My soul’s promise to my Lord Supreme
Is the longest and strongest bridgeOver my life’s abyss.
```My Beloved Supreme tells me
That my smiling dreamsHave to be transformed
Into my dancing realities.Then only will I be able
To please HimIn His own Way.
```O my heart of aspiration,
Stay with me.My soul of delight is coming
To take you and meTo Heaven’s Ecstasy-Palace.
```I shall not use any more
My common sense,For my common sense
Is a common thingWhich everybody has.
From now on I shall useOnly one sense:
My surrender-sense,Which lives only in God
And only for God. ```A useless seeker
Knows how to giveConstant advice.
A first-class seeker
Knows only how to abide byGod’s self-giving Advice.
```All my friends
Have come and gone.Only one friend is left:
My hope-friend.This hope-friend of mine
Will stay with me forever,Since its Creator,
God the Dream,Will always remain inside me
To grow intoGod the Reality.
```Nothing remains
Save and except one thing:My conscious need for God.
```Humanity’s dream is not a question
That has to be answered.It is a reality
That wants to be manifestedIn God’s Heart-Garden.
```You can meet with
Ordinary peopleAnd enjoy their company.
But never forgetThat you have to give
Something special to them. ```O doubter-mind,
Can you not stop doubtingOnly once?
Can you not stop thinkingOnly once?
Can you not start lovingAnd becoming a oneness-heart
Even for a fleeting hour? ```You are oblivious
To your soul’s compassion-light.But your soul’s self-giving
Is always quite obviousTo God’s Vision-Light.
```Equanimity-balance within me
Is goneBecause I have asked my mind
To steer my life-boat. ```I ask God,
Is there any special reasonWhy He tortures me?
God asks me,Is there any special reason
Why I do not please HimCheerfully and unconditionally
All the time?Is there any special reason?
```Frustration-clouds veil your face
Because your heart’s aspiration-flamesDo not desire to reach
Your soul’s illumination-sun. ```His hunger for possession
Never ends.His thirst for renunciation
Never begins.Therefore, God does not know
When to come and visit him. ```At long last
God is extremely proud of youBecause the disobedience
Of your vital-bullHas completely surrendered
To the obedienceOf your heart-lamb.
```Do not cry, do not cry!
God lives alsoIn the heart of tomorrow.
I assure you,Tomorrow’s heart
Of satisfaction-delightWill be all yours.
```Before doubt strikes your mind,
Can you not grow faith-plantCheerfully and carefully
Inside your heart-garden? ```Do not ignore any warning!
Each warning is as fatalAs the final warning.
```When he joined the spiritual path,
He had a brief periodOf inner torture.
Now it is all over.His heart is all confidence-light.
```There is only one thing on earth
That can justify life,And that thing is
Man’s satisfaction-love,Which grows inside man’s heart
And glows inside God’s Heart. ```I tell you
With absolute certaintyThat there is no special reward
For your self-styled struggles. ```The crying voice
Of every heartFulfils man’s
Heavenward choice. ```You need not long for anything else
As long as your heart has the capacityTo attract God’s Compassion-Attention.
```O my mind,
You think your deplorable misdeedsAre quite adorable.
Is it not the heightOf your stupidity?
```Before Heaven accepts you,
Heaven sends one of its messengersTo go through your references.
```A strange twist of fate
Has compelled him to descendFrom his aspiration-peak
Into his frustration-abyss. ```You want to board
The realisation-plane.Show me first
Your aspiration-ticket! ```If you throw jealousy-stones
At this world,The world of ecstasy
Will never welcome you. ```If you are ready to dream,
Then only will God the SupremeStand before you
As God the Satisfaction-Reality. ```God gave me one more chance
To transform my information-mindInto an inspiration and aspiration-heart.
```When a seeker fails
In his aspiration-life,It must be taken as a great lesson
For all the other seekers. ```My life’s ecstasy-melody
I hearWhen I do not cherish
My weakness-wheelchair. ```Please wait for me one more moment,
O my Lord Supreme.Your Compassion-Telegram
I was afraid to openFor fear that I would not be ready
To follow You speedilyIn Your own Way.
```I have consulted my expert heart.
It tells me that my mind-tigerWill eventually turn into
My heart-lion,The lion that roars for divine victory.
```You call it
Your inner silence-delight.I call it
Your heart’s life-deafening sound. ```The heart is so compassionate
That it does not want the mindTo lag behind
In any walk of life. ```An unexpected visitor
Entered into his heartTo tell him that the Heavenly God
Does not mind if he failsSo long as he wants to try
Again and again. ```Doubt is undoubtedly a god,
But it is a false god.Why do you have to obey
A false god?Obey the real God:
Faith. ```You have tried.
You have not succeeded.That does not mean
That you will not try any more.Try once more!
You will not only succeedIn the life that becomes
But also proceedIn the life that eternally is.
```Do not be a fool!
You are supposed to pray and meditateRight on the battlefield of life.
The Himalayan cavesAre totally out of date.
```The soul’s mother tongue
Is God-Beauty’sSatisfaction-nourishing Heart.
```Do not allow yourself
To be devoured by past mistakes,For God is expecting from your life
A profound inner transformation. ```Two visible hands
Have imprisoned you.One invisible Hand
Is liberating you. ```The luxuries of your outer life
Are impoverishingThe beauty and purity
Of your inner life. ```You live in your mind’s
Stupidity-cave.Therefore, you deny your soul’s
Divinity-palace. ```What counted
Was God’s Compassion.What counts
Is God’s Forgiveness.What will count
Is my gratitude. ```Do not settle for anything less
Than the complete transformationOf your earth-bound ignorance-cry.
```Like his soul,
His heart also wants to becomeA professional
In God’s Cosmic Game. ```He has been campaigning
For God the Justice,But God the Compassion always wins
In his life. ```Do not be surprised
To discover a ray of delightInside your heart.
There shall come a timeWhen your heart will be inundated
With God’s Self-transcending Delight. ```If you deliberately ignore
Your heart of faith,Then you are unmistakably
Opening your lifeTo accept the invitation
Of a terrible disaster. ```If you keep
Your sweet and illumining dreamAlive,
Then fulfilling realitiesCannot remain a far cry.
```There is no borderline
BetweenThe stupidity of the mind
And the impurity of the vital. ```If your mind has complaints,
Then those complaintsYour mind must discard.
Do not bringYour mind’s complaints to God,
For He hasInfinitely more important things
To deal with. ```Each life has a few false starts.
But eventually each lifeWill not only finish the race
But also win the race. ```If you do not offer
Your love-blossoms,Then you will soon see
Hatred-thorns before you. ```To have a heart
Of selfless dedicationThat is not supported
By a heart of aspirationIs a stupidly unconventional way
To walk along God’s Road. ```You think
Truth is too painful.But I assure you,
Truth will one day prove to youThat it is only bountiful.
```A mind of hesitation
And a vital of frustrationAre the two short circuits
In your aspiration-current. ```Those who do not know
How to shareHave to know
That God also does not knowHow to care for them.
```It is simply not yet your turn
To realise GodAnd to play God’s Role
On earth. ```Do not chase anything.
But if you have to chase,Then only chase away
Your temptation-tiger. ```You have made God so happy
By leaping overYour high ego-hurdles.
```The mind has to become accustomed
To running side by sideWith the heart and the soul.
```God wants man to discover
His Heavenly bloom.Instead of doing that,
Man invents his own earthly doom. ```If you walk
Only on hope-clouds,You will miss
Reality’s satisfaction-feast. ```He is totally lost
Between his mind’sBrooding doubts
And his heart’sIncreasing faith.
```Do come to me
To learn a little meditation.Do come to me
To give me a littleOf your dedication.
```He talks
Of only one thing:His heart’s deathless sorrows.
```He does not want God,
He does not need God.He is swelling
With his own self-importance. ```Sadness weighs upon your heart
Because you have notFreed your mind
From its suspicion-madness. ```You have to carry
Your deplorable fateSince your heart is not willing
To accept God’s WillAs your only Saviour.
```God does not want
To catch your consciousnessOff guard.
He wants you
Only to keep your consciousnessAlways high.
You may think you need lifeAnd not death.
You choose ignorance-deathOver life.
```You cannot get along
Even with God’s Compassion-Heart.How can you ever hope
To get alongWith man’s deception-mind?
```Every day
God gives youA faith-transfusion.
But even then every dayYou take doubt-poison!
```A true and sincere God-lover
Does not and cannot liveOn a meagre aspiration-income.
```Simplify your life,
Purify your heart,Multiply your God-love.
Lo, God is claiming youAs His very own.
```You do not have the patience
To wait for God’s Hour,But you think that the world
Has time to wait with patienceFor your transformation-hour.
```You do not have the patience
To wait for God’s Hour.How do you then expect God
To grant you His Eternity’sSatisfaction-Tower?
```Do not think
That it is an impossible taskFor you to liberate your mind
From suspicion-swing. ```If you want to spend all your life
Observing others,God is not going to prevent you.
God will just start observing thoseWho have no one else to observe
But Him. ```A heart of fear
And a mind of doubtAre the two great extinguishers
Of my inner life. ```God wants to keep
His Love-Length and His Divinity-DepthAlways unmeasured,
And I want them to beSleeplessly treasured
By my aspiration-heart. ```Even when his inner road
Becomes dangerous,He does not surrender
To the comfort-lovingAnd comfort-spreading
Outer road. ```Whom do I love most?
I love mostGod the Dreamer.
Why?Because God the Dreamer
Never fails me. ```If you try a little harder,
I assure you,You will be able to liberate yourself
From your dingy mind-slum. ```If you allow your ego to pretend,
Your ego will not only bendYour life-tree
But also uprootThe whole tree.
```There is a continuous battle
Between my earthly greedAnd my Heavenly need.
Needless to say,My earthly greed always wins,
Only to lose miserably. ```The human vital knows how to resist.
The human mind knows how to insist.Alas, there is nothing divine in me
That will teach me how to desistFrom doing the wrong things.
```The Inner Pilot tells him
That he excels in everythingBecause he is of His Ancient Source.
```Do not try to escape
From His all-seeing Eye.His all-seeing Eye
Is not going to torture you.Its very purpose is
To illumine you. ```If you wait for the approval
Of your friendsIn everything that you do,
You are not going to succeedAt all
In this lifetimeIn anything.
```Earthly ears are useless.
Only with your Heavenly earsWill you be able to hear sleeplessly
God’s Silence-Cheers. ```I am not going to be tortured
Any moreBy my long-lost forgotten hopes.
I am going to revive them and fulfil themOnce and for all.
```He sails his life’s
In the frustration-sea. ```At last my life-boat
Is returningTo its Golden Shore,
Sailing away fromA thick and blinding mist.
```All he believes
Is his doubtful mind.All he needs
Is his destruction-vital. ```Blame not the stars,
Blame not the sky,Blame not the sun.
Blame only yourselfFor not being willing
To accept God’s Will as your ownWhen He asks you to become
As beautiful as the stars,As vast as the sky
And as powerful as the sun. ```From:Sri Chinmoy,Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 40, Agni Press, 1984
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