My Lord,
You have given meThe capacity to cry.
My Lord,You have given me
The capacity to smile.Now please give me the capacity
To have purity inside my cryAnd beauty inside my smile.
```If you want to be
The possessor of happiness,Then you have to become
The cheerful renouncer of possessions,If so is the Will of God.
```Your heart of implicit faith
Has the capacityTo increase God’s Inspiration-Joy
For a better creation. ```Many times
God has given you the opportunityTo prove to the world
That you are His choice instrument.Alas, you are afraid
That you are not going to succeed! ```If you are going
To see God today,Then please tell Him
That although the worldDoes not want me
And does not need me,It is not allowing me
To go and see Him. ```If you do not have
An inspiration-mind,You will not be able to appreciate
The beauty of God the creation.If you do not have
An aspiration-heart,You will not be able to adore
The Divinity of God the Creator. ```He who wants
To be appreciated by GodDesires a mind of sound.
He who wants
To love God in God’s own WayDesires a heart of silence.
```Search for the source
Of your smile.You will see that the Source
Is God’s own Aspiration-Cry. ```Every human being
Has a special capacityTo create troubles for himself
In season and out of season. ```If you are suspicious
Of your friends,You will be forced to destroy
Your purity-heart and oneness-life. ```If you can make
A spiritual comeback,You will definitely have a way
To win Forgiveness-Light from God. ```His life has given him
An unforgettable experience:The futility of austerities.
```God the Compassion
Gives us the opportunity.Man the determination
Has to chooseThe right thing to do.
```Each aspiration-second
Is a fast God-approaching day.Indeed,
This is a supreme experienceIn a seeker’s life.
```Wherever You go, my Lord Supreme,
Do not forgetTo give me the capacity
To follow YouNot only cheerfully, but also selflessly.
```If you are the Buddha of today,
Why do I not seeYour compassion-eye?
If you are the Christ of today,
Why do I not feelYour forgiveness-heart?
If you are the Krishna of today,
Why do I not seeYour life’s ecstasy-dance?
```Your sincerity
And your determinationMust not only fight with your ego
But also conquer itOnce and for all.
```If you fan the fires of temptation,
There will be no way for youTo receive help
Either from Heaven’s Compassion-EyeOr from earth’s consolation-heart.
```You have started quickly.
Now you have to run fast,Very fast.
So that you can reachYour destination-shore
Sooner than you can possibly imagine. ```If you want to walk
Along the road of Immortality,Then you must not allow
Your immortal life-faultsTo accompany you.
```An insincere life
Is bound to experienceThe unexpected collapse
Of its aspiration-edifice. ```God has promised you
That He will meet your needs.Alas, He forgot to tell you
That He will meet only your real needs. ```He is extremely happy
Because he has becomeThe marriage of his heart’s love
And his life’s service. ```Good things are never easy:
To think of God soulfully,To love God devotedly,
To surrender to God unconditionally. ```His indifference
To the world’s praise and insultsHas made his heart
A garden of God-Beauty. ```The lion-pride of his vital
Was destroyedBy the thunder-voice of his soul.
```He prayed to God
For God’s Compassion-Light.God’s Compassion-Light
Secretly prevented himFrom catching the temptation-train.
```Every day
God takes your pictureWith His Compassion-Camera
And develops itWith His Forgiveness-Light.
```Alas, I did not know
That I had to paySuch a heavy debt
To my unconscious past. ```Your surrender-acceptance
Of God’s WillHas created a new hope
For the entire world. ```Your gratitude-heart
Is your soul’s most valuable treasure,And this treasure can never be stolen
By anybody. ```Cultivate your oneness-crop.
God will come to bless youWith His Infinity’s Satisfaction-Dance.
```If you do not cross
Your mind’s hesitation-bridge,You will never be able to reach
Your heart’s illumination-shore. ```His heart was playing
On his soul’s golden sweetness-flute.Therefore
His life becameHis divinity’s heart-shrine.
```If you know
How to love God’s creation,God will teach you
How to live exactly the way He livesIn His Satisfaction-Delight.
```Death is running away from your life
BecauseYou have placed your heart-flower
At God’s Compassion-Feet. ```I cannot blame God
If He refuses to see me,Since I am persistently and endlessly
Studying ignorance-courses. ```Each moonrise inspires me
To become beautiful.Each sunrise creates in me
A beautiful perfection-promise. ```I want to live forever
Where I am living now:On the summit
Of my hope-mountain. ```Faith
Is your life-preserver.Surrender
Is your life-fulfiller. ```When he lives
In his heart’s faith-room,He lives everywhere.
When he lives
In his mind’s doubt-room,He lives nowhere.
```His clever nature has taught him
How to be consciously obliviousOf his disobedience-life.
God is your Aspiration-FriendAnd not
Your destruction-friend. ```I do not have to go anywhere else
To see you fall.Your impurity-eyes have already announced
Your life’s deplorable fall. ```God’s Heart-Room
Is vaster than the vastest,Yet He does not allow any doubt
To live inside His Heart. ```Who will be your mentor?
He who has the capacityAnd is the capacity
To convince youThat your heart’s beauty
Will become tomorrowYour life’s divinity.
```Every day make friends with hope
If you want to fulfilAll your God-promises
Here on earthBefore Heaven invites you.
```A mind of uncertainty
Damages the seeker’sHeart-purity-plant.
```What were you doing
With your aspiration-lifeWhen God came to you
To grant you His Satisfaction-Smile? ```It seems humanity’s
Perfect satisfaction-templeWill always remain
Under construction. ```His heart-fort
Was destroyedBy his own
Giant impurity-mind. ```No flattery,
However delightful,Can charm a true seeker
Of the Infinite LightEven for a fleeting second,
For he has already escapedThe snare of temptation.
```I was born
In God’s immortal Dream-Boat,And God is now steering His Boat
Cheerfully and proudlyTo His immortal Reality-Shore.
```O world, do not bind me,
Do not blind me!Just let me return
To my heart’s aspiration-home. ```Unless you break
Your mind’s indifference-shell,You will not be able to spell
Your life’s satisfaction-smile. ```If you do not allow it,
No human being will be ableTo close the iron gate
On your life’s freedom-light. ```If you avoid a collision
With your aggressive past,You will easily be able to have
A progressive presentAnd also a progressive future.
```Your frustration-blanket
Is supposed to be discarded,Not used to cover
Your entire body, vital and mind. ```God has not given you
Your depression-life.Why, then, do you ask Him to carry
Your self-made depression-life? ```My heart,
I am extremely sorry to seeThat you are suffering
From my mind’s voracious impurity-tiger. ```Enthusiasm
Rules his inner world.Determination
Rules his outer world.Therefore
Happiness has becomeHis real name.
```Love arrived at God’s Gate
Not only on time,But also before everybody else.
Hatred came only to miss everything,Long after God had gone back
Into His Heart-Room. ```Feed your possibilities
With your sleepless heart.You will definitely win
In the battlefield of life. ```Unless you shield your mind
With your purity-breath,Your life will die
Long before it reaches its destination. ```Your heart may not dare
To display its forceAgainst your mind,
But it can and it must,If you want to see your soul
Happy. ```I am happy
Not becauseI have seen the Face of God,
Not becauseI have felt the Heart of God,
But becauseGod is happy with His creation-child.
```Simplicity saves my mind.
Sincerity illumines my heart.Purity liberates my life.
Divinity immortalises my world. ```To me
A life of expectationIs nothing short of
A satisfaction-devouring experience. ```Because you are
A sincere inspectorOf your life,
Your experience-pathIs not winding.
```If you are marching
With ignorance-night,You will never be able to value
The power of your life’s self-control. ```Because he hides
His division-impurity-lifeNot only from others
But also from himself,He does not know
What the heart’s oneness-delight is. ```Can you not see
That your aspiration-lampHas no flame in it?
Are you so blind? ```One dynamic and profound action
Can easily nullifyAll negative and evil theories.
```Your heart is now in silence.
That meansYour life is soon going to be happy.
```You have tamed your angry vital-tiger
With your heart’s God-hunger.You have done
A supremely beautiful thing. ```Under your sentinel-eyes,
How do you allow your vitalTo destroy
Your soul’s beauty-garden? ```Before you dare to sit
On the top of truth-mountain,You must sit
At the foot of God’s Love-Tree. ```Leave nothing for tomorrow.
If today God does notCome to you,
How can or why should GodCome to you tomorrow?
```God does not believe
In any secrets,Either in His Life
Or in His creation’s life,For each secret
Destroys the spontaneous blossomOf Vision’s Reality.
```I sowed the seed
Of my life’s perfection-plantInside my Lord’s Heart.
My Lord has sowed the seed
Of His Satisfaction-TreeInside my aspiration-heart.
```Sound and silence
Never care for each other.Therefore, they do not know why
They are asked by GodTo live together.
```His life is lost
Between two opposing armies:His mind’s “No”
And his heart’s “Yes”. ```It is you who have to choose
Between your heart’sAspiration-fire
And your life’sFrustration-ash.
```God Himself
Wants to orchestrate your life’s symphony,But you want to take the glory
Of orchestrating your life’s symphony.Therefore
Do not blame GodFor your deplorable performance.
```You simply cannot imagine
How proud God is of youFor your faith-sword
And surrender-shield. ```Every day God loves to predict
Your progress-smile.But you have sealed
Your ignorance-ears.Therefore, you do not hear
God’s Predictions. ```If your life is sheltered
In God’s Compassion-Grove,Nobody will be able
To challenge youOr capture your heart’s
Aspiration-breath. ```Take the oneness-initiative
If you want to offer to the worldYour heart’s fulness-embrace.
```I no more see the trouble-bridge
On my life’s turbulent river,For God has built a bridge
With His Compassion-Light. ```If you have
An uncluttered mind-room,Then your life will never see
The face of doom. ```How long
Will you foolishly stayWith your mind,
The joy-killer?From now on
Stay with your heart,The builder!
```Where is the difference
Between the joy-giver and the enjoyer?No difference, none!
My heart is the indisputable witness. ```Temptation’s cleverly close companion
Is frustration.Frustration’s cleverly close companion
Is destruction. ```Life
Can be made strongerThan death
If man learnsCarefully and unmistakably
The language of love. ```Why do you have to think
Of living tomorrowSatisfactorily?
Have you lived todayProperly?
```To be absolutely perfect,
Gather your soul’s dreamsBefore your life asks you
To take part in God’sPerfection-blossoming Scheme.
And not begging,Is the language of God-Satisfaction
On earth. ```If you bow daily
To your heart’s purity-altar,Then your life will be flooded
With God’s Vision-Stars. ```Heaven is not really far away from you.
But every dayYour desire-life is forcing you
To stay farther and farther awayFrom Heaven.
I do not knowHow great God is
And how good God is,But I do know
That He will bless meWith His Greatness-Height
And He will embrace meWith His Goodness-Depth.
```From:Sri Chinmoy,Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 50, Agni Press, 1984
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