Do not delay!
Do not delay!Receive your Beloved Supreme
With all your heartImmediately.
```If you love God-language,
Then destroy the breathOf ignorance-bondage.
```The blue sky
Promises firmly.The green earth
Executes correctly. ```You are telling me
That you have nothing to do.I am asking you
To do only one thing:Break
As soon as possibleYour appointment with temptation!
```Earth knows
How to revolve.Man knows
How to resolve.Aspiration knows
How to evolve. ```Yesterday
Could not come with you.Tomorrow
Cannot come to you.Therefore
Try to live in today’s Eternity. ```The doubtful mind comes
With what it has:Frustration.
The soulful heart comesWith what it is:
Satisfaction. ```For one moment of glory’s fame
You have tortured your lifeFar beyond your imagination-flight.
```O ignorance-lover,
Indeed, you are a flowerWith no beauty’s touch
And no purity’s breath. ```His mind counts the things
That it has done for mankind.But his heart prays to God
To give him the capacityTo do the things that count.
```What does my Lord do
When He is off duty?He meditates only on one thing:
A totally new satisfaction-world. ```Alas,
The animal-touchOf your mind’s doubts
Has destroyed the beauty and purityOf your life-tree.
```You fool!
Can you not seeThat knowingly and deliberately
You have walked intoA dangerous temptation-trap?
```The mind’s clever lies
Can never deceiveThe heart’s wise awareness
Of truth. ```Let God now navigate
Your life’s hopeful dream-boat.He will put your failure-past
Far behind you. ```Like God,
You must not waste any time.Like God’s,
Your aspiration-life must not haveAny retirement plan.
```If it is true
That God is invisible,Then it is true only for
The consciously blind human beings. ```It is not a secret life
But a sacred heartThat can and will save
The entire world. ```Since silence
Is your sole companion,Your God-union-day
Is fast approaching. ```For God
Everything is easyExcept one thing:
Making your closed heartOpen willingly.
```If your heart can become
The willingness,God’s Eye will give you
The readinessAnd God’s Heart will give you
His Fulness. ```Look!
Look!Your Beloved Supreme is showing you
How to climb upYour aspiration-staircase
To reach easilyThe goal of the Beyond.
```God wants to feel
The sunlight inside your heart.Can you not invite Him
And show Him that you are alreadyThe possessor of an all-illumining sunrise?
```God’s universal Message:
I love the beautyOf man’s heart.
I need the purityOf man’s life.
```Fulfilment you long for?
Then hesitationWhy do you care for?
```In the morning
Your Beloved Supreme comes to youWith His Illumination.
In the afternoon
He comes to youWith His Compassion.
In the evening
He comes to youWith His Forgiveness.
```If you love God soulfully,
God will definitely give you the capacityTo untie your mind’s doubt-knot.
```You are telling me
You love God most intensely.If so, then prove it
By not singingWith the prince of ignorance
And not dancingWith the king of ignorance.
```To delay in responding
To God’s Compassion-LightIs almost like refusing
God’s Love.To refuse God’s Love
Is not only to feedOne’s human desire-life,
But also to destroyOne’s divine aspiration-life.
```There is only one place
That is safe and perfectAnd that place is
The Heart-Garden of God. ```The Golden Boat
Will not reach the Golden ShoreEmpty.
Never!The Pilot Supreme will carry
Blessingfully and proudlyOnly those who will forever remain
Faithful, devoted and surrenderedTo His Will transcendental.
```To disobey God
Is to feed the animal in us,Starve the human in us
And delay the divine in us. ```If you have physical pain, disdain!
If you have vital pain, disdain!If you have mental pain, disdain!
But if you have psychic pain,Then try to gain
As much as possible from it. ```O my heart,
While you were out with the mind,God came
And left a message for you:“Be careful, heart!
You will be in very serious danger.” ```Give God the original:
The soulful cry of your heart.Do not give God the copy:
The wild frown of your vital. ```The duty of a spiritual Master
Is to teach the discipleHow to love God unconditionally,
Not how to receive loveFrom God cleverly.
```You are your life’s
Attachment-bondage.Therefore, victory’s sweetness
And God’s CompletenessCan never be yours.
```Your sincere willingness
Is itself a tremendous increaseIn your inner and outer capacities.
```Purity at any price
In your inner life,Sincerity at any price
In your outer life.Then perfection will claim you
As its very own. ```God’s Compassion-Eye
Owns my lifeAnd just rents it to me
At a very cheap rate. ```Do you want to know
What you should wearWhen you go to visit God?
You should wearA gratitude-garment that covers
The entire length and breadthOf your body.
```If you have a heart
Rich in divinity,If you have a mind
Rich in sincerity,And if you have a life
Rich in purity,Then God will visit you
Long before you actually invokeHis Presence.
```Sorrows seized my heart
When I discoveredThat I had been living
In a foreign land:My suspicion-mind.
```If you are determined to be loyal
To your Inner Pilot,Then He is more than ready
To help you discoverYour royal life.
```If you do not have perfect faith
In your own aspiration,No harm.
Start, at least, with your imperfect faith.There shall come a time
When your imperfect faithWill be transformed into perfect faith
By God’s Compassion-Eye. ```Greatness wants to live
By itself.It does succeed
In a very peculiar way.Goodness wants to live
With all,And it succeeds
In a very fruitful way. ```His heart’s constant inner occupation
Is to offer purity-sanctified thoughtsTo the four corners of the world.
```How can you ever succeed
With your heart’s waning faithAnd your mind’s strangling thoughts?
```Why am I so fond of you?
I am so fond of youBecause you are a traveller
Like meIn the transformation-train.
```You want me to help you
In God-realisation?Certainly I can!
But before that,You have to tell me
That you will have nothing to doWith your mind’s confusion-circles.
```Your heart’s soulful purity
Is a free passTo both God’s Palace
And man’s cottage. ```God has come to you
With the solutions.But alas,
You do not want to give HimAll your problems.
```You cannot
Unconditionally love GodAnd vehemently dislike man
At the same time. ```God’s Heart is all for you
Not becauseYou know so much
But becauseYou do care for humanity.
```Even a small wave
Of aspiration-cryCan carry you
To the Golden ShoreOf the Beyond.
```Dimness clouds his mind,
Darkness clouds his vital,But soulfulness illumines his heart.
```Devour your anxieties!
God’s Happiness and your happinessWill fly together in oneness-sky.
```What your heart has
Is false faith.What your mind has
Is false longing.What you have
Is false promise. ```My success depends on
How much I know.My progress depends on
How much I care for God. ```Your mind is ready to show you
Your immediate grave.Your heart is eager to show you
Your ultimate God-Garden. ```Your life’s perfection-smile
Must precedeYour heart’s satisfaction-dance.
```His mind’s prosperous pride
And his life’s tremendous bankruptcyHave destroyed
The beauty of his soul-garden. ```God has always been playing
His RoleBy waiting for you.
Can you not play your roleBy arriving at God’s Heart-Door
On time? ```Desire less.
You will have moreEvery day,
At every moment. ```I do believe it
When my sleeping heart tells meThat every day it enjoys hearing
God’s earth-transforming Songs. ```His heart’s surrender-dawn
Has blossomedInto his life’s perfection-sun.
```Every day
I pray to GodTo use my heart
And not to fulfil my mind. ```A heart of happiness
Has a free accessTo God’s secret and sacred Chamber.
```What you need
Is a ceaseless smileFrom your heart
To measure the lengthOf your life’s progress.
```His mother tongue
Is the all-illuminingSilence-light.
Therefore, he does not have to learnThe language of darkening
Frustration-night. ```Heaven will immediately declare
A joy dayThe moment it sees
That you have acquiredPeace of mind.
```Pray to God
And meditate on GodEvery day
To use you in His own WaySo that He does not see you
As one of the countlessUseless human lives.
```My Lord Supreme,
Do tell meWhy I have lost
My aspiration-heart’sWillingness-smile?
```How can your barren mind
And joyless heartEver feel God
In each and every life-experienceOf yours?
```If you are a God-seeker,
Then even your rare unwillingnessTo accept God’s Will
As your ownWill steal away
Your peace of mind. ```The song of silence-light
Illumines the entire existenceOf ignorance-night.
```Selfless service
Is another name for the loveVisible in humanity’s heart.
```God’s latest achievement:
My unconditional surrenderTo His Will.
```On principle
He does not live in the past,For it is not only a foreign
But also a strange country. ```He specialises in telling the world
That it will never be destroyed,For how can God the Omnipotent Vision
Be destroyedBy man the feeble temptation?
```Once God becomes real to you,
Immediately free yourselfFrom the tentacles of desire-life!
```You think
That you are the doer.But God knows
That He is your Employer. ```Congratulations!
The animal in youHas lost;
The divine for youHas won.
```My seeker-friend,
Nobody can force youTo be tangled in insecurity-net.
Nobody! ```Fear feeds his mind.
Frustration feeds his vital.Therefore
He and his life are totally lost. ```God’s glowing Compassion-Eye
Silenced his mind’sRoaring doubts.
```God’s Power tells me
There is no such thingAs bigness.
God’s Heart tells me
There is no such thingAs greatness.
God’s Love tells me
There is no such thingAs smallness.
```If you do not run
As fast as your heart,Your mind will not only overtake you
But will also mislead you. ```His life is caught
In betweenHis mind’s question mark
And his heart’s permanent full stop. ```Your ignorance has given you
A stupid lesson:That you can outrun
Your ignorance-shadow. ```In God’s Compassion-flooded
Vision-KingdomNo wastebasket is to be found,
For everything is valuable there. ```God is telling your mind
That you are His lamb.God is telling your heart
That you are His Dream.God is telling your life
That you are His Reality. ```Alas,
Will there be a dayIn this incarnation of yours
When your mind will not be addictedTo doubt-drinks?
```Because you have forgotten
To surrenderTo God the Compassion,
You are forced to surrenderTo life the frustration.
```How can you appreciate
Tomorrow’s golden dawnIf you do not come out of
Yesterday’s barren failure-life? ```His soulful smile
Is always the beginningOf a new, illumining
And fulfilling inner race. ```Your heart always relies
On one thing:God’s Forgiveness-Smile.
```Pray and meditate daily, soulfully.
If you do not,How can you remain
Always one step aheadOf your life-disaster?
```No human being
Can easily escapeThe desire-snares
Which appear in various forms. ```Each pure thought
Is the supreme beautyOf a reality-rainbow.
```From:Sri Chinmoy,Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 74, Agni Press, 1984
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