Only the smiling silence-life
Can bring down the Absolute SupremeIn His Transcendence-Delight.
```Your heart has the capacity
To understandGod’s inexplicable
Message-Light. ```Alas,
You are not seekingThe Light of the Beyond,
Which is solely meant for you. ```My soul is extremely proud
Of reading my heart’sSurrender-book.
```Fear and doubt
Are never permittedTo play
Inside the liberated life. ```If you want satisfaction,
Then cancel your daily appointmentWith the desire-prince.
```Just because God wants it,
Goodness will, without fail,Be broadcast on God’s Radio.
```In a purity-heart
Only God’s Silence-SoundIs most powerfully heard.
```Look for
God’s Compassion-Feet.Pride will not be able
To entrap you. ```With the blossoming
Of your life’s aspiration-plant,Your life’s desire-tree
Will automatically decay. ```With the heart
Of confidenceComes the life
Of patience-surrender. ```To get a satisfaction-trophy
From God,He offered God
His perfection-life. ```God does not want you
To prove to HimWhat you have.
He wants youTo prove to Him
What He means to you. ```In the heart of His Vision
AndIn the life of His Manifestation
Every dayGod and His Power play together.
```Who can live on earth
Without feeding his heart’sHope-hunger?
```The sad memories
Of the pastAre infinitely worse
Than mad elephants. ```I went to God
For consolation.He gave me
Illumination instead. ```My desire-night
Has finallyPlus cheerfully
Surrendered to my aspiration-day. ```The height of devotion
Can never be reachedBy destruction’s arms.
```If you cannot understand
God’s Language,Then ask your heart to interpret.
It will do its taskTo God’s Satisfaction.
```His surrendered life
Does not knowWhat despair-tears are.
```A heart of silence
Will never stand in the wayOf God’s cosmic
Operation-Light. ```God’s Beauty becomes your beauty
When your life dancesOn the grave of your desire-mind.
```God not only leads me to
But also shows meMy future God-throne.
```Your heart’s silence-peace
Will not permit youTo lie to God.
```If you want to save
Your earth-lifeFrom ignorance,
Then proveYour sleepless friendship
With silence. ```Do not allow
Your vital-horse to tempt youTo go out of your heart-garden!
```God is extremely pleased with him
Because he is his life’sSimplicity-mind.
```What I need to know
Is if God will everBe pleased with me.
```You have not done your duty well
On earth!How can you ask for a position
In Heaven? ```To be a member
Of God’s Heart-Club,You must not be found travelling
On desire-train. ```Life’s complete dedication
Means a giant stepTowards perfection.
```God’s inner Thunder
Has awakened your mind.Don’t go to sleep any more!
```God is not at all proud
Of your mind’sProud renunciation.
```Power is meant
For greatness.Peace is meant
For goodness. ```Your mind’s wild laughter
Must surrenderTo your heart’s sweet smile.
Comes from the known.Aspiration
Comes from the unknown.Realisation
Comes from the Unknowable. ```Be careful
Of your vital emotionAnd your mental frustration.
Both of them are expert thieves! ```God’s Compassion
Will always try to protectYour soulful self-confidence.
```Increase your love of God
Daily.Then only
No disaster will befall you. ```Tell me a new story!
Your desire-life storyIs an extremely old story.
Do I get any joy from it? ```I cannot separate you
From your vital’s endless chainOf bitter complaints.
```Your mind is blocking
Your heart’s Heavenward journeyWith the help of the depression
Of your vital. ```The sweetness of your heart
Is the most precious WealthOf God.
```Inside his heart’s
Endless cryAbides Infinity’s
Breathless Smile. ```The vital knows
How to inflict pain.The mind knows
How to resist light. ```Even as a beginner
He has excelledIn life’s wisdom-swimming race.
```Neither Heaven nor earth
Will give you any prizeFor your doubting.
ThereforeWhy do you indulge in doubt?
```To climb up
Your Himalayan mountain-problems,Give up
Once and for allYour unwillingness to accept God’s Will.
```You want to know
What God doesOn His day off.
On His day offHe spends all His time
Forgiving you. ```God and His Compassion-Eye
Are waitingFor your safe return home
To your soul-beauty’s land. ```Your mind
Is an outer conquerorAnd your heart
Is an inner beggar. ```Your heart’s silence-life only
Can hearGod’s Diamond-Footsteps.
```My songs come from
My heart’s purity-cryAnd my soul’s devotion-smile.
```I tell you,
Your soul will not allow youTo exploit your heart
All the time. ```His heart belongs
To the world of gratitude.His life belongs
To the world of surrender. ```I am glad
That at long lastYou have made your heart
The general manager of your life. ```Your heart’s aspiration
Does not have to followYour destiny.
It is your destinyThat has to follow
Your heart’s aspiration. ```A heart of surrender
Can demolishAll inner and outer barriers.
```You have forgotten
Your promise to God,But God has never forgotten
And will never forgetHis Promise to you.
```Every day
You must help your mindTo escape jealousy-volcano.
```If you are not prepared
For a purity-life,How can you expect
Divinity’s Smile? ```Your impurity-thoughts
Must always be keptUnder lock and key.
```If you are possessed
By God,You will be claimed
By man. ```Your mind’s
Unparalleled beautyLies in silence-song.
```If you want to be
A chosen instrument of God,You must attend
The surrender-courseGiven by God.
```Every day
Fly with your heart’s aspirationAt the highest altitude.
```To me,
God the JusticeWill always remain
An unfamiliar God. ```Every day you must do
Your meditation-homeworkIf you want to satisfy
Your Inner Teacher-PilotIn His own Way.
```You and your vagabond-life
Will never arriveAt your soul’s God-flooded palace.
```You thought ignorance-night
Was going to last forever.Behold,
It has completely disappeared! ```He is fond
Of only one thing:His heart’s peaceful
Silence-song. ```In God’s Compassion-Eye
Every seeker is first.There is no second.
There is no third. ```One message
You must offer to GodEvery day:
“I wish to have a lifeOf unconditional surrender.”
```To have a life
Visited by morality’s feeble sightWas not even
His remotest dream. ```Your dark thoughts
Have the instant powerTo poison
Your pure heart. ```Every day
God reminds meOf my Eternity’s childhood.
```It is high time for you
To say a permanent good-byeTo your failure-life.
```God’s Compassion
Is deeply attachedTo your child-heart’s aspiration.
```Your mind will sink
Deeper and deeperInto ignorance-sea
If your heart does not longFor God’s Forgiveness-Light
For your mind. ```Confidence is the capacity
That reveals realityWithout any difficulty.
```The remembrance
Of divine experiencesAnd obliteration
Of undivine experiencesAre both God’s choice Gifts
To man. ```May the cry
Of my aspiration-heartBe the constant companion
Of my illumination-soul. ```Never allow
Doubt the thiefTo enter into
Your heart’s aspiration-room! ```Remain always satisfied
With your eternally oldAnd eternally new job:
Spirituality. ```Impurity
Governs his mind.Insecurity
Governs his heart.Uncertainty
Governs his life. ```I admire
Your unclouded eyes.I love
Your revealed heart. ```Although
Insecurity is a tiny insect,When it bites
It hurts unimaginably. ```Death does not dare
To ask himWhen he will be ready
To accept death’s invitation. ```Even the obscurity of his mind
Clings toThe purity of his heart.
```Infinity’s Smile
Does not likeHumanity’s eternal despair.
```God is extremely pleased with you
Only for one reason:Every morning and every evening
You synchronise your life-watchWith the Compassion-Watch
Of God’s Heart. ```True,
You are a liberated soul.But you cannot be
So indifferentTo the sufferings
Of earth-bound time. ```The heart’s happiness
Lifts manTo God’s higher Realms.
```Heaven’s satisfaction
AndEarth’s frustration
Do not care for each other. ```Alas,
My mind has forced meTo lose my existence-life
Inside the chasmOf deathless darkness.
```God has granted you
The highest satisfaction-diplomaFrom His inner School
Because every day you singA new soulful surrender-song
To HimTo please Him in His own Way.
```Because you are not
A true truth-seekerAnd true God-lover,
Every day you indulge in complaints —Complaints against human beings,
And even against God! ```Instead of dreaming
Your dead dreams,Try to dream
Of new realities. ```Become the soulful cry
Of your aspiration-heartTo manifest the Smile
Of your Beloved SupremeOn earth.
```From:Sri Chinmoy,Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 84, Agni Press, 1984
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