If you can climb up
Your heart’s purity-ladder,Then easily you will be able
To reach the highest floorOf your soul’s palace.
```Alas, how long
Can my earth-existence liveBetween my heart’s hope
And my mind’s despair? ```A life of aspiration
Is not a paradeOf possibilities
But a concertOf inevitabilities.
```To uproot
Your mind’s teeming fears,Every day you have to wake up
At God’s HourAnd love God infinitely more
Than you love your mind. ```In your life
Everything is counterfeit —Even your love for yourself.
```You cannot expect much from him,
For he has just started studyingIn his heart’s aspiration-school.
```God’s main complaint against me
Is this:I want complete satisfaction from Him
Before I have given HimMy aspiration-heart.
```If you are a true God-lover,
Then at times you are bound to breakYour old traditions
For the new transformationOf this earth-planet.
```Your mind ignores your heart.
That is not news.But if ever your heart
Ignores your mind,That will be unforgettable news.
```If you cannot steal God,
Try at least to stealGod’s Compassion-Heart.
God will be extremely proud of you. ```There is only one way
For you to repay your Master,And that is through
Your continuous progress-life. ```The war-gods are always desired
By the human mind.The peace-gods are always needed
By the divine heart. ```Your aspiration-life
Will definitely be blessedWith God-intoxication.
It is only a matterOf fleeting time!
```Unless you every day
Double your aspiration,There is every possibility
That you will lose all your interestIn God-realisation.
```Your heart must take
A solid step in Heaven.Then only
Your life can takeA solid step on earth.
```A heart of inner purity
Is bound to haveA life of outer beauty.
```Nobody can force you
To stumble on ignorance-stone.Again, nobody can teach you
To dance with angelsUnless you develop
The willingness and eagernessTo do so.
```God grants very special Love
And very special BlessingsTo him who is on his way to becoming
An unconditionally surrendered seeker. ```Man sees everything
Except one thing:He does not see his life
Flooded with divine opportunity. ```God is giving you
His last warning:Either love Him for His sake
Or live your earth-bound ego-life. ```Not only your heart
But even your mindHas the capacity to uproot
Cheerfully and selflesslyThe jealousy-tree.
```You must realise
That God the CompassionIs always ready
To stop your heart’sSpiritual disaster:
Your lack of faithIn your own aspiration-life.
```It is not an uncommon thing
For the doubting mindTo prefer man-made destruction
To God-made Salvation. ```Lovingly and blessingfully
Eternity whispered to me:“My child,
Your heart’s peaceful breathHas nothing to do with
Your mind’s powerful desire-life.” ```What separates you
From God?Your mind’s lack
Of necessityAnd your heart’s lack
Of urgency. ```It was you who wanted to be
An ignorance-puppet.It is you who now have to pay
The penalty! ```If you have nothing else to do,
Then bravely uprootYour mind’s jealousy-tree.
```Station yourself beyond your mind.
Then you will realiseThat the world needs you
Infinitely moreThan you can ever imagine.
```You must learn how to swim
Every dayAgainst your mind’s
Age-old thought-currentTo satisfy the divine in you.
```Unless one can cross
The river of time,One will not be allowed
To see the faceOf aspiration-soldier.
```You can uproot
Your mind’s meanness-treeIf you daily nourish
Your heart’s oneness-plant. ```His heart teaches him
In his life’s new university.His mind teaches him
In his life’s old school. ```Do not feed a secret mind,
But feed a sacred heart,For this is the only way
You can reach the highest heightOf God-Satisfaction-Power.
```His mind has finally become
The unmistakable reality-existenceOf shattered thoughts.
```Protect your life every day
From the disaster-miseriesEngendered by your unruly vital.
```The unaspiring mind
Has countless questions.The aspiring heart
Has run out ofConvincing and illumining answers.
```O my doubting mind,
Once and for all I am telling youThat I have no objection at all
To your immediate departureFrom my God-hungry life!
```To delay
Is to maintainYour old friendship
With your frustration-vital. ```No one,
No, not even God,Can tell me
How to become perfectWithout aspiration-practice
Every day. ```Sincerity is always
A meaningful beginning.Determination is always
An illumining continuation. ```I have been trying to do
Only one thing.Alas, I do not know
When I shall succeed.I really am trying not to be
Any more my own. ```I am transforming my mind
So that it does not remainAlways a beginner
In the spiritual life. ```If I had sufficient time,
I would love my aspiration-heartAnd dedication-life
More than ever. ```Yesterday
I prayed to GodFor my mind’s transformation.
TodayI am praying to God
For my life’s transcendence. ```Our minds are the professors
Of imperfection-night,And our hearts are the students
Of perfection-light. ```If you can become a stranger
To your mind’s unwillingness,Then God will come to you
With His Heart’s Fulness. ```If you are
Your mind’s disobedience,How can you feel God
And His Heart’s PresenceInside your own heart?
```If you have
A short-lived dream,How can you have
A life-transforming reality? ```Because you have trampled
Your worldly thoughts,God is granting you
His own adamantine Will. ```Are you so blind
That you cannot seeGod’s compassionate arrival
At your heart’s door? ```Each prayer
Is a heart-climbing ladderTo God.
Each meditation
Is a God-descending ladderTo earth.
```Unless you brave
The uncertainty of the future,You cannot proceed fast
In your present-day life. ```God smiles twice:
Once when I say,“Even God cannot do it!”
And once when I say,“I do not need
Anything from this world!” ```Two invisible giants,
Doubt and jealousy,Torture almost every human mind
And every human heart. ```Run towards the perfection-light.
If not,The shadows of dark imperfection
Will haunt you. ```A divine God-believer
And a supreme man-loverAre not
Two different persons. ```If you want to surprise everybody,
Then be absorbedIn your soul-searching studies.
```Every day
If you stand in rebellionAgainst your lower self,
Your higher selfWill give you what it is:
Satisfaction-sun. ```You do not have to ignore
Your mind.Just ignore your cherished possession:
Ego. ```An unaspiring man
Is a slave of his passions.An aspiring seeker
Is a child of God’s Compassion-Eye. ```How can you expect divinity-flower
To blossom here on earth,Where unprecedented materialism
Is reigning supreme? ```No, it is not
An impossible taskTo come bravely out
Of anxiety-prison! ```To destroy the frown
Of ignorance-night,I need only
One oneness-smile. ```The hour of willingness
Does not knowWhat the power of obligation is.
```To me
God’s Justice-MightIs not indispensable.
To meGod’s Compassion-Light
Is not indispensable.To me
Only God’s Forgiveness-DelightAt every moment
Is indispensable. ```Even though
You have made the right choiceOnly at the eleventh hour,
God’s Satisfaction-DelightShall be all for you.
```Has God given you the authority
To dare to criticiseHis Compassion-flooded creation?
```One soulful service
Can grant your aspiration-lifeThe genuine peace
Of the Beyond. ```I have heard of satisfaction-delight
Many times from many people,But I simply cannot understand
What it actually means. ```No, it is not true!
It is not the intention of earthTo make you perfect by blessing you
With ceaseless sorrows. ```His heart has the thing
That you need:Compassion-sky.
His mind has the thing
That you deserve:A life of discipline.
```Because your mind today
Is exceptionally pure,God has decided to grant your mind
A supremely beautiful sunrise. ```He has many qualities that amaze me,
But the one that amazes me mostIs his perfect oneness
With his untiring adversaries. ```Be prepared!
Your soul is going to teach youHow to ignore earth-bound time.
Be prepared!
Your Lord is going to teach youHow to embrace the Silence-Peace
Of Eternity. ```Dethrone the desire-fulfilling
And desire-filled heroesOf your mind
All at once! ```On the eve of your God-realisation
You will discoverThat yours is not
An all-exclusive mind,But yours is
An all-inclusive heart. ```My heart knows
That perfect perfection can abideOnly in my life’s conscious
God-reflection. ```The human mind
Is always a cloudy sky.Alas,
It does not knowThat there exists an illumination-sun
Inside the heart-sky. ```The language of silence
Is only spokenInside my God-longing
Aspiration-heart. ```Can you not see
That your life’s temptationHas ruined your vital
Beyond repair? ```Life is not a wave
Of man’s wishful thinking.Life is the ocean
Of God’s Manifestation-Smile. ```If you spread
Your aspiration-arms wide,You will see that insecurity
Cannot last for long. ```Your mind can easily have
The capacityTo acquire an infallible
Faith-future. ```A throng of inspired souls
Has the capacityTo illumine the blindness
Of this deplorable world. ```His heart is enjoying today
The last breathOf his mind’s dying doubt.
Unmistakably and cheerfullySides with the Beloved Supreme.
Feeds my heart.Impossibility
Challenges my mind.Divinity
Embodies my life. ```Be wise at every moment.
The power in struggleAnd the joy of victory
Are inseparable. ```I have stored my last message
In the depths of my heart:God is always first,
And God for God’s sake. ```Uncertainty is nothing other than
A hidden veil.You can easily pierce
The veil of uncertaintyOn the strength of your life’s
Cheerful willingness. ```God never walks alone.
He always walks withHis Vision-Eye
And His all-illuminingCompassion-Smile.
```Every day
Either consciously or unconsciouslyWe rehearse
Our self-styled authority-act. ```God will definitely grant you
Another chance.But are you soulfully ready
To devotedly accept it? ```To keep your heart young
All the time,Always keep your heart
A soulful truth-seekerAnd God-lover.
```Sacrifice does not speak.
It only acts.Its action is infinitely louder
Than a thunderbolt. ```My Lord Supreme,
Do not abandon meTo my questioning mind,
Trembling heartAnd dying life.
```If you love the heart of the world
And serve the body of the worldNon-stop,
Then you can easily come out ofThe confines of earth-bound time.
```It seems that man is having
A universal experienceEverywhere:
His self-imposed death sentence. ```If you cannot stay
With your oneness-heart,Stay at least in the neighbourhood
Of your newness-mind. ```My mind and I
May not know God,But my heart and I
Do love God. ```From:Sri Chinmoy,Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 71, Agni Press, 1984
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/ap_71