The heart that loves God
UnconditionallyIs the heart that radiates light
EternallyBoth in Heaven and on earth.
```Every day
Carefully and accuratelyYou must patrol the miles
Of your restless and senseless mind. ```God wants you to know
That He has not yet finishedYour life’s portrait
To His Satisfaction. ```Like his heart,
His mind, too,Wants to be snatched by God
From ignorance-night. ```You and your old friend,
Jealousy,Will never be invited
By the Satisfaction-SmileOf God’s Heart.
```God reads your letters
Only when they are inspiredBy the purity
Of your gratitude-heart. ```If you can silence the mind
And ask the heartTo speak to God,
Then only are you headingIn the right direction.
```If the employer and the employee
Can work togetherOn the strength of their
Selfless oneness,Then their manifestation
Is God’s Perfection on earth. ```While you are on your way
To the highest Height,You must not ignore
Your two old friends:Simplicity and humility.
```If you want to enjoy a vacation
From the spiritual life,Then God may forgive you,
But your soul will neither forgiveNor forget you.
```Your life of ambition
Will, without fail,Be a life full of regrets.
```Every day try to increase
Your love of God.Then peace will automatically unfold
In your unquiet mind. ```The difference
Between you and GodIs this:
Deliberately you want to challengeGod’s Authority,
While God even unconsciouslyDoes not want to challenge
Your stupidity. ```You can escape
From everybody and everything,But not from God’s
All-embracing Compassion-Net. ```God is
His sleepless Invitation.Can you not be
Your soulful acceptance? ```When he asks God
For special favours,God tells him
That he and GodAre the co-owners
Of the entire universe. ```Alas, he is a human being
Whose mind has been devouredBy doubt
And whose heart has been devouredBy insecurity.
```God’s sacred Secrets
Eventually becomeOur life’s open books.
```There is still time for me
To regain my warrior-spiritAnd to conquer once and for all
Ignorance-night. ```Your heart is the place
Where your soul’s highest heightAnd your life’s deepest depth
Can meet. ```A life of imperfection
Is not my problem.A heart of unwillingness
Is my only problem. ```Every day the God-lover
Has an offeringOf a new life-song
For God. ```If you always take
Your soul’s side,Then God will give you
A free ride every dayIn His vast Heart-Garden.
```O truth-seeker,
You must stop walkingAlong the corridors
Of doubt and suspicion. ```He is now
In the world of aspiration.Even so,
His desire-daysPain him deeply.
```The beginning of perfection
DawnsWhen the seeker puts an end
To his critical mind. ```True progress begins
When one stops beatingHis self-admiration-drum.
```My morning promise:
Today I shall not fail God.My evening promise:
Tomorrow I shall becomeAn infinitely better instrument
Of God. ```Each time you think of mankind
Compassionately,You add profusely
To man’s perfection-dayAnd God’s Satisfaction-Sun.
```If you can live
In your soulful experience,Then you and God
Will have a common name:Satisfaction.
```Do not think of the past.
Go forward with a silent mindAnd stay not where you are
With your bondage-memories. ```Do you know how
I have strengthened my life?I have strengthened my life
By daily disappointments. ```Far beyond
The bounds of sightHis heart and his promise-life
Abide. ```I am a chosen instrument of God,
And I have my own three instruments:A purity-mind,
A surrender-heartAnd
A humility-life. ```Every day his eyes
Are becoming more and moreLike his heart’s
Vision-fulfilling purity-flower. ```A selfless heart sincerely feels
That every human beingIs a selfless giver.
```Those who are inclined
To say noTo God’s blessingful Invitation
Will miserably fail. ```It is you
Who do not give GodA fair hearing,
And never the reverse. ```He does not want his life to be
An unfinished songOf world-transformation.
```What can be more pathetic
Than the self-deceptionOf the human mind!
```God has compassionately confiscated
The impurity-editionOf your unaspiring mind’s book.
```Yesterday you enjoyed
Your yesterday’s dream-boat.Today you must enjoy
Your today’s reality-shore. ```Even God is shocked
To see you livingInside an indifference-heart.
```A true God-lover
Does not grow older.He only becomes wiser.
```You are such a fool!
You keep your mind-circuits busyAll the time,
Yet you proudly blameGod the Compassion
For remaining silent. ```Forgive the outer world.
Be grateful to the inner world.Lo, God is all ready to embrace you
With all His divine Pride. ```Time’s frustration cannot touch you
If your self-giving lifeHas already touched
God’s Compassion-Feet. ```He lives no more
Inside the depthsOf a fathomable faith-pond.
He now livesInside an unfathomable faith-sea.
```O my Lord Supreme,
When You come to see me,Please do not come alone.
Do bring with YouObedience-rules
To make my lifeThe most perfect instrument of Yours.
```I beg my mind
To live in the societyOf truth-seekers.
I beg my heart
To live in the societyOf God-lovers.
```Even before I opened
My closed eyes,God’s open Eye
Was smiling at me. ```You do your work:
You go on creating a new world.God will ask the citizens
Of the old worldTo applaud you, along with Him.
```The sunlit way to realise God
Is to cleverly forgetAnd wisely forgive
One’s past failures. ```God’s Compassion-Eye gives us
Not only one chanceBut countless chances
To change our wrong directions. ```My mind’s
Daily self-indulgence-exercisesAre torturing and weakening
My love of God. ```Sooner or later
Your mind will be caughtIf it is secretly affiliated
With the doubt-embassy. ```Why do you expect God to finish
Your unfinished transformation-task?Have you completed
God’s unfinished Manifestation-Task? ```My heart-garden
Is absolutely the best placeFor me to meditate
For my self-discovery. ```God sleeplessly gives
Only one thingTo him who loves Him unconditionally:
Satisfaction. ```His heart’s aspiration-flames
Have been taken overBy the temptation-terrorists
Of his vital. ```My heart tells me
That there is no differenceBetween a retired seeker
And a fired seeker. ```Do not encourage doubt
To come near you.It will immediately deplete
Your mind’s peace-funds. ```If you mock your soul’s vision,
God will shock youWith His immediate disappearance.
```Do not feed your mind
On fantasiesIf you are hoping to enjoy
God-Ecstasies. ```Show insincerity
The “No Entry” signOn your heart’s door.
```I do not know
Why and howI have locked my mind
In empty dreams. ```Satisfaction-sea left him
The moment his heart’s hope-streamStarted to run dry.
```Even an iota of expectation
Can destroyYour Himalayan-high ecstasy.
```Like your soul,
You are free to refuseThe lure
Of temptation-snare. ```O my mind,
You can magnify and multiplyYour self-importance
As much and as longAs you want to.
I am not going to remain with youAny more.
```Do not lock, but unlock
And keep unlocked,Your heart’s enthusiasm-door.
```You have practically completed
Your life-book.Now pray to God to write
The last few pagesSo that you will be able
To take prideIn telling the world
That you and GodAre co-authors of your life-book.
```Smile sleeplessly
And give unconditionallySo that with every heartbeat of yours
You can be worthyOf God’s transcendental Pride.
```How can a God-loving heart
Be without a friend?How can a man-possessing mind
Be without an enemy? ```Pay not undue attention
To your body-cage.Make friends with
The immortal soul-birdInside your body-cage.
```O God-seeker, come out!
Come out and spread God’s Light!Do not remain always seated
Inside the tiny cage of your heart. ```A clarity-mind and a purity-heart,
A humility-life and a luminosity-soul:When they stay together,
They cannot be devouredBy the world’s anxiety.
```Even a faint whispering
Of your soulCan awaken your life
And enlighten your life. ```His soul
Gives all the creditTo his heart
For the deathOf his strangling vital.
```What an unaspiring mind
Has and is:A trivia-filled thought-train.
```For a long time
I have been longingFor a bouquet
Of God-gratitude-flowersIn my heart-garden.
```God does not want
To answer your questionsBecause you have already
Answered your questionsIn your own way.
```Even if you are a beginner-seeker,
You cannot indefinitely waitAt the threshold of spirituality.
```You may have declared
Your independence of God,But God will always
Depend on you,For He knows
Who you truly are. ```A God-lover
Does not knowWhat mind-miseries are.
He only knowsWhat heart-treasures are.
```A tiny devotion-heart
Can claimThe giant Satisfaction-Heart
Of God. ```The choice is yours:
Either you will pleaseGod’s Heart
Or continue pleasingYour mind.
```How can a jealous vital
Be separatedFrom its secret agony?
How can a oneness-heart
Be separatedFrom its sacred delight?
```Since God does not allow ignorance
To forge His Signature,You also must not allow ignorance
To forge your signature! ```If you want the world
To smile at you sincerelyAnd generously,
Then do not extol yourselfTo the skies.
```Nothing can be as certain
As the most glorious triumphOf a seeker’s God-obedience-life.
```If you are your mind’s
Reluctance to change,Do not blame God
For not enjoyingHis Satisfaction-Delight in you.
```God has forgiven me.
That meansHe has not yet forsaken me.
God has not forsaken me.
That meansFor me to be His perfect instrument
Is not an impossible task. ```If you can become
Your seeker-heart,Then God will definitely be
Your fruitful life-garden. ```Why do you indulge
In making predictions?Can you not see daily
A million prediction-failures? ```You are such a fortunate seeker!
God the Compassion always arrivesLong before the fulfilment
Of your desire-hour. ```Only when you listen
To the dictates of your soul,The path ahead of you
Becomes absolutely clear. ```Each conscious thought of yours
Must become an experienceOf pure delight.
This is what your soul-teacherHas been telling you.
```When God invites you,
Do not forget to carry with youYour heart’s gratitude-garland
To offer Him. ```Life’s battlefield
Will be all peaceWhen the sound of the mind
Gives wayTo the silence of the heart.
```From:Sri Chinmoy,Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 90, Agni Press, 1984
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