My Lord,
Why am I so ungrateful to You?I clearly see that
Your Heart is drawn out towards meTo shelter me
And be my strongest support.```
APR 997. These prayers were given in Phnom Penh, Cambodia — 25 December 2001.↩
I must be the winner
In the race of life —I must!
```My Lord tells me,
“My child,When your enemies hinder you
In every way imaginable,Cultivate faith in Me.
I shall be with you,In you and totally for you.”
```If I do not care
To manifest my Lord’s LightOn earth,
Why should He liberate meFrom the bondages of time?
```I have come to learn
That my own sincerity-heartIs a source of tremendous energy
And vitalityIn my spiritual life.
```O my inner faith,
You are the only oneTo enable me to withstand
All the attacksOf my stark adversaries.
```My Lord says to me,
“My child, do not give up,Do not give up!
I am coming, I am coming!I am coming to you as a Beacon
In your ignorance-night.” ```Do not doubt,
Do not hesitate!Your God-fulfilment-promise
You will be able to carry throughTo completion.
Soulfully confessedAre immediately forgiven.
```God’s Love is not only
For a few selected seekers.It is definitely available
To all.Needless to say,
You and I are included. ```God’s special Blessings
Are not beyond our reach.It is His genuine desire
That we all receiveHis special Blessings
Directly from His own Hand. ```Time is short, very short.
Our uppermost concernHas to be God-fulfilment
Here on earth.```
APR 1008. These prayers were given in Phnom Penh, Cambodia — 26 December 2001.↩
God says to me,
“My child,Just give Me once and for all
What you are:Ignorance-life.
I shall, in return, immediately give youThe abundance of My own Life:
Beauty, Light, Delight,Perfection and Satisfaction.”
```I give God
An iota of my love.God gives me
His entire LifeAnd His very Breath.
```God says to me,
“My child, true,You have gone astray.
But do I not have Love-PowerTo draw you back?
Lo, you are backAnd once more safe
Inside My Heart-Home.” ```When God’s Voice
Is my only choice,He in no time bridges
The longest gapBetween my life and His Heart.
```I have completely forgotten God,
But God tells me that His HeartIs still sleeplessly occupied
With me and my life. ```My Lord Beloved Supreme tells me,
“My child,You can doubt Me if you want to,
But you will never be able to doubtMy Love.”
```My Lord of infinite Compassion
Says to me,“My child,
You express your wild hostilityTowards Me
And I accept it gladly.I know that is your way of life.
My child,Since I gladly accept
What you give Me,Can you not accept
What I have to offer:My Love, My Concern,
My Compassion and My Forgiveness?” ```When I meditate
Solely on God’s Victory,I go far beyond
The confines of time. ```Ignorance-night I have.
Wisdom-light I needTo enrich my life
Divinely and ceaselessly,And God is all ready
To fulfil me. ```God says to me,
“My child,If you light your heart-candle,
I shall take care of your darkness.”```
APR 1018. These prayers were given in Phnom Penh, Cambodia — 27 December 2001.↩
The body says, “I can sleep.”
The vital says, “I can strangle.”The mind says, “I can fight.”
The heart says, “I can love.”The soul says, “I can watch
And send my report to God.” ```God says that He has seen me
Countless times,And I am still the same.
Next time He wants to see meWith a new mind, a new heart
And a new face.If I fail Him,
He may never give meAnother chance.
```When my mind
Wants to speak to God,God says to my mind,
“You are too close!Go back at least
One hundred metres.Do not worry —
I have two very big Ears.I shall be able to hear you
Very easily.” ```When my heart
Wishes to speak to God,God says to my heart,
“My child, why do you have to standSo far away?
Am I a stranger?Come, come very, very close to Me.
The nearer you come,The better for both of us
To hear each other.” ```God’s Eye
Examines all and sundry,With no exception.
```God’s Heart
Examines onlyThe chosen few.
```My mind thinks
It knows everythingAbout God.
My heart feelsIt has to learn everything
About GodFrom God Himself.
```My Master tells me
That if I want to becomeA perfect disciple of his,
Then he expects cheerful surrenderAnd not forced surrender
To His God-oneness-will. ```I must reach
The summitOf my God-surrender-ecstasy.
```APR 1027. These prayers were given in Phnom Penh, Cambodia — 28 December 2001.↩
All my meetings with my mindAre always noisy, unproductive,
Worthless and useless. ```I feel lonely
Only when my God-FriendIs not beside me.
```God’s Compassion-Eye
Is always ready to greetThe seeker in me.
```God’s Satisfaction-Heart
Is always ready to embraceThe divine lover in me.
```The mind’s self-doubt-blows
Are extremely powerfulAnd unthinkably destructive.
```The smiles of my soul
Are my heart’sHeaven-climbing hopes.
```My God-devotion-heart
Steers my life-boatTo the Golden Shore
Of the ever-transcending Beyond. ```The insecurity
Of my inner lifeIs the madness-thunder
Of my outer life. ```My Lord Supreme has blessed me
With an aspiration-roadWhich is at once ageless
And endless. ```My soul-bird is teaching me
How to fly far aboveThe streaming tears of my heart
AndThe brooding fears of my mind.
```My Beloved Lord’s
Most inspiring and most energisingLong-distance calls
Are cordless and wordless. ```May my heart
Be a galaxyOf God-blossoming dreams.
```APR 1039. These prayers were given in Phnom Penh, Cambodia — 29 December 2001.↩
To maintain our inner poise,
We must give equal valueTo success and failure.
```My unconditional aspiration-heart
Is a luxuryI have received from
God’s Compassion,Affection, Love and Bliss.
```My heart urges me
To love God. ```My soul compels me
To serve God. ```God pleads with me
To remember HimSleeplessly and self-givingly.
My mindIs shockingly heartless.
My heartIs helplessly homeless.
My lifeIs unthinkably godless.
```Everything deceives me
Save my aspiration-heart-tears. ```The moment my God-obedience-heart
Stops functioning,My earth-existence becomes
A colossal failure. ```To lose
A childlike heartIs to miss
A God-Heart-Smile. ```The beauty
Of the earth-planetIs extremely inspiring.
```APR 1051. These prayers were given in Phnom Penh, Cambodia — 31 December 2001.↩
The duty
Of the earth-planetIs extremely surprising.
```The outer world
LovesQuick motion.
```The inner world
LovesIntense aspiration.
```Every day
Is a holidayFor my God-surrender-life.
```I climb up
And sit at the very topOf my hope-mountain.
```I climb down
And becomeMy promise-fulfilment-fountain.
My body choosesThe lethargy-life.
My vital choosesThe hesitation-mind.
My mind choosesThe impatience-vital.
```To my great joy,
My heart choosesGod’s Protection-Feet.
```O Pilot of the New Year-Boat,
Do give my heart a new hope,My life a new promise
And me a new assuranceThat You are going to take me
To Your Golden Shore.```
APR 1062. These prayers were given in Phnom Penh, Cambodia — 1 January 2002.↩
O my mind,
I beg of you,Please leave your old life behind —
Please! ```O my heart,
I beg of you,Please cry more for humanity —
Please!And please smile more at God —
Please! ```I know, I know,
God’s Compassion-Eye —For this my heart lives.
```I know, I know,
God’s Forgiveness-Heart —For this my life lives.
```I know, I know,
God’s full manifestation on earth —For this I live.
```God Himself feeds the genuine seekers
Every day.Therefore, their aspiration-hearts
And their service-livesAre becoming stronger and stronger
Every day. ```Self-importance —
Dangerous, dangerous!I must shun it
Once and for all. ```The heart never questions,
Never doubts God’s PresenceIn each and every life
And each and every death.```
APR 1070. These prayers were given in Phnom Penh, Cambodia — 2 January 2002.↩
My Lord,
I promise I shall not delayMy unconditional
Surrender-life-existence on earthAny more.
```A God-searching mind
Must embodySincerity.
```A God-aspiring heart
Must embodyIntensity.
```A God-serving life
Must embodyIntegrity.
```To see my Lord smiling,
Even for a fleeting moment,I am prepared to cover
The length and breadthOf the world.
```My Lord Supreme tells me
That He does not stop enjoyingThe exquisite fragrance
Of my gratitude-heart-tear-garland. ```From:Sri Chinmoy,My Christmas-New Year-Vacation Aspiration-Prayers, part 11, Agni Press, 2002
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