God reads my life’s
Love-devotion-surrender-bookEvery day, without fail,
Blessingfully. ```God reads my life’s
Gratitude-heart-bookEvery day, without fail,
Proudly. ```Each Heaven-climbing
Aspiration-heartIs a God-treasury.
```My division-mind does not dare,
But my aspiration-heartDares to imagine
A world without suffering. ```Criticism
Is nothing short ofA wisdom-barren mind.
My heart is alwaysPainfully haunted
By the absence of God. ```A confusion-mind
Never knowsWhat the heart-prosperity is.
```It is the God-lovers
And not the God-speakersWho eternally live for God.
```My aspiration
IsMy God-foundation-certainty.
```My obedience-heart
IsMy God-perfection-life.
```O soul of mine,
Can you not seeHow often I pine
For you? ```A purity-thought
Is the ecstasyOf sweetness.
```Not your bravery
But your stupiditySays that it can live
Without God. ```My thinking
And God’s twinklingAlways live together.
Do not growIn my God-surrender-heart-garden.
```No aspiration-sun
Must sufferFrom a sunset.
```Total satisfaction
Will be all oursIf we allow our hearts
To guide us. ```O my mind,
If you do not leave doubt,Faith will never come to you
To give you happiness. ```O my aspiration-heart,
You are the only oneTo please God
In His own Way. ```Can you imagine what God does?
When I tell GodThat I shall never be as good as He is,
He just bursts out laughing. ```O my heart,
Do not be bashful before God.Just be prayerful and soulful.
He is all for you. ```A doubting mind
Feeds on its stupid discoveryOf others’ weaknesses.
```The self-doubting life
Is a self-disguisedDemon.
```The stupid and audacious mind
Do happenIn every human life.
```God’s Compassion-Life
And His Fragrance-BreathAre inseparable.
```Sooner or later
We all must demolishOur ego-towers.
```No devotion,
No quick and convincingSatisfaction-progress.
```In the land of spirituality,
An unaspiring mindIs more dead than alive.
```The doubting mind
Can never possessA compassion-umbrella.
```No patience-practice,
No perfection-fulfilment-smile. ```Is there any human mind
That does not pass throughThe valleys of uncertainty?
```God loves my heart dearly
Because it solely dependsOn God.
```The mind’s newness
And the heart’s fulnessMust always be kept
In very good condition. ```An unconditional surrender
IsA thriving fulfilment-smile.
Often floundersIn barren frustration-lands.
```The sterling faith-investment
Knows noIgnorance-life-night.
Knows noFailure-frustration-torture.
```Without a determination-mind,
Nobody can succeedIn his outer life.
```Without an aspiration-heart,
Nobody can proceedIn his God-discovery
On earth. ```Satisfaction loves to live
Only inA God-surrender-heart.
```O seeker,
Every day you must tameThe anger of your vital.
```God’s Compassion-Eye
AndGod’s Forgiveness-Heart
Are extremely fond of each other. ```Like the heart,
The mind too can invokeSilence-delight
If it wants to. ```Because of his universal
Oneness-heart,His mind-pride-tower
Has collapsed. ```A self-giving heart
SeesNo stop sign.
```A purity-heart
Lives far beyondThe snares
Of jealousy and insecurity. ```To decorate my heart-room,
My aspiration-heart-tearsAre of paramount importance.
```The reasoning mind shall doubt God,
Even if He stands right beforeThe reasoning mind.
```The aspiration-heart
Does not have to dependOn God’s physical Presence
For authenticity. ```The gentle whispers
Of God’s Compassion-EyeHave transformed
My God-doubting mind. ```My mind wants to see God
Face to faceFor its satisfaction.
```My life wants to live inside
God’s Heart-GardenFor its satisfaction.
```My heart longs to live
At God’s Lotus-FeetFor its satisfaction.
```Divinity may withdraw
By the time humanityAwakens to Light.
```Each failure
Has a special significanceBehind it.
```I tell God
That He does not have to love meAs long as I can love Him.
```God tells me
That He abides onlyBy a give and take policy.
```Each self-giving thought
Is, indeed,A world-peace-pioneer.
```Each day I pray to God
To give me the capacityTo declare
As the last day of my desire-life. ```My heart’s God-gratitude-songs
Are the only onesFlooded with beauty, purity,
Illumination and perfection. ```My life and I feel safe
Only at one place,And that place is my Lord’s
Ever-expanding Eye. ```A tiny hope-blossom
Is all I need every morningTo be a choice instrument
Of my Lord Supreme. ```If you look at desire,
No matter from which direction,Your aspiration-heart-eye
Will definitely be blinded. ```Either God’s Forgiveness-Feet
Or God’s Compassion-EyeCan alone feed
My aspiration-heart-cries. ```Without the descent
Of an unconditional GraceFrom Above,
We can never clearOur inner stormy skies.
```We may succeed in stopping
The speed of outer light,But we shall never succeed in stopping
The speed of inner light,For the inner light and its destination
Are immortal friends. ```We must shun anything
That tempts our aspiration-heartAnd dedication-life —
The sooner the better! ```Where do I live?
I live inside the hope-fragranceOf my heart-garden.
```My obedience-life is every day
Beckoned byEternity’s newness
AndInfinity’s fulness.
```What an ingratitude-life needs
Is an immediate and everlastingReplacement.
```My gratitude-heart
Has a very special placeDeep inside
My Lord’s own Satisfaction-Breath. ```It is our wisdom-light
That teaches usHow to cling to
Each God-moment. ```I have only one prayer:
May my heart charm prayerfullyMy Lord’s Forgiveness-Feet.
```O my lethargy-body,
Just once open your eyes.Look who is standing
Right in front of you —God Himself!
```When we try to measure
God’s Love,We are forced to enjoy
An ever-puzzling creation-game. ```Alas, my dreams are fading,
My realities are hiding.I find myself inside
My collapsing God-search. ```God tells me that
Each self-giving thought of mineCan easily outshine
Every star in His Heart-Sky. ```My heart’s sorrowful song
And ICherish each other.
```My soul’s blissful song
And IFulfil each other.
```O my mind,
Heaven does not careTo know
Your mighty name. ```O my mind,
Heaven does not have anything to doWith your vast fame.
```O my mind,
Heaven is eagerly waitingFor the tiniest aspiration-bloom
Inside your desert-dryness. ```My Lord,
Do smile at me once moreTo reassure me
That You do love me. ```Each time I tell my heart
That it is not aspiringTo my satisfaction,
It just bursts into sobs. ```When my heart satisfies God
In God’s own Way,I immediately see the blooming blossom
Of an ecstasy-roseInside my heart-garden.
```My mind,
So many divine thoughtsAre trying to enter into you.
Why are you so inhospitable? ```We must be ruthless
With ourTroublemaker doubts.
```To kindle the fire
Of the heart,We need an incessant flow
Of tears. ```If I can offer
Only for a brief momentMy gratitude-heart to my Lord Supreme,
My joy will know no bounds. ```To bypass the doubting mind
We all must tryAnd we all must succeed.
```God tells me that
If I am unwilling to play with Him,Then He will not allow me
To pray to Him. ```My mind procrastinates.
My heart hesitates.Alas,
Who is going to come to liberate me? ```Attention, my mind, attention!
Come and be with meInside my heart-garden
Before brooding doubtsStart attacking you.
```My mind, I am pleading
With my aspiration-heartAnd dedication-life
To turn towards Light. ```I tell you,
Very soon the story will change.The beggar in me will play the role
Of an emperor. ```God is Compassion.
God is Forgiveness.God is everything.
But He prefers to beOneness.
Is the sacred secretOf our happiness-life.
```If you are one hundred per cent
For God,Only then can God teach you
The sweetest melodyOf His Love.
```My Twenty-Seven Thousand
Aspiration-Plants,My Lord Beloved Absolute Supreme
Has given me to give youThe Sun-Smile-Blossoms
Of His Heart.My Twenty-Seven Thousand
Aspiration-Plants,You have given humanity
A sleepless God-thirstAnd
A breathless God-hunger. ```From:Sri Chinmoy,Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 270, Agni Press, 1998
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/ap_270