Each day
I become more and more consciousOf who I am.
Each day
I grow more and more determinedTo become a perfect instrument
Of God. ```It is not my earthly capacity
But my Heavenly wisdomThat will help me reach
My highest Goal. ```How absurd!
He is forgettingThe aspiration part of reality
While trying to manifestThe perfection part of reality.
```God has always said,
“Aspiration and manifestationAre like two wings of the soul-bird.”
God has never said,“You can neglect your aspiration
As long as you manifest Me.” ```As soon as we do anything wrong,
If we try to correct it,We certainly can.
But if we wait,We may never be able to.
```How is it possible?
Something that is so weakIs ruling the world!
What is this power?Insecurity, and nothing else.
```God is everywhere —
Forward, upward and inward.Do you want to go forward?
Bravely walk!Do you want to go upward?
Swiftly fly!Do you want to go inward?
Instantly dive! ```Do not be discouraged
If you knowThat you have not pleased God
In His own Way.Just immediately try again!
```The birthless and deathless sun
Inside your heartWill illumine your dark days
Of no aspirationWith Eternity’s infinite Aspiration-Light.
```When you do something willingly,
You get tremendous joy.When you do something unwillingly,
Joy is nowhere to be found. ```If I have the feeling
That God is sometimes examiningMy prayer and meditation,
Then my sincerity and intensityWill beautifully and powerfully
Grow and grow. ```Sing a song soulfully.
Immediately from head to footYou will be flooded
With tremendous inner happiness,And this happiness is true progress.
```Soulfulness starts in the heart
And goes through the entire being.Soulfulness is the promising beginning
Of fulness. ```Inside power
There can be destruction.But inside soulfulness
There is only inner joy. ```My adamantine will-power
Never destroys anything.It only transforms
My ignorance-night. ```To achieve constant inner oneness
With humanity,First you have to establish
Your constant inseparable onenessWith God’s inner Existence.
```Inside your intense inner cry
You will find the willingnessTo do the right thing.
I saw an aspiration-flameInside your heart.
Today, to my wide surprise,
I see an illumination-sunInside your heart.
```I shall be trying
In every possible wayTo please my Lord Supreme.
O my doubting mind,In vain you are standing in my way.
```Every day
God Himself is blossomingInside our seeker-hearts
With new hope, new inspiration,New aspiration, new love
And new promise. ```I shall perfect my mind
To feel God’s Concern for it.I shall illumine my heart
To feel God’s Oneness with it. ```Who told you
That sincerity is enough?Determination
Is absolutely necessary,Along with your sincerity.
```If your mind is sincere,
If your heart is pureAnd if your life is devoted to God in others,
Then your God-realisationCannot remain a far cry.
```My Lord,
I am coming to YouBecause I want peace and need peace.
“My child,Do not worry.
I happen to have PeaceIn ample measure.”
```Strengthen your hope.
Conviction will dawn.Perfect your conviction.
God will smile. ```You are still maintaining the hope
That you will be transformed.But alas,
You have given up the aspirationThat must accompany that hope.
```You have committed a Himalayan blunder!
But if you pray to GodFor His Forgiveness, His Compassion
And His future Guidance,He will listen to you;
He definitely will! ```Your outer running
May never bring you a gold medal,But if your consciousness is high,
Your inner running will definitely winGod’s Gold Medal for you.
```Outer importance
Only strengthens my ego-chains.But if I soulfully aspire,
Then ego-chains cannot bind me. ```The world cannot satisfy me.
I can only be satisfiedIf I can feel the Presence
Of my Beloved Supreme,Who is always seated inside my heart.
```Yesterday God told me a secret:
If He had not composedSo many earth-illumining songs,
He would have discoveredA most deplorable vacuum,
A real, sorrowful emptinessInside His Heart.
```O Lord,
I tried to kick awayMy insecurity
Like a football.How is it
That such an insignificant footballHas now broken my foot?
```You fool!
How can you make progressWhen you feel
That you have many tasks,And not one supreme task:
To lead a spiritual life? ```Outwardly
You are getting joyThrough your self-offering.
SecretlyGod is getting joy
As the inner Giver and Receiver. ```The outer music
Comes from an outer instrument.The inner music
Comes from the heart.The name of this inner music
Is oneness. ```I am happy
Because I have realised God.God is happy
Because I have not forgottenMy earthly brothers and sisters.
```Act reluctantly:
Everything becomes difficult,More difficult, most difficult.
Act willingly:You can do everything most easily,
Plus most effectively. ```When aspiration is well-founded
In the inner life,It becomes solid and tangible manifestation
In the outer life. ```Once you tried to feel God
With your own heart.Why are you now trying to see God
Through others’ eyes? ```You do not have to know
What is happening all around you.You have only to know
What is happening inside your heart. ```Why are you such a fool?
All your intensity has gone away,Yet you are cherishing the same hope
That you will one day be perfect! ```Those who disobey God
Are useless failures in life.Those who listen to God
Are His most useful instruments. ```A sea of peace:
This is the inner wealthThe East has been offering
To the West.An ocean of dynamism:
This is the outer wealthThe West has been offering
To the East. ```Unless I do the impossible,
I do not consider myselfTo be a true child
Of my Beloved Supreme. ```His aspiration is inextinguishable.
Something else also:His mental confusion-forest
Is uncharted. ```As long as your heart
Loves God implicitly,You do not have to worry
About your mind’s opinion. ```A God-seeker
And a God-musicianTogether distribute
God the blossoming Peace and JoyOn earth.
```Your improvement and your transcendence
Came from God.Therefore
To Him alone you should offerYour heart’s gratitude-smile.
```Soulful inner happiness
Is the only wealthWe can take with us
When our soul returnsTo its celestial Abode.
```When you think
Of manifestation,Think of aspiration
First! ```You think that insecurity
Is the play of human weakness.But can you not see that insecurity
Is nothing other thanThe ignorance-world’s strongest power?
```You can increase
Your heart’s intensityAnd multiply
Your mind’s purityJust by folding your hands
During prayer and meditation. ```Opportunity valued:
Progress becomes your name.Opportunity ignored:
Failure becomes your name. ```Alas,
You cannot look at your heart,But you can at least
Look at your faceTo see if you look
Spiritually beautiful. ```When my Lord Supreme plays
His celestial Music,I come to Him
Not to hear the Musician in Him,But to see and feel
The Peace-Lover and Peace-DistributorIn Him.
```I know perfectly well
That I am imperfect.But my awareness
Of my imperfectionsIs undoubtedly one of my true assets
As I walk along the transformation-road. ```You want to know what is happening
In the world around you.Therefore science is your necessity.
I want to know what is happening
In the world within me.Therefore God is my necessity.
```Why should I think
Of my past failings and shortcomings,Or of the golden opportunities
That I have lost,When my present inner awareness
Is making me truly happy? ```My Lord Supreme,
What do You doWhen You have all faith in me,
And when You have no faith in me?“My child,
When I have all faith in you,I stay ahead of you
And beckon you to follow.When I have little or no faith in you,
I remain behind youTo give you a divine push.”
```Do what you can
With utmost sincerity, humilityAnd conscious oneness.
Lo, the success or failureWill be God’s!
```Inside the tiny seed
Of His present ManifestationThe Lord Supreme already sees
The banyan tree of the future growing. ```You are telling me
That you want to offerThe best in you.
I am telling youThat the best
Is your aspiration-heart. ```What God has
He gives us: Delight.What we have
We give Him: ignorance. ```Life is a great struggle
Between what we have and what we have not.What we have is frustration-night.
What we have not is dedication-light. ```Our body constantly needs
God’s Compassion.Our vital desperately needs
God’s Determination.Our mind singularly needs
God’s Illumination.Our heart badly needs
God’s Resolution.Our soul eternally needs
God’s Satisfaction.Our God unconditionally needs
Man’s co-operation. ```God says to man,
“Do not demand, My child.I shall not grant.
Just receive Me spontaneously.I shall be all yours immediately.”
```The human in us desperately searches
For world-recognition.The divine in us unconditionally tries
For God-Manifestation. ```Forgetfulness
Is at times painfulAnd at times blissful.
ForgivenessIs always and always blissful —
Once more I repeat, blissful. ```Imagination,
You are my great friend.Inspiration,
You are my good friend.Aspiration,
You are my divine friend.Realisation,
You are my birthless and deathless friend.God,
Your FriendshipI soulfully and unconditionally desire.
```You say you want to fulfil
Your innocent desires.Unfortunately,
In the spiritual lifeThere is no desire
That can be called innocent. ```If you want to become great,
Then do not ignoreYour imagination-capacity.
If you want to become good,
Then do not ignoreYour inspiration-divinity.
If you want to become perfect,
Then do not ignoreYour aspiration-reality.
```Do not think.
If you think,You will be asked to sit
In the waiting room.Meditate in silence.
You will be usheredInto the interviewing room.
```Live and believe:
This is the human way.Believe and live:
This is the divine way.Believe unreservedly
And live unconditionally:This is the Supreme’s Way.
You are God’s inner Beauty.Peace,
You are man’s peerless treasure. ```Wasting time
Is the connecting linkBetween temptation and frustration.
```Do not expect God
To make the stupid attemptTo please the human in you.
If He pleases youIn your own way,
That will be your bitter failure,Your total spiritual defeat.
```You are with God,
But you are not for God.Your mind and vital
Are somewhere else.What can poor God do?
```When he is in his mind,
His soul sends himExtra-small garments to wear,
To cover his face immediately.When he is in his heart,
His soul sends himExtra-large garments to wear,
To adorn his eye perfectly. ```God’s Mailbox receives
Every dayEarth’s frustration-complaints
And Heaven’sIndifference-satisfaction-notes.
```“Be quiet, be quiet!
I am descending.”This is what God says to earth.
“Be quiet, be quiet!
I shall return soon.”This is what God says to Heaven.
```If your mind enjoys every day
A new cyclone of destruction,How will you ever approach
In this lifetimeYour heart’s satisfaction-tunnel?
```What I see in you
To my wide surprise:The sudden blooming
Of life-transformation-movement-bud. ```A cheerful mind
Has always been a perfect guideTo a healthy body.
```O great student of the brain,
No matter what you proudly gain,You will be nowhere near
Satisfaction-light. ```No matter how successful you are,
Your seeker-heart will tell youThat to live on earth forever
Fulfilling and fulfilling your desiresWould be the worst possible curse.
```My sweet Lord Supreme,
In some waysI have made tremendous progress
In my inner life.But alas, I am going backwards
In other ways.Will I ever please You totally
With my life’sPerfection-progress report?
```One day he meditates
For seven hours.Then he thinks
That for seven daysHe does not need to meditate.
Who else is a seeker-fool,If not he?
Your inner moonOf purity, soulfulness and divinity
Has been eclipsedBy the clouds of doubt.
```Be a pioneer
In God’s Music-World.Your dedication-life
Can offer God-MusicTo many receptive hearts.
```How to keep your aspiration high?
Just imagine your inner sun.This sun has tremendous power
To keep your inner aspirationAlways in perfect condition.
```“My way
Is the only way,”Says the mind’s dogmatism.
“My way
Is correct for me;Your way
Is correct for you,”Says the heart’s inner conviction.
```Why do you have to
Think of your difficultiesAs negative forces?
Just think of them as opportunities.Lo, they will increase
Your inner and outer capacities! ```To win in the inner tug-of-war,
You need the strengthOf your daily prayer and meditation.
```If you really want
To accomplish something,Never surrender
To outer circumstances. ```If you feel
That what you have already achievedIs enough for this lifetime,
I am telling you,Complacency has defeated you
Badly! ```Every day
We must eat God’s inner Food.His Affection, Love, Blessings,
Concern and CompassionAre all unlimited,
And to enjoy themGod gives us unlimited receptivity.
```Concentrate on your heartbeat.
You will be able to hear itLike a hammer
Inside every part of your body.Then if your mind bothers you,
Just strike your mindWith your heart-hammer.
```My sweet Lord,
My soulful gratitude helps me,But does it really help You?
“My child,Rest assured, if it helps you,
Then it unmistakably helps Me.” ```Man’s desire
Will never be supportedBy the higher planes.
Man’s aspiration onlyWill be supported
By the higher planes. ```Hold on to the past.
God’s Compassion will love you.Move on to the future.
God’s Satisfaction will embrace you. ```From:Sri Chinmoy,Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 95, Agni Press, 1984
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/ap_95