Every day
I play on a new heart-flute,And every day
I surrender the melodiesTo my Master-Musician,
My Beloved Supreme. ```Doubt,
The captain of my mind-boat,Has misguided my life
To utter destruction. ```Never extinguish your heart-torch
If you want to seeThe breath of illumination
In your mind-room. ```My heart-consultant
Used to advise meCompassionately,
Yet I made no progress.Therefore, my heart-consultant
Is using a stronger weapon.It is advising me
Unconditionally. ```The petals of my heart-rose
I shall turn intoMy life’s gratitude-tears.
```There is nothing
That cannot be doneEither here on earth
Or there in HeavenBy my soul’s patience-sun.
```The songs of my soul-bird
Can never be heardBy the restlessness
Of my mind-thoughts. ```If you want to be
The strongest aspirant,Then every day
You must go to the inner DoctorFor your heart’s sincerity-check-up.
```My love of my soul
Has abolished totallyMy mind’s sense of superiority.
Reach realisation-sun.Realisation-sun
Becomes an intimate friendOf God’s Self-Transcendence.
Can be compared toA ferocious, man-devouring
Tiger. ```I have starved
My desire-thoughts.Therefore
My aspiration-flamesAre climbing up very fast
And are about to touchThe Lotus-Feet
Of my Beloved Supreme. ```My soulful prayer
Every day and every hourComes from the breath of Heaven.
```Try to be
The eye of the cosmic gods,And you will be found
In the lap of Infinity. ```Do not remember
Your past yearsIf you want to climb up
A new aspiration-treeAnd walk
In a new transcendence-field. ```You have failed
In your aspiration-lifePrecisely because
You allowed pride to ruleYour determination-mind.
```A mind of doubt
Is the majestic monarchOf humanity’s life-confusing clouds.
```Alas, I was preoccupied
With my mind-doubts.Therefore
I could not save my heart-childWhen it was drowning.
```If your heart does not long for
A fully awakened wisdom-life,Then you will, without fail, die
In a drowsy ignorance-night. ```Three self-evident truths:
I love God.God needs me.
God and I will never failEach other.
```The moment you know
What God’s Will is,God will grant you
His own Freedom-Trumpet. ```Once you know
That you are your life’s silver dreams,God will grant you
His Life’s golden Visions. ```Two are the gifts
Of man’s sterling faith:He cannot live
Without God’s Satisfaction,And God cannot live
Without his aspiration. ```If you are ready
To ascend your heart’s stairs,Then do not allow
Your vital-dog to bark at you. ```If you tell me
How you love God,I will immediately tell you
Who you are. ```My soul asks my heart
Every dayTo take some peace-light
From my soulAnd give it to my peaceless mind.
```If you really have
A heart-house,Can you not give
At least one roomFree of charge
To God? ```You may not see
God the Justice,But you are bound to see
God the CompassionWalking every day
On every earth-road. ```The doors of eternal Time
Will open only to thoseWho possess the wisdom-light
Of ages. ```Every day
Sail your heart-boat,And every day
You will see that you are reachingA new soul-destination.
```In his life’s
Aspiration-mansionThere is no room
For death. ```If you do not love God,
Then who will?If you fail to satisfy God,
Then I do not thinkAnybody will succeed.
```From mental collapse
To psychic collapse,Your entire life
Has crumbled to dust! ```There is no difference between
God and His Compassion,As there is no difference between
My mind and my frustration. ```Only God’s Justice
Can speak of God’s ForgivenessWith God’s Authority.
```His is the mind
That is always tiredOf living.
Again, his is the heartThat is always afraid
Of dying. ```Unless you declare
Your ego’s death,God is not going to declare
The birth of His Satisfaction-Sun. ```You think
That you are imperfect.But I know
That perfection livesNext door to your heart.
```True, I do not know
What the world can give me,But I do know
What the world should give me:Its heart’s oneness-love.
```I always laugh at one thing:
That is,My mind-philosopher’s
Love-song. ```His heart of sympathy
Is feeling sorryThat his unaspiring mind
Is marching towards deathInstead of marching towards perfection.
```Although you have come
So late,The cosmic gods are willing to hear
What you have to say. ```When God reveals
His Plans,Show your immediate eagerness
To manifest Him. ```You are such a fool!
You always tamper withGod’s Illumination-Messages.
```Ups and downs
Always belong toHumanity’s perfection-seeking life.
```His mind
Is indeed a worldThat constantly needs direction
From his aspiration-heart. ```When the mind wants to teach you,
You should try to seeThat the lesson stops
Where and when the lesson begins. ```A God-seeking heart
Will definitely have a lifeFreed from all earthly turmoil.
```The speedy retreat
Of discouragement-phantomIs my most precious achievement
Today. ```Today my mind’s purity
And my heart’s divinityAre celebrating their joint victory.
Inside my sealed heartHow can I ever see
The Face of my Compassion-Lord? ```I am admiring
The waning of your destruction-nightAnd I am loving
The waxing of your aspiration-day. ```If you have
A hesitation-heart,Then you will be found
SomedayIn the insecurity-mart.
```A soulfully listening heart
My mindIs constantly looking for.
```In the morning
Every dayHe writes “Welcome!”
On his life’s purity-heart. ```No more, no more I need
A paralysis-life.I need a life
Of quick accomplishment. ```Is there anybody
Who does not know the trickeriesOf wild attachment-life?
```You may not remember,
But it was you who invoked GodTo put you inside
The temptation-prison. ```If you are firmly established
In your heart,You will definitely be able
To plumb the depthsOf God’s Heart.
```The mind is not bad.
Just make it pure.You will be able to enjoy
The purity-fragrance of truth. ```This world of ours
Is wild and miserable.Let us take shelter
In the arms of our soulful prayers. ```Ignore your mind.
If you can do it,Nobody will be able to force you
To abstain from Immortality’s Delight. ```Where life is pure,
Inspiration and aspirationAre also pure.
```My Lord, what shall I do
With the heart that You have given meIf You do not give me
Daily hopes to accompany it? ```Every day
He and his life-transportingHeart-cry
Get special invitationsFrom God.
```Your hatred-weapon
Will wound youEven before you have aimed it
At the target. ```What is depression?
A strong undivine powerThat destroys
The very breath of joy. ```When you fear,
You create a phantom-hourThat cannot be obliterated.
```I shall never invite ignorance
To come and play with me.Indeed,
This is my sudden and immediateBut unchangeable decision.
```One hour of faith-cultivation a day
Is enough to satisfyA seeker’s Inner Pilot.
```I gaze and gaze
Over my life’s pages,Trying to transform
My dream-beautyInto my reality-divinity.
```If you allow your faith
To waver,Then your life will immediately
Start lagging. ```Although my life
Is always noisy,God does not mind playing
His Silence-SongInside me.
```That ancient day
When God created man,He wanted His blossoming Infinity
To be lovedBy His embracing Immortality.
```It is not
That you do not know.You do know
That your mindIs a mountain of barren mistakes.
```Inside my God-hungry heart
I always keep a sweet, soulfulAnd beautiful
God-manifestation-dream. ```If you do not know
Which way your life-river should flow,Then I ask you
To follow your heart’s aspiration-boat. ```Human love is not meant
For sweetness-smile.Divine love is not meant
For bitterness-cry. ```My mind,
Do you remember God?He remembers you.
He said to meThat you will be happy
If you can remember HimOccasionally.
You have done many things.But you are not doing
The most important thing:You are not leading a life
Worthy of God’s Appreciation. ```I really do not know
What has become of my satisfaction.It is so distant
And so reluctant to visit me. ```There shall come a time
When even the unconscious mindAnd the subconscious vital
Will long for transformation-light. ```His soul is extremely sad
Because his heart has becomeA deserted shrine.
```The seer-poet
Not only remains unappreciated,But also is misunderstood
By the modern intellectual world. ```If you want to eat
Supernatural food,Then you must have
An unbreakable connectionWith your aspiration’s inner source.
```Do you know
What the inner world doesEvery morning?
It laughs and laughsAt your stupidity-mind.
```It was once so easy to love you
Because you prayed and meditatedFrom sunrise to sunset.
```I foolishly thought
That God would compassionatelyAllow me
Not to give up my desire-life,Since now I am doing well
In my aspiration-life. ```Everything is possible
In the strong armsOf soulful prayers.
```Again I observe
My life’s spiritual awakening.Therefore, I am looking
For my heart’s secret and sacred altar. ```I really do not know
Why my mindSpends so much time
In the company of doubt-fools. ```I prayed to God
For a hiding place.God has given me
A rising sun instead. ```God always has
Time for you.It is you who never want
To listen to Him. ```I came to Your Lotus-Feet,
My Lord,With a helpless hope-heart
To be forgiven. ```What gives life its value,
If not its inner cryFor self-transcendence?
```As soon as you become
Your heart-life’s cry,God becomes
His Heart’s Satisfaction-Smile. ```If you follow the God-Road
To the end,You will not only see God
But also become another God. ```His mind of transformation
Has now becomeThe beauty of God’s Satisfaction.
```You are so callous and ungrateful!
Have you ever inquiredIf God requires anything
From you? ```If you are prepared
To give up everything else,Then God will make you
The fulfilment of His Dream:A perfection-God-child.
```From:Sri Chinmoy,Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 54, Agni Press, 1984
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/ap_54