There is only one way:
You have to love God onlyIn God’s own Way.
```The body-world
Likes to be freeFrom the domination
Of lethargy-monarch. ```His mind is never ready
To accept the kind invitationOf truth.
```In the soul’s world
There are no long-distance calls.There are only short-distance calls.
```Life’s imperfection-plate
Has always beenStrikingly full.
```The doubt-speaker powerfully speaks
Everywhere,Even in faith-conference.
```A life of temptation
Will eventually be forcedTo bear the frustration-flag.
```Aspire within, aspire without
At every moment.Otherwise, your mind will be
Nothing other thanA fire-storm of doubt.
```Desire and temptation
Are two different thingsOnly in name.
In reality they are one. ```A life of success
Quite often cannot be separatedFrom blindness-pride.
```A life of indulgence
Will, without fail,Have sad side-effects.
```In life’s circus
It is usually the vitalThat plays the role
Of the clown. ```Turn your wishful thoughts
Into a powerfulWill-power.
```Every day you must allow wisdom
To enter into your mind-roomWithout any obstruction.
```Can you not see
That your mind’s willingness-licenceHas expired long ago?
```Jump with your body, vital,
Mind, heart and soulInto the river of enthusiasm-life
To please powerfullyYour Inner Pilot.
```The sweet hope of the heart
Has been orphanedBy the mind’s indifference-night.
```Why have you allowed your mind
To be swallowedBy endless misgivings?
```Yours is the life
With a lifelong doseOf fear, anxiety and impurity.
```The mind-boat is fond of sailing
In the ignorance-seaOf birthless and deathless questions.
```The smile of man’s life
Always helpsGod’s Vision-Camera.
```You can unlearn
Many things in life,But not the art of aspiration.
```God’s Dream-Kingdom
Is only for thoseWho want to live
Inside the heartOf perfection-reality.
```If your heart kneels,
Then only can you haveA towering life.
```If you do not obey
The whispering of your soul,Yours will be a life
Of bitter frustrations. ```Have the mind
That swiftly moves towards God.Have the heart
That powerfully proceeds towards God.Have the life
That unmistakably runs towards God. ```You must not allow your mind
To squander your heart’s life,The life of the Beyond.
```To live inside
An aspiration-heartIs to live in
God’s favourite clime. ```Whenever you want to run
In the inner world,Rest assured,
God Himself will sponsor the race. ```Every day make it a point
To see your aspiration-birdFlying in your realisation-sky.
```Without the sincerity-ticket,
You will not be allowedTo fly in the delight-plane.
```It is not unnatural
For the human mind to ruinThe purity of the heart
With its impurity-ink. ```If you are making progress,
Then you must feel your progressIs God’s stupendous Satisfaction
In you. ```You are a voracious eater
Of desire-food.Therefore, you can never be
A precious citizen of the world. ```Each new day
Is the harbingerOf a new dream:
Man’s aspiration-heart. ```You want to be an instant winner.
There is only one way:Surrender your willingness
And your fulnessTogether
To the Will of the Supreme. ```My soul has kept a secret
For a long time:God is extremely proud of me.
```True, many have tried
And many have failed.But that does not mean
That you have to surrenderTo failure.
```Your life has to be
A birthless and deathlessAspiration-adventure.
```Good morning, God!
This time, can You not stayFor a longer time
Within me, around me and before me? ```You will never be a loser
If you allow your ever-present Friend,God,
To play with you every day. ```I do not have to see
Your God-identification-card.What I want to see
Is your heart’s spontaneous surrenderTo God’s immortal Will.
```Peace-pilgrim passed by you.
Alas,Even now you are in the world
Of useless restlessness. ```Each divine thought
That comes to youWill come to you, without fail,
Like the sunrise. ```No human being can ever claim
My heart,For it has already been claimed
And reclaimedBy my Lord Supreme.
```He has always supported
His stupid mind,And thus he has lost
The purity-sea of his heart. ```If you do not build
Your own delight-home,Nobody will ever build you one.
```God Himself applauds
Each and every time He watchesMan’s self-offering-performances.
```My heart bleeds
For God’s Forgiveness.My life lives
For God’s Satisfaction. ```Your life may not or cannot
Tell you who you are,But you can tell your life
That you are onlyOf God and for God.
```One mistake is enough
To totally ruinThe rest of your most precious life.
```My favourite fantasy
Is to see God playIn my heart’s gratitude-garden.
```If you are reluctant
To love God’s creation,Then why should God destroy
Your life’s ignorance-night? ```He who has not read
God’s Guide to the aspiration-lifeWill have a failure-life.
```Because yesterday had no power,
You cannot say that today alsoWill have no power.
Who knows?Tomorrow’s power-life may fulfil God
In and through today’s heart. ```If you want to inspire
The outer world,Secretly aspire
In the inner world. ```If you want to become
A little better each day,Then every day imagine
That smilingly you are climbingYour life-tree.
```Alas, if I could start my life
All over again,I would never look at the face
Of ignorance-prince. ```Unless you try
To do the right thingAnd always pray to God
To do the right thingIn and through you,
You may never become successfulIn the inner world.
```God will record
Your great achievements.Do not take away God’s job!
```There are a million excuses
For saying no to God’sCompassion-Requests.
But will God ever change His WillTo please you in your own way?
```Peace-meditation can
Not only annihilateYour mind’s restlessness
But also liberate your lifeFrom desire-night.
```An aspiration-heart
Is God’sBeauty-loving Satisfaction-Home.
```Every day you must enjoy
The nectar-delightOf your surrender-life.
```If you stir up the dust
Of the past,You will be found
Inside the very jawsOf a ferocious tiger.
```Incapacity comes from idleness.
Idleness is the acceptanceOf death’s invitation.
```Keep your mind under control.
Then nothing will be missingIn your God-blessed life.
```There is only one solution
To your mind’s impurity-problem:Try to remain always
In your purity-flooded heart. ```Everything
Will pass away from youSave and except
God’s Compassion-Eye. ```To free yourself from the finite,
Enjoy serving the soul:God’s representative on earth.
```Let the future sleep!
Let the present teach youHow you can see God
And become another God. ```To sit
On ignorance-throneIs to climb down
Into useless futility. ```A reasoning mind
Is eventually foundIn a dark prison cell.
```If you are longing
For the unknown summits,You should be always ready to execute
The message of the inner soul. ```My Lord,
May my aspiration-heartAnd my surrender-life
Be forever unitedAnd remain forever inseparable.
```At every moment
You are being awakenedBy the Touch of God.
Alas,Always you fall back
Into your ignorance-sleep. ```Each soulful thought
Is a flameThat illumines the human
In the divine. ```Nothing can remain far beyond
Our eager reachIf we surrender our way
To God’s Way. ```His is the heart
That has been commissioned by GodTo bloom every day
At the Feet of God. ```The day I proclaimed
My life’s dependence on God,He immediately granted me
His own transcendental Independence. ```If God could create
Immortal Delight,I thought I, too, could create
Something.Alas, I immediately created
Ignorance-night. ```When I look within,
I see my enlightenment-tree.When I look without,
I see my amusement-zoo. ```Imperfection, imperfection,
Once and for allI am telling you,
I was born to arriveAt the acme of perfection.
```Every day
When you meditate,Try to feel that your life
Is in your heart’s fragrance-garden. ```You fool!
God the Compassion-HeartDoes value
Your gratitude-heart. ```Begin again!
Human life is not to be surrenderedTo the power of ignorance-frown.
Human life is for GodTo cherish.
```My heart implores
God’s Perfection-Eye.My life implores
God’s Forgiveness-Heart. ```Your faith is frail.
Therefore, you are bound to failBoth in your aspiration-heart
And in your dedication-life. ```Your gratitude-heart
Is a distinguished guestAt God’s Satisfaction-Banquet.
```Nobody has forced you
And nobody will ever be able to force youTo swim in your mind’s
Pollution-river. ```Do not allow yourself
To be trampled constantlyBy the feet of doubt and fear!
```If you want to proclaim
The victory of your inner peace,Then you have to become
The conqueror of your outer unrest. ```Progress-train is passing by.
Delay not!Jump into it
And become a safe passenger. ```Each soul-bird
Enjoys singing sleeplesslyUnseen.
```God the Compassion-Champion
Will never stop playing with meUntil He has made me
His perfection-companion. ```As your desire-life
Is so dear to you,Even so, God’s Compassion-Heart
Is dear to Him. ```Today
You are wasting time.Tomorrow
You will be forced to tasteYour life’s failure-frustration.
```The heart has to learn
The art of giving.The life has to learn
The art of receiving. ```God’s Compassion-Credo
Is for thoseWho need it
And not only for thoseWho deserve it.
```Each aspiring heart
Dreams only of the OneWho is Eternity’s and Infinity’s Love.
```From:Sri Chinmoy,Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 86, Agni Press, 1984
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