A constant gratitude-heart
Is a way of loving GodIn God’s own Way.
```God visits me twice
Every day.He visits my mind-room
Only to say how unsatisfiedAnd dissatisfied He is.
When God visits my heart-room,He tells me
My heart’s perfectionAnd His Life’s Satisfaction
Will play their oneness-gameFor all Eternity.
```In the morning
God gave meA lesson in His Beauty.
In the evening
God gave meA lesson in His Silence.
```The heart that sleeplessly cries
For God’s Compassion-LightIs made of God’s special
Fondness-Vision-Delight. ```The supreme Height of God’s Compassion
Can forgive humanityBut will never illumine humanity.
For the illumination of humanity,The Supreme needs
Humanity’s conscious willingness. ```No matter how sublime my life is,
I will not be able to transformHumanity’s confusion-clime.
But I will maintain my hopeThat someday, somehow
My Lord Supreme will transformHumanity’s mind-confusion-clime
Into Divinity’s Illumination-Kingdom. ```Two masters live in the same house:
The ignorance-princeWith his master, doubt,
And the wisdom-emperorWith his master, faith.
```There are two
Heart-illumining songs:My purity’s obedience-heart,
My humility’s satisfaction-life. ```You want God to see you
Only through your heart-door,But God wants to look at you
Through your narrow mind-door as well. ```His aspiration-campaign ended
In total failureBecause the members
Of his outer familyDid not support him at all.
```On the strength of his devotion,
His folded handsNot only decreased
The animal strength in himBut also increased
The divine power in him. ```This life has only one project,
And that isTo inspire the outer world
And aspire for the inner world. ```Do not drag
Your despair-heartAnd your doubt-mind!
Let them fall easilyInto the chasm of oblivion.
```If you believe
In the higher worldsAnd do not help this world,
Then your confidence-lifeIs nothing short of
A stupidity-mind. ```When the cosmic gods
Are on their way to church,Christ comes to them
Running,And asks them
To show him their templesFirst.
```A surrender-life
Is a God-satisfied heartIn God’s perfection-dreaming creation.
```He desired all his thoughts
To be dockedIn God’s Heart-Harbour,
And God has fulfilledHis snow-white desire.
```God refuses to ignore
Either my ignorance-mindOr my unwillingness-life.
```Your mind hesitated.
ThereforeYou missed the boat.
Your heart is hesitating.
ThereforeYou will miss the Boatman.
```He has sent
A surrender-letter to God.In return,
God has sent himHis Heart’s Satisfaction-Telegram.
```God has no pride;
ThereforeHe can enter into your heart
Uninvited.But once He has entered
Into your heart,Will you be ready
To offer Him His due Throne? ```In silence
He shoots my inner troubles.In silence
He announces my outer victory. ```His mind constantly lives
BetweenBlind desire and dark hate.
```I do not want to live
On renewed hope.I want to live
On the summitOf my new aspiration-mountain.
```Who deserves
What God has given?He who has made his life
Into an unconditional heart-flower. ```The song of excellence
Can be sungOnly by a seeker’s
Earth-illumining soul. ```If you really need God,
Then you do not have toWait in line.
You can go to GodImmediately.
```He wanted to earn
A doctorate in perfection.God said to him:
“My child,Be perfect in your devotion-life
First.Then I shall grant you
A doctorate in perfection.” ```God values
Your surrender-lifeInfinitely more than
Your aspiration-heart. ```You want God
To come to you first.But I tell you,
If you go to God first,Your heart’s ecstasy-experience
You will feel infinitely more. ```He is a divine disciplinarian.
ThereforeAll those who are around him
Are receiving from himSatisfaction-delight.
```There is always a better way
To offer one’s gratitude-heartTo God,
And that way is to feelThat God’s Compassion-Eye
Is available at every momentFor man’s heart to use.
```A mind of doubt
Is humanity’s old headache.A life of self-offering
Is humanity’s oldAnd most effective medicine.
```If you want to visit Heaven,
Then learn God’s familiar song first —The song of your heart’s
Perfection-surrender. ```If you want God
To sit beside youAt every moment,
Then immediately joinThe God-loving army.
```He is a scoundrel.
He wants to be a saint.What he needs every day
Is the reassuranceOf his love for God.
```If you are going to be
A perfect instrument of God,Then you cannot afford
The doubt-risk in your lifeAt any time.
```His mind enjoys
Collision with truth.His heart enjoys
Collision with doubt.His soul does not enjoy
Any collision.It only wants to be
With God-believersAnd God-lovers.
```You fool!
Your earthly credentialsWill not change
Heaven’s opinion of you.For Heaven to appreciate
And admire you,You need only one
Heavenly credential,And that is your sleepless
Self-offering. ```If you want to build
A better tomorrow,Then invite humanity’s cry
And divinity’s smileTo help you together
In your project. ```When he gave serious thought
To God,God in secret taught him
His Vision’s Silence-Song. ```If you do not obey God promptly,
Your heart’s sincerity-remorseWill mercilessly torture you.
```My heart’s purity
Is my life-illumining song.My soul’s divinity
Is my Lord’s God-revealing Dance. ```How can the heart of oneness-love
Be satisfiedWhen the unsatisfied vital
And the unsatisfied mindRuthlessly and shamelessly argue?
```The higher worlds forgot to tell me
Two things:God loves me infinitely more
Than I love Him,God treasures my heart’s
Companionship. ```A heart of selfless self-giving
Is the brightest partOf my inner being.
```The God-hungry heart
Is the only heartThat can be inwardly genuine
And outwardly generous. ```The best news today!
God has found a vacancyFor my heart to fill.
```Run after opportunity
If opportunity does not runAfter you,
For opportunity is the beginningOf your God-blossoming divinity.
```He speaks of nothing,
Not because he has nothing,But because the power
Of nothingnessSilences him.
```God’s Hour will come back
Again and again.But will your God-receiving hour
Meet with God’sEarth-illumining Hour?
```Your heart-alarm
Rings and rings.But alas, your ignorance-mind
Continues to sleep. ```A heart of sleepless cry
Is the highwayTo the transcendence
Of the Beyond. ```God does not sell expensive things
In His Love-Store.He only sells expansive things.
```The higher world
Thinks that it does not need humanity.The lower world
Ridicules humanity.Only God’s World
Understands and values humanity. ```What God wants immediately
From youIs a soulful cry
For humanity’s progress-height. ```I admire him
Not because he is great,Not because he is good,
But because God has confidenceIn him.
```Every morning God comes to him
And affectionately tells him:“My child,
Renew your meditation-permit.” ```His soul carries inspiration-messages
From Heaven to earthAnd his heart carries aspiration-messages
From earth to Heaven.Therefore, God blesses his beauty’s soul
And God blesses his purity’s heart. ```When insecurity-insect bites you,
You have to knowThat God has left you
To enjoy His VacationElsewhere.
```If you are planning
To go to God,Then God is asking you
To go to HimWith your dancing heart,
Not with your trembling life,And certainly not
With your doubting mind. ```There is only one stupid question
On earth:When shall I realise God?
```At night
He dreams only God-dreams,And during the day
His life becomes a sleepless waveOf gratitude.
```When temptation invites you,
You can accept this invitationAs destruction
Or as another opportunityTo strengthen your mind’s power
And increase your heart’s cry. ```If you do not laugh
At your own stupidity,God will not open for you
Your closed divinity-door. ```If you can look
Beyond today’s torture,Then tomorrow’s satisfaction-splendour
Will make you its choice friend. ```Since God has given you
His Oneness-Heart,Can you not give Him
Your life’s newness-eye? ```Because of your self-deception
You are still a human being.Because of your God-deception
God thinks you are a strange being. ```I could not live with God,
Not becauseHe really did not care for me,
But becauseI wanted to replace Him.
```Even the slowest
And the smallestAspiration-steps
Will unmistakably take youTo the highest floor
Of God’s Mansion. ```He has lost his old world
Only to find his own new world,The world that God Himself
Chose for himFor His Manifestation.
```O my Lord Supreme,
What I have for YouIs only a tiny heart of gratitude.
ThereforeDo not expect much from me.
If You expect more from me,I shall certainly fail You,
And I know You do not deserve that. ```If you want to see
The garden of my heart’s delight,Then you must make friends
With my Eternity’s only Friend,God the unconditional Lover.
```God never manufactures hardships
To help us reach Him.It is we who unconsciously or consciously
Fracture our limbsIn order to draw His compassion.
```Unless I sleeplessly increase
My love-light for God,He will not grant me
His Infinity’s Nectar-Delight. ```A true seeker
Stands between humanity’sUtter dissatisfaction
And divinity’sShadowless satisfaction.
```If you are afraid
Of the billows of your mind-sea,God will not grant you
The pillars of His transcendental Palace. ```A true God-lover,
In the beginning of his life,Realises that what God is
Is Vision.And then,
When his journey is far advanced,He realises that what God is
Is Illumination. ```A careless mind
And a fearless heart,Although immediate neighbours,
Never see eye-to-eyeWith each other
On any subject. ```My Lord, do give me
Purity’s moon-heart.My Lord, do give me
Divinity’s sun-life. ```A prayerful seeker,
A hopeful seekerAnd a God-fulfiller
Sail always in the same boat. ```Unless and until
The sovereignty of humanity’s headTouches the dust
Of divinity’s protection-feet,Humanity’s pride will remain
As destructiveAs a mad, wild elephant.
```The day I realised God’s Compassion
I also realised something else:My perfection-light
Will never remain a far cry. ```When I concentrate,
God gives me His Power.When I meditate,
God gives me His Light.When I contemplate,
God gives me His Oneness-Delight. ```Unless man discovers
The stupidity of his mind,God is not going to invent
A new illumination-mind for him. ```Your desire-life tells you
What you can do for yourself.Your aspiration-life tells you
What God is always going to do for you. ```If your soul is endowed
With God’s Vision-Light,Then your life’s mission
Cannot forever lag behind. ```Ignorance-wildfire surrenders
Only when God unconditionally threatensThe ignorance-fire
Of man’s bygone centuries. ```Since God is utterly sick
Of your old mind,Can you not show God
The other thing that you have:A new heart?
```My heart’s satisfaction
Is founded uponGod’s Compassion-Eye.
God’s Compassion-Eye
Is founded uponThe knowable God’s Love
For the unknowable God. ```He who has become
His heart’s obedience-lifeHas become the choicest instrument
Of His Beloved Supreme. ```A seeker’s heart
May be helpless today.But tomorrow
His heart will not only be powerfulBut also shadowless.
```Discrimination, discrimination —
This is absolutely necessaryFor the evolution
Of the morality-bound life.But acceptance of everything
In God’s LifeAnd transformation of everything
In God’s own WayIs the transcendental Message
Of God’s Absolute Vision. ```His doubting mind
Was wonderstruckWhen it saw his heart’s
Devotion-elevatorReaching the highest height.
```If you are devoted
Only to yourself,You will definitely become
The championOf ignorance-discovery.
```I show my Lord
My face,And
My Lord shows meHis Tears
On my face. ```The day you allowed
Your gratitude-heartTo be destroyed
Was the day when HeavenShed a few silence-tears.
Does not solveAny human problem.
ProgressAlways does it.
```O my mind,
It is you who overfed my ego.Why do you not accept the complaints
Against my poor ego? ```In my letter to God
I sent only one short message:“My Lord, I love You only.”
God immediately sent meAn express telegram:
“I am coming.I need you badly.”
```From:Sri Chinmoy,Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 34, Agni Press, 1984
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/ap_34