Secretly I placed my old life
At God’s Feet.Openly, cheerfully and unconditionally
God handed me His own Life. ```God’s Compassion-Heart
Makes His Eternity’s long StoryShort,
And this Story He narratesOnly to those
Who are eager to becomePart and parcel
Of His Immortality’s Smile. ```The distance between
God and the God-loverIs always measured
In the heart of oneness-time. ```God’s Forgiveness-Heart
Touched the very coreOf your remorseful tears
Long before you became consciousOf your tears.
```My aspiration-heart
Is always a cheerful giver.My suspicion-mind
Is not even a willing taker. ```For the first time in his life
He thinks and feelsThat God is planning
His aspiration-training schedule. ```If you are beginning
To believe in God,You will be able to see yourself
Coming out of expectation-ambushAnd entering into satisfaction-garden.
```In the morning he becomes
A towering meditation-mountain.In the evening he becomes
A flowering satisfaction-sky. ```O my mind,
You want many things,But what you actually need
Is a long silence-sleep. ```Do you long to listen
To God?If you are longing,
God will give youNot only enthusiasm-waves,
But also success-sea. ```The universal Oneness-Heart
Wants you to cry.The transcendental Oneness-Soul
Wants your life to fly. ```His heart has inherited
Forgiveness-SatisfactionFrom God Himself.
```His ego-life ended
Only when his oneness-heartHe offered to mankind
For its outer and inner progress. ```Don’t worry, don’t worry!
Your heart will eventually winIn the battlefield of life
In spite of your mind. ```God’s Compassion can be seen
With man’s possession,But man’s possession can never be seen
With God’s Satisfaction-Delight. ```The ups and downs of aspiration-kite
Are quite natural today.But tomorrow the aspiration-kite
Must fly only high, higher, highest. ```The heart believes
In endless education.Therefore
Its teacher, the soul,Is always ready
With its ever-contributingIllumination.
```For faith to mingle
With miraclesIs as easy
As God’s grantingA Perfection-Smile.
```I gazed and gazed
Upon the blue-white horizonAnd watched a thought-free world
Entering into my heart’s aspiration-cry. ```What I want from God
Is a powerful Smile.What God wants from me
Is a soulful cry. ```A childish dream I used to have.
I used to see God losing to meIn cleverness-contest.
Now a childlike dream every night I have.God and I play hide-and-seek
In God’s Heart-Palace. ```With my soul’s adamantine certitude
I shall conquerMy life’s stupid nothingness-pride.
```Each aspiring heart
Is destined to singWith tomorrow’s dawn
In the Heart-GardenOf the Absolute Supreme.
The mind is a road.But while walking along
This roadThere comes a time
When we realiseThat this particular road
Goes nowhere. ```If God has examined you,
Then you are bound to pass,For He knows that if you fail,
It will be His loss,And also
It will be His added endeavourTo make you perfect.
```There is only one secret
In human life,And that secret is:
God is not keepingHis Perfection-Satisfaction
All for Himself.He is both secretly and openly
Giving away His Perfection-SatisfactionTo humanity.
```The expansion of a seeker’s heart
Is the Satisfaction of GodNot only here on earth
But also in Heaven. ```Each undivine intention
Of the human mindEventually will meet with perdition.
```The mind needs constant freshness,
The heart needs constant oneness,The life needs constant newness.
Then only do we becomeConscious and helpful members
Of God’s Family. ```An innocence-life
Is always guidedBy God’s Perfection-bestowing Height.
```God always treats you
As His dearest child.But where is your heart
To feel it,And where is your mind
To believe it? ```God’s Compassion-Eye
Has forgiven my life,Saved my heart
And inspired my mindTo a new God-oriented life.
```A simplicity-life
Is the satisfaction-smileOf God’s Beauty in man.
```You are not responsible
For your neighbour’s possessions,But you are definitely responsible
For your neighbour’s aspiration-cryAnd dedication-smile.
```My mind’s silver desire
Is to becomeAs powerful as God.
My heart’s golden desire
Is to becomeAn unconditionally surrendered breath
Of God’s Satisfaction-Will. ```Frustration-life
Is only a few feet aheadOf disaster-tiger!
```God is always eager and anxious
To trade His Compassion-SunFor a prayer-flame of mine.
```If you want to be
A choice instrument of God,Then live always
In the prosperous vicinity of faithAnd never
In the dangerous vicinity of doubt. ```You are desiring
The heart of satisfaction.Can you not see
That your body is already lostTotally
In the temptation-valley? ```God’s Satisfaction-Home
May be far away from you.Again, do you not realise
That your perfection-heartIs also far away from God?
```Either you become
God’s alone,Or you have to become
All yours.There is no other alternative.
```Yesterday I fought
With my doubtful and confusing mind.Today I am fighting
With my imperfection-self.Tomorrow God and I together
Shall celebrate my victory-life. ```If you are boarding
Your self-transcendence-plane,Then rest assured,
God’s transcendental HeightsWill never be denied to you.
```Your soul will never allow God
To lower the priceOf your life’s divine satisfaction.
```No human power
Can tie the soul,For it wants only to be tied
By the divine power,Love.
```God right now does not want
A reality-partner.He wants to be satisfied
Only with a dream-partner. ```Who can resist
His heart’s enthusiasmTo transform humanity’s face
And perform divinity’s danceOn earth-stage?
You are not appreciated.Impurity,
You are not appreciated.Faith,
You are not only appreciatedBut also admired.
Surrender,You are not only appreciated
And admired,But also adored.
Gratitude,You are not only appreciated,
Admired and adored,But also loved.
```My conscious and constant
Need of GodIs a supreme secret.
This supreme secret neither God nor IWant to share with anybody else.
```God the Compassion
Does not believe in calculation.Therefore
He does not wantHis Calculator to work
At any time. ```If you hold God
In your daily thoughts,God will travel with you
All the time,Not only physically
But also mentally.He will travel with you physically
To strengthen you.He will travel with you mentally
To illumine you. ```Everything of God
I love deeply,But His earth-visiting
Forgiveness-FeetI love most.
```To live a simple life
Is to live in wisdom-light.To live a soulful life
Is to be inseparably oneWith God’s infinite Delight.
```A mind of doubt
Is the fatal beginningOf the seeker’s self-destruction.
```O my mind,
Do not be afraidOf your soul’s silence!
Your soul’s silence-lightIs going to illumine
The undivine in youAnd manifest
The divine in you. ```God has given my heart
An eternal name:Aspiration.
God has given meAn eternal name:
Surrender. ```What is disobedience
If not a catastrophic experienceIn a seeker’s aspiration-life?
Must climb up perfection-peaksTo become one with God’s
Self-Transcendence-Satisfaction. ```If you can cut down
Your mind’s ingratitude-tree,Then God will grant you
His Heart’s Vastness-Property. ```My Lord asks me to show Him
Only one soulful thing.And what do I do?
In return I ask Him to give meA good many fruitful things.
```Two changes
Will make your vital better:Ask your vital
To be more pure.Ask your vital
To be less demanding. ```Since your mind is always busy,
Can you not ask your heartTo be of help to you
In receiving God’s infiniteCompassion-Light?
```My mind’s employer
Is doubt, the unknown.My heart’s employer
Is Delight, the Unknowable. ```When God knocks
At my heart’s door,I immediately become faithful
To my heart’s life. ```These are the two messages
Of Heaven:God is always for you.
You will eventually becomeAnother God.
```My heart is not smart,
But my heart is always expertIn following God’s Compassion-Eye
And God’s Forgiveness-Heart. ```Doubt has the audacity
To declare everything wrongIn God’s entire creation.
```The human in us
Does not love a loser.The divine in us
Sympathises with a loser.The Supreme in us
Is undoubtedly both the WinnerAnd the Loser.
```His folded hands of humility
Are given the rightTo take a short-cut
While running towardsTomorrow’s destination.
```With your mind’s dimly lit
Inspiration-lamp,How can you hope to awaken
The aspiration-life of mankind? ```Deep inside humanity’s heart
I wish to see, admire, adoreAnd finally love
Only the silence-seekers. ```Your absent-minded meditation
Can easily say “No”To God’s Compassion-Eye.
His life is firmly seatedIn failure,
Because he made friendsWith disobedience-night.
```O stupid ignorance,
Would you tell me,Since when have you become
My boss?My Boss, my only Boss,
Is my Beloved Supreme. ```His mind has opened
A disobedience-school.In that school
Everybody is gettingThe chaos-diploma.
```Look ahead.
What do you see?Frustration!
Look behind.
What do you see?Destruction!
Alas, you are in between
A frustration-bullAnd a destruction-panther.
```When disappointment strikes you
Powerfully,There is only one way to escape,
And that way is to rememberHow many times
And in how many waysYou have pleased your Beloved Supreme.
```A swimmer in ignorance-sea
Will eventually becomeA God-lover,
For no ignorance-sea-swimmerWill have the capacity
To dislike God forever. ```To be a conscious partner of God
Is not a difficult task,For God’s Vision-Eye
Every dayInspires each human being
To be His closest partner. ```If you have a brave heart,
Then you can have a new life.If you have a new life,
Then you are boundTo feel the Heart and see the Face
Of a new God.Who is that new God?
Your own transformed reality. ```The music of the heart
Is the sweetnessThat has a free access
To the all-embracing Oneness-HeartOf God.
```My old inner prayer was:
“God, give me the power to become great.”My new inner prayer is:
“My Lord, give me the powerTo become an unconditional instrument
Of Yours.” ```Your heart-eye is the only eye
That can seeThe perfection-beauty of Heaven
And the satisfaction-heartOf the cosmic gods.
```Every day God’s God-Hour can strike.
But where is your consciousAnd soulful willingness
To anchor your life-boatIn God’s Delight-Harbour?
```Don’t worry about your heart-room!
Your daily meditation most gladlyAnd most satisfactorily
Will take care of it. ```Even your mind’s closed door
Will open upAs soon as it hears
God-Heart’s Compassion-Knock. ```Two enemies,
Life and death,Both pray to God
For the same boon:Immortality.
```If your life lives
In a dark cornerOf your mind-room,
Then I can easily seeYour spiritual death
Right in your face. ```From humanity,
When I expect anything,My expectation is nothing but
A life-devouring experience.From divinity,
When I expect anything,My expectation is nothing other than
A life-illumining realisation. ```When you are dealing with your mind,
You must be a sincere inspector.When you are dealing with your heart,
You must be a sincere lover. ```In your life of aspiration
You never need a tremendous mind.What you need is a spacious heart.
```Because of my self-styled guidance,
I am unable to arriveAt God’s Golden Gate.
```Because you hesitated
To call on God yesterday,Today you are pitifully crying.
And if you hesitateTo call on God today,
Tomorrow you will unmistakably die! ```There are two ways
To win forgiveness:One way is to tell God,
“My Lord,I shall not do it again!”
The other way is to ask God,“My Lord,
Please show me the wayTo live consciously in You
And for You.” ```Unless you ignore life’s endless demands,
Your soul will not be able to makeA glorious beginning
In your God-manifestation-journey. ```God’s Compassion-Eye on me
Is for God’s Satisfaction-Heart.Indeed, today I am blessed
With this new vision-dawnIn my life of dedication.
```Today my life
Is a winding experience-pathAnd my heart
Is a binding experience-path.But I know tomorrow
My life shall beA liberating realisation-journey
And my heart shall beAn immortalising realisation-journey.
```Slowly and steadily
Your inner sun is rising.That means God is blessingfully binding
Your entire existenceIn a new way.
```If you do not use
Your aspiration-wingsDaily,
You will not only displease God,But also increase
Your destruction-flowing doubtsAnd fears.
```My Lord,
I thank You deeplyFor three daily miracles:
I love You only,I need You only,
And I belong to You only. ```From:Sri Chinmoy,Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 41, Agni Press, 1984
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