The heart’s complete
Obedience-dawnOffers the life’s
Perfection-day. ```Meditation-canopy
Can and will protect you,But it is you who have to
Procure it. ```God wants you
To love and treasureHis unexpected Visits.
```Cornered by confusion,
You have surrenderedTo your mind’s stark hallucination.
```The beauty, purity and divinity
Of his aspiration-infancyI admire, I adore
And I love. ```Disobedience-demon
Has destroyed his life,Inner and outer.
```Wisdom-light knows
At onceHow to illumine
And how to consume. ```The doubting mind
Is nothing other thanAn insecurity-plant.
```Unlike the mind,
The heart breathlessly competesIn self-transcendence-trials.
```Stark uncertainty
Is an intimate friendOf the human mind.
```We all should be worthy
Of celebratingOur own aspiration-anniversary.
```Not to speak of God,
Even man cannot ignoreA soulful appeal.
```The downfall
Of doubt’s supremacyEach God-seeker
Will eventually enjoy. ```His whole life is confined
To his birthless and deathlessConfusion-mind.
```A patient in God’s
Heart-Hospital:This is what my mind
Must always be. ```You cannot fulfil
God’s DreamWithout God’s Help.
```Ignorance does not hesitate
To speak ill of God.Wisdom does not hesitate
To beat God’s Victory-Drum. ```What kind of prayer is it
If you have to worryEven after you have prayed?
```In Heaven and on earth
His life of unconditional surrenderEnjoys dual citizenship.
```My self-offering-deeds
Are always sponsoredBy God Himself.
```An aspiration-heart
Is a sure cureFor a depression-vital.
```The extinction
Of your doubting mindIs the beginning
Of your life’s perfection-smile. ```God’s sacred Love for you
Can never remainA secret.
```Do not lose
Your spirituality’sPerfection-hunger,
Never! ```To shop in the market
Of ignoranceYour soul did not bring you
Into this world. ```Alas,
The thirsty world will drinkPerhaps only
When it is too late! ```Your desire-river
Will soon loseIts existence-life
In your aspiration-ocean. ```Lost and found:
Earth has lostIts aspiration,
Heaven has foundIts compassion.
```May my life be
A continuationOf my unconditional surrender
To God. ```If you do not fulfil God
In God’s own Way,Frustration will be stamped
All over your life. ```Each human being
Has two saviours:An aspiration-heart
And a dedication-life. ```Despair-malady
Desperately needsPromise-remedy.
```God does not want you
To wasteHis Vision-fulfilling Time.
Is a deathless journeyTo a nothingness-shore.
```Life’s barren
Desire-pursuitIs his sole identification.
```I do not want to know
What is on your mind.I only want you
To make me feelWhat is inside your heart.
```Are you a spiritual Master?
If so, every dayYou have to keep yourself ready
To be kickedBy the world’s ingratitude.
```From today on
God wants youTo keep your heart’s door unlocked
For the human to disappearAnd the divine to appear.
```The power of silence
Has saved my lifeTime and again.
```God’s Justice
Is cheap.God’s Compassion
Is cheaper.God’s Forgiveness
Is the cheapest. ```If you are resigned
To failure,What can poor God do
For you? ```Banish alien thoughts
If you really wantOnly God-thoughts
To occupy your mind. ```My heart is learning
To love God the JusticeMore, and ever more.
```This time
I am determinedNot to renew
My lethargy-licence. ```Purity is always
Of paramount importanceTo fortify the heart-citadel.
```God never hesitates
To acceptYour realisation-application.
Forced love is weakerThan the power of an ant.
```Never take a false step!
You will haveA fatal fear-attack.
```Every morning
I cheerfully do one thing:I make a solemn perfection-promise.
```If you are only for God,
Then you can comeAnd sail with me
Any time. ```You fool,
Still you are not afraidOf your imminent
Disobedience-disaster! ```You no longer have
A truth-heart.Therefore, your progress-life
Has come to a halt. ```Your heart
Is a God-appointed emperor.Your mind
Is a self-styled monarch. ```Mind, never stop surrendering!
Heart, never stop climbing!Life, never stop transcending!
Soul, never stop dreaming! ```Why do you allow your mind
To enjoy the sleepThat will last for centuries?
```Do not allow
Your reality-heartTo collapse
Into your hallucination-mind! ```Do you not think
That somedayYou will be forced to pass
God’s Examination? ```You are my own,
Very own,Especially when you love God
Unconditionally. ```Your mind
Is a God-traitor.Your heart
Is a God-soldier. ```Let me totally abolish
The distanceBetween my mind’s unwillingness
And my Lord’s Compassion. ```Soul, my soul,
Where are you?Mind, my mind,
Can you not find another place? ```His heart’s aspiration-life
Is made ofInfinity’s golden Dreams.
```No God-lover
Avoids or evadesReality’s existence-life.
```Who can correctly estimate
The worthOf a gratitude-heart?
```His mind
Is a desert-dwellerAnd his heart
Is a paradise-lover. ```Being a child
Of God’s own Eternity,How can you be an alien
In God’s Kingdom? ```O owner of a lonely heart,
You and I are sailingIn the same boat,
UnappreciatedAnd even unnoticed.
```He works in his mind’s
Confusion-corporation.A satisfaction-heart
Is not meant for him. ```The purity-petals
Of your life-flowerI admire infinitely more
Than you can ever imagine. ```The anguish of self-doubt
Is more dangerousThan slow poison.
```To pray
Is to see God.To meditate
Is to become God. ```Daily practise
Your patience-lessonSo that you can be
Perfectly perfect. ```Because I calmly live,
I fruitfully grow.Because I fruitfully grow,
I eternally am. ```To change you
Tomorrow,God has to own you
Today. ```Listen to God.
Otherwise, ignorance-tigerWill devour you.
```Look what his disobedience-life
Has done to him!His decline-glory
Has already begun. ```He is celebrating
His heart’s safe returnFrom ignorance-kingdom.
```What I need is
An indivisible heartAnd not
A giant mind. ```Frustration-sigh
Is the dead endOf the desire-life.
```If you do not have
A purity-heart,Your soul is bound
To suffocate. ```He who has told you
That you cannot untieYour attachment-strings
Is a rank fool. ```This moment
He hesitates to speakAbout God.
Next moment
He fabricates storiesAbout God.
```You must value
Your devotion-heartAnd your surrender-life
If you want to seeYour conscious progress.
```Earth treasures
His peace-seeking mind.Heaven treasures
His peace-supplying heart. ```The mind-terrorists
Must be overthrownBefore the heart-specialists
And life-perfectionistsBegin their respective jobs.
```His mind is full
Of nothing but worry-waste.Therefore, avoid him consciously,
Even unconsciously! ```He does not realise
That every dayHis mind covers him
With nothingness-dust! ```To you
Everything is a burden,Even the beauty of inspiration
And the divinity of aspiration. ```Perfection
Is undoubtedly possibleIn this lifetime.
Is nothingness-existenceIn the seeker’s inner life.
```Peace comes
From love-plantsAnd not from power-trees.
```Starve your undivine thoughts!
They are more dangerousThan cancer in your lungs.
```God is going
From door to doorTo sell your heart’s
Gratitude-life-book. ```My Lord,
You can turn Your FaceFrom me,
But Your Heart is confinedInside mine.
```He cheerfully and bravely enjoys
ConfrontationsWith his soulless desire-life.
```I need a heart
That will have a free accessTo God’s Compassion-Height.
Are apt to teachAt the stupidity-university.
```He does not believe
In the supreme artOf self-giving.
```Every day he swims
In the swimming poolOf self-doubt.
```Flying to God
On willingness-wingsIs a supreme art
That every seekerHas to learn.
```From:Sri Chinmoy,Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 76, Agni Press, 1984
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