A birthday
Is the blossomingOf a new
APR 1237. These prayers were given in Sabah, Malaysia — 3 February 2002.↩
The world demands
The very best from me. ```My Lord desires
To haveEverything of mine.
```The final and last choice
Has to be made here and now.No more chances
Shall be granted. ```Not my outer belief,
But my inner faithThat decides who God is,
Where God isAnd what God actually expects
From my life. ```The outer success
Reaches the fleetingPride-crown-destination.
```The inner progress
Reaches the abidingHappiness-throne-goal.
```What we have
Is a false outer smile.What we need
Is a sincere inner cry. ```An open mind
Is a very rare achievement.A God-surrender-life
Is a God-achievement. ```I must examine
The beauty and fragranceOf my own happiness-heart
Before I offer themTo humanity’s heart.
```APR 1246. These prayers were given in Sabah, Malaysia — 4 February 2002.↩
My knowledge-light
Is the quantity-beggar.My wisdom-delight
Is the quality-chooser.My Lord Supreme tells me
Not to worry.He will gladly take care of
The beggar in meAnd the chooser in me.
I just have to love Him onlyAnd need Him only.
```To me, the highest height
Is not the happiest privilege,But the greatest and heaviest
Responsibility. ```My Lord has chosen
My utterly insignificant lifeTo accomplish the impossible:
The full manifestation of GodHere on earth.
```If my life really desires
To be a God-server,Then God’s Heart will be
My life’s untiring supplier. ```I measure my life-boundaries.
My Lord counts onlyMy heart-garden-flowers.
```There are God-doubters.
There are God-believers as well.Who can prevent me
From being a God-believer,And who can prevent me
From being a God-lover,A God-server
And, finally, a God-manifester? ```In God’s Eye
I am never insignificant.In God’s Heart
I am eternally and infinitelyMore significant
Than I can ever imagine. ```My life-book begins with
The God-aspiration-chapterAnd ends with
The God-realisation-chapter. ```The heart has another name:
Aspiration.The mind has another name:
Suspicion.The vital has another name:
Restlessness.The body has another name:
Idleness.Life has another name:
Uncertainty.Man has another name:
Complexity.The soul has another name:
Observer.God has another Name:
Forgiver. ```My Lord blessingfully whispers.
Alas, I pay no attention.My soul compassionately whispers.
Alas, I pay no attention.My heart lovingly whispers.
Alas, I pay no attention.```
APR 1256. These prayers were given in Sabah, Malaysia — 5 February 2002.↩
My mind speaks to me.
I immediately obey.My vital speaks to me.
I proudly obey.My body speaks to me.
I lovingly obey.Alas, when shall I stop
Obeying them, when?Alas, when shall I be
The choice instrumentOf my Lord Supreme, when?
```In this life
I need only one qualification:God-obedience.
```Only one thing
I shall never, never, never desire:God-disobedience.
```My God-obedience
Is my God-closeness.My God-disobedience
Is my God-aloofness. ```My God-satisfaction
Asks my God-obedienceTo run side by side with it
All the time. ```My God-defiance
Bravely marches along the roadThat has no goal.
My God-disobedienceProudly follows my God-defiance.
```We cannot merit
God’s Transcendental ConsciousnessAnd His Universal Consciousness,
But we can inherit and do inheritHis Transcendental Consciousness
And His Universal Consciousness. ```My outer beauty
Attracts and welcomesAll the hostile forces of the world.
My inner beautyFrightens and transforms
All the hostile forces of the world. ```If I am a real God-lover,
Then I must always rememberThat God the Power infinite
Is my constant helper. ```I love God.
This may be an iota of truth.God loves me.
Indeed, this is the bloom of truth,And this is the blossom of truth.
```I dare and dare to say
That my Lord and ILove each other intensely
And care for each other immensely.```
APR 1267. These prayers were given in Sabah, Malaysia — 6 February 2002.↩
God wants only
The selflessness-heartsTo broadcast His most glorious
Life-Activities here on earth. ```God tells me that spirituality
Is not something fanatic,Fantastic, eccentric and idiotic,
But really realistic and idealistic. ```My prayers and I
TogetherClimb and climb.
```My meditations and I
TogetherDive and dive.
```My life is absolutely safe
Only when I can remain seatedAt the Feet of my Lord Supreme.
```The inner worlds
And the outer worldAre clashing and crashing together.
Yet my Beloved Lord SupremeHas kept me
Absolutely unshaken. ```Alas,
In an unknown and mysterious way,We cherish our endless
Worries and anxieties. ```In the battlefield of life,
My Lord has granted my heart-tearsThe supreme victory
Over the darkest ignorance-night. ```Only inside the heart of silence
Does God give usHis Nectar-flooded Smile.
```My Absolute Lord Supreme,
I love You, I really do,But the Cosmic Game
That You play with meIs so confusing.
```APR 1277. These prayers were given in Sabah, Malaysia — 7 February 2002.↩
“My child,
I love you, I really do,But the earthly game
That you play with MeIs so uninspiring.”
```I prayerfully offer my Lord Supreme
The streaming tears of my heart.My Lord Supreme blessingfully Offers me
The beaming Smiles of His Heart. ```The mind, the vital and the body
Ruthlessly attackThe poor and pure heart,
But they eventuallyAnd deplorably lose.
Why?Because God always
Takes the side of the heart. ```This morning
My Lord AbsoluteCompelled me to discard
My long-cherished ignorance-mask. ```I am the owner
Of sincerity-weakness-tears.God is the Owner
Of Forgiveness-Divinity-Smiles.God is commanding me to barter
My tears for His Smiles,And I immediately obey.
```O Heaven, do accept
What I have to offer:My prayers.
O earth, do acceptWhat I have to offer:
My service. ```Spiritually my soul is fully grown
Precisely because for centuriesMy soul has been sowing
God-Smiles and God-EcstasiesIn every heart.
```My outer life loves
The success-dance.My inner life loves
The progress-song.I love my Lord’s
Victory-Banner. ```My only desire is to obey
My Lord Absolute SupremeAll the time
With a flower-pure heart.```
APR 1286. These prayers were given in Sabah, Malaysia — 8 February 2002.↩
God tells me that
I do not need His PermissionBefore I trust others,
But I do needHis express Permission
Before I distrust others. ```In the spiritual life,
To see humanityWithout the heart of beauty
And purityIs the height of stupidity.
```A caring heart
Is a daring glory. ```My life and I
Faithfully followThe tears
Of my ever-climbing heart. ```There is a sure way
To make oneself happy,And that way is to bury the past
In oblivion-cave. ```The aspiring heart
Is always an open doorTo a new God-hope
And a new God-promise. ```Alas, it is not God,
But it is IWho have forsaken myself.
```There are many paths to reach
The God-Summit-Heights.Each path is absolutely right
In its own way.But my heart and I have chosen
The path of love, devotionAnd surrender.
```Our heart-aspirations
AndOur life-dedications
Are very carefully examinedBy God Himself
Before He allows us to liveIn His Infinity’s Heart-Home.
```At last,
At the very peak,I discover what I seek.
```APR 1296. These prayers were given in Sabah, Malaysia — 9 February 2002.↩
O friendship-flower,
O friendship-flower,Do not wither,
Do not wither. ```Come what may,
Come what may,My heart must pray,
My heart must pray. ```No dead end,
No dead end.Just a bend,
Just a bend. ```My Lord gives me
A new lessonAt every hour
So that my heart can beHis Beauty’s flower.
```God is not an iron rod,
God is not an iron rod.Let us all go quickly,
Go to the Shelter of God. ```Meditation, meditation,
Meditation:My God-preparation,
My God-preparation. ```No prayer, no prayer,
No prayer:Life is an ignorance-lair.
```APR 1303. These prayers were given in Sabah, Malaysia — 10 February 2002.↩
No meditation, no meditation:
Life is an utter imperfection. ```Sound
Is man-cheering.Silence
Is God-becoming. ```Life-river flows.
Patience-tree grows. ```Life is a thunder-gong.
Death is a silence-song. ```My life-story
Is painful.My heart-song
Is Godful. ```What is peace?
The absence of selfishness.What is bliss?
The presence of oneness. ```Wake up, my mind,
Wake upTo our Lord’s
APR 1310. These prayers were given in Sabah, Malaysia — 11 February 2002.↩
God’s nationality
Is a Self-Transcendence-Vision-Reality. ```God feels me
Only whenMy heart kneels.
```My bleeding heart-tears
Are my alarm clocksTo put an end
To my ignorance-slumber. ```My soul-smiles whisper,
And I arrive at God’s Heart-DoorAlways on time.
```Only a God-obedience-life
Receives from GodHis real Reward:
His Heart of Infinity. ```My tears and my smiles
Have created my human life.My God-promises
And my God-fulfilmentsAre creating my divine life.
```Meditation means
The beginning ofA God-becoming-life.
```APR 1317. These prayers were given in Sabah, Malaysia — 14 February 2002.↩
Meditation-sun shines
Around the clockThroughout Eternity.
```God warns us inwardly
Long before darkness comes downUpon our lives.
```O my ignorance-mind,
You can cherish your proud opinions,But I shall cherish only
My God-union-heart-hunger. ```God never misses an opportunity
To tell the aspiration-heartsThat He is all for them.
```My convictions
Are always founded uponGod-Opinions.
```God wants only
My gratitude-heart-tearsTo introduce me to Him.
```From:Sri Chinmoy,My Christmas-New Year-Vacation Aspiration-Prayers, part 14, Agni Press, 2002
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/apr_14