```Our jungle-mind-decisions
Lead us to immediateFrustration-doom.
```Smile, smile at your failure,
If you want to continueAnd be perfect
In God’s Cosmic Game. ```Once you enter into the spiritual life,
Do not waver, do not hesitate.Do not allow yourself to be diverted
From your God-realisation-journey. ```If we want to succeed and proceed
In our spiritual life,We must bravely confront
All the pains of our life. ```Shine, shine,
O my inner heart-sun!Shine, shine —
At every moment shine! ```God readily, eagerly
And proudlyBlesses my heart’s gratitude-tears.
```What is disobedience,
If not the ignorance-prideOf my mind?
```Obedience means something
Infinitely moreThan I ever thought.
```God does not ask me to observe
The sorrows of the world,But He asks me to become one
With all the sorrows of the world. ```My Lord Supreme,
Never cease to command meAt Your sweet Will.
```I must treasure my constant need
Of God-obedienceAnd ignorance-repentance.
```Because of my constant disobedience,
My aspiration-lifeHas gone away from me.
```I must always escape
From the mind that parades itselfAnd the vital that exhibits itself.
```When I enter into my mind-jungle,
I immediately findThat I am infinitely less important
Than I thought. ```When I stand in front of
My Lord Supreme,I find myself to be
Infinitely more importantThan I ever thought.
```May every day come to me
With a fresh supply of faithAnd surrender-breath.
Are, indeed, good.Realisation-reality
Is infinitely better. ```Each new God-surrender-breath
Of my heartTastes sweeter than the previous one.
```My gratitude-heart-days always come
With equal inspiration, aspiration,Dedication and bliss.
```When I do anything good or divine
For my Lord Supreme,My blessingful reward
Is always certain. ```When I am in my mind,
I experience life as an illusion.When I am in my heart,
I realise life as a divine reality. ```My obedience-heart
Not only sweetensBut enlightens
Every moment of my life. ```At long last
I am seeing my heart’sPeace-freedom-oneness-horizon.
```When I am in my mind,
I am involved in a uselessTransformation-battle.
```With the loss of sincerity,
My heart is now emptyOf beauty.
```A heart of sincerity and eagerness
Is of paramount importanceFor God-manifestation here on earth.
```My Lord, do come into my heart
Every dayWith the beauty and fragrance
Of a new dream. ```Lovingly and proudly
I equally valueAll my mind’s exits
And all my heart’s entrances. ```My Lord, if You do not give me
Yet another chanceTo love You and serve You,
I shall surely end my life! ```Every blooming mind
And every blossoming heartIs, indeed,
A tremendous God-satisfaction. ```O my aspiration-flames,
How lovingly you bring to meMy aspiration-heart, my illumination-sun
And my realisation-God-divinity. ```I displease God
More than I can ever imagineWhen I allow myself
To withdraw unnoticed. ```May my aspiration-heart
Be as beautiful as the dawn,As powerful as the sun
And as vast as the sky. ```O my disobedience-mind,
Do you know how ruthlesslyYou are torturing me at every moment?
```The friendship
That is founded upon self-givingEven death cannot sever.
```The contest
Between the unaspiring mindAnd the aspiring heart
Can never be equal,For God always takes the side
Of the aspiring heart. ```When I deliberately do not listen
To my soul,I feel that I am helplessly stranded
In the vastness-territory of the unknown. ```What is my poor Lord doing?
He is waiting and waitingFor my prompt arrival.
```If you are afraid
Of your disagreeable God-duties,Then God Himself will make you exit
From His Heart-Home. ```Alas, every day
How much time we wasteBeing prompted by idle
And useless curiosity! ```If you allow your mind
To be skeptical,Then your aspiration-heart
Will be empty of delight. ```Each undivine thought
Secretly wants to demolishYour heart’s God-love-building.
```I have decided
That I shall never mingleWith my mind’s bitterness.
I shall always mingleWith my heart’s sweetness.
```What do you want?
Decide here and now:God-forgetfulness-pleasure
```When I surrender my life
To my soul,I am allowed to study
The God-satisfaction-bookIn my Lord’s Heaven-Library.
```You can easily reach
The summit-height of the saintsIf you pay special attention
To your mind’s sincerityAnd your heart’s purity.
```When I am in my mind’s poorhouse,
I see doubt-donationsPouring in fast, very fast.
```If you can truly surrender,
Then God will be able to fulfilIn and through you
A great many of His inspiringAnd illumining Dreams.
```Be careful!
One day you will have to introduce yourselfTo your illumining soul.
```If you are true to your own heart,
Then there will be nobody on earthUnreal to your life.
```Like God,
I must give everything away.Like God,
I must not believe in conserving anything. ```My Lord Supreme has no time
To watch my mind’sProud success-march.
```My Lord Supreme has all the time
In the worldTo listen to my heart’s
Progress-song. ```Every day God tells me
To do one thing for Him:He asks me to bring to Him
My mind-worries and empty them. ```My enthusiasm-mind
And my dynamism-vitalCan easily bring me
Extremely closeTo my Lord Supreme.
```Alas, will I ever have
A bouquet of spiritual achievementsTo offer to my Lord Supreme?
```If we can love God
For God’s sake,Then God will return
Our long-vanished aspiration-moments. ```The beauty of peace
Is being buried every day,And every day
It has to be resurrected. ```Wake up, look around
And see the blossomingOf a totally new world.
```My Lord,
May my aspiration-heartBe made of
Your Compassion-Eye-Songs. ```Every heart,
Either secretly or openly,Offers gratitude-beauty-fragrance
To its Lord Supreme. ```Each time I think of offering
My unconditional surrender to God,I move forward
One step nearer to God. ```Your God-realisation may now seem
A remote possibility,But one day it will seem inevitable.
```Do not blame God!
Your half-hearted attemptAt God-realisation
Is fully responsibleFor your failure-life.
```God Himself
Wants to be enslavedBy our heart’s snow-white prayers.
All your insurmountable obstacles.You are bound to succeed!
```The mind is a bundle
Of self-contradictions.It never arrives
At the satisfaction-goal. ```It is better to take
Desire-prompted actionThan to become a victim
To total inactivity. ```Long before the heavy weight
Of futile frustration captures us,We must have
An ever-climbing flame of aspiration-heart. ```Try to receive from God
The prize unparalleled:His Infinity’s Smile.
```No matter what problems
You encounter on the path,If once you have been
A supremely great seeker,And now you want to leave the path,
You are committing a blunderOf Himalayan proportions.
```We make a deplorable mistake
When we try to run the inner raceUnaided.
```We all know
How to starve our soul,But do we know how to starve
Our God-doubting mind? ```Spiritually advanced seekers
Suffer most severelyFrom their unfulfilled
God-manifestation-promises. ```Every day God shows us how to walk
With His new WillAnd how to collaborate
With His new Vision. ```Even when I am doomed
To disappointment,I am ready to go with God
Wherever He goes,Even to the lower than the lowest hell.
```If you do not have the time
To thank GodFor all the good things
That He has done for you,God will not mind.
It is your soulThat will severely reprimand you.
```My mind-jungle
Has fully surrenderedTo my heart-garden.
To me,It is not a small miracle —
It is the miracle of miracles! ```Like my Lord Supreme,
I do not believe inThe breadth, depth and height
Of impossibility. ```If you want to increase
Your God-manifestation-capacity,Then do it slowly, steadily
And unerringly. ```Wisdom of the ancients:
Give up everythingFor the sake of God.
Wisdom of the moderns:Since God has everything
At His disposal,Let me have a few minor things
From Him. ```If you can entertain
Even one good thoughtIn your mind,
Then definitely you and your mindWill become God’s favourites.
```Right from our childhood,
Our parents should help us learnThat our mind can be trained
Only by God’s Compassion-Eye. ```To want to know what is destined
Out of curiosityIs nothing short of utter stupidity.
But to want to know what is destinedIn order to work for
The radical transformationOf an individual or the whole world
Is quite advisable. ```We are doomed to disappointment
When we see someoneHas equalled us,
But in God’s case,He gets Infinity’s Joy
And Immortality’s DelightWhen we just make an attempt
To equal Him. ```Is our gratitude-heart ready
To welcomeGod’s Compassion-Eye
And His Forgiveness-Heart? ```Our insecurity-heart and impurity-mind
Somehow become friends,And together they run away
From God’s all-illumining Compassion-Eye. ```Self-doubt
Is the very beginningOf self-destruction.
```My Lord, Your Compassion-Eye
Is the only reality-blossom-treasureIn my spiritual life.
```The fulfilment
Of God’s Compassion-EyeIs my heart’s
Only dream. ```When my mind is simple,
When my heart is sincere,When my life is pure,
God comes downAnd teaches my mind, heart and life
The song of Eternity and Infinity. ```From:Sri Chinmoy,Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 259, Agni Press, 1998
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