I see my heart-river
Inside the seaOf God’s Diamond-Hopes.
```Life’s contradictions
CulminateIn God’s Perfection-Confirmations.
```O my mind,
It is quite strangeThat you do not want to escape
The tumults of this world! ```Your life’s ultimate victory
Depends on the surrenderOf your heart’s
Aspiration-flames. ```If you want to live
Once againA divine life,
Then vigorously shakeYour conscience-tree.
```The strangling vital
Feels that all roadsLead to unhappiness.
```To touch the hearts
Of nations,Cast aside immediately
Your division-mind. ```Talk and act
AlwaysFrom the heart
Of your generosity. ```Not only does he know
How to run swiftly,But he also knows how to run
Directly to God. ```I was delighted
To be with my old friends,My self-giving
And God-manifesting friends,In the inner world.
```His heart’s cries
And his life’s smilesAre fresh from the Hands
Of his Lord Supreme. ```Nobody
Will be able to feedYour hungry jealousy-greed.
No, not even God! ```You do not need
A mere heart.What you need
Is an aspiration-heart,Along with its flame.
```Every day try to jump
Into the running meditation-riverWhich will carry you quickly
To the meditation-sea. ```You call it
Your selfless service.I call it
God’s exhaustless PrideIn you.
```Your ceaseless stupidities
Have exhaustedEven God’s Hope for you.
```His human life
Wants to enjoyThe grandeur of vastness-power.
```From morn to eve
He collects in silenceSilent griefs.
```No aspiration
Clearly meansA life full of separation.
```His aspiration rides
In the first-class compartmentOf Eternity.
```The illumination
Of your lifeDepends on the active faith
Of your heart. ```Do not allow
Your mind and your vitalTo be entangled
In sad contradictions. ```Do not forget
That once upon a timeYou had a very long contact
With the higher worlds. ```To have a task
From AboveMeans to have a pleasing
Experience-reward. ```If you are longing
For a new life,Tell death
You have cancelledYour appointment.
```Because you are a fool,
You have abandoned the struggle.No victory shall ever touch
Your life’s shore! ```By virtue
Of his self-giving lifeHe is leading the train
Of human progress. ```A heart of love
Has to be usedAlways for a sacred purpose.
God does not wantTo hear from you
That you are too old! ```The life of concern-light
Is the very beginningOf spirituality’s childhood.
```Thought must fall from you
Before willWill be willing
To dine with you. ```Choose not anything
From the handsOf blind chance.
Never! ```Your heart may do
Anything for God,But so far it has not done
Anything fruitful for God. ```My ego’s prophecy
Became the sad faceOf failure.
```His mind is not
The frown of darkness.His mind embodies
The beauty of tomorrow’s dawn. ```God’s Compassion negates
His Cosmic LawCheerfully and regularly.
Unlike God,I can neither hide
Nor reveal.I am quite visible
Inside the sighsOf nothingness.
```The world is full
Of God’s sadly unfulfilledHope-Dreams.
```The soul’s existence
Is not a dream.The fool’s declaration
Is baseless. ```The mind wants to hide.
The heart wants to cry.The soul wants to observe.
God wants to dream. ```Two forgotten lives:
A life of aspiration-fireAnd a life of dedication-water.
```His volcano-will
Dares to changeThe cosmic tragedy
And succeed in man. ```He does not live alone.
He lives with his soul’sUnhorizoned reach.
```Only a heart
Of unconditional surrenderCan earn
An unlimited credit cardFrom God.
```Desire’s dance
Can be terminatedWhen aspiration-cries
Start rising. ```God seeks undemanding friends,
But it takes a very long timeFor Him to get one.
```Slowly across time
He will sailHis soul’s dream-boat.
```Two shores:
The shore of aspirationThat soulfully cries,
The shore of transcendenceThat powerfully smiles.
```The descent
Of the infinite Consciousness-BlissIs for the total transformation
Of the present hopeless world. ```I touch God’s Blessing-Feet
In my song-life’sPurity-breath.
```When he came out of
His heart’s aspiration-room,He was captured and taken away
By night’s giant arms. ```The silence-souls have thronged
To applaud the victoryOf the unconditional God-servers
On earth. ```Earth’s helplessness
Will one day meetWith the power
Of Heaven’s fullness. ```We claim
Freedom-sunWhile treasuring
Bondage-night. ```He who loves God
UnconditionallyReceives God’s transcendental Crown
From God Himself. ```Terror’s triumph
Does not last,Cannot last.
This is a factPermanently undeniable.
```O earth’s
Dissatisfaction-grumble-life,Can you not rest a little?
You deserve it so richly! ```I am thanking all those
Who have strengthened my aspirationBy pointing out
All my weaknesses. ```O deceased night of tears,
SleepAnd never wake up!
```You came down from Above
In a Golden BoatWith a blessingful Smile.
Alas,Nobody is recognising You.
```Your service will be amply rewarded.
Just do it soulfullyAnd selflessly.
```God sees in me
His own Satisfaction-Smile.I see in me
A breathless and deathless sigh. ```Sadness:
Eternity’s heart.Satisfaction:
Humanity’s hope. ```The mind-forest
Does not knowThat there is Someone
Called Silence-Pilot. ```Every day
I do one thing:I long for the blossoming dawn
Of the ever-transcending Beyond. ```Your heart-plants
Need only light and delightFor their rapid growth.
I am telling you who you are:Nothing!
I am telling you who I am:A budding God-lover!
```No matter where I look
For my mind’s happiness-smiles,I am denied.
```Since God’s Feasts
Are limitless,Can you not make
Your heart’s hunger-cryCeaseless?
```Man’s free will
Is nothing other thanA wishful paradise.
```Man’s longing
For God’s VictoryAlways blossoms into
His own victory-smile. ```To complete
The golden dream of peace,Selflessly serve
And unconditionally love. ```Helpless,
His heart journeysWith the tired wings
Of night. ```This fragile world of ours
Is shockingly blindAnd deliberately deaf.
```With his usual soul-poise
He tells the worldThat he is for
Its bleeding life. ```What God’s Hand has made,
How can you and IEven both together
Ever undo? ```He wanted to become
A mental giant,But all he has achieved
Is his mind’s frustration-night. ```You wallow in your self-created
Imperfection.Yet you think perfection
Is within your easy reach. ```The God-lover feels
That it is his bounden dutyTo return to the world
Again and againAnd serve God unconditionally.
```Do not orbit
The false sun.Your tiny inner flame
It will extinguish. ```Powerfully fruitful
Shall becomeOur today’s weak
And sorrowful world. ```Amid the debris
Of his mind’s hallucinationsHis clarity-heart is advancing.
```Desire-life is where
My mind’s frustration began.Aspiration-life is where
My frustration is going to end. ```He accepts suffering
When suffering is thrust upon himSo that he can serve the world
Infinitely better. ```Suffering must come,
For this is the only way,We long ago decided,
To grow. ```The Freedom-Will of God
Was born the dayThe desire-bound thought of man
Died. ```We have come to sing
The songs of joyIn this suffering world.
```The dreamer of God-dreams
Is still holdingThe entire world.
There are zenith-heightsBeyond our vision-reach.
```Earth’s silent suffering
Is totally helplessBut not useless.
```Come out of your mind.
Let your heart love youAnd claim you.
You will then feelWhat true happiness is.
```Allow not your active vital
To fly with the windsAnd dance with the waves
Of emotion. ```Today’s helpless child
Is destinedFor tomorrow’s stupendous
God-responsibility. ```Your consciousness-sleep
Has to be awakenedIf you want to be
A choice instrument of God. ```Remember,
Every divine thoughtIs precious!
Every day the Lord SupremeIs gracious!
```A longing heart
Looks upwardTo see God’s Compassion-Feet.
```I am not a giant,
But my mind’s stumblingsAre gigantic.
```Man’s secret mind-thoughts
May not have even an iotaOf sacred breath.
```See for yourself
Who is the stronger of the two:Your doubting mind
OrYour aspiring heart.
```You follow
Your heart’s love.Your life’s happiness
Will follow you. ```From:Sri Chinmoy,Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 83, Agni Press, 1984
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/ap_83