Every morning I must realise
That I have the golden opportunityOf an unused day before me
To use in a divine way. ```God compassionately gave me
My eternal name:Aspiration.
I unconditionally gave my Lord
His eternal Name:Compassion.
```On my heart’s stage
I have had quite a few performers.Nobody has satisfied me.
Therefore, I have invitedA totally new Performer:
My Beloved Supreme. ```Do not fool yourself!
Do not try to convert falsehoodInto truth.
It is a thankless and useless task.You simply cannot do it!
```Man’s Heaven-visiting hours
Depend on man’sSurrender-delight.
God’s earth-visiting hours
Depend on God’sUnconditional Compassion.
```In vain
God has been lookingFor millennia
For His Vision-partner. ```At long last
My life is able to boardMy Lord’s Forgiveness-Plane.
You are not admired.Impurity,
You are despised.Ingratitude,
You should be hanged! ```Yesterday I fought with God
With my impurity-breath.Today I am dancing with God
With my purity-heart. ```If you do not think much
Of God,How do you expect
A Satisfaction-LetterFrom God?
```Now that I have cut down
My heart’s ingratitude-tree,God is opening His Heart-Door
UnconditionallyAnd will leave it open
Eternally. ```Two changes
Will make your mind perfect:Do not allow your mind
To be your teacher.Do not allow your mind
To doubt you, your sincerity. ```If you can be eager to receive
Blessings from God,Then rest assured that God
Will be fond of granting youHis blessingful Favour.
```God is really sad
When He sees that He isYour second-best friend.
God is not happy
When He sees that He happens to beOnly your best friend.
God will be happy and proud
Of Himself and of youOnly when you consider Him to be
Your only Friend. ```My grief and my sorrows
Flew awayWhen I received a Forgiveness-Letter
From my Beloved Supreme. ```You have simply no idea
How selective God can be at times.Therefore, I urge you to be
Perfect at every momentIn every way
Both in your outer lifeAnd in your inner life.
```If you cheerfully admit
Your teeming follies,Then God the Compassion
And God the SatisfactionWill not remain strangers to you.
```If you demand instant realisation,
Then you will be compelledTo suffer the greatest defeat,
Both unimaginable and laughable,If not unpardonable.
```My mind often feels lost
When it seesThe purity, beauty and divinity
Of my heart. ```You will never be able to climb
Perfection-peaksBecause of the catastrophic disobedience
Of your vitalIn your aspiration-life.
```Everybody needs an invitation
From God.But impurity and insecurity
Do not care forHis formal Invitation.
```Invite purity’s life
On the strength of your sincerity.Invite divinity’s breath
On the strength of your purity-life. ```You fool,
When are you going to unburdenYour stupid mind-donkey?
```Wisdom-light is infinitely better
Than weak pride.This is the unmistakable experience
Of all truth-seekers and God-lovers. ```God wants to perfect your dream-life.
Can you not sit for a momentUnder His
Compassion-Protection-Illumination-Tree? ```Poor anxiety
Has to live unwillinglyIn the dangerous vicinity
Of doubt! ```He was extremely happy
To trade his proud intelligenceFor a soulful prayer.
```God’s Calculator
Is unlike ours.It does not know
How to subtract.It only adds and multiplies.
For whom?For mankind.
```Learn every day
A new way of living,For that is the only way
You can please your Beloved SupremeMost satisfactorily.
```God’s Satisfaction-Home
Is still quite far,But it does definitely exist.
```When he gave up
His aspiration-life,He never thought
He would be totally lostIn the temptation-valley.
```Why do you not trust God,
Only God,When there are many people around you
Who can easily deceive you?Why do you not trust yourself
When nobody is around youAnd nobody is for you?
```Alas, alas,
He is deliberately feedingHis aspiration-devouring doubt.
```His heart’s illumination-sun
Has at last put an endTo his close encounters
With his confusion-mind. ```Your life of receptivity
Entirely depends onYour heart’s prayerful spontaneity.
```You are such a fool!
Why did you allow your stupid mindTo be accepted into
The eyeless frustration-fraternity? ```Yesterday
God selected himTo be man’s most faithful servant.
God is selecting himTo be His absolutely perfect
Representative on earth. ```You can be my friend
Only if you want to becomeAn unconditional volunteer
To voice God’s VictorySleeplessly.
```Why do you want me to look
At your hesitation-mindAnd frustration-vital?
Do you think I have nothing better to do? ```You are such a fool!
Do you not seeThat you are increasing
Your incarnationsBy mixing with your stupid friends:
Desires! ```Your leave of absence
From aspiration-schoolHas turned your mind
Into a monkeyAnd your heart
Into a donkey. ```Expectation-seeds grow into
Not only severeBut also chronic headaches.
Is not allowed to walk alone.He is forced to carry
Right on his shoulderA grief-bag.
```Heaven is always ready
To welcome hell into its house.But hell, in its blind pride,
Finds it beneath its dignityTo accept Heaven’s invitation.
```He is at once chosen
By God’s SatisfactionAnd rejected
By humanity’s hesitation. ```He does not remember
That he unconsciously hidA temptation-time-bomb
Inside his vital-closet. ```The heart’s willingness
Is always readyTo enjoy the company
Of cheerful lives. ```Obedience knows
Many divine things.Disobedience knows
Only one unpardonable thing:God-denial.
```Do not allow
Your mind’s cloudsTo hover over
Your heart’s aspiration-tree. ```Because you are so stupid,
You are cautiously approachingYour own aspiration-heart.
```His is the vastly untidy life
That is always engrossedIn confusing life-projects.
```A seeker’s heart-cry
And a seeker’s life-smileAre the two most delicious fruits
That his Beloved SupremeEnjoys most.
```O my mind,
Why didn’t you tell meThat insecurity was desperately trying
To strangle you?I could have prayed to my soul
To come to your rescue. ```Each night
His aspiration-heartElopes
With God’s Satisfaction-Heart. ```Do not add more imperfection
To your mind:Do not convince your mind
To belittle your heart’s aspiration. ```God is giving man
New work to do.He does not want man
To mourn his fleeting breathAny more.
```Just because he allowed dimness
To cloud his mind yesterday,Today darkness
Is enveloping his heart. ```I am not the only one.
God, too, feels sadTo see the decay
Of your aspiring heart. ```Because your faith is false,
You are failingIn your inner life
And you are imprisoningYour outer life.
```Do not refuse
God’s three most significant Gifts:His Compassion-Eye,
His Satisfaction-Heart,His Oneness-Life.
```Perhaps you have not
The slightest ideaWhat you have done:
You have damagedGod’s Compassion-Crown.
```Because of your heart’s
Inner beauty,Your life is able to claim God
As its very own. ```God wants us to celebrate
The dying life of ignoranceAnd not to parade
The tortures of living death. ```Insecurity has betrayed you.
This time guard yourselfWith your universal oneness-heart.
```Your mind may relax
On the clouds of illusion.Your heart can relax
Only inside the heartOf illumination-sun.
```Every day God changes
His Fishing Rod,For every day He has to catch
Ultramodern God-longing fish. ```Because you have allowed your mind
To be encaged by insecurity,Yours is a life of colossal failure.
```Faith-flame I do not see
Inside him any more.What I see in him
Is only doubt-smoke,And this smoke
Is suffocating his aspiration-life. ```If you do not live up to
Your spiritual standard,Which is absolutely necessary,
Then do not blame God.Blame your ill-fated life.
```God could not understand
When he asked GodFor a personal loan.
God said to him,“The term ‘loan’ is not available
In My Heart-Dictionary.Self-giving is the correct word
To be found in My Heart-Dictionary.” ```When your heart thinks for you,
You are safe,For God is always pleased
With your purity-heart. ```An unexpected inner cry
Has turned his life’s frustrationInto a most powerful
Aspiration-delight. ```A forced surrender
Is no surrender.Eventually it will end
In a catastrophic revolt. ```Your mind lives
In only one world,But your heart can live
And does liveIn many worlds at the same time
On the strengthOf its vast oneness-capacity.
```My seeker-friend,
Do not lose heart.There was a time
When I too was helplessly lostIn my mind’s desire-life.
```A purity-heart
Is his newly acquiredInner treasure.
```Man’s ingratitude
And his failureIn the inner world
Are two inseparable friends. ```Delay not, delay not!
You must replaceYour mind’s old impurity-life
With your heart’s new purity-life. ```Desire-ship
Ultimately is bound to dockAt failure-landing.
```You want to know where I live?
I tell you,I lived, I live and I will forever live
In the powerful clasp of hope. ```If you sing
With your dedication-life,Then God will teach you
How to danceWith His Satisfaction-Heart.
```If you are crying
Because of the lossOf your imagination
And the unwanted appearanceOf frustration,
Then you are doingTwo absolutely perfect things.
```When God was alone,
He definitely needed meTo be with Him.
Alas, why was I such a foolThat I would not be
His Vision-Reality-partner? ```Death is forced to retire
When humanity aspiresFor its inseparable oneness
With Immortality. ```You have increased your hope-seeds.
That means eventuallyYou are going to collect
Countless satisfaction-fruits. ```Do you want to be happy?
Then look at God’s Compassion-Eye.Do you want God to be happy?
Then feel God’s Oneness-Heart. ```Do you know that my future
Is the Eternal NowAnd that my Eternal Now
Is God-Immortality’s Satisfaction-Smile? ```If you are shopping
For satisfaction-doll,Then you must go
To aspiration-mall. ```If you do not join
The faith-committee,Then your self-doubt-demons
Will devour you. ```His heart’s
Flowering new enthusiasmHas brought down God
The complete Satisfaction-Heart. ```Beyond my hopes,
Beyond my dreams,Alas, alas,
Is my Lord’s Satisfaction-Smile. ```I am ready to weep
A fountain of gratitude-tearsIf you can convince my mind
To come out of its doubt-prison. ```His inner storm has cleared,
And now he is hearingThe song of perfection-life.
```He is ready to tolerate
Everything undivine in himselfExcept one thing:
His mind’s devouring doubts. ```Why are you moving
From one country to anotherTo find peace?
The sea of peaceIs just inside
Your mind’s silence-sky. ```You talk
To prove that you are right.He talks
To prove that he exists.I talk
To prove that I belong to God,Only God.
```I travelled with God.
He loved meNot because
I am a man of capacity,But because
I have a heart of enthusiasm. ```Nothing can bind the soul.
And also,Nothing can prevent the soul
From illumining the lower worldsAt God’s choice Hour.
```I begged God to lower the price
Of my God-realisation.Believe it or not,
He immediately agreed.What is more, He lowered it
Far beyond my imagination! ```My mind’s silver dream
Is to be as great as God.My heart’s golden dream
Is to become an aspiration-flameOf God’s transcendental Sun.
```From:Sri Chinmoy,Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 49, Agni Press, 1984
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/ap_49