My Lord,
Do allow me to doOnly one thing:
I wish to spreadMy soul’s dream-stars and planets
At Your infinite Compassion-Feet. ```Now that your hopes
Are shooting only upward,Each day will come to you
With perpetual morning-delight. ```Slowly, steadily and immeasurably
A true God-seeker’s and God-lover’sExcellence-gratitude-flames
Mount and spreadAnd spread and mount.
```I shall definitely not mind,
O my Lord Supreme,Even if my worst foe pleases You,
As long as You are highly pleased. ```As you stretch out your beggar-arms
To receive from the worldIts glittering but fleeting riches,
Even so, you can lift your heart upwardTo receive from Above
Light and Delight in infinite measure. ```The world applauds
Only your manifestation-drops.But in silence God applauds
Your aspiration-dedication-sea. ```He was not afraid of making
Bold decisions.Therefore, today he is blessed
With a new future:Life-perfection in God-Satisfaction.
```O my heart,
I am all gratitude to you,For your flower-fragrance-purity
Is a most blessingful and powerful assaultOn my ego.
```In the morning I shield myself
From the jealousies of my mind.In the afternoon I shield myself
From the frustrations of my vital.In the evening I shield myself
From the imperfections of my body.At night I shield myself
From the failures of my life. ```My Lord, You please me
Either by fulfilling my desiresOr by not fulfilling my desires.
What will happen, my Lord,When I do not have any desires?
“My child,When you do not have any desires,
Then I shall be able to plantMy own Eternity’s Aspiration-Plants
In your supremely fertile heart-soil.” ```My Lord,
You have temporarily saved meBy Your strong refusal
To satisfy my mind’s desires.Will You not permanently save me
By taking away once and for allMy desiring mind?
```Ignorance-night and I
Weep together.Knowledge-day also weeps.
It weeps for my illumination.I will now change my partner
And stay with knowledge-day.My Lord Supreme is smiling
At my decisionAnd at my new partner’s compassion.
```When I am inside my heart,
I love my green plants of hope.When I am inside my soul,
I love my blue trees of promise. ```My past, present and future
Are persecuting me —My yesterday’s failure-life,
My today’s indecision-lifeAnd my tomorrow’s fear-life.
```If you know everything,
Then answer two questionsThat have been torturing me
For a long time:Is God really superior to me?
When am I going to beAnother God?
```Be a little more careful
With your heart’s spiritualityIf you really want your life
To become richly fruitfulAnd remain so forever.
```A single breathless act of surrender
Has granted himA beautiful dream-tree,
A soulful truth-treeAnd a fruitful love-tree.
```My mind never took insincerity;
Insincerity took my mind.My heart never took insecurity;
Insecurity took my heart.My body never took impurity;
Impurity took my body.I never took divinity-cry;
Divinity-cry took me. ```Heaven is speaking to you.
Listen carefully!God is inviting you
To His special Heart-Room.Delay not!
```His heart of aspiration
Is on intimate termsWith Eternity.
His life of dedication
Is on intimate termsWith Infinity.
His soul of vision
Is on intimate termsWith Immortality.
```My mind has discovered
The torture of failure.My heart has discovered
The rapture of success.I have discovered
The satisfaction of God’s own ProgressIn and through me.
```I tell you,
The more your mind is informed,The less you will understand.
The more your heart feels,The less will be the distance
Between you and God. ```His aspiration-heart
And his dedication-lifeAre crying for him,
And he is crying to seeThe world’s worry-free God-embrace.
```You tell me
That you have failedIn your spiritual life.
I tell you,It is not hard to start again.
But this time startWith your unconditional surrender-heart.
You will definitely succeed! ```Your songs need only
Two divine qualitiesTo please your Beloved Supreme:
Soulfulness and dynamism.Offer these two supremely
Divine qualitiesIn abundant measure
To your Inner Pilot. ```When I want to know something,
I go and live insideMy Lord’s Mind-House.
When I want to become something,
I go and live insideMy Lord’s Heart-Home.
```I shall soon start dancing
On the waves of time,Now that my Eternity’s dream-boat
Is repairedAnd I am all ready to sail it
Across Infinity’s ocean-sky. ```Ambition is bondage
When I want to sitOn humanity’s head.
Ambition is freedomWhen I wish to sit
At the FeetOf my Beloved Supreme.
```Just because I am old,
Do you think I shall notBe able to fulfil
Humanity’s necessity?Just because he is young,
Do you think he will notBe able to carry
Divinity’s message? ```Everything is changeable.
Therefore, protestThe seemingly unchangeable
And make it not only changeableBut also extremely lovable.
```His soul’s light
Powerfully shines.His heart’s love
Unreservedly gives.Therefore his life’s breath
Has consciously become oneWith God’s Breath.
```God wants to hear
Your prayers now.He will have no time to listen
To your deathbed prayers. ```Man the lover
Will never become a beggarIn the inner world.
Man the seeker
Will never become a loserIn the outer world.
```If ignorance has the capacity
To close your eyes,Do you not think
That God has the capacityTo open your eyes?
Just give God a chance! ```Why is it so easy for me
To have faith in GodBut not in myself?
Either because I disproportionatelyExtol myself to the skies
Or because I foolishlyBelittle myself.
```If God the Vision
Has started working in you,Then rest assured,
God the CompassionWill complete the task.
```There was a time
When I used my mind-telescopeTo see God’s Compassion-Eye.
Now I am using my heart-microscopeTo see God’s Satisfaction-Heart.
```Do not try to possess
The binding body of the world.Only prepare yourself to be claimed
By the illumining soul of the world. ```Even when the mind surrenders,
Its unwillingness-breathDoes not surrender.
But when the heart surrenders,Its willingness-oneness-life
Also surrenders. ```If your eyes are made of hopes
And if your heart is made of promises,Then there shall come a day
When your life will be madeOf God’s Vision-Delight.
```I am smiling
Because today I have discoveredMy old friend doubt
Caught in the actOf hypocrisy.
```I tell my mind’s oblivion,
“I have no time to wait for you.My heart and I are now on our way
To Heaven’s Delight supreme.” ```How can your life succeed,
How can your heart proceed,If you always beg God
To grant you the experiencesThat He has kept aside for others?
```In the beginning it seems
That even God the CompassionIs not approachable.
But after you makeConsiderable inner progress,
Not only is God the CompassionApproachable,
But so is God the Justice. ```Certainly the mind is a road.
But if this road does not lead meTo my choice destination,
Then for me this roadIs worse than useless.
```O my confusion-mind,
Slow down, slow down!Let my aspiration-heart
Come to the foreAnd catch up with you.
```Because of the severe pressure
Of his inner weaknesses,He no longer sees
His mountain peak of hope. ```If you want to become
God’s ambassador,Then the most important thing to do
Is to watch the qualityOf your thought-life.
```When God invites you,
Go to HimNot with the dead leaves of desire
But with the fresh plantOf aspiration.
```If you want to master
The length of ignorance-night,Then you must live
In the depthOf Wakefulness-God.
```The delight of the morning sky
Is welcoming you.No more can the tears of sorrow
Shatter your heart. ```I am glad
That you haveBroken completely
The chains of intellect.I am glad
That your mind-energyIs no longer enslaved.
I am glad
That you areNo longer possessed
By a stone-hearted life. ```If you are always
In love with tears,How can you ever enjoy
The vision of God’sConstant Self-Transcendence?
```What my mind needs
Is a promising hopeAnd not a tempting desire.
What my heart needs
Is a loving GodAnd not a binding world.
What my soul needs
Is man’s satisfaction-delightAnd not man’s perfection-promise.
```Your conscious mistakes
Have the powerTo show you the giant footsteps
Of your spiritual death. ```Your soul still loves you
Although you are a slaveOf envy-passion.
Your God still needs you
Although you deliberatelyTry to avoid Him.
```Today if your mind enjoys
An iota of darkness,Then tomorrow your life
Will be mercilessly forced to enjoyA sea of misery.
```Alas, how can my Lord Supreme
Enjoy His birthless and deathlessSatisfaction-Delight,
Unless I totally give up enjoyingMy age-old oblivion-night?
```Do not fill your life
With self-accusations.Just look at your endless
Inner self-transcendence-light. ```Each human life abides
Between the cheerful question of life,“Who am I?”
And the powerful answer of death,“I am all.”
```Each good thought
Is a small heaven.Ask your heart if I am correct.
Each bad thought
Is a big hell.Ask your mind if I am correct.
```Since your mind is only dreaming
And your heart is not loving,How can you expect to change your face?
How can you? ```Your life’s uncertainties
Vanished awayThe moment your mind
Stopped seeking dominionAnd started seeking liberation.
```Unbelievable but true:
My confusion-mind is longingFor liberation
To see God enjoyingHis Infinity’s Delight.
```I am not going to listen
To your wild arguments,O my stupid mind.
From now on I shall listenTo the ocean-deep wisdom
Of my soulFor my fast-approaching enlightenment.
```You tell me
That you are enjoyingThe absence of desire-forest
Inside your mind.But you have forgotten
To tell me something else.I am sure you are also enjoying
The presence of aspiration-mountainInside your heart.
```Now that you have learnt
The invaluable art of whisperingTo God,
Your life will soon becomeA panorama of divine perfection.
```Heaven’s unanswerable “Why”
Will now surrender to youBecause the Absolute Supreme
Is smiling through your heart-tears. ```Do you remember
That once upon a timeYou were a flaming torch of love?
Do you remember
That once upon a timeYou constantly flew upward
To your Beloved Supreme?Do you remember
That once upon a timeYou pleased God unconditionally?
```You tell me
That God is not always needed,But can your mind dare to say
That God the CompassionIs not always needed?
Can your heart dare to sayThat God the Forgiveness
Is not always needed? ```God has given you
The power to choose,But what have you chosen?
You have chosenTo grovel in darkness,
You have chosenTo live in appalling ignorance.
```You have chosen to live
In ignorance.Ignorance has chosen to live
In temptation.Temptation has chosen to live
In deathless frustration. ```Do you really want
The highest illuminationIn your life?
Then keep yourself always freeFrom the false bubble of reputation.
```There is an absolute
God-perfection-roomInside my heart,
But my mind never daresTo enter there.
```You have already become
An observing eyeAnd a remembering heart.
Can you not also becomeA self-giving life?
```Ask your mind not to sink
Into the sleep of despair.Ask your heart not to rest
Until it has discoveredThe ultimate meaning
Of human life on earth. ```My Lord Supreme,
By praising You,Not only do I get deep joy
But also invaluable self-confidenceIn measureless measure.
```I use the ears of my heart
To hear my Perfection-Lord Supreme.I use the eyes of my heart
To see my Satisfaction-Lord Supreme. ```He conceals humanity’s imperfection
Inside his heart.He reveals divinity’s satisfaction-promise
With his illumination-soul. ```As I believe in the emptiness
Of desire-possession,Even so, I believe in the fulness
Of ignorance-renunciation. ```Since you have developed
The inner courage to correct yourself,God is now all ready to dance
His Satisfaction-DanceInside your heart
And before your mind. ```You have now started
To experience envy,God has now started
To experience sorrowAnd I have now started
To experience complete bewilderment. ```God is waiting
For the revelationOf my powerful potentialities.
I am waitingFor the completion
Of God’s bountiful Vision. ```God has three very special friends:
My soulfulness-life,My willingness-mind
And my oneness-heart. ```Mine is the mind
That likes fantastic minds.Mine is the heart
That loves ecstatic hearts.Mine is the soul
That becomes inseparably oneWith God-intoxicated souls.
```The eye of my soul
Threatens ignorance.The mouth of my soul
Frightens ignorance.The life of my soul
Transforms ignorance.The Pilot of my soul
Illumines ignorance. ```His heart was extremely grateful
To those who came forwardTo sing his aspiration-realisation-
Manifestation-songs. ```What can the absence
Of desire do?It can make you see
That you are a meditation-riverRunning into the realisation-sea.
```My sound-life means nothing
To you,But your silence-life means everything
Not only to my aspiration-lifeBut also to my desire-life.
```Although my vital does not know it,
There is a secret joyIn serving.
Although my mind does not know it,
There is a great powerIn unlearning.
Although my life does not know it,
There is a supreme satisfactionIn surrendering.
```There is no such thing
As might is right or right is might.Wisdom-light is both right and might,
And this wisdom-lightIs nothing other than
Our heart’s love-oneness-perfection. ```My dependency
On my Lord’s Compassion-EyeAnd Forgiveness-Heart
Is not my helplessnessBut my perfect wisdom-light.
```If you keep your mind-door closed,
You can easily go in and outThrough your heart-door,
For that door is always kept wide openBy God’s own Satisfaction-Heart.
```I have two friends.
One is my mind’sUnconscious teacher:
Ignorance.The other is my heart’s
Conscious tutor:God.
```Nobody can force you
To be the authorOf your own despair.
Nobody can prevent you
From being the fulfillerOf your golden dreams.
```No, human life is not
An endless limitation.Human life is the breathless
And deathless Vision-LightOf our Pilot Supreme.
```As God’s Compassion
Is a definite necessityIn my outer life,
Even so, God’s SatisfactionIs a supreme necessity
In my inner life. ```If you demand,
You are a fool.Why?
When you demand,You try to force others
To give you joy.With force you cannot conquer the heart,
And if you cannot conquer the heart,Then there is no true joy.
```For him to reach the highest height
Of his realisation-treeWas an extremely easy task.
For him to bring down its fruitsWas a harder task.
For him to distribute these fruitsTo the world in abundant measure
Was an extremely difficult task. ```Do not recognise any defeat!
Recognise only one thing:Your own soul’s omnipotence
In your life. ```From:Sri Chinmoy,Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 4, Agni Press, 1983
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