My heart does not know
How it can ever liveWithout the daily
Compassion-Consolation-EmbraceOf my Beloved Supreme.
```Because your mind sincerely needs
Illumination,Because your heart soulfully needs
Liberation,Because your life desperately needs
Perfection,God is going to give you, before long,
His own Credit Card. ```Who else is a real fool
If not he who does not ask GodFor anything
For fear of His Answer? ```He is not suffering
From his disbelief.He is suffering
From the extravaganceOf his self-styled faith.
```My heart needs only one thing.
It needs to be guidedAlong the age-old path
Of life-blossoming self-awareness. ```Allow me, O Lord,
Immediately to standFor the God-realisation examination.
I wish to be sparedThe torment of waiting.
```Self-indulgence means
The extinguished flameOf hope for God-realisation.
Is the beginning of temptationIn the outer life.
DedicationIs the beginning of satisfaction
In the inner life. ```I have opened up an account
With God’s Heart-Bank.Therefore, I see nowhere
The battering waves of poverty-thoughts. ```When are you going to realise
That you are living in the darkWhen you live in the great maze
Of tormenting thought? ```A single breath of purity
Can fell the hurtfulDivision-tree.
```Since you have survived
The countless attacks of ignorance,For you there can be
No illusion-prison of false dreams. ```Bitter failures have taught you!
Therefore, you do not have to remainAny longer a stranger
To your pure self-insight. ```Since temptation-life has failed
To bind your mind,Fear-cramps cannot grip
Your heart. ```A seeker’s humility-heart
Knows how to becomeThe Smile of God.
```If you start now,
You will have plenty of timeTo convince God to grant you
His immortal SmileBefore death forces you
To enter through its door. ```If you constantly indulge
Your incapacities,You will be forced to climb
The stairway of despair. ```Do not bury the world
With your indifference-eyeIf you want to see
The beauty-hours of Heaven-daysOn earth.
```If you find fault
With God the Compassion,How can you expect to see
The death of your desire-life? ```If you can have patience
As your inner breath,Then you will have fortitude
As your outer body. ```To feed my mind
My Lord has become great.To feed my heart
My Lord has become good.To feed my soul
My Lord has become perfect.To feed my life
My Lord has becomeHis humanity’s cry
And His Divinity’s Smile. ```Because your mind
Lives on stupidity-street,Your heart’s divinity-flames
Are all extinguished. ```I foresee a hopeless battle
Inside youBetween your mind and your heart.
Your mind wants to poison your heartSo it cannot pray to God.
Your heart wants to unburden your mindSo it will not put unnecessary
And unwanted pressure on the heart.Indeed, this will be a hopeless battle.
God alone knows whether either partyIs going to win.
```I do not want to remember
My unaspiring heart,Complacent mind
And strangling vital.The very act of remembering
My past weaknessesCan destroy me.
Is the beauty of power.Aspiration
Is the power of purity.Realisation
Is the oneness of divinity. ```His ego has been bluntly
And mercilessly assaulted.Therefore, the human in him
Is heaving a sigh of remorse,The divine in him
Is heaving a sigh of reliefAnd the Supreme in him
Is celebrating his new birth. ```Your desire-lives
Are your own history’s dust-heaps.Your aspiration-lives
Are your God’s Heaven-climbingAnd earth-illumining Towers.
```Allow failure to teach you
A supreme lesson:Each sunset is the beginning
Of a very, very brightAnd powerful sunrise.
```If you want to succeed
Divinely and supremely,Then every day you must water
The green plants of your heart-garden. ```The winter of your body’s lethargy
Can immediately be overOnly if you are ready to welcome
The spring of your soul’s dynamism. ```Do not be afraid
Of your teeming weaknesses.Brook no compromise with them!
Wrestle with the taskOf divinising them
With your soul’s wisdom-light. ```Tame everything in your life
Save and exceptYour heart’s soulful tears.
```Be not discouraged!
Be only determined!The Golden Shore is eagerly waiting
For the arrival of your silver dream-boat. ```No wonder your hope-rainbow
Has completely vanished!You have allowed your mind-sky
To be eclipsed by the darknessOf countless doubt-clouds.
```Unless you release
Your heart’s hidden tears,You will not be able to see
The beauty and divinityOf your life’s improvement-sky.
```O mountains of misunderstanding,
I am praying to GodWhile, at the same time, waiting
For your life-stories to end. ```My mind tells me
That God’s TimetableDoes not change at all.
My heart tells meThat God’s Timetable
Changes very slowly.My soul tells me
That God’s TimetableChanges not only speedily
But also perfectly. ```You call it
A tiny disobedience.I call it
The unmistakable beginningOf your life-destroying
Spiritual downfall. ```Two things must live together
Inside a seeker:His heart’s absolute truth
And his life’s grateful obedience.Then alone can he be
A supremely chosen instrumentOf God.
```Each soul
Is an accomplished interpreterFor the unknown worlds
Of unmanifested divinity-flames. ```If you really want
To succeed in life,Then do not allow
Your aspiration-heart to waverBetween wisdom-hope
And ignorance-despair. ```My mind calls it complacency,
My heart calls it carelessness,My soul calls it blindness,
My God calls it uselessnessAnd I call it
My God-forgetfulness-life. ```If your mind was born
To inspiration,If your heart was born
To aspiration,If your life was born
To dedication,If your soul was born
To illumination,Then you were definitely born
To realisation. ```One little act of selflessness
Is the magnetThat draws both God’s Perfection-Eye
And God’s Satisfaction-Heart. ```The loser’s inner speed
Is lethargy.The loser’s outer speed
Is unwillingness.The winner’s inner speed
Is self-offering.The winner’s outer speed
Is self-perfection-smile. ```Do not accept any substitute
For God.God has asked me to inform you
That He never liked the ideaOf having a substitute for Himself.
```To whom does the world belong?
Certainly it does not belongTo my self-sufficient mind.
```You have now become
A supremely chosen instrument of GodBecause you were ready to risk
The world’s dire disapproval. ```Look what the dark impurity
Of your mindHas done to you!
It has given birthTo a giant rascal-ego.
```How can you expect to find any proper cure
For your chronic depression-night,When you were not even alarmed
By the early deathOf your faith-plant-life?
```When your winning-life
Ceases to matter,God’s loving Heart will grow
Quickly, proudly and unconditionally. ```Since your mind is invaded
By uncertainty,Your heart is bound to be caught
In a web of sorrow. ```At the end
Of its unimaginably long journey,Intellect said to intuition:
“I am very sincerely yours.” ```Always say a willing “Yes”
To GodIf you want Him to liberate you
From the prison of self-indulgence. ```You have uprooted your faith-tree.
Therefore, your God,Unlike mine,
Has now become very small. ```The shadow of a deep sorrow
Is crossing your heart-pathBecause you do not care
To shake ignorance-dustFrom your two little eyes.
```Yesterday I was happy
Because God’s Eye was watching me.Today I am happy
Because my eyes are turning towards God.Tomorrow I shall be happy
Because my eyes and God’s EyeWill together dine.
```As God the Heart-Searcher
Is very careful,Even so, God the Life-Saviour
Is very powerful. ```How can Heaven be near your heart
When you so deeply enjoy your stayIn the house of indulgence-luxury?
```What can the body-bound nature
Of man’s mind do?It can only remain imprisoned
In its own low and abysmal life. ```His heart is a born God-seeker.
His life is a born God-lover.His soul is a born God-distributor.
```This world lives
In a totally false peace.Therefore, my heart longs
To be left alone for Eternity. ```His life is too pure to play
With the world’s temptation-flames.His heart is too sure to play
With the world’s frustration-fires. ```Where does he live?
He lives on the altarOf his heart’s sacred song-flames.
```Truth does not know
How to transcend,But God knows!
Truth is old,But God is at once
Eternally newAnd eternally old.
```When I open my eyes
I see God,The Beauty of the finite.
When I close my eyesI see God,
The Divinity of the Infinite. ```My heart’s willingness
Has the capacity to openMy life’s locked limitation-doors.
```If you keep your faith-treasure safe,
Your doubt-mind cannot decideThe course of your life.
```O my backward-thinking mind,
How will you ever feelThe delight-touch
Of my soul-light? ```Because you offer God
Only imitation prayers,God is not liberating you
From your swarm of wildAnd dangerous worries.
```What is an unaspiring life
If not an unbearable agonyOf self-deception?
```A disturbing thought:
This is what your mindCan any time be.
An illumining oneness:This is what your heart
Forever shall remain. ```Unless your heart becomes
A constantly spinning hope-top,How can your life set an abiding trend
Of success-smile and progress-dance? ```What was I doing?
I was hunting my mind’sDangerous thoughts.
What am I doing now?I am obeying my soul’s
Precious will. ```If you want to prove
Your unparalleled capacity,You will end up exhibiting
Your unparalleled incapacity. ```Twice I was awestruck.
Once I was awestruckBy the imperfection-night
Of my life,And once I was awestruck
By the Compassion-SunOf God’s Heart.
```Do you want to know
What I am missing?I am missing my heart’s
God-loving orphan-sorrow. ```There can never be any difference
Between the haughtiness ofA self-sufficient mind
And the emptiness ofA God-deficient life.
```My life of dedication
Cheerfully ownsOnly what God has unconditionally sown
Inside my aspiration-heart. ```The mind is
Its own nonsense-cleverness.The heart is
Its own wisdom-oneness.The soul is
Its own perfection-fulness. ```If you do not make
The people around you happy,Your heart’s inner shrine
Will be without God. ```What is life
If not a longing forThe blossoming of an opportunity
To become an integrally perfect man? ```Today before the sun sets
I must realise that my mindIs only a fleeting thing
And that my heartIs an abiding treasure-gift from God.
```My prayer-life
Powerfully awakens me.My meditation-life
Richly rewards me. ```Nobody, not even God,
Enjoys the confrontation betweenLight-beauty and darkness-ugliness.
How, then, can you enjoy it? ```My tiny gratitude-plant
And God’s huge Compassion-TreeAre inseparably growing together.
```A life ruled by
The laughable certaintyOf the finite mind
Is even worseThan a life hopelessly lost
In a labyrinth of possibilities. ```So simple a thing as love divine,
Alas, nobody wants.So sweet a thing as oneness perfect,
Alas, nobody needs. ```Victory over the mind
Helps you becomeThe partner of God the Liberator.
```Experience is the miracle
Of transformation.Realisation is the natural awareness
Of oneness-perfection. ```To establish your reign
In every atom,You must scatter the seeds
Of universal oneness-love. ```My Beloved Supreme,
I shall gladly allow YouTo steal my heart
Only on one condition:That You do not return it.
```Because of your impure mind,
Yesterday you were tempted to take.Because of your pure heart,
Today you are prompted to give. ```What I know
And what I do not know:I know the abyss of hell,
And I do not knowThe transcendental heights of Heaven.
```If you think
You are God’s slave,Then beg Him slavishly
To give you an iota of Love.If you think
You are God’s child,Then ask Him soulfully
To give you His infinite Delight. ```Alas, when will life’s
Treacherous vanityBe illumined by the soul’s
Sleepless God-loving thirst? ```His heart has become as generous
As a fountain of art.Therefore, his life is becoming
Humanity’s precious journey’s startTo Heaven’s unmeasured
And unscaled heights. ```Enslave your ambition-horse
If you want to becomeGod’s fondness-lamb.
```Do you not see
That your life’s excessive hopeAnd your mind’s possessive nature
Will before long destroy youCompletely?
```My Beloved Lord Supreme,
Your Justice-Flames may not know,But Your Forgiveness-Sun does know
How to make me Your own, very own. ```From:Sri Chinmoy,Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 7, Agni Press, 1983
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