In life
There are many questions,But surrender to God’s Will
Is the only answer. ```Inseparable oneness means
A game of ignorance-transformationIn human life.
```You must never forget
To guard your mind-doorTwenty-four hours a day.
```A soulful cry
Embodies a magic wandThat opens every heart.
```God appears
To be sleeping,But He actually
Never sleeps. ```Feed your heart
And make it strongSo that it can fight
Against your mindAnd grant you
The supreme victory. ```You want to be happy?
Then offer to GodYour heart’s permanent invitation.
```You can easily escape
Your mind’s insecurity-jungleJust by knocking
At your heart’s oneness-door. ```The fragrance of good thoughts
Will cut a pathThrough your temptation-jungle.
```Because your mind was occupied
With doubts,God did not feel it necessary
To illumine your mind. ```Just pray and pray!
God is more than readyTo listen
Even to your faint prayers. ```Love your heart’s wisdom-fire
More and more.You will be able to kill
Your desire-life. ```There are two experiences in life:
Gainful and painful.My Lord Supreme,
Do give me the capacityTo be above these two experiences.
```His heart’s service-seeds
I saw yesterday.Today I am seeing
His life’s satisfaction-blossoms. ```Be proud
Of your heart’s aptitude.Your mind’s ineptitude
Will not be able to torment you. ```The most difficult thing
In human lifeIs to separate sweet expectation
From bitter frustration. ```With your desire-life
You wanted to becomeSpiritually tall.
It is impossible!If you want to become
Spiritually tall,You have to live
The life of aspiration. ```What has brought you
To God’s Golden Shore?Not your capacity,
But your tender trust in God. ```If you use your faith-key,
EasilyYou will be able to unlock
Heaven’s door. ```My criminal mind
Has thrown doubtsInto my entire being.
Is nothing short ofA seeker’s inner treachery.
```At long last
He is anxious to registerFor the perfection-course
In his life’s school. ```Do not be a victim
To self-pity.Self-pity is at once
The beginning and the endOf life’s uselessness.
```God is not a dictator.
He is at onceAn Inspirer
And a Liberator. ```You worship success-idol.
I worship progress-pilgrim.This is the difference
Between your mind and my heart. ```The purity of dream
And the beauty of realityAlways go together
In the life of a true God-lover. ```Nothing remains constant
In human lifeBut our constant desire
To transcend ourselvesSo that we can eventually
Become one with God,Who is both eternally changeless
And constantly changing. ```Allow God’s Heart
To announce your victory,Or you will be forced
By your frustration-vitalTo announce your defeat.
```I shall launch my new career,
My heart’s sleeplessAnd unconditionally self-giving career,
Tomorrow. ```His is the life
That is sleeplessly longingTo be God-Eternity’s
Perfection-climber. ```I am glad that you have had
Your absolutely lastDoubt-destruction-dance.
```There are some unfortunate human beings
Who are proud of their doubt-storms.Alas, they do not know
That God will dissolve their doubt-stormsAt His choice Hour.
```Why do you allow your vital
To be always on the warpath?Your vital should be controlled!
You must teach your vitalThe song of volcano-determination.
```God has already given you a tour
Of His Satisfaction-Heaven.Now will you not give God a tour
Of your heart’s aspiration-earth? ```When are you going to see
That your insecurity-friendHas robbed you
Totally and unmistakably? ```There are two steps
To self-transformation:I do not know,
AndI know because
My Beloved Supreme teaches meHow to know, what to know
And why to know. ```If you live in your heart’s
Humility-valley,You will easily be able to climb
Your life’s progress-tree. ```Feed your mind with your soul’s
Illumination-light-food.You will be the happiest person
In God’s entire creation. ```Self-pity-tears
Are never meantTo please the Protection-Feet
And Satisfaction-EyeOf God.
```If you want to say farewell
To your wild frustration,Then aspiration-abundance
Should be your real name,Your only name.
```God is never
Going to wipe awayYour stupid self-pity-tears.
```The frustration-frowns
Of your vitalCan easily be conquered
By the aspiration-smileOf your self-giving heart.
```In the world of my self
I want to learn onlyMy humility’s self-giving
Purity-song. ```My meditation-life is not
My self-justification-lifeOn earth.
My meditation-life is
My God-satisfaction-lifeBoth on earth and in Heaven.
```If you do not curtail
Your earthly roamings,You will not be able to launch
The ship of perfection-light. ```I do not feel the presence
Of my purity-heart.Alas, that means I am not allowed
To live in the paradise of delightAny more.
```One single doubt is enough
To destroy man’s purity-heartAnd sincerity-life.
```Do you know what actually happens
When you pray soulfully?When you pray soulfully,
You start resemblingYour Beloved Supreme
More and more. ```If your life contains
All artificial ingredients,God will not be able to bless you
With His Infinity’s natural Blessings. ```In the spiritual life
The first-class compartmentIs the compartment of my soul-delight,
And the second-class compartmentIs the compartment of my heart-light.
```Let bygones be bygones.
From today onI shall be the perfect believer
Of God,And then, before long,
I shall become an unconditional loverOf God.
```If you masquerade as a seeker,
Do you think God the LiberatorWill ever be pleased with you?
```With all due respect
To earthly mental giants,I must say
That I love onlySimple truth-seekers
And God-lovers. ```A man of purity
Is the love-riverOf God-Eternity’s
Self-giving Heart. ```Why do you not just surrender?
You will seeThat a life of surrender
Is the only wayTo make you
Perfectly plus permanently happy. ```A serious oversight:
My heart of aspirationForgot to claim God
As its very own. ```Your mental brilliance
Is no matchFor your psychic purity.
Remember this once and for allIf you want to succeed
In your spiritual life. ```If you want to turn
Your mind’s nightInto your heart’s day,
Then do not pretend to love God,But live in God persistently
And live for God only. ```Do you need an earthly friend?
Don’t mix with your mind’s doubt.Do you need a heavenly friend?
Then mix with your soul’sHeavenly promise.
```A heart without aspiration
Is without failA totally lost voyager.
```Mine is the heart
That brought me to GodEven much faster
Than my imagination’s flight. ```Look at your stupidity!
How can you surprise GodWith your greatness?
Look at your stupidity!You do not realise
That God is extremely pleasedWith the purity, beauty and divinity
Of your goodness. ```When you reach the final summit
Of your spiritual heights,Both your friends and your enemies
Of the pastWill not only admire you
But also claim youAs their very own.
```If you want to live
In a gratitude-world,Then you must free yourself
From the temptation-world. ```Unless you avoid
The company of despair,You will not be able
To accompanyGod the Satisfaction-Runner.
```It may happen again!
Ignorance may knock you out.Before it does,
You must becomeA spiritual superman.
Your stupid mindWill definitely realise
What the inner poverty is. ```While you are in deep meditation,
Allow not any undivine thoughtTo enter into your mind,
For the intensity of that thoughtWill be unmistakably unbearable.
```Anything good,
I shall do it immediately.Anything bad,
I shall tell myself, “Tomorrow.”By the Grace of the Lord Supreme
That tomorrow may never come! ```No jealousy, no competition,
But determinationTo sing the song of oneness
In the Fulness-Heart-GardenOf God.
```When others become jealous of you,
Be totally indifferent to them.For cleverly and secretly
They are tryingOnly to pull you down
Into their own darkness. ```God is the divine Gardener.
Inside each flower-soulHe sees
His own new and unique Beauty. ```What is peace?
Peace is to see God’s Beauty.What is perfection?
Perfection is to liveIn God’s Oneness-Home.
```How to conquer jealousy?
Always think of God,The Head of the family.
Will it not pain HimIf one child of His
Becomes jealous of another? ```O my ordinary thoughts,
O my undivine, unhealthyAnd uncomely thoughts,
During my meditationIf you knock at my mind’s door,
This time I shall not open it,For I know
That you will only misuseThe power of my meditation
To increase your own power. ```We must separate
Our life’s soulful songsFrom our mind’s depression-sighs.
```God has
A very special Love for youBecause
You use your faith-mapEvery day
In your life’s inner journey. ```You do not have to worry
About your heart-treasure.God cheerfully and sleeplessly
Guards it for you. ```An unlit mind
Is quite happy to liveInside the blind limitation-cave.
```No amount of information
Will help youIn your spiritual life.
No amount of explanation
Will help youIn your spiritual life.
No amount of elucidation
Will help youIn your spiritual life.
But an iota of aspiration
Is all you needTo be a complete success
In your spiritual life. ```If you are ready
To close your mindWhen it is needed,
If you are readyTo expose your vital
When it is needed,Then God will be all ready
To revive your heartWhen it is needed.
```God’s Satisfaction-Gift
He bestowsOnly upon the sincerity
Of the aspiration-heart,And nowhere else.
```You are telling me
That you have nothing to do.I am telling you
That you have not yet doneAt least this particular thing:
You have not built a celestial homeFor your Inner Pilot
Deep inside your heart. ```Your heart must learn
How to renew soulfully every dayThe splendour of your inner wealth.
```My Beloved Lord Supreme,
Your Compassion-EyeUnconditionally gives.
My aspiration-heartBreathlessly receives.
```If you deny your soul’s silence,
You are definitely ignoringGod’s Fragrance-Heart.
```The hearts of true
Spiritual brothers and sistersTogether cry,
Together smileAnd together live in oneness-home.
```I cannot destroy
Your disobedience-nightWith anything I have.
No, not evenWith my soul’s patience-sun.
```This clamouring mind of yours
Has ruined the beautyOf your heart’s silence.
```It is high time
For you to prepare yourselfTo listen to God’s Nectar-Melody
On His Flute. ```Wherever he goes,
He has the wisdom-illuminationFor a large collection
Of aspiration-hearts. ```An aspiration-heart
Does not need an outer record,For its very existence on earth
Is its supreme record. ```Unless you become
The renouncer of expectation,You cannot be
The possessor of peace. ```Invoke new confidence
If you want your contributionTo your spiritual life
To be profound. ```He is always found
Between his body’s sleepAnd his vital’s argument.
```His heart is blooming
In full gloryBecause it is maintaining
Its glowing purity. ```God’s Secrets
Are only for thoseWho are God-servers
In man. ```We can arrive at perfection’s gate
Only when we work togetherLovingly, untiringly and selflessly.
```Can you not see
That your ignorance-familyHas made you blind?
Can you not seeThat your ignorance-family
Has made you weak?Why then do you have to remain
With your ignorance-family? ```All calamities have come to an end.
All roads have come to an end.No more shall I wander through life.
I hear my Lord SupremeKnocking at my heart’s door.
```From:Sri Chinmoy,Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 62, Agni Press, 1984
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