You may not know,
But it is absolutely true:With each heartbeat
Your heart is calling: “God, God!”You may not hear it,
But God Himself definitely hearsYour heart’s cry.
```My Lord,
I am as oldAs my mind’s investigation.
Now, do make me as oldAs my heart’s aspiration.
```You have weighed God
On your mind’s scale.Therefore
God is too heavy for you,And it is simply impossible
For your mind to carry God. ```If you are a genuine God-lover,
Then at every momentBe prepared
For the coming God-Hour. ```I do not need many places
To live in.I need only one place,
And that place isMy Lord’s Compassion-flooded Eye.
```The God-Hour has arrived.
Are you readyWith your obedience-power?
```A tiny tear can break
Not only a human heartBut also God’s Universal Heart.
```As a tree needs
All its countless branches,Leaves and flowers,
Even so, the world needsAll its multifarious human capacities.
This is why God may give one thingTo one child of His,
But to another,Something entirely different.
```In the hour of danger
Ignorance I shall challenge,I shall,
And thus re-establishMy soul’s confidence-life in me.
```Whenever you hear soulful music,
Become inseparably one with itAnd feel that your soul
Is playing that very musicOnly for you:
For your heart, for your mind,For your vital and for your body.
```O my heart,
When you assimilate the inner offeringOf spiritual music,
Which is beauty and divinity,Do not forget to distribute everything
To my poor body, vital and mind. ```In silence-light
The soul is playingIts own divine music
For the total transformationOf the body, vital, mind and heart.
```Before entering
Into the world of sleep,Listen to soulful music
Even for a few fleeting moments.You definitely will be able
To go to the higher worldsWithout meditating.
```Opportunity is the force
That helps us liveWith the mountaintop-vision.
```While listening to You sing,
Let me also do something, my Lord,For You.
Let me start loving You more,Infinitely more.
```You do not have to search
For many things.Just search for only one thing:
Your missing aspiration-heart. ```What I need is not
A band of faithful souls.What I need
Is a soulful cry from your heart. ```Alas,
The road that liesBetween my aspiration
And God’s SatisfactionIs unimaginably long.
```Your doubtful mind must halt
Before it can thinkOf loving the Unknown.
```I love the seeker in him
DeeplyBecause his thirst
Is for the living God. ```You are ignorant
Of peace.That means
You are ignorantOf God’s Compassion.
```If You are really my Lord,
Then every dayWrite down Your Laws
In my aspiration-heart. ```A gratitude-heart
Will unmistakably be invitedTo God’s Immortality-Feast.
```Even to think of him
Is to have an inner glimpseOf his unearthly beauty.
```It seems
That your aspiration-lifeWill never attain
Maturity’s perfection-tree. ```What is the difference
Between your onenessAnd God’s Fulness?
No difference! ```At long last
He has come to realiseThat his life has become
A withering flowerOf his teeming dreams.
```You will not take a long time
To fill your heartIf you just empty your mind first.
```How to melt God’s Heart?
Just launder your lifeWith gratitude-soap.
```What is God’s favourite Game?
His favourite GameIs His Satisfaction-Smile.
```Unless you do your inner work,
Your faithless mind-dogWill ceaselessly bark at you.
```I run towards God.
My heart divesInto God’s Heart-Sea.
My soul soarsBeyond the boundaries
Of despair-night. ```There is only one thing
That I see again and againIn my life,
And that is my Lord’sCompassion-Forgiveness-Flood.
```If your heart is swimming
In the river of silver tears,Then God-realisation cannot remain
A far cry. ```Beyond life and death
Is his soul’sGod-manifesting smile.
Is not for the true truth-seekerAnd God-lover.
```I ask and ask and ask.
No answerIs the only answer
I get from within. ```God does not like it
When you go to HimWith whirlwinds of unwanted suggestions.
```Each wrong thought
Is a new entranceTo destruction-death.
```Each new Heaven-promise
Is the birthOf a new God.
```Each desire in itself
Is power.Therefore, no desire
Is inconsequential. ```If your heart aches
For the inner heights,Then you will, without fail,
Be divinely perfect. ```My heart has a special longing
For the aspiration-treeOf silence-dream.
```Expect thunder-admiration
Only from yourselfAnd from nobody else.
```His heart was in love
With suffering.Therefore
Even God’s CompassionCould not illumine him.
```To love
Is to give soulfully.To give
Is to become unmistakably.To become
Is to please God in His own Way. ```I am always grateful to my heart,
For it has given to GodAll its glorious possessions —
Love, service and surrender —So that God will readily accept
My body, vital and mind. ```A seeker must know
That his faithIs the treasure of treasures
That he must not lose. ```A soul of silence-light
Is indeedSovereign on earth.
```My heart’s divine duty
Is to obey.My life’s supreme duty
Is to surrender. ```Practise
The enlightenment-principleAnd not
The excitement-principle. ```Alas,
Why do I always thinkThat the world
Owes me something?Why am I such a fool?
```To reach your own mountain-top,
Quicken your heart’sSilver faith.
```If you are a genuine seeker
Of the infinite Truth,Then do not ask God to indulge
Even your so-calledSnow-white innocent desires.
```My heart’s love-boat
Has room even for thoseWho are suffering
From jealousy-monster. ```Be brave!
Make another bold attempt.Do not allow yourself to be caught
By the hot tearsOf stark disappointment.
```His heart’s aspiration-cry
Can at any momentFling open the door
Of silence-light. ```For a true seeker
There is only one wayTo be happy:
By pleasing God,His Beloved Supreme.
```God has already
Cheerfully claimed and possessedThe strength of my inner love.
```My heart of inner silence
Has destroyedThe strength of my outer violence.
```When God was looking for him,
He was found in the ignorance-crowdOf the mind.
```How do you dare to drift
Outside the domainOf your heart’s
Beautiful and fruitful garden? ```My purity-heart always reveals
My soul’s hidden promiseTo my life.
```My faith
Is my beauty’s strengthAnd my purity’s length.
```Stamp your heart
With a gratitude-smile.You will really be perfect!
```Alas, why do I allow
My mind-sorrowsTo float on the tide
Of my heart’s joy? ```Every day, without fail,
God grants himA silence-illumined appointment.
```Because of your tremendous
Aspiration,God has asked you to take possession
Of His Infinity. ```You are perfect
Because you are selflessIn your prayerful heart
And soulful life. ```Do not forget
That the road of the pastIs not only obscure
But also useless. ```His heart is crying
To hearThe voice of silence-light.
His soul is crying
To becomeGod’s Satisfaction-Delight.
```You must realise
That there can be nothingWhatsoever
Beyond the reach of your aspiration. ```God definitely
Does not want youTo help the unworthy
To please Him. ```A selfish life
Is forced to learnWhat a desolate heart is.
```The penalty
For disobedienceIs God’s unavoidable
Withdrawal. ```He who one-pointedly believes
Has already been chosenTo be supremely victorious.
```Between the soul’s illumination
And the heart’s aspirationSatisfaction shall always reign.
```Are you willing to change?
If so,God will come to you
Before longWith His Perfection-Eye
And His Satisfaction-Heart. ```If your heart longs for
The purity-sky,Then God will definitely
Appear before youWith His Divinity’s Vision-Eye.
```To lessen world tension
Each seeker-heart must feedThe peace-starving humanity.
```God’s Satisfaction-Eye
He wanted to findIn his ascetic cave.
Indeed, an impossible task! ```A sincere seeker-heart
Knows perfectly wellThat the human vital
Is most deplorable. ```I sincerely feel sorry for him,
For he himself is afraidOf walking along the track
Of his own mind-forest. ```Alas,
Faith-medicine is not always availableTo cure the mind’s
Fatal doubt-disease. ```How to be
A consistent peace-lover?Just try the spiritual life,
Which has and is God,The all-nourishing Peace.
```I do not know
Who God is.I do not want to know
What ignorance is.I do not need to know
If I am a choice instrumentOf God.
```If you do not want to fail
In your life-examination,Then curtail your mind’s
Conscious and unconsciousProud wanderings.
```If you do not limit
Your service-life,God will not stop
His Manifestation-MarchIn you.
```Do you not see
That your head is too highFor God’s Compassion-Eye
To crown? ```If you do not use
Your desire-fire-extinguisher,You will always fail
In life’s fulfilment-races. ```He has sealed
The envelope of the past.Therefore, in his heart-garden
The eternal love-flowerIs blossoming.
```Why do you have to come
To a spiritual Master?Because your aspiration-life
Always needs encouragement,And this is the boon
That you can getFrom a spiritual Master.
```Do not take
Spiritual vacationsIf you do not want
To be exiledFrom ecstasy-kingdom.
```Do you want to please God
Or do you want to please yourself?If you claim to be a true seeker,
How can you be supremely happyIf the Person who created you
Is not happy? ```Unless you are prepared
To cheerfully acceptGod’s Justice-Light,
How can you please God? ```Only a heart of peace
Can enjoyThe supreme Friendship of God.
```Purity’s oneness-life
Is the world’sTranscendental hope.
```He was faithful
To God’s Compassion-Light.Therefore
God made his lifeSupremely beautiful.
```Two promises of my life’s morning:
Aspiration transcendentalAnd
Dedication universal. ```O Lord, I do not wish
To keep anything for myself.My entire being
I am offering at Your Feet.You gave me
What You wanted to give.I am giving You
What I now have become. ```From:Sri Chinmoy,Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 59, Agni Press, 1984
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