No limit
To what my love, devotionAnd surrender can do,
Not only for me,But also for the entire world.
```APR 1567. These prayers were given in Christchurch, New Zealand — 27 December 2002.↩
Keep singing, keep singing!
God will soon be arriving. ```If I continue calling,
My life will blossomAnd my Lord Supreme
Will smile, sing and dance. ```The exquisite bliss
Of my God-surrender-lifeNobody on earth
Can hamper. ```My Master’s tears and smiles
Are the only membersOf my heart-family.
```The desiring mind
Is apt to brood.The aspiring heart
Is apt to bleed. ```God’s Compassion-Eye intervenes
BetweenMan’s Himalayan blunders
And his well-deserved punishment. ```God’s Compassion-Confidence in me
Is my onlyCompetence-victory.
```My Lord,
Your ceaseless Tears I seeNot only in my heart,
But also in every heart.My Lord,
Your Nectar-Smiles I seeNowhere, nowhere, nowhere.
```I give my Lord Supreme
Unimaginable joy and prideWhen I am able
To steal His Compassion-EyeAnd His Forgiveness-Heart.
```APR 1567. These prayers were given in Christchurch, New Zealand — 28 December 2002.↩
To protect me
From the undivine forces,My Beloved Supreme
Has kept His Eye and His HeartAs my sentinels at my heart-gate.
```Every moment is a golden opportunity
For me to love and serveThe tears and the smiles of the world.
```I must disregard and discard
What my mind thinks of meAnd says about me.
```I do not go to the sky-moon —
I go to my heart-moonFor it to inspire me
And inundate meWith Infinity’s Peace and Bliss.
```I have many desires,
But my Lord has only one:My constant happiness.
```Day and night
My soul is helping meTo discount all my worries
And anxieties. ```God loves
My very, very short-distance prayersAnd not
My ultramarathon-distance prayers. ```God’s unseen Hand
Most lovinglyAnd most compassionately
Takes my handsTo show me the way
To the Golden Shore. ```My greatness depends on
The acceptance of the world.My goodness depends on
The Love and ConcernOf my Beloved Supreme.
```Every morning and every evening
My complete God-surrender-lifeIs cradled
By the beauty and the fragranceOf Heaven.
```APR 1586. These prayers were given in Christchurch, New Zealand — 29 December 2002.↩
I must keep my heart’s love
And my life’s gratitudeAlways together.
```Love shows the road.
Devotion walks on the road.Surrender takes love and devotion
To the Destination. ```I write my Lord’s biography
With my shallower than the shallowestBook-knowledge.
```My Lord writes my biography
With His ever-increasing Heart-TearsAnd
With His ever-increasing Soul-Smiles. ```I must become a perfect stranger
To ignorance-sleepSo that I can grow into
A God-loverOf the highest magnitude.
```The human in me
Has only one task to perform:Awake!
```The divine in me
Has three tasks to perform:Bravely march forward,
Sleeplessly climb upward,Breathlessly dive inward.
```Silence is God’s
Secret and sacredMan-Enlightenment-Whisper.
```Humanity’s life
Is nothing butA fragile faith in God.
```My outer suffering
IsMy inner courage-builder.
```APR 1596. These prayers were given in Christchurch, New Zealand — 30 December 2002.↩
My inner suffering
IsMy outer eye-opener.
Is the most sublime progressIn disguise.
```The real Master is chosen
By the real seeker in us,And not by the mind — never!
```God has repeatedly told me
That He is interestedOnly in what I am doing,
And not what I am saying. ```There was a time
When I had a volley of questions,But now I have only one question:
Do I have a real God-hunger? ```When I pray,
I pray with my upward eyesTo see my Lord’s Eye.
```When I meditate,
I meditate with my inward heartTo sit at my Lord’s Feet.
```During my deepest meditation,
I hear my Lord Beloved SupremeSecretly whispering:
“My child, you were born to beMy Eternity’s Greatness,
My Infinity’s GoodnessAnd My Immortality’s Fulness.
My child, this messageIs not only for you,
But it is for each and everyCreation of Mine.”
```God’s Compassion-Eye-Inspiration
IsMy Godward journey’s start.
```APR 1605. These prayers were given in Christchurch, New Zealand — 31 December 2002.↩
God’s Tears
Wake my heart.God’s Smiles
Shake my life. ```My aspiration
Means the beginningOf my God-oneness-cry and smile.
```My Lord Supreme,
Will You be able to believe meWhen I say that I love You
Infinitely more than I love myself? ```To love others
Before we love ourselvesIs, indeed,
A very rare achievement. ```God knows and sees
That my heart is very richIn world-concern.
Therefore He has made meA supremely chosen instrument
Of His Heart. ```My creativity-beauty
Comes from my Lord’sActivity-Fountain.
```The beauty and profundity
Of my heart-tearsOnly my Master deeply values.
```When I try to keep a secret
From God,He terribly suffers
From my utter stupidity. ```I must admit,
In all sincerity,That God has smiled at me
Infinitely more timesThan I have cried for Him.
```APR 1614. These prayers were given in Christchurch, New Zealand — 1 January 2003.↩
Every day
My soul’s fragrance-delightIs intensifying
My heart’s aspiration-cry. ```My desire-life,
It is getting late!Go to sleep, go to sleep!
```My aspiration-heart,
It is getting late!Wake up, wake up!
```The hesitation-mind
And the insecurity-lifeLove to live together.
```I must shun two things —
Self-doubt and world-indifference —To make the fastest progress
In my spiritual life. ```Since we human beings have created
The darkest night of the world,It is our bounden duty to illumine
The darkest night of the world. ```God’s Mind-Philosophy
Is Forgiveness.God’s Heart-Song
Is Forgiveness.God’s Life-Story
Is Forgiveness. ```Only my heart-microscope
Can measure the distanceBetween my life-tears
And my death-smiles. ```Each day
Is a Power-Sun-Revelation-Manifestation
Of God.Each night
Is a Compassion-Moon-Revelation-Manifestation
Of God. ```Compassion
Is the success-secretOf the higher world.
Is the success-secretOf the inner world.
Is the success-secretOf the outer world.
```Surrender is the fastest highway
That leads usTo the Transcendental Heights.
```APR 1627. These prayers were given in Christchurch, New Zealand — 2 January 2003↩
Wherever we go,
We must carry with usOur heart’s aspiration-flames.
```Only my God-gratitude-heart-tears
Enable me to flyIn the sky of Infinity.
```God gets tremendous Joy
And SatisfactionWhen He is able to sail His Dream-Boat
In my life’s devotion-river. ```The mind does nothing
For God,Yet it expects Love from God
All the time. ```This world of ours will be perfect
Only when our God-service-lifeIs constantly on the march.
```God is extremely happy to see
That His ImmensityAnd my intensity
Are sleeplessly growing together. ```Spirituality
Is a breathlessSelf-transcendence-adventure.
```My world-improvement-service-joy
Is more precious to GodThan anything else.
```My meditation-time
Is my Lord’sOnly resting-hour.
```My Lord and I deeply enjoy
Our mutual appreciation:My Lord tells me
That my heart-tearsAre inimitable.
I tell my LordHis Eye-Smiles
Are inimitable. ```I must and I must discover,
As soon as possible,The key to my Lord’s Heart-Home.
```APR 1638. These prayers were given in Cairns, Australia — 5 January 2003↩
Nothing human in me
Exists any more.I have become today
A supremely choice instrumentOf my Lord Supreme.
```God’s Heart
Is in each moment.God’s Eye
Is in each movement. ```No more my aspiration-heart
Shall sufferFrom God-separation-pangs.
```May every morning
My aspiration-heart-gardenProduce a most beautiful
God-gratitude-rose. ```The disobedience of the mind
Is a very, very old story.The obedience of the heart
Is a most soulful songThat has neither beginning
Nor end. ```My Beloved Supreme,
Out of His infinite Bounty,Tells me that my entire life
Is a most powerful song-bridgeBetween humanity’s tears
And Divinity’s Smiles. ```Today my heart
Is a meditation-plant.Tomorrow my life
Shall become a Heaven-climbing tree. ```From:Sri Chinmoy,My Christmas-New Year-Vacation Aspiration-Prayers, part 18, Agni Press, 2003
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