Each life has to become
A surrender-riverBefore it can give what it has
And what it isTo the satisfaction-sea.
```If you want to become
A first-class memberOf surrender-society,
Then pray to GodTo grant you
His blessingful Gift:Wisdom-Flames.
```If you do not carry
All the timeFaith-key inside your heart,
The Supreme will not allow youTo become a member
Of His Heart-Transformation-Team. ```Who wants to possess a secret?
No, not God!Who wants to reveal a secret?
Who else, if not man! ```Your life is a mountain
Of mere wordsAnd not a fountain
Of self-giving deeds. ```In the inner world
If you are not preparedTo meet resistance,
That means you are not takingThe inner world seriously.
```God’s loyal servants
Are the perfection-cryOf man’s heart
And the satisfaction-smileOf man’s soul.
```I wanted to shake hands
With a responsible mind.Alas, a stupid mind
Came up to me insteadTo shake hands.
```Burn, burn
Your desire-comfort-pillowSo that you do not
Have to wallowIn the pleasures of ignorance-mire.
```His arrival on earth
Was beautiful.His return from earth
Was fruitful. ```What does God do
On His day off?He sorrowfully watches
The fragile friendshipBetween man and the cosmic gods.
```If you want to stop
The strong biteOf insecurity-insect,
Then immediately turn your lifePrayerfully and consciously
Into confidence-lion. ```You have not lost
Your God-realisation-timepiece.You have just misplaced it.
```Is there any place on earth
With no problems?Yes, there is a place on earth
With no problems,And that place is not
A man-discovered place,But a God-invented place.
```God equally treasures
My success-lifeAnd my failure-life.
This is the very beginningOf my God-realisation.
```Your clever mind does not want doubt
Because doubt is too expensive.Your wise heart does not want doubt
Because doubt is too explosive. ```The heart with no certainty,
The mind with no purity,The life with no divinity
Will never be allowedTo claim God.
```Start your aspiration-life
ImmediatelyIf you ultimately want to become
A God-hungry man,Sleeplessly and unconditionally.
```I was born to serve
In God’s outer world.I was born not only to love
But also to becomeIn God’s inner world.
```Your mountain-problems
Will always remainBecause you treasure your mind’s
Himalayan doubts. ```I was always waiting,
I am always waiting,I shall be always waiting
Only for one thing:God’s complete Satisfaction
In me. ```To leap over life’s hurdles
You must discard all the piecesOf your mind’s puzzle.
```I do admire your patience-heart,
But your speed-lifeIs altogether a deplorable story.
```Unless you reclaim
Your eagerness-heartAnd intensity-life,
How do you expectGod’s consistent Concern?
```He has no friend,
Not evenHis ever-approachable
Loneliness. ```The strength of your folded hands
Can only be appreciatedBy your aspiration-heart
And not byYour suspicion-mind.
```Your mind-hat is so heavy.
Your mind-hat is so ugly.Nevertheless, you are so fond
Of your mind-hat. ```There is only one
Failure-lifeAnd that failure-life
Is when I feel God loves someone elseMore than He loves me.
```If you subscribe
To inspiration-magazine,God will before long grant you
The enjoyment of Heaven-adventure. ```Your life has fallen
Into a well of self-oblivion.Therefore
Your soul’s illuminationIs unable to offer you
Its God-oneness-ecstasy. ```The only place to discard
Your wild emotion-flamesIs in God’s Forgiveness-Heart.
```Away with my desire-mind!
Away with my bondage-life!I have now become
My upward-marching quest. ```God’s motto is,
“Wake up!”Man’s motto is,
“Lord, do not give me up!” ```The misdeeds
Of man’s mindGave birth
To God’s Headache. ```If you are confined
To the useless thought-room,How can God’s Fondness
Reach you? ```He houses at once
In his own heartEarth’s soulful dreams
AndHeaven’s powerful vision.
```Be devoted
To your prayer-lifeAnd be not attached
To the success-resultsOf your efforts.
```If you do not have
Cheerfulness-escalatorTo use,
Then definitely sadnessWill heavily weigh on you.
```You call it
Your self-confidence.I call it
God’s Compassion-Satisfaction. ```Who does not know
That ignorance-lifeIs not only an old story
But also an ever-told story? ```Soulfulness is undoubtedly
The beginningOf a beautiful success
And a fruitful progress. ```God’s Compassion-Eye
Is always readyTo come to your immediate rescue.
```You will receive
The will-power-trophyOnly for your sleepless self-offering.
```To make you exceptionally
Great and good,God is first granting you
The receptivity-award. ```Every day study faith-lesson.
It will help sustain you,Even through your life’s
Darkest disasters. ```Your mind at once
Makes and receivesAn endless chain of complaints
Every day. ```Only faith-soldiers
Can fight againstEndless doubt-enemies
And be ultimately victorious. ```God’s Ultimatum:
Either God for God’s sakeOr man for man’s destruction-choice.
```If you cannot afford
To renew each dayYour meditation-permit,
God will not grant you admittanceTo His Satisfaction-Heart-Room.
```How can you make anybody happy,
How can you yourself be happyWhen you are totally lost
On the island of indifference? ```Do not catch a falling star,
But catch the rising sunAnd put it inside
Your aspiration-heart. ```Either you swim in the sea
Of soulful delight,Or you will be caught in the grip
Of destruction-depression. ```The life that does not aspire
For God-realisationIs not worth even
An empty eggshell. ```When you pray soulfully
And meditate powerfully,You come to realise
That each heartIs a beautiful bird of paradise.
```Surrender suffers no loss.
Surrender suffers no failure.Surrender suffers no unworthiness.
```The mind’s main disease
Is thatIt does not want to unlearn
Anything bad. ```Unless you have
A taste of aspiration-flames,How will you value
God’s supreme Presence? ```Your sweetest dreams
Are founded uponPurity’s oneness-heart.
```He enjoys
Only one thing:The tide of his mind’s
Indifference-sea. ```Ignore your mind’s
Depression-cloud.Dare to expect your heart’s
Cloudless satisfaction-smile. ```Aspiration is
A consciously widening opportunityFor golden possibilities.
```The death of division
And the breath of onenessMark the glorious beginning
Of liberation. ```Attachment-sickness-strings
Are extremely difficultTo break.
```Science secretly
Salutes natureWithout being seen.
```Believe it or not,
Insecurity is a sleepless hummingbirdIn each unaspiring life.
```You chose death over life,
And now you enquireWhy life is not loving you
And why life is notAt your express command.
```Confidence is at once
A soulfully evolutionary forceIn the inner world
And a powerfully revolutionary forceIn the outer world.
Is not only unreachableBut also unbelievable
For the desire-bound mind. ```Never allow your mind
To misdirectYour heart’s winged hopes.
```He started his spiritual journey
To be blessedBy illumination-shore.
But instead, alas,He was embraced
By hesitation-shore. ```God places
His Heart’s Nectar-CrownUpon the seeker’s
Selfless service-head. ```Your division-sickness
Has painedYour inner life
And stainedYour outer life.
```Your fuzzy conceptions
Of GodLive next door
To your mind’s unruly deceptions. ```A heart of aspiration
And a mind of determinationReceive special Fondness-Blessings
From God. ```If you do not love God
Unconditionally,There shall come a time
When you will have to surrenderTo the brutal tyranny
Of ignorance-world. ```Love is
A universal tideFor a transcendental ascent.
```Every morning and evening
He runsIn the perfection-possibility-meadow.
```The world may forgive
Your crimes,But the world will never forget
Your stupidity. ```Why are you threatening
Your lifeInstead of illumining
Your heart?Why?
```He lives in between
His changeable mindAnd his unchangeable heart.
```He is ready to enjoy
Monarchy,Even if it is the monarchy
Of misunderstanding. ```God allows only
The prayerful seekersAnd soulful lovers
To eat free of chargeEvery day
In His Consciousness-Bliss-Restaurant. ```God is begging you
To fill your mind-suitcaseWith His supremely royal Garments.
And what are you doing?You are just secretly hiding
Your teeming doubtsInside your mind-suitcase.
```At last I am awakened,
Only to see my desire-lifeGroaning in utter despair.
```He does not allow anybody
To accompany himExcept one permanent companion of his:
His heart’s inner poise. ```If you have a mind,
Then keep it always readyTo receive from God.
If you have a heart,
Then keep it always readyTo hold God.
```You may see yourself alone
When you are at the footOf the aspiration-mountain.
But you will definitelyFeel yourself alone
When you are on the highest peakOf the mountain.
```You are looking for the place
Where hope is.Do you know where it is?
It is inside the fireOf your determination-eye.
```You can always do more.
This is what my Beloved SupremeTells me
Before I do,While I am doing,
And after I have finished. ```In the four corners
Of my heart-gardenWhom did I see?
I saw God the DreamerAnd nobody else.
```Do not ignore him!
He has come from the Supreme’sGolden Shore
To allow you to become a studentIn his illumination-class.
```I really do not know
How I can believe GodWhen He tells me
That my mind hasThe same capacity as my heart
In cultivatingPurity and divinity.
```Because you order
From ignorance-menu,The satisfaction-eye of the Master
Remains utterly unavailable. ```Do not drag
Your doubt and despairInto your aspiration-life
If you ever want to becomeGod’s sacred ambassador
On earth. ```You have triumphantly passed
Your life-examinationBecause you have not ignored
Your poverty-stricken heartOr your voracious vital-appetite.
```Along the heart-path
No hesitation-walkerIs permitted to walk.
```One of the many things
That the higher worlds deliberatelyDo not show us:
Their indifference to the mortal world. ```What did you give God today?
I am sure you have given HimYour heart’s insecurity-insect.
```God’s favourite meal
Consists of my heart’sGratitude-tears
And my life’sSatisfaction-smile.
```God Himself will broadcast
Your inner progressAnd outer success
If you just claim GodTo be your only
Surrender-breath. ```From:Sri Chinmoy,Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 37, Agni Press, 1984
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/ap_37