Even before I knew
Who God was,God started painting my life
With His Compassion-Forgiveness-Colours. ```On earth God’s favourite Game
Is human transformation.In Heaven God’s favourite Game
Is divine Satisfaction. ```You have always been
A victim of circumstance.Can you not try once
To become a victor?Listen to your soul’s advice.
You are bound to succeed! ```The human in him
Has written his life-book.The divine in him
Has started correcting and perfecting itBefore the animal in him
Destroys it. ```Before tomorrow’s dawn
I shall discontinueMy long-standing friendship
With ignorance-night. ```Either aspire
For Heaven’s dreamOr, who knows,
At any momentYou will be frightened
By earth’s nightmare. ```The inner world of aspiration
Does not needYour guilt-ridden mind.
The outer world of dedication
Does not needYour bed-ridden vital.
```When hopes are dead,
Human life becomesA haunted phantom-house.
```One thing is definite:
There shall come a timeWhen my outer finite life
Will grow into the InfiniteWithin my heart.
He does not know where he lives.He lives
In his confusion-decoratedMind-room.
```His insincerity
Coupled with stupidityRuined his life
Long before he became awareOf it.
```If you allow your mind
To be eaten up by envy,How can you expect your heart
To swim in the sea of ecstasy? ```Tear off
As soon as possibleThe calendar of your life’s
Deplorable mistakes. ```Do you not realise
That your heart is nothingBut lip-deep sincerity?
```Now that he lives
Inside his soul,He enjoys the expanding shore
Of Infinity. ```There is no such thing
As drinking too muchOf God’s Nectar-Delight.
```Give to God what you have:
Your mind’s slow train to hell.God will give you what He has:
His Heart’s fast Boat to Heaven. ```Death can never bring you
Any relief.It is your willingness
To abide by God’s WillThat can give you relief
From earthly pangs. ```Allow not ambition-appetite
To growIf you want to enjoy
Satisfaction-feast. ```Unless you aspire
Devotedly and soulfully,There is every possibility
That your life will be buriedIn the cave of doubt.
```What you need
Is an extra dimension of courageTo bravely pass through
The corridors of your mind’s darkness. ```Every day
Pray to the Lord SupremeTo bring to the fore
Your inner sun.It will silence
Your mind’s confusion-candle. ```I pray every day
For two things:An illumination-thirsty mind
And a liberation-hungry heart. ```He has an exceptional mind.
His mind is completely immuneTo doubt-disease.
```Keep your heart’s purity
And your mind’s simplicityAt the head of your life-parade.
```A blossoming faith
Should always play the roleOf your life’s
Inner traffic controller. ```Slowly and steadily
But unmistakablyYour happiness can blot out
Your life’s age-old depression. ```If your mind is enjoying
The looming shadow of distrust,The world is not going to be the loser
In any way. ```What my mind needs
Is a fresh breezeOf sweet hope
To succeed once moreGloriously
With my life. ```God will definitely
Come to you.Keep brimming with
Soulful anticipation. ```Only on your heart-line
Can you directly dial GodAnd always get an immediate response.
```Every day you should try
To set a personal recordIn your unconditional self-giving.
```He lifts cheerfully
And sleeplesslyAll his responsibility-weights.
Therefore, God has made himHis Heart’s satisfaction-partner.
```Your mind can never get
Anything beautiful and fruitfulBy complaining or by explaining.
```You must never be afraid
Of height.You must never be afraid
Of depth.Love the beauty of height.
Love the purity of depth.Yours will be the success unparalleled.
```An aspiration-heart carries
God’s universal HopeAnd transcendental Promise.
```There are millions
Of useless actions,But there cannot be millions
Of totally useless human beings. ```Alas,
Not only his bodyBut also his mind
Is overcomeBy lethargy-destruction.
```When will you stop being addicted
To your self-doubt-drink,So that God can grant you
His Heart’s Nectar-Drink? ```Can you not see
That your unwillingness-riverIs running very fast
And you will soon be foundIn the world of fruitless nothingness?
```God’s Compassion exists
In every life-experience of yours,Whether you believe it or not.
```You are your mind’s
Barren desire-path.You are your heart’s
Joyless journey.I do hope that you know it!
```The obedience
Of man’s mindAnd the gratitude
Of man’s heartAre cherished Treasures
Of God. ```Aspiration itself is satisfaction
If it can keep in mindThat man’s God-realisation
Is always for God’s sake. ```Try to see yourself
From now onThe way God has always
Been seeing you:As His universal Vision-fulfiller.
```Sincerity does not mean
Deliberate strictnessWith one’s body, vital,
Mind and heart.Sincerity means
Man’s spontaneityIn his self-expression.
```God loves
Your heart’s aspirationInfinitely more than He loves
Your mind’s contribution. ```You want to be
A roaring wisdom-lion.Alas, the devouring ignorance-tiger
Is right in front of you. ```I may not know
Why I have descended,But I must know
That God has given meEnough strength
To ascend once again. ```He came into the world
To be one with the world-sorrow.He came into the world
To fulfil God’s PromiseIn and through him.
```Do not waste
Your heart’s moonlit hoursAnd your life’s sunlit days.
```I guard you
When you are fast asleep.You give me your all
When you are wide awake. ```In fear of tomorrow’s sufferings,
You must not give upYour heart’s longing
For satisfaction-delight. ```Through repeated attempts
He has developed the unusual capacityTo transform the temptation-life
Into illumination-life. ```If you do not know
Where the aspiration-door is,No harm!
Try to discover at leastThe imagination-door.
```All your vital problems
Will vanishAnd you will be able to weather
All your inner stormsWhen you develop sleepless aspiration
And when dedicationBecomes your second nature.
```Nobody can deceive the soul
BecauseGod’s Omniscience is
The soul’s permanent friend. ```Now that you have become
Your life’s surrender-sunrise,God is granting you
His Heart’s Immortality-Sky. ```What my mind desperately needs
Is a true havenFrom doubt-war.
```Can you not see
That temptation-thief is hidingBehind your heart-door?
```The divinity of gratitude
Is not richly rewardedHere on earth, alas!
```If you love only God,
He will love the whole worldFor you.
Is not going to surrender to youOn its own.
It is you who have to compel the tigerTo surrender to you.
```If your hope-life dwindles,
Then there can be no real God-lifeInside your heart.
```Cleverness can never bring
Perfection-fulness in life.It will always be deprived of
God’s Satisfaction-Smile. ```Every day God sponsors
My aspiration-raceAnd I sponsor
God’s Forgiveness-Race. ```May I become my heart’s soulful
Purity-flooded surrender-dawn!May I become my soul’s powerful
Divinity-manifested perfection-sun! ```On earth you call it
Your God-realisation.In Heaven God calls it
His Joy-Day. ```What can your life expect
From your lethargy-infested body?What can your heart expect
From your doubt-poisoned mind? ```Beautiful
Is my moonlit mind.Fruitful
Is my sunlit heart. ```My Lord, do teach me
In the morningYour Heart’s Oneness-Song
And in the eveningYour Life’s Perfection-Dance.
```How can you reach the Golden Shore,
Since you have not yet even embarkedOn your aspiration-journey?
```Be a faithful dog
To your heart,The way your heart has become
A faithful dogTo your soul.
```The Abode of God’s Compassion
Is the hospitalFor sinners.
The Abode of God’s Delight
Is the lighthouseFor seekers.
```Once you become a genuine God-lover,
You will realiseThat nothing is impossible.
No, not even to tame the temptation-tigerInside your vital.
```The breath of bondage-life
Will never be able to singGod-Immortality’s Silence-Song.
```Do not blame anybody
For allowing your vitalTo be permanently caught
In a most powerful depression-downpour. ```How can you ever be fulfilled
When you have becomeYour mind’s unwilling acceptance
Of God’s God-Delight? ```Every day I try to lock
My Lord’s FaceInside my aspiration-heart.
Alas,The absence of intensity
And integrityHas turned me into a complete failure.
```If you defy the invasion of doubt,
God will grant you the perfectionOf His Eternity’s Life-Breath.
```Do not think that God’s Compassion-Eye
Will ever forsake youJust because your entire being
Is enmeshed in imperfection-night. ```God’s outer Life
Is a Hope in you.God’s inner Life
Is a Promise for you. ```Each unaspiring human being
Is consciously pushing me awayFrom my life’s cherished
Hope-territory. ```Can you not see
That your heart’s aspiration-cryIs fast asleep?
Can you not see
That your life’s dedication-smileIs fast waning?
```My heart dreams
Of hope-mountain.My mind dreams
Of destruction-tiger. ```You cannot think of locking
Any human heart-doorIn God’s entire creation
If you have a soulful aspiration-key. ```Although he is notorious
For his insincerity-life,He is now disconnecting
His evil thought-current.And all this he is doing
With the help ofGod’s unconditional Grace.
```Self-indulgence can no more be
A part of my life.Unquestionably it can no longer be
My life’s colleague. ```God bestows His Gold Medal
On man’s totally soulfulSurrender-life
And his perfectly beautifulGratitude-heart.
```Your soul has blessed your heart
With confidence-boat.Sail it cheerfully
And reach the Golden Shore. ```Allow not your mind
To sprinkle your desire-jungle.Beg your heart
To water your aspiration-garden. ```The smile of his self-giving heart
Is God’s favourite itemIn His precious Divinity Collection.
```You have so many divine things
To do on earth.Why are you wasting your precious time
With your mind’s thought-criminals? ```Look up and appreciate
The purity and divinityOf the moon
And then fly beyond the moonWith your aspiration-cry.
Do not hesitate! ```Your task is
Not only to distinguishThe false spiritual teachers
But also to extinguishTheir false claims.
```When you imagine,
Try to be careful.Try not to tangle
Imagination’s chainWhile you are flying on the wings
Of imagination-bird. ```Do not read
Secret mind-thoughtsBut feel
Sacred heart-thoughts. ```A doubting mind
In the spiritual lifeIs not only a chronic
But a fatal disease. ```You are longing for God-realisation
Sooner than the soonest.Are you ready to pay the highest price:
Your immediate and permanentUnconditional surrender?
```When you become
Your heart’s gratitudeAnd your life’s surrender,
You will see that you areJust one step away
From God. ```From:Sri Chinmoy,Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 91, Agni Press, 1984
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/ap_91