God created a cry
Inside my heartTo love Him
More and more.God created a smile
On my faceFor Him to need me
More and more. ```At last,
A moment of peace!My doubting mind
Has surrenderedTo my illumining heart.
```A God-commissioned soul
Is always a fruitful mediatorBetween earth and Heaven.
```When hesitation whispers
In your ear,Even God’s Compassion
Flies away. ```No distinction
Between your heart’s minor disobedienceAnd your mind’s major disobedience!
Disobedience is self-destructiveEverywhere.
```As long as sincerity and purity
Linger on earth,This world of ours
Will not be destroyed. ```O insecurity-orphan,
Will you ever enjoyYour soul’s freedom-light?
```He cannot separate
His helpless lifeFrom his mind’s
Fatal frustration. ```Give the world
A moment of your concern.God will always listen
To your heart’s prayer. ```O my mind,
You only know two things:You know how to be
Unpardonably proudAnd unthinkably loud.
```At every moment
Your heart must tryTo lose its earthly limits.
```How will you ever
Climb up the confidence-treeIf you do not go
To your heart’s aspiration-templeRegularly?
```Not politely,
But vehemently,You must refuse all the time,
When your mind’s doubts invite you. ```The heart’s purity-flower
Never fades.The soul’s divinity-tree
Never dies. ```Your goals are high
Because of your soul.Your consciousness is low
Because of your mind. ```No, it is not possible
For any inner cryTo remain unheard.
```God has been telling man
From time immemorialThat he is actually more
Than he appears. ```Be wise!
Every day sacrificeWhat you are
For what you can eventuallyBecome.
```Man thinks
That his heart is waiting.God knows
That His Eye is watching. ```If you are fast asleep
In ignorance-bed,Then rest assured that death’s hour
Is upon you. ```He who has wisdom,
Light and delightWill never be caught
In the world’s unhappiness-net. ```No good heart
Will ever shirk any challenge,For a good heart
Is braver than the bravestWhen it has to manifest
Its Beloved Supreme on earth. ```Yesterday’s God-Compassion
And today’s God-LoveAre dissolving all my problems,
Born and unborn. ```Two rivers do not run dry:
The river of God’sCompassion-Life
And the river of God’sForgiveness-Heart.
```God wants every human being
To participateIn His Cosmic Theatre
Of time and space. ```Every day
God is more than willingTo tune your out-of-tune
Body-instrument.Just give Him the needed time.
```If your heart
Can face the world unafraid,Then your life-boat
Will reach Eternity’s Shore. ```Only a God-realised soul
Knows that it is quite possibleTo conquer the relentless tide
Of desire. ```Since God Himself
Is steering your life-boat,The fetters of self-doubt
Can no longer exist. ```A life
Of soulful faithIs a native
Of Eternity. ```To win
The aspiration-academy awards,Accomplish first
The task for which you cameInto the world.
```I do not want to be a slave
To the great Invisible,But I wish to be a lover
Of the good Unknowable. ```As soon as you acknowledge
The limits of knowledge,You become a student
Of the soul’s intuition-university. ```If you are afraid
Of human problems,How can you ever have
Divine solutions? ```You can easily bear
The buffets of the world,If every day you drink deeply
From Divinity’s Nectar-Cup. ```The heart’s
Oneness-yearningIs God’s
Unrecognised hidden PowerIn man.
```O my seeker-friend,
Your perennial doubt-dilemma will lastUnless you take shelter
In the heart of your self-giving peace. ```You must be strict
With your unruly mind,For it is apt to run around
In confusion-circles. ```If you yourself
Do not slow downYour greed-speed,
Who will do it for you?Nobody!
```A soulful eye
Is bound to seeA fruitful world.
```Long, long ago
God’s Eye and my heartHad a misunderstanding.
Now everything is totally resolved,And both God and I
Are extremely pleased with each other. ```Your heart’s perfection-pictures
Can be takenOnly by God’s self-giving
Illumination-Camera. ```Do you want to be happy?
Then make your lifeAs soulfully simple
As sleeplessly breathing. ```Every day you submit
To your own stupidity.Therefore
Your soul’s divinity does not knockAt your mind’s door.
```Your life will be changed,
Changed forever,If you consciously take part
In God’s love-fulfillingSatisfaction-Drama.
```When I inundate my life
With love,I see deep inside me
The congress of giant souls. ```The Compassion
Of my Beloved SupremeEvery day dries
My heart’s surrender-tears. ```I am waiting eagerly and sleeplessly
For the arrivalOf my Lord’s Promise-Boat.
```Aspiration-life and destruction-death
Can never be linkedIn the same chain.
```A soulfulness-heart
Can see and becomeA oneness-life.
```God’s Compassion-Eye
And God’s Satisfaction-HeartArrive only when invited.
My prayers and my meditationsHave all become
Aching nights of despair. ```His mind is the reservoir
Of positive thoughts.Therefore, he never fails
In anything. ```Because you doubt
God’s Forgiveness,God is no longer
Proud of you. ```If you cling
To your ego-life,Then God will definitely cling
To His withdrawal-life. ```Your life is in full bloom today
Because you have removedYour existence-life from bondage-clay.
```God Himself is announcing
Your victory in Heaven,For you have torn the ignorance-pages
From your life-book. ```Do not seek a lesser goal.
If you do that,Yours will be a life
Of sombre dole. ```Whoever has told you
That your life will remainLost forever
In ignorance-vaultIs absolutely wrong.
```Do you want to become
A searcher of truth?Then I tell you,
You will never remain aloneEither in Heaven or on earth.
```God lives
To give you everything.God does not know
And will not knowHow to give up.
```If you are giving your life to God
Unconditionally,Then it will not be long
Before God claims youAs His very own.
```You can soar
Far beyond your life’s struggle.Just pray to God soulfully
To meditate for you. ```God works for Eternity
To save humanityFrom its unimaginable insanity.
Is humanity’s eternal heritage,Believe it or not!
```Is there any time
When the temptation-theatreIs not shockingly overcrowded?
```He does only one thing:
He daily walks along the roadOf the frustration-mind.
```Doubt-train arrives
At the mind-stationOnly when
It is not vehemently rejected. ```Hold fast
To your life’s obedience-treeIf you really want
A real God-manifestation-life. ```Be always on time
For God’s appointed Hour.If not,
You will never be ableTo come out of
Your mind’s dark ego-cave. ```One day you will believe
That God’s Way is not only a better way,But also the only way
To transform your entire life. ```Hope-plant grows
Only after aspiration-seedHas been sown.
```The Master’s compassion-eye
Will light your devotion-candleOnly at God’s choice Hour.
```If you are ready to reveal
God’s Compassion,Then only will God conceal
Your imperfections. ```Never stop learning!
Never hesitate to ask!God wants you to be a self-knower
More than anything else. ```Like your heart,
Your mind, too,Must learn how to dance
SleeplesslyOn the faith-floor.
```Disaster fell unexpectedly
From the skyBecause when God’s God-Hour struck,
You were not available. ```God’s Compassion-Eye
Is the sourceOf my mind’s thought-stopping
Incantation. ```Each human being must know
That his prayer-lifeAnd meditation-life
Are two most significantPrivileges.
```If you do not take help
From your sky-climbing heart,Then your life-descending mind
Will never stop. ```If you want to expand
Your consciousness,Then every day, at every moment,
Without fail,Confront your life’s ignorance-foe.
```Just remember the day
You first met God.How did you recognise Him?
You recognised HimBecause you became
Your life’s surrender-soul. ```Divinity’s fulness-race
And humanity’s oneness-raceWill be successful
Only when they need the SupremeAs their Compassion-Coach.
```If you wear
Your heart’s oneness-uniform,Then God will inform the world
That you are His choicest instrument. ```Until you realise
That your earthly life-carNeeds Heavenly aspiration-fuel,
You will not be able to see the FaceOf God’s Satisfaction-Delight.
```Here on earth
When you do not haveAny impure thoughts
On a particular day,There in Heaven
God celebrates a special day. ```Be not afraid of God.
Be always at your heart-homeSo that you will meet God
When He compassionately calls on you. ```If your mind
Is a disobedience-runner,Then your life
Will definitely runOn a collision-course.
```The sweet music
Of purity’s soulful smileCan create a God-dream
In human life. ```If you keep your wisdom-light
To yourself,You will never be able to please God
In His own Way. ```I am telling you
Once and for all,Nobody has the right to force you
To own defeat,Nobody!
```Why do you allow fear
To seize and freeze your heart?Why do you allow doubt
To torture and conquer your mind? ```My life reminds me
Of teeming struggles.My heart reminds me
Of God’s Salvation-Smile. ```An aspiration-boat
Will eventually landOn the perfection-shore
Of satisfaction-delight. ```No, you will not lose
Your existence-life for goodIn the tide of temptation,
For God’s CompassionIs infinitely more powerful
Than your temptation-life. ```God will show you the goal.
Can you not show HimThat you are most obedient
To your soul? ```Time does not beckon me.
It is I who beckon timeTo carry me
Beyond the limits of time. ```His progress-life halted
The day he made friendsWith his gossip-monger-mind.
```Again and again I have told God
That I love Him deeply.Again and again God has told me
That He needs me desperately.Finally we have decided today
To trust each other. ```What is human life
If not, right from the beginning,A beautiful Vision-Flame of God?
```From:Sri Chinmoy,Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 61, Agni Press, 1984
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/ap_61