I live every moment
To please God.God lives every moment
To illumine me. ```Humanity’s failure-cry
Is his partnerIn his outer life.
Divinity’s victory-smile
Is his partnerIn his inner life.
Yours is a desire-bound life,God is inviting you
To sleep in His Compassion-Camp. ```If your heart is truly bleeding
For humanity’s need,How can you have
Insecurity’s ugly face? ```If you want to discover
Delight-island,Then be loyal
To your soul’s royalty. ```If you allow your dreams to die,
Then your lifeWill run into the arms
Of destruction-night. ```If you have a heart of faith,
Then only can you expectTo have access to perfection-light.
```If you are always in the habit
Of desiring,Then God cannot keep
His Himalayan PromiseTo you.
```If you are unfaithful
In thought,Your heart will never be able
To arrive at the thresholdOf Heaven.
```Your soulful prayers
And your powerful meditationsWill grant you
The all-seeing wakefulnessInside sleep.
```To reach your soul’s highest height,
You must long forA higher universe
Inside the heart of the Unknown. ```He loves one thing
More than anything elseIn his life,
And that is the daily majestyOf his sublime meditations.
```Alas, I did not know
That I would have to suffer so muchFrom the miseries
Of a doubting mind. ```A heart of faith:
What is itIf not a sleeplessly luminous
Companion? ```If you do not abandon
Your ignorance-thoughts,Your life will be stranded
Without failOn ignorance-island.
```Every morning I sing and sing
In God’s Compassion-Choir.Therefore
God has given me the capacityTo run the fastest
Towards His golden Heart-Temple. ```If you can think
Golden thoughts,That means already
You have changed the winter weatherOf your mind.
```Right now
You are a fallen god.But do not give up
Your dear hope.You will definitely once more become
The fully-risen God. ```You have to voyage
From the familiar to the unfamiliar,From the known to the Unknown,
From the knowable to the Unknowable.Indeed,
This is the God-ordained way. ```Make new inner friends:
Purity, humility and divinityAre waiting for your invitation.
```How can God ever deny
A truth-loving and world-serving soul?Impossible!
You are an intruder in the inner worldWith your doubting mind.
TomorrowYou will have to live
Inside the forest of fears. ```Is there anybody on earth
Who will not eventually seeThe complete failure
Of the desiring mind? ```His is a mind
Of uncertainty.His is a life
Of insincerity.But his heart
Is constantly longing for divinityAnd nothing else.
```Do not wait inactively
For progress-light,Or you will always remain
A deplorable failure. ```A God-lover is he
Who is an explorerOf God’s Vision-Worlds.
```Each doubt
Is an unmistakable makerOf humanity’s incurable misery.
```If you are a hero-seeker,
Then you must destroy the prideOf obstacle-walls
Ahead of you. ```If you think
That you are your own saviour,Then why do you depend on others
To feed your exorbitant ego-life? ```A stainless thought
Shortens your Heavenward journeyAnd makes God real
More than ever. ```Nothing divine,
Nothing perfect,Nothing worthwhile
Can ever be found ready-made. ```Where is the difference
Between your life of hatredAnd your mind of desire?
```If you are lost
In your unaspiring past,Who can give you
Your aspiring present? ```Who am I,
If not a boatmanWhose boat is completely sunk
In the sea of life? ```Do not be in a hurry.
God will definitelyLengthen your time
If it is neededFor you to please Him
In His own Way. ```If you are not willing
To make the needed soulful effortEvery day,
You will be forced to sufferSpiritual starvation.
```To be a superlative disciple,
You have to make friendsWith faith
In your inner lifeAnd with determination
In your outer life. ```Who says
That the purification of the mindIs an extremely severe task?
No,The illumination of the heart
Is infinitely more difficult. ```Every moment is the real time.
Every moment is the real God-Hour.Every moment God comes
Only to go,Because of my unwilling receptivity.
```You hate your hope
Because your hope is never fulfilled.But can you not
Go beyond your hopeAnd make friends with your heart’s
Climbing flames? ```To cross the borderline
Of imperfectionIs only the privilege
Of the pure. ```Develop heart-power.
Why?Because the power of the mind
Has now become obsolete. ```Since you are walking
The peace-path,Your mind will totally forget
That once upon a timeIt was overcrowded with dark thoughts.
```Look, look
What God has done for you!He has unconditionally withdrawn
Your ignorance-death sentence. ```A spark
From the heart’s sacred fireCan show you the way
To your soul’s eternal peace. ```Is it not unfair of you
To ask God to playOn your untuned life-strings?
Is an act of God-revelation.But before that,
A seeker must be on the lookoutFor God.
```An impurity-mind
Illegally staysInside the heart
Of purity-life. ```The human mind
Wants to know the truth.The divine heart
Longs to embodyThe Possessor of Truth:
God. ```A heart of surrender
Is God’s constantAnd cheerful
Responsibility. ```If you do not fulfil
Your outer obligations,Your inner illumination
Will always remain a far cry. ```You have all along resisted
TransformationIs knocking at your life’s door.
```First become
A seeker-flower,If you long to become
A God-lover-fruit. ```Only a heart
Of universal onenessCan be freed
From the permanent ignorance-illness. ```Do you know
That your mind’s doubt-partnerIs trying to destroy
Your heart’s oneness-friend:Soul?
```If you want to silence
The turbulent waves of your mind,Then become inseparably one
With the vastness-smile of the sky. ```Patience-light
Is the sleepless breathOf my self-giving heart
For my Beloved Supreme. ```To talk to God sleeplessly,
Try to open your soul’s door.If it is an impossible task,
Then open at leastYour heart’s door.
```If God’s Heart can smile
Through every flower,Can you not have a heart
That can cry with every leaf? ```If you can have
A meditation-expanded lifeAnd an ignorance-liberated heart,
Then you will be able to measureThe heights and depths
Of the Unknowable. ```If you can penetrate your mind
With your soul’s transcendental light,Then you will be able to answer
The universal question easily:“Who am I?”
```Because God’s Love-Sun shines
In each and every creation of His,His Dream-Life is evolving
From mineral to man. ```Because you are a problem-creator,
Your life’s imperfection-crimesWill never stop.
```When the soul opens
Its all-seeing eye,The heart desires to be
Its faithful employee. ```The body
Always wants to sleep.The vital
Always wants to fight.The mind
Always wants to doubt.The heart
Always wants to dream.The soul
Always wants to witness.The Supreme
Always wants to forgive and illumine. ```If your life is not surcharged
With God’s Compassion-Light,Then your life will be poisoned
By ignorance-breath. ```A feeble ant-fear:
This is what his desire-lifeHas always been.
```Your life’s inner weather
Is always unpredictableBecause of the emotion-storms
Of your tormenting, impure vital. ```He is all happiness
Because of the visionOf a sweet, hope-filled tomorrow.
```If you do not like
What you do for the world,Then the beauty, perfection
And satisfaction of tomorrowWill not knock
At your life’s door. ```Man in man
Is forcefully imprisoned.God in man
Is cheerfully imprisoned.Man in God
Enjoys an undeserved freedom.God in God
Enjoys the Freedom of the Beyond. ```God’s supreme Will
Will lead youOnly after His infinite Compassion
Has decided to keep youAt your transcendental Destination.
```He has kept
His silence-filled mindFar above the grasp
Of this gossip-world. ```I know it is an impossible task
For youTo cancel your teeming worries.
But you can, at least,Try to postpone them!
```You have tried today,
And you have failed.But tomorrow you will not fail,
Because you are now begging GodTo try for you.
```If you speak to the world
About your failureAnd get more satisfaction
From your failure-lifeThan from your success-life,
That means your Inner PilotHas completely withdrawn from you.
```You are not asked
To meet God halfway.You are just asked
To come out ofYour tiny, dark mind-room.
```Will you ever realise
That all your mistakes in lifeWill be unmistakably followed
By God’s Forgiveness? ```Nobody can destroy you,
Nobody!It is you alone
Who have the capacityTo destroy yourself
Through your own self-neglect. ```The Fulness of God’s Heart
Can abide in youOnly when you allow joy to reside
Inside your life-activities. ```You do not belong
To your unfortunate failure-past.You completely belong
To the happiness of tomorrow’sVision-reality.
```A heart of compassion
And a soul of forgivenessAre by no means
Two unavoidable compromises. ```You may not do the right things
Either in your inner lifeOr in your outer life,
But you will be given every opportunityTo succeed in the outer life
And to proceed in the inner life. ```Unless you realise
That your desire-lifeIs nothing short of frustration-life,
How can God grant you aspiration-lifeTo please Him
In His Dream-filled creation? ```God’s Compassion-Delight
Is waiting and waitingFor you to succeed unmistakably
And to proceed unprecedentedly. ```You serve devotedly:
This is your own experience.You give joy to others:
This is not only your ownBut also the universal experience.
```The heart’s simplicity
Shall always succeedWhen and where
The mind’s complexity fails. ```Each negative thought
Has the capacityTo destroy immediately
Your life’s happiness-core. ```One God-Call
Can grant a seeker-heartFathomless satisfaction-delight.
```When he meditates on earth,
He clearly seesThat Heaven does nothing for him.
When he meditates on Heaven,
He clearly seesThat earth has nothing to tell him.
```Slowly and unmistakably
You are climbingYour heart’s gratitude-tree.
```As long as fear owns
Your body, vital, mind and heart,God will not invite you
To stand on His PlatformAnd speak.
```Your doubt-balloon has burst.
ThereforeGod is granting you
The Breath of His Nectar-Love. ```I always cheerfully accept
The decree of my conscience-pilotTo save my mind
From doubt-catastrophes. ```You do not know how to quit;
Therefore, I admire you.Your mind does not know how to doubt;
Therefore, I admire your mind.Your heart does not know how to fear;
Therefore, I admire your heartFar beyond your imagination-light.
```You have aspiration,
And this aspirationIs nothing short of
God’s Confidence-DelightIn you.
```Unless you have secured your place
In the sacred temple of timeless time,How will you appreciate
The Silence-Vision and sound-creationOf God?
```No matter how fleeting
Your smile is,Your smile is the very beginning
Of your wisdom-light. ```There is a special place
For your heart-confidence to glow,And that special place
Is in the silence-cryOf your meditation-mountain.
```Courage powerfully grows,
Love soulfully grows,Gratitude amazingly grows
When you share themWith the rest of the world.
```From:Sri Chinmoy,Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 60, Agni Press, 1984
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/ap_60