The two rainbow-wings
Of his life’s dedicationAre for the world to use.
```In the silence of your heart
Your life’s perfectionCannot remain a far cry.
```O my mind,
When are you going to be ashamedOf your deathless, savage greed?
```His purity-mind
Is singing and dancingOn the altar of his heart’s stars.
```The creation is the work,
The masterpiece,Of only one Master-Artist Supreme.
```He is always seen
At one place:In his Eternity’s
Dream-filled boat. ```Turn the bold desires
Of your vitalInto the timid desires
Of your mind,And then destroy them!
```Aspire, aspire!
Otherwise,The whole world’s emptiness-night
Will capture your entire being. ```Man’s audacious mind
And man’s treacherous mindAre not far away
From man’s God-intoxicated,Self-giving heart.
```You must renounce
Servitude toThe ignorance-tiger in you.
```Go forward
With your volcanic will-power!Otherwise,
Yours will be a lifeOf huge destruction.
```What is your heart’s choice:
An excitement-manOr an enlightenment-soul?
```Along with his soul,
His body, vital, mind and heartAre journeying
Through unknowable Infinity. ```An illumined life
Is a God-cherished treasureOn earth.
```I can see that your inner fire
Is growing and glowing.I urge you not to allow it
To be extinguished! ```He often wonders:
Does God really existIn his stony ignorance-life?
```The secret of this world:
It wants to avoid wisdom-light.The secret of the inner world:
It wants to claim GodAs its very own.
```No human being —
No, not even one —Is doomed to live
Inside the sea of ignorance-night. ```I definitely see
A divine change in youNow that your mind has become
A perfect stranger to doubts. ```It is quite strange
That your vital enjoysRemaining unhappy
In a tiny life-cornerOf the Infinite.
```Go to the inner school
Of silence-lightAnd start mastering
The mind’s outer thoughts. ```If you are waiting
For the Dawn of God,Then wait not only soulfully
But also unconditionallyTo please Him in His own Way.
```Yours is a slow and confused
Self-search.Therefore, how can you expect
Anything illumining and fulfillingFrom your life?
```Nobody has compelled you
Or even begged youTo be fettered
By puny and silly thoughts. ```Your weaknesses
Will always chase you.Do not run away from them,
But put up a brave fightAnd defeat them once and for all!
```Suffering is not
A mere teacher,But an unforgettable teacher!
```If you learn
The art of thanksgiving,It will be so easy
For you to learnThe art of life-receiving.
```God wants you
To converse with HimOnly on one condition:
If you are ready to beHis Eternity’s friend.
```When he secretly breathes
God-Breath,He and God become
Earth’s perfection-cryAnd Heaven’s satisfaction-smile.
```Each pure thought
Comes from HeavenWith its Heavenly powerful promise.
```If your life is confined
By common and uninspiring things,Your Heavenward passage
Will untimely be closedBy death.
```If you are a genuine seeker,
Then you must always get approvalFrom your heart
Before you do anything. ```You fool!
How can you thinkThat God’s unconditional
Compassion-EyeWill remain impassive in your life?
```All doubtful thoughts
Are worse than sudden invasionsFrom the dark unknown.
```The heart’s satisfaction-train
Runs onlyOn life’s perfection-track.
```If you want to stop anything
In your life,Then stop your mind’s suspicion-train
Immediately! ```Set your mind’s
Captive thoughtsFree.
Make your mind’sOneness-will
Perfect. ```The mind’s imperfections
FadeAt the heart’s perfection-gate.
```Although my mind is not fully awake,
I shall break asunderMy mind’s prison cell.
```For a God-loving
Cheerful heartThere can be no mask
Of fear. ```My sleepless hunger
Is supremely blessedBy the Compassion-Heart of Time.
```A gratitude-heart
Is man’s most beautifulAnd powerful gift to God.
```Today’s problems are killing you.
Why do you want to be totally annihilatedBy inviting tomorrow’s problems?
```By cursing your mind’s darkness-night
You cannot conquer it.If you want to conquer it,
Then disperse it. ```I really do not know why and how
You have become a slaveTo your desire-master.
Alas, the time has not yet comeFor you to see
God’s Perfection-Eye. ```God is taking care of His world.
If you do not find fault with it,Then He will grant you the opportunity
To blow your own triumph-trumpet. ```God does not want me
To pitch His celestial CampIn feeble earth-bound time.
```Although every day
God teaches you how to smile,Your success
Still remains a far cry.Alas, alas!
```O Lord,
Do give me the capacityTo love Your Silence-Sound
Infinitely more than I loveAnything else.
```Each God-seeker
Breathlessly revealsThe fountain-life
Of God’s Compassion-Heart. ```God’s Satisfaction-Smile
Can comeOnly from your heart’s
Perfection-peace. ```God will welcome your heart-smile,
The dreamer,And not your vital-laughter,
The stranger. ```The mind-monkey
Quite often climbs up and sitsOn the indifference-tree.
```Inside you I see nothing
Except a growing mountainOf useless frustration.
```All your stupendous plans
Will be foiledBecause you do not want God
To be involved in your plans. ```Unless you make your soul
A prime candidateFor God-manifestation,
You will never havePerfection-success
```O my mind, how long
Are you going to allow ignoranceTo strike you mercilessly?
```He thinks that he has learnt
A great many God-inspiredAnd man-loving things
From his failure-life. ```Strangling doubts
Have destroyedYour life’s silver boat.
```When your mind is for God-denial,
Ask your heart immediatelyTo illumine your stupid mind.
```You fool!
How can your restless mind-boat sailIn God’s Peace-Delight-Sea?
```Have you done enough for God?
If not,Sleeplessly and breathlessly follow
Your soul’s peerless guidance. ```You talk so much
About desire-poison.When are you going to speak
About aspiration-antidote? ```You must know by this time
That there is no differenceBetween your mind’s advice
And a dangerous voice. ```Re-educate your mind,
But this time be very careful.You must not allow your mind
To enter into the dark doubt-room. ```The supreme need for soulfulness
Will eventually be acknowledgedIn the fulfilment of fulness.
```If you want to continue to climb
To meet the Infinite,You must continually purify and divinise
Your finite life. ```The mind locks the life’s door,
And then it completely forgetsWhere it has kept the key.
```If you wish me to remember you
Every day,Then every day learn from me
The lesson of non-expectation. ```If you want to build
Anything in life,Then build every night
Beauty’s birthless and deathless dreams. ```The human tries to limit
The divine.The divine tries to inspire
The humanTo enjoy the unlimited God-Delight.
```The depth
That responds to the heightAnd the height
That responds to the depthBring down the message
From the Unknowable. ```United lives
Have peace.Liberated souls
Reveal and distribute peace. ```A devoted oneness-life
Is the seeker’s fulness-perfectionFor God.
```Do not discourage God
From buildingHis Peace-Pavilion
Inside your heart-garden. ```True,
Heaven is God’s private property.But He tells everyone
That it belongs to all.Anybody can rightfully claim
To own it. ```My life of aspiration
May not have the capacityTo enter into Infinity,
But it does have the feelingThat one day it will find
Its safe placeIn a small corner of Infinity.
```His life’s inner ear
Makes him hearThe fast descent
Of God’s Compassion-Footsteps. ```Faith-happiness
Is a very rare visitorTo the doubting mind.
```When darkness imitates light,
Can you not be more sincereAnd more determined
To know the unreal from the real? ```My human mind
Thinks this world was createdBy an illusion-maker.
```How can a heartless life ever have
An all-knowingAnd earth-guiding
Eye? ```If you keep your dreams unfulfilled
For a long time,They will be suffocated
Inside the mind-storm-room. ```Now that you have opened
Your heart’s sealed door,God will proudly invite you
EverywhereTo play with Him.
```His heart is beckoned
From AboveBy the divinity of silence-peace.
```If you have
A true aspiration-heart,Then you will have no problem
With the mystery of the inaccessible. ```A disobedient mind
Is a colossal failureOf the soul.
```Only an illumined mind
KnowsWhat a liberated life
Does for God. ```It is not so easy
To accept one’s own sufferings,But it is quite easy
To accept and tolerateThe sufferings of others.
We call it frustration.Tomorrow
That very thing we callA huge destruction.
```While you are meditating,
Mental complacencyAnd vital restlessness
Are nothing butYour immediate destruction.
```For a new beginning
Remain soulful, cheerful and beautifulInwardly and outwardly,
And remind yourself each dayOf the supreme necessity
Of your spiritual life,Your God-life.
```Every day an inner flower
Is blossoming inside my heart.Every day my heart
Is growing intoA new beauty’s purity-flower.
```His unfortunate discovery:
Aspiration-life and realisation-lifeAre real;
Manifestation-life is all false. ```He came to God
To see only a little bitOf Height and Magnitude.
But God’s MagnanimityMade him a true member
Of God’s chosen Family. ```By virtue of his heart’s
Expansion-love,Today he has become
Inseparably oneWith God the Supreme Lover.
```Why are you only appreciating
The flowers and fruits of the tree?Where is your eagerness
To pluck the flowers and fruitsAnd have them for your own,
Very own? ```Just because
You do not want to haveGod’s inner Wealth,
You do not see it,Even while looking at
God’s all-illumining inner WealthFace to face.
```It is your heart’s inner volcano-intensity
That sees and feelsWhat your Inner Pilot is offering to you
And inspires youTo become inseparably one with Him.
```If you want to see God happy,
Then offer Him firstYour own happiness-heart.
```From:Sri Chinmoy,Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 88, Agni Press, 1984
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