Since I started seeing
With my heart,I see there is nothing
Beyond my life’s soulful reach. ```You can have access to God
By longing for your heart’sPerfection-song.
```To establish oneness
With the world withinAnd the world without
Is the best way for thoseWho want to realise God
And satisfy God in His own Way. ```Before temptation knocks
At your door,Fence your life around
With purity’s divine smile. ```God will not show you
His Heart’s TreasuryIf you fail to show Him
Your own heart’s oneness-coin. ```A Tear from God’s Eye
Is humanity’s beautiful aspiration.A Smile from God’s Eye
Is humanity’s powerful realisation. ```If self-offering
Does not apply to you,How can God-becoming
Ever apply to you? ```The secrets of the inner heights
Dwell far beyondThe territories of the mind.
```If you are really wise,
Then you will solveNot only today’s fleeting problems
But also tomorrow’s teeming problems. ```Your mind’s flattery-gift
God will never accept.He will accept only
Your heart’s ecstasy-gift. ```In exchange for
Your heart’s purity-giftGod will grant you
His Soul’s Divinity-Crown. ```My soul’s adamantine will
Can easily shakeThe impossibility-tree
At any time. ```The modern world thinks,
“God has to be demonstrated.”The ancient world thought,
“God has to be realised.” ```God tells me
That there is nothingI cannot repay Him for
With my heart’s unconditional surrender. ```If you are waiting
For the mental clouds to part,Then even Eternity’s patience
Will laugh at your stupidity. ```You have desecrated
Many soulful and valuable thingsIn your life,
But do not desecrateThe purity-breath
Of your heart-shrine. ```If your Master’s words
Go unheeded,Then your heart’s happiness-flower
Will never blossom. ```Even God does not believe
That the human mindWill acquire receptivity from God
To receive His Compassion-LightAnd Satisfaction-Delight.
```You invite
Attention.Frustration comes
Uninvited. ```You lived your life
Intensely.That does not mean
That God loved your heartImmensely.
```The best defence
Against doubt-danger:Your heart’s silence-meditation.
```As your mind cries
For the outer world,Even so, your heart can easily cry
For the inner world,Which is constantly favoured
By those who make a comparisonBetween the two worlds.
```For the human mind to think
That it is as powerful as GodIs not an uncommon experience.
```God definitely wants
The human fraternityTo last for Eternity.
```A life of patience
Is for a stoic soul.A life of forgiveness
Is for a liberated soul. ```A sleep-talking mind
And a life-fulfilling heartCannot live in the same boat.
```You will hear the God-songs
Of the hoary pastIf you pray to God
To appear in your dreamsEvery night.
```Now that you have given up
Your self-imposed illusion-life,Your heart will be able to enjoy
The sunburst of God’s Day. ```Live in the heart.
The sea-secrets and the mountain-secretsOf God’s Life
Will reveal themselves to you. ```There is no such thing
As a thankless task.It is all beautiful Blessings
From our Beloved Supreme. ```I want everything in my life
To be changeableExcept my love of God.
I want my love of GodTo remain totally unchangeable.
```On earth
Humanity’s incurable cryIs my home.
In Heaven
Divinity’s imponderable joyIs my home.
```At the beginning
God never expectsUnconditional attention,
But He does expectUndivided attention.
```Alas, why have I chosen
A blind mind and a wild vital?Why, why,
In this short span of life? ```The scientists
Are secretly admiringThe seekers
But openly ridiculingThe seekers.
I was God’s faithful dog.Today
I am His beautiful lamb.Tomorrow
I shall be His powerful lion. ```I do not have the courage
To tell earthThat its life is all impurity.
I do not have the courage
To tell HeavenThat its soul is all indifference.
```As your mind’s intellectual life
Has narrowed your vision,Even so, your soul’s intuitive light
Has widened your heart. ```No great soul
Is allowed to go off dutyOnce it enters into the world-arena
For God-manifestation. ```To a desire-bound life
A few tiny flamesOf aspiration-free breath
Are more than enough. ```Your Heaven-world-preparation
Is destroyingYour yesterday’s frustration
And creatingYour tomorrow’s illumination.
Is the chosen instrument of GodFor His constant manifestation
On earth. ```Never allow despair
To hover overYour heart and soul.
```God is ready to wait for you
Indefinitely.But the question is
If you will ever goTo see Him
In His Palace. ```If you are before God,
Pray to Him to grant youHis Eternity’s quenchless
Aspiration-thirst. ```If you change your life,
God will allow youTo arrange a meeting
Between Him and humanity. ```Now that I am no longer
In my aspiration-heart,My life has become
A rudderless boat. ```The Beauty-Eye of Heaven
Holds Eternity’sPerfection-Truth.
```Each human being can become perfect
Provided he thinksThat his heart’s kingdom
Is not just imagination. ```You are your own incurable illusion.
ThereforeWho is going to save you
From the abyss of self-oblivion? ```You and your heart must attend
Your ego’s funeralSo that God will allow you
To return to your soul’sOriginal homeland.
```If you want to resemble God,
Then do not remainInside your ignorance-fettered
Mind-cave. ```A seeker does not know
What luxury is.He only knows one thing:
His necessity for God. ```If man accepts
What God proposes,Then God will give him
His Heart’s celestial Treatment. ```If your sincerity-song
Has no end,Then God’s Satisfaction-Smile also
Will never come to an end. ```My Lord, unless You force me
To be good,You will see no satisfaction
Either in my lifeOr around my life.
```Pray to God the Time
To grant you a friendshipThat will give you
An inspiration-sky,An aspiration-moon
And a realisation-sun. ```A God-server needs
No other qualification.His God-service pleases
Not only God the CompassionBut also God the Justice
Equally. ```The soul is a treasure
That we have not yet seen.The heart is a treasure
That we have seen but lost. ```The unknowable future
You must shut outIf you want to give God a chance
To perfect youAnd satisfy you.
```An impurity-force
Has pulled you down.A purity-force
Can easily pull you up.A divinity-force
Every day can teach youA new self-transcendence-song.
```The mind’s impurity-cave
Is the only placeWhere divinity-light
Does not want to shine. ```A serenity-mind
And a purity-heartAre God’s private detectives
In the seeker’s inner world. ```Who possesses the Possessor?
He who thinks that the PossessorIs the Liberator
And he who knows that the PossessorIs the Self-giver.
```Mine is an empty heart-cage
That every day longs forIts soul-bird
To fly into it. ```Silence consoles
The suffering human in us.Silence extols
The smiling divine in us. ```Do not keep
Your fear-door open.Destruction-missiles
Are right in front of the door. ```A seeker of peace
And a lover of GodAre every day blessed and garlanded
By the Supreme HimselfIn His supreme Palace.
```I call it
My heart’s obedience-plant.God calls it
His Life’s Satisfaction-Tree. ```If you soulfully try
To imitate God,Then God will bountifully make you
A most intimate instrument of His. ```O world of sound,
Do not try to fool me.I definitely know the Sound
Of my Lord’s Footsteps. ```This morning my Lord told me
That if I can tame my wild life,He will give me a free ride
To Heaven. ```Always cloudy:
Man’s possession-sky.Always sunny:
Man’s renunciation-sky. ```My Lord does not mind
If I grow slowlyIn my spiritual life.
But He will definitely mindIf I do not become
Spiritually strongAnd completely perfect.
```Unless you get from God
Your heart’s permanent possession,Love,
How will you measureYour own life’s divinity?
```If you have sleepless aspiration,
Then eventually you will be ableTo meet the gods
That are standingBehind Heaven’s closed doors.
```Never fear!
Never surrender!Your heart’s faith
Will persevere and succeed. ```Each morning prayer
Should be a sweet, whispering breathFrom God’s Fulness-Vision.
```He is now rising
From his mind’s oblivion-sleep.Therefore, he is quite close
To God’s Compassion-Signal. ```How can your dedication-life
Surrender to your temptation-vital?I can’t believe it,
And I don’t want to believe it. ```There is no such thing
As an innocent desire.Therefore
You cannot safely indulgeAny desire.
```His life-maker
Is his love of God.His heart-breaker
Is his doubt of man. ```God faithfully watches
His gratitude-sonAnd His surrender-daughter
Playing the gameOf His Satisfaction-Dream.
```I am waiting
For God’s Satisfaction-SunAnd God is waiting
For my heart’s dawn. ```As long as I have a closed mind
And a closed heart,God thinks it is useless
To keep close watchOver my life.
```The remembrance of happy days
Can easily help you escapeFrom today’s frustration-night.
```A desire-bound impurity-breath
Is nothing otherThan slow suicide.
```Your lazy mind will tell you
That it is not worth seeing God.Your lazy life will tell you
That God will definitelyWait for you.
```To be one of the lucky few
Is to cure yourselfFrom the contagious doubt-disease.
```What I have done to God
Is something I would likeTo forget every day.
```If you have a heart,
That meansYou have faith-bullets, too.
Fire immediatelyYour faith-bullets
At your ignorance-night! ```Ignorance-weight-loss
Can be guaranteedOnly when the soul’s wisdom-light
Illumines the mind-night. ```A tiny temptation-flame
Has burntHis life’s aspiration-shrine.
```A new faith-flower
Is blossomingBeautifully and charmingly
From his heart-flames. ```It is always dangerous
To drive on the desire-highway.But it is never, never dangerous
To drive on the aspiration-highway,For God is a sacred Inspirer
And secret Driver there. ```It is up to you
To become an aspiration-plantOr not.
But never invoke the hostile forcesTo destroy
The tender aspiration-plantsThat are growing so beautifully
Around you. ```His soulful heart
Has marvellously qualifiedAs an excellent student
In self-giving school. ```A deep breath of determination
Is the precursorOf a new realisation
And a new perfectionIn life.
```Transfer your life
From your desire-impermanence-trainTo your aspiration-transcendence-train.
```The beauty of my silence-soul
Has now becomeThe divinity of my gratitude-heart.
```From:Sri Chinmoy,Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 26, Agni Press, 1984
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