Each time
A gratitude-heart sings,God’s Satisfaction-Song
Increases the powerOf its smile.
```What you powerfully hold
In your thought-worldWill make you either
A street beggarOr a great king.
```Not only is insecurity
Always lateBut also it never reaches
The destined goal. ```Man’s eagerness
And God’s FulnessDefinitely want to live together
Forever. ```Sincerity
Is another name for strength.With sincerity
A seeker’s hunger-heartCan easily have God-Food:
Love. ```You are enjoying today
Your mind’s stiffness-unwillingness.But tomorrow
God’s Compassion-Eye will show youThe beauty and joy of willingness.
```If you want to have a friend,
Delight,Then make friends
With your heart’s aspiration-cry. ```Live not inside your success-cave.
God is all the time inviting youTo live inside your progress-palace.
Is what man wantsTo offer man’s mind.
Is what God wantsTo grant man’s mind.
```Ignorance-tiger may deny God,
But it can never dare to defyGod’s Compassion-Power.
```Do not wait
To become supremely good.It is already too late!
Wake up,Run forward
And fly upward! ```You can succeed
Against all obstaclesIf you believe in
Your own aspiration-heartAnd surrender to
Your own illumination-soul. ```If you do not surrender
Your mind’s opinionTo God’s Compassion-Dominion,
You can never succeedIn the divine battlefield of life.
```A self-giving seeker
And a God-bestowing teacherAre definitely meant for each other.
```Keep your heart open
To the power of loveIf you want to be
In close contact with God. ```Now that you have set your feet
On the right path,The path of love, devotion and surrender,
Your days and nights will be crownedWith God’s transcendental Glories.
```The perfection that is inside your heart
Is meant to be manifestedIn your life,
Either in this lifetimeOr in future lives.
```The choice lies with you.
Either you take full responsibilityFor your life
Or let God manifest HimselfIn and through you
In His own Way. ```A human being
Is nothing butA formless shape
Of uncertainty. ```He knows, he knows
That a rectified mistakeIs a new satisfaction-heart.
```Keep your determination-fire
Always burningInside your mind.
Then your mind will neverBe drenched with disappointment.
```God not only has
A listening HeartBut also He uses
His listening HeartTo welcome all our countless problems.
```Self-criticism is not the way
That leads to self-perfection;Neither is self-flattery.
Through conscious self-awareness alone,The seeker reaches his goal.
```Not difficult
To follow the truth-seeking life.But difficult,
Extremely difficult,To follow the heart-surrendering life.
```The mind cannot conceive of
God’s Goodness.The heart not only conceives of
But also believes inAnd finally achieves
God’s Goodness. ```A happy heart loves God
BecauseGod does not ask a happy heart
To study at the failure-school. ```You can face the world each day
If you pray and discuss with GodYour own life-problems
Early in the morning. ```Because of my stubborn nature
God had to go His Way,And I had to go my own way.
```To uplift the earth-atmosphere,
Start from todayWith the heart that gives
And the life that surrenders. ```You will be released
From the reasoning mindOnly after you have started wearing
The badge of silver faith. ```I have seen soulful tears
In your eyes.That means God has definitely
Done something special for youInside your heart.
```I have nothing to do with
The mind-pendulumThat swings between
An imagination-smileAnd a frustration-cry.
What I need isAn overnight transformation-mind.
```What is the mind,
If not a conscious fantasyOf ridiculous and superfluous demands?
```He who wants to be
A God-lover and God-serverCan never be satisfied
With a limited supply of patience. ```Each day
Each human beingEither consciously or unconsciously
Renews his subscriptionTo the comfort-pleasure-life.
```Each undivine thought
Is a mischief-monarchThat mistreats the friends of the soul:
Love and joy. ```His heart is endowed
With hope-strength.His life is filled
With frustration-blows. ```God’s Justice-Light
Finds it extremely difficultTo live inside your life.
But His Compassion-HeightSatisfactorily and mightily
Lives inside your heart. ```If you need inspiration,
Look at natureAnd its beauty.
If you need aspiration,
Dive deep withinTo cultivate more purity.
```Since you have made your life
A testament of truth,God will write an introduction
To your life-story. ```With your dwarf-mind
You want to understand the world.With your giant-heart
You are ignoring the world. ```Can you not see
That what I am telling youIs true?
You have built a self-importance-image.Therefore
God’s blessingful LifeIs not and cannot be
For you. ```Who can solve the ancient quarrel
Between your mind and your heart,If not the soul-bird
Inside your aspiration-life? ```Your aspiration-life
Does not need permissionTo enter into God’s Heart-Nest.
It always has a free access. ```Now that your heart
Is rich with receptivity,God will give you back
Not only your profundityBut also His own Divinity.
The chief wishOf the hopeful world
Is to see its own fulfilmentAnd not God’s Manifestation-Smile.
```Do not be caught
In expectation-netIf frustration is what
You never want. ```Once more you have stumbled
Into your mind’s stupidity-cave.Therefore
How can you see the plenitudeOf God’s Compassion-Eye?
```Your mind
Is not going to decorateYour life-room.
It is your heart
That will not only decorateBut also illumine
Your life-room. ```Since past lives
Can create present problems,Be careful what you are doing now
Or no one will be able to save youFrom your future problems.
```America’s sacred destiny
Is to show the worldThat power can be used
For the constant distributionOf earth-perfection.
```Every day
God does one thing for you:He takes your enthusiasm-pulse
Carefully and smilingly. ```What you need every day
Early in the morningIs a few quiet and self-giving moments
With God. ```The rainbow of delight
Is visible nowhere elseExcept
In your heart-sky. ```O doubt!
Unreasonable is your existence-reality.What is worse,
You have stayed with my mindFar beyond my imagination.
```If you look around for sympathy,
You may not find itAnywhere in the world.
But if you look aroundFor God’s universal Compassion-Eye,
You will find it everywhere. ```Your strong reliance
Upon your own capacitiesWill be the downfall
Of your spiritual life. ```You can dream of the horizon.
You can build a new world.But do not forget,
The heart of Mother EarthGave you the inspiration-light
And aspiration-delight. ```To practise spirituality
In its pure senseIs to revive one’s own
Divine dignity. ```You cannot transcend yourself
By book studies.But you can definitely transcend yourself
By paying attentionTo the inner dictates of your soul.
```Do not question and doubt
The sorrows of the world.Question the sincerity
Of your self-investigation. ```As long as your heart
Feels the dew of hope,God will appear before you
With His saving Gaze. ```Do not fear!
You will definitely be ableTo return home.
Practise cheerfulness.Yours will be the ultimate victory.
```Each aspiration-life
And dedication-lifeIs auditioning
For God’s successful PlayOn earth.
```The ability to smile powerfully
And cry soulfullyIs an ancient gift to mankind.
```Go beyond, farther beyond!
Do not limit yourselfBy comparing yourself with others,
Or even with your own self. ```Each time you stumble,
Get up!Then smile and walk
Slowly, steadily and unerringlyAlong the aspiration-road.
```I am telling you,
My seeker-friend,That even a frustration long dead
Can torture youFar beyond your imagination.
```God wants you to be fed
By His IlluminationAnd not to feed
Your mind’s illusion. ```Each soulful meditation
Is a dire challengeTo the crashing waves
Of man’s insecurity-ocean. ```Your name has been cancelled
From God’s blessingful Guest List.Do you know why?
Because God saw youMoving around with doubt.
```If you do not aspire,
Eventually yours will beThe desire-multiplied life
Of total failure. ```God’s Compassion-Sea
Has satisfiedNot only God the Giver
But also man the receiver. ```Unless you are always
Spiritually cautious,You are bound to be washed away
By a flash flood of desire. ```The time has not yet come
For you to feelGod’s Compassion-Sea.
But now is the timeFor you to be fully prepared,
Before the God-Hour dawns. ```Your life-achievements
Amount to nothingBecause God’s Satisfaction-Eye
Is not smiling at you. ```Earth is my soul’s
Adventure-land.Heaven is my heart’s
Rapture-land. ```His existence-reality
Is always availableIn his mind’s
Secluded silence-woods. ```Pray and meditate daily.
OtherwiseYour mind’s misfortune-clouds
Will astonishingly eclipseYour heart’s illumining sun.
```Day and night
He does only one thing:He plays the melody of world-separation
On his self-interest-guitar. ```My prayer-life sponsors
My clarity-mind.My meditation-life sponsors
My purity-heart. ```To increase
My inner progress-delight,I have renewed my attention
To the self-discipline-life. ```Do you know what he makes
In his mind-factory?He makes indifference-frowns.
```My Lord,
Do give meThe capacity to aspire
Only for Your Satisfaction,And thus let me not remain
An immature aspiration-seeker. ```If your mind is prepared
And your heart is ready,Your Master will help you claim him
As your own, very own. ```For the benefit of all,
Never give up playingGod’s earth-transformation-game!
```Unless you master your shortcomings,
Your life-history will be fullOf meaningless incidents.
```Before your mind
Changes your thought,You can send your thought
To change the world. ```You have been wasting your time
In self-pity.Can you not now spend your time
In adoring God’s all-lovingUniversality?
```Have faith
In what your heart hasFor you.
Have faith
In what you haveFor your life.
```Why do you allow doubt
To spoil the perfectionOf your mind?
Why do you allow fear
To spoil the perfectionOf your heart?
Why do you allow anxiety
To spoil the perfectionOf your life?
```What has caused your failures?
Not your doubt,Not your insecurity,
But your unwillingness. ```As God does not have to prove
That He is God,Even so, you do not have to prove
That you are a good seeker.Just become one,
And God will declare youTo the world at large.
```When you ask the world for something,
Ask in God’s Name.That way God can also participate
In your self-fulfilment-game. ```When are you going to accept
God’s Gifts —Sincerity’s beauty
And purity’s divinity? ```I do not deny
That you have receptivity-power,But I do know that your heart
Does not have enough gratitude-power. ```Unless you put God first
In everything you do and say,Your aspiring life
Will wither away to nothingness. ```Unlike a desire-man,
A God-seeker knowsThat all God has
Is also for him. ```The absence of aspiration
Has taken all the joyAway from his life.
```O my heart’s gratitude-tears,
Inside you I want to haveMy permanent home.
```From:Sri Chinmoy,Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 99, Agni Press, 1984
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/ap_99