I have told God
My only secret and sacred truth:“My Lord, I love You only.”
```The stars in the sky
Are desperately trying to hideFrom the stars in his heart.
```In honour of God’s Birthday
I am definitely going to multiplyMy heart-love
By my life-devotion. ```The random use
Of the reasoning mindHas turned his life
Into a deplorable failure. ```God does not think of you:
Indeed, this ideaIs your mind’s
Visible absurdity. ```Prayer
Is for the salvationOf truth-seekers.
Is for the liberationOf God-lovers.
```Do not allow
Your mind’s fearTo persecute
Your heart’s poise. ```His aspiration-heart
Is at last happy,Because the ego-elephant
Of his vitalIs very severely wounded.
```Your helpless pretension
Will soon turn your lifeInto a hopeless perdition.
```Because your mind
Is laughing too loudly,Your heart
Is crying too pitifully. ```To have faith in others
Is to multiplyOne’s own inner strength.
```An unconditional surrender-head
Wears the crownOf God-Delight.
```The heart of purity
Is powerful.The face of sincerity
Is beautiful. ```You do not have to appreciate
God’s Heart.Just imitate
God’s Eye. ```A truth-seeker
Does not misunderstand.A God-lover
Does not misrepresent. ```You love
Your powerful insecurity-heart.God loves
His blessingful Compassion-Eye. ```God does want to be caught
While walkingInside your heart-garden.
His soul’s determinationIs challenged
By his mind’s hesitation. ```The best protection
Against self-doubtIs man’s conscious cry
For perfection-hunger. ```I can become
Another God.This is the only Message-Light
That God gives meEvery day.
```Long before true happiness
Could approach you,Your impure self-indulgence
Has killed you. ```Do you not know
What your insecurity is?It is your old and incurable
Heartache. ```When death calls him,
His soul helps himRemain unavailable.
```Be a champion
In self-discoveryInstead of man-flattery.
```He becomes his meditation-heart.
This is his special wayOf thanking God.
```Because you love
God’s Compassion-Eye,God also loves
Your gratitude-heart. ```Willingly He descended
To save the world.Wilfully His Compassion-Eye
Is challengedBy the mind of the world.
```Your desire-life is not fulfilled.
ThereforeYou are not on speaking terms
With God.But God really wants you
To speak to Him.Therefore
He is unconditionally blessing youWith an aspiration-heart.
```How do I occupy my time?
I teach my heartHow to write surrender-letters
With love-penTo my Beloved Supreme.
Alarms my mind.Nothingness
Awakens my life.Nothingness
Prepares my heart. ```When I say I have nothing,
It gladdens humanity’sDivision-unreality.
When I say I am nothing,
It pains divinity’sOneness-reality.
```Leave your inner life
And outer lifeOnly at God’s Heart-Door
And nowhere else. ```A spiritual seeker
Does not have to travelOn many roads.
He only has to runOn one road:
The road of surrender. ```God’s bountiful Smile
Always runs infinitely fasterThan man’s fearful cry.
Therefore man is able to remainStanding on the safety-shore.
```Soon to be announced:
My vital has cheerfullyAnd unconditionally surrendered
To God’s all-loving HeartAnd all-illumining Eye.
Will always be thereFor those who have offered
Their aspiration-servicesSoulfully and unreservedly
To God,Their beloved Employer.
```My mind wants to investigate
Even God’s Heart-Room.My heart wants only to adore
God’s Forgiveness-Feet. ```More and more you resemble God.
Do you know why?Because
You expect nothing from yourselfFor yourself,
ButYou expect everything from yourself
For God. ```His heart is happy
Because his mind does not containSuperficial thoughts
And artificial ideas. ```Every day I launch
My hope-ship.I am sure one day I shall reach
My heart’s satisfaction-shore. ```God is not a fool like you.
He always takes notesOn what you say to Him
In silence-secrecy. ```I call it
My meditation,But my Lord calls it
The flowering of His Compassion-Eye. ```My loving heart
Has a message for me:God is always for me.
My serving life
Has a message for me:I am always for God.
```My life is now
Dead to weaknessAnd born to God’s
Confidence-Delight. ```God is now setting
Not only newBut also high standards
For those who want to love HimAnd serve Him
In His own Way. ```I am ready
To be the last seekerTo reach God,
Provided God HimselfDoes not mind.
```Do not lose your aspiration-heart!
If you lose your aspiration-heart,Your frustration-mind
Will become larger than the largest. ```If you hurl jealousy-arrows
At the world,The world may eventually forgive you.
But your universal oneness-soulWill never forgive you.
```You simply cannot imagine
How beautiful you will lookIf you just once
Remove your ego-mask. ```Your smart mind knows nothing,
Yet it does not want to learnAnything more.
Your expert heart knows everything,
Yet it wants to learn every daySomething more.
```O earth,
Do give me one more chance.I shall definitely be able
To prove to youThat I can be a compassion-sky.
O Heaven,
Do give me one more chance.I shall unmistakably
Prove to youThat I can become a perfection-sun.
```His life stands between
His mind’s fantasy-storiesAnd his heart’s ecstasy-songs.
```My inspiration-bird wants to sing
Only at one place:Inside my dreaming heart-garden.
```Please wait a minute!
My Lord Supreme has just arrivedTo teach me how to love you,
How to illumine youAnd how to please you.
```Every day
Before he prays,God teaches him
A new purity-song.Every day
After he is doneWith his prayer,
God teaches himA new divinity-dance.
Is pulling your mind.Do you know why?
Your heart has missed. ```Do not keep anything
Between your life’s new dawnAnd your soul’s ancient promise.
```Do only the thing
That makes God happyAnd at the same time
Keeps you busy. ```Why do you suffer?
God has given you ample opportunityAnd enough capacity
To climb over the mountain of sorrows. ```While dancing the dance
Of oneness-life,The smile of sacrifice
Is nothing but an illusion. ```God has already coloured
Your aspiration-heartWith soulfulness.
Can you not colourYour inspiration-mind
With newness? ```Every night
Lethargy-thief comesTo steal away your life-energy
Completely,And it is successful
To a degree.Can you not be wakeful and watchful,
And catch the lethargy-thiefRed-handed?
```I have forgiven all your crimes
Except one,And that crime is your incessant
World-criticism-cry. ```God loves and treasures
The crying heart of every soulMore than He loves and treasures
Anything elseEither on earth or in Heaven.
```I wish to get an invitation
From your soul’s dream-boat,And not an express command
From your demanding vital. ```You came to me
To learn a little about meditation.I am all ready to teach you.
Alas, why are you then playingYour life’s self-deception-game
Instead of your life’s illumination-game? ```Aspiration,
LiberationAnd satisfaction
Are not at a remote place.They are just around
The heart-corner. ```When doubt came
To shake hands with his mind,To its wide surprise
It saw that faithHad already embraced his heart.
```Man is unhappy
When he sees that what he has insideIs all nothingness.
God is happy
For He knows that He is nothingBut Nothingness itself.
```Do not enter
Into your mind’s stupidity-marketTo buy futility-goods.
```You do not have to broadcast
The beauty and purity of your heart.Your face can and will
Do it for you. ```To choose a division-mind
Over a union-heartIs to choose immediate death
Over a beautiful life. ```My heart’s hunger-cry
And my Lord’s Feast-SmileAre soon going to meet.
This meeting is ordainedBy Heaven’s flower-beauty.
```If you really want
To make your desire-story short,Then start singing immediately
A long aspiration-song. ```Earth’s ignorance-sea
Every day devoursIts own lifeguards:
Beauty and purity. ```Today both Heaven and earth
Are celebrating your greatest victory.How is it
That you are not aware of it?Can you not see
The total disappearanceOf your emperor-ego?
```Why do you dig in your mind-desert?
There is nothingAnd there can be nothing
Beautiful and fruitful there.It is a useless task.
```God’s Compassion-Fund
Is always readyTo accept your teeming doubts
And darkening worries.But will you ever be ready
To give GodWhat you so deplorably have?
```You have been thinking
Of others,But you never think
Of their satisfaction-lives.How then can you expect them
To give youTheir smiling oneness-hearts?
```When the beggar in me says
That he has nothing,I suspect him.
When the emperor in me saysThat he is nothing,
I know that he is tellingThe absolute truth.
```A self-giving heart-soldier
Is gladly recruitedBy God’s Satisfaction-Heart
For God’s Army. ```My heart of tears
Safely steers my life-boatTo my soul’s illumination-shore.
```If your carelessness
Has the capacity to kill you,Then God’s unconditional Fondness
For youFeels the necessity to revive you.
```My mind
Has a lot to unlearn.My heart
Has a lot to learn.My soul
Has a lot to contribute. ```To look
Into your Master’s eyeIs to enter
Into your own unexplored universe. ```Your life of rumour
Is responsible for the tumourIn your aspiration-heart.
```A climbing prayer-heart
And a drowning seeker-lifeNever meet together.
```If He is a real God,
Then He will definitelyLeave His Calling Card
Everywhere. ```God may delay
In examining your mind’sSuccess-reports,
But He will never delayIn examining your heart’s
Progress-reports. ```Think of each minute
As either the choice minuteOr the last minute
To realise God. ```My perfection-life
And my satisfaction-heartAre the two glorious Dreams
Of the Supreme. ```Dear God,
Do give me the timeTo prepare myself
So that I do not fail YouWhen You invite me
To dine with YouIn Heaven.
```Within I worship
My insecurity.Without I worship
My sincerity. ```My heart
Does not have to stay alone.Do you know why?
Because it cheerfully followsGod’s Timetable.
```If you can take
Large doses of faith,You will soon see
Beautiful satisfaction-rosesInside your heart-garden.
```Before God-realisation,
Each human beingMay be attacked mercilessly
By ferocious human tigers. ```God does not understand
Why any human being ever suffersFrom the strong winds
Of insecurity-hurricane. ```The mind’s dark
Doubt-adventureNever ends.
The heart’s pure
Faith-pilgrimageNever ends.
```Because of his
Divinity-flooded life,For him to nurse
A mind-grievanceIs an unthinkable crime.
```At the end of each earthly pilgrimage
The obedient God-lovers,The obedient truth-fighters
And the obedient peace-distributorsWill be garlanded and crowned
By the Absolute Supreme HimselfIn His own transcendental Palace
Of Love and Satisfaction. ```From:Sri Chinmoy,Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 38, Agni Press, 1984
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/ap_38