Are you a seeker?
Then for youThere is only one reality-smile,
And that reality-smileIs your heart’s aspiration-cry.
```If you do not start shortening
Your wishful-thinking list,You will not be able to free yourself
From the unforeseen,Inescapable consequences.
```He who has become a God-lover
Cannot be a strangerTo self-giving.
```A seeker’s faultless faith
In God’s Heart-NestIs God’s Vision-fulfilling Happiness.
```Do you know the gift
Of your silence-mind?It is the vastness
Of illumination-sky. ```Disobedience is firmly standing
On your life’s doorstep.How then can God
Kindle your heart’s aspiration-flame? ```Once you have accepted
The spiritual life,Your mind’s hesitation
Is nothing short of ruthless disobedienceIn disguise.
```God will not grant you leave of absence
From your spiritual life.But you can absent yourself —
Of course, without receivingGod’s Satisfaction-Salary.
```If your mind is weak
In accepting your heart’s delightAs a true treasure,
Then yours will be the lifeOf utter confusion.
```O my mind,
When are you going to announceThe death of your unrecognised enemy,
Doubt? ```If you push the desire-button,
You will see the temptation-deerComing out
Only to charm and destroy your life. ```If you can consciously raise
The value of your faith-life,You will before long see
The downfall of your doubt-mind. ```Are you a fool?
Why do you want to repairYour broken ego?
Break it once and for all! ```Possession-trees eventually become
Fruitless, flowerless and even leafless.Detachment-plants grow and glow
In rapid succession. ```If you listen
To what silence says to you,Then you will not be struck
By desire-hand. ```What do you want?
A heart of aspirationOr a life of admiration?
Make up your mind,And make the right choice!
```A true seeker knows the value
Of his inner progress.His inner progress outshines
His life’s outer prosperity. ```Breathe the air
Of aspiration.Live under the sky
Of dedication.Perfection-Emperor
Will fast approach you. ```Cherish not
The long-dead treasuresOf dark attachment,
For you are a chosen runnerIn God’s earth-illumining Race.
```Your heart’s sweet smile
Can easily conquerThe unconquerable stark frown
Of the outer world. ```It is not enough
To chain your heart’sIngratitude-beast.
You must slay itOnce and for all!
```You are your world-loving
Mountain-thoughts.Therefore, God is going to be
Your lifelong Satisfaction-Partner. ```He who ignores ignorance mercilessly
Can easily adoreHis heart’s ever-blossoming
And ever-radiatingWisdom-sun.
```O prisoner of possession-life,
Can you not seeThat nobody wants to stay
In your heart-cave? ```Do not surrender
If the ferocious ignorance-tigerAttacks you.
Be braveAnd conquer the devouring tiger!
```You do not have to go to the length
Of speaking ill of othersOutwardly.
With your negative feelings,Cleverly and secretly,
You are already creatingUntold problems for them
Inwardly. ```Faith and meditation go together.
From faith,A seeker’s meditation
Becomes more powerful.From regular meditation,
Automatically a seeker’s faithIncreases.
```Each supreme Request
God makesOnly for the expansion
Of your aspiration-heart. ```You do not need to know
Who is right and who is wrong.In the Court of the Supreme
The supreme JudgeIs Oneness-Light and Oneness-Delight
For both parties. ```Every day remind yourself
Of the supreme factThat the past is something
You do not need. ```To reach your goal the fastest,
Every dayMake a new attempt;
Every dayFeel that you are a fresh flower.
```He is a master poet
Who reaches the highest heightIn one poem
And swims in the sea of ignoranceWith his oneness-identification-heart
In the next. ```My Lord,
Are You happy with me?“My child,
If you are soulfully happy,Definitely
I am happy with you.” ```God granted his desires
Because God saw that he was not meantFor the spiritual life.
But God is not going to grantThe silly desires of a true seeker,
Never! ```Here on earth if you fail,
There in Heaven you may also fail.But here on earth if you succeed,
There in Heaven you will definitely succeed. ```O foolish seeker,
If you do not aspire,Do you think you will be granted
God’s Compassion-FloodForever and forever?
```Something is rebelling consciously
Against God’s unconditional Compassion.What is the name
Of that worst possible thing?Your own mind’s stupidity-donkey.
```Why has disobedience started?
Because the vital is enjoying impurity.When will obedience start?
When the vital is nothing but purity. ```You are wondering
Whether your prayers and meditationsAre really helping God.
I am telling you,You are helping God
Because simply by thinking of HimYou are becoming good.
```Sincere prayers can produce divine results
In many ways.Your prayers for mankind
Are definitely helping you,Not to speak of helping others.
```If you do not want to make progress,
What can poor God do?But at least do not try to stop Him
In His own Progress-MarchThrough His Heart’s
Vast Creation-Garden. ```My life is not
My expectation-walk.My life is
My promise-march. ```He has finally found a cure
For his disobedienceTo his Supreme Pilot.
He has jumped from the Golden BoatInto the sea of ignorance-night,
Where the question of disobedienceDoes not even arise.
```He is cherishing disobedience.
What else is he doing?He is embracing his spiritual death.
```If you want to make progress
In your own wayAnd not in God’s Way,
Then you will have to make itIn your own tiny raft,
And not in God’s Golden Boat. ```If it is really good for you,
It is also good for God.If it is good for God,
It is really good for you.This is the oneness
Between the God-seeker and God Himself. ```There is another world.
To that worldYou will not be able to carry
Earthly blessings,But only Heavenly blessings:
And meditation-divinity. ```Without discipline and obedience,
Man belongsNot to the divine world,
Not even to the human world,But to the all-devouring animal world.
```A God-realised soul
Gives to humanityBeautiful Peace, soulful Light
And powerful Bliss,And receives in return
The world’s untold suffering. ```My Lord,
One moment my entire beingIs flooded with light and delight.
The next momentI am totally helpless.
Is it becauseI do not really want constant joy in my life
Or is it becauseI become a prey
To ignorance-force? ```What has become of humanity?
In the days of the hoary past,People had tremendous faith.
ThereforeThey made tremendous inner progress.
But now each personCarries a heavy load of doubt.
ThereforeInner progress is not to be seen.
```How to receive
God’s Heart of Love and Gratitude?Be regular in your life
Of devoted and selfless service. ```You are running away from God.
Why?Because your stupidity-mind
Is telling you thatGod does not need you
And He has never cared for you. ```The Western world cried
For salvation from sin.God granted its prayer.
He sent His Son, Christ.The Eastern world cried
For liberation from ignorance.God granted its prayer.
He sent His Son, Sri Krishna. ```I have been God the lover.
I now have to becomeGod the Beloved.
I have been God the creation.
I now have to becomeGod the Creator.
```Even a true God-seeker
Cannot enjoyAn interest-free loan
From God. ```Lucky he was
To see the beginningOf his God-manifestation-plant.
Unlucky he was
That he could not see the plantGrow into a huge banyan tree.
```O seeker,
Be not discouragedBy the long climb ahead of you.
Regain your enthusiasm-surge!Lo, you have transcended
Your depression-height. ```Unless I make
A fresh progress-startEvery day,
World-ignorance will drag me backTo my same old, stupid self!
```If you can meditate
A little longer,It will be better for you,
As long as you meditateOn your heart
And not on the hands of the clock. ```Do not be discouraged!
Aspiration-mountainCannot be climbed
With one stride. ```Just work for God,
Even if you work reluctantly.Eventually your sincerity will pinch you
And compel you to work for GodSoulfully and devotedly.
```Man’s soulful gratitude
Gives the SupremeMore hope for him
And more faith in him. ```Your devotion
To your depression-lifeIs compelling your breath
To yield to your spiritual death. ```Sadness is when I do not
Claim God.Gladness is when I realise,
“Whom do I needTo be dependent on,
Save God?” ```He evicted his sincerity-mind
BecauseHe thought that his sincerity-mind
Was too weak.He evicted his purity-heart
BecauseHe thought that his purity-heart
Was too obstinate.Alas, alas!
```If you cannot enter
The God-opportunity-roomEvery day,
Your desire-diseaseWill remain incurable.
```Each human being
Wants to join the perfection-parade,Knowing perfectly well
That his own perfection-lifeIs still a far cry.
```Unless your mind’s hostility
SurrendersTo your heart’s humility,
You will be struckBy frustration-thunderbolt.
An experience that has to be buriedIn oblivion
Forever. ```If you are a deliberately blind traveller
Along Eternity’s Road,You will never be able to see
The rising of your soul’sSatisfaction-sun.
Is a good teacher.Purity
Is a better teacher.Surrender
Is by far the best teacher. ```Sincerity is the first step,
But you may fall back.Only if you have determination
With sincerityWill your every step go forward.
```While meditating with your Lord Supreme,
Ask HimTo grant you the capacity
Only to smile at Him. ```Humanity’s Saviour,
Divinity’s Beloved Son,We bow to You
Because You forgive us.We love You
Because You are protecting us.Our beautiful souls are of You.
Our fruitful lives are for You,For You alone.
```Everybody wants
To become a candidateFor perfection-award,
Although almost nobodyHas faith in surrender-power.
```You have not yet begun
Your aspiration-draft.How do you expect to complete
Your manifestation-book? ```Each seeker and each God-lover
Must be blessedBy the sunrise of golden enthusiasm.
```Faith is a reliable partner
In my aspiration-life.Surrender is an indispensable partner
In my dedication-life. ```In a seeker’s life
Faith-happiness is an antidoteTo doubt-sorrow.
```When your heart’s dedication
Declines,Your life cannot remain immune
To imperfection-disease. ```Lose not receptivity,
The silver secret of the inner life.Receptivity’s rapid result
Is the seeker’s perfection-song. ```If your mind knows
How to resist,Then ask it to assist your heart
In its God-loving progressEvermore.
```Every year God is brave.
Every year He makesThe same Resolution:
No Compassion-Light;Only Justice-Height.
Fortunately, He badly failsIn keeping His Resolution.
```Your earthly hours
Cannot be more importantThan God’s Heavenly Hours.
If God has the timeTo meditate on you,
Then can you not alsoAt least take the time
To pray to Him? ```Already you have the lead
In the inner race.But instead of exercising your own capacity
And continuing forward,Why are you standing in front
Of other inner runnersAnd blocking their way?
```My Beloved Supreme,
I know, I know,When You ask me to do something
And when You ask others to do somethingBut do not ask me,
It is invariably for my own good. ```A true seeker’s
Full inner conviction:As I am right in what I say and do,
Other seekers may also be rightIn what they are saying and doing.
```He only works and works.
She only meditates and meditates.But only a life of both
Work and meditationCan hope to achieve
A world of perfect harmony. ```A God-lover comes into the world
Only to loveAnd, through love,
To raise humanity’s consciousness. ```God is a Dreamer.
He dreams of only one thing:The transformation of His Vision’s creation.
You can also be a dreamerIf you do not allow
The imperfections of lifeTo forever torture you.
```A seeker belongs to only one school:
The inner school.This school has only one Teacher:
The Beloved Supreme. ```O vast ocean of peace,
In you I see all perfection,For your infinite expanse
Easily engulfsAll my imperfections and limitations.
```If you do not remember
Your aspiration-past,How do you expect God to remember
Your satisfaction-heart? ```If you think
Religion is nothing other than ritual,Why not try
To go beyond the ritualAnd enter into the heart
Of the world-heart:Yoga?
```Put your wisdom-light to work.
The life of aspiration-dedicationIs for daily use.
```Your ignorance-days are numbered!
Your mind does not want to studyThe doubt-doctrines any more.
```Flow with the consciousness-river
Within.You will be able to learn
The language of God-perfection. ```There is only one book you should read,
And that book is inside your heart-cave.The name of that book is
Oneness-satisfaction. ```Aspiration is a land
Where beauty’s loveGrows on divinity’s trees.
```From:Sri Chinmoy,Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 96, Agni Press, 1984
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