Run, speedily run!
Covet, greedily covetGod-service-opportunities.
```APR 117. These prayers were given in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil — 22 December 1999.↩
My Lord,
Out of His infinite Bounty,Pilots my life-boat
To His own Golden Shore. ```God begs us every day to study
The life-transformation-courseGiven by Him.
```Devotion is not
An emotional exuberance.Devotion is
Our God-love-perfectionAnd our God-service-satisfaction.
```I must never allow
My aspiration-heartTo be blighted
By God-doubts and self-doubts-Even for a fleeting second.
```May my present God-love,
God-devotion and God-surrenderBe dwarfed by my future giant
God-love, God-devotionAnd God-surrender.
```When my mind fails, my heart cries.
When my heart fails, my soul cries.When my soul fails, my God cries.
When my God fails,He tries again and again and again
Until He ultimatelyAnd unmistakably succeeds.
```As God's Forgiveness
Is not far away,Even so, my life's absolutely new start
Must not take a long time. ```Day in and day out
God has made Himself availableSo that He will not be assailable.
```God loves and treasures
My sleepless selflessnessInfinitely more than
My uniqueness. ```A self-offering prayer
To God's WillIs a most sacred sunrise
Upon my heart's horizon.```
APR 127. These prayers were given in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil — 23 December 1999.↩
God-seekers, God-lovers
And God-serversAre definitely on the right track.
```While asking ignorance-night
To get lost,Alas, I find myself
Totally lost instead. ```Unlike our minds,
Our hearts are alwaysDeeply in love
With God's Sweetness-Will. ```I cried and cried
Pitifully and helplesslyWhen I saw God's Tolerance-Eye
Was narrowing. ```God's Eye receives
All the questions from me.God's Heart immediately
Answers them. ```A sea of self-giving tears
Is neededTo open the floodgates
Of my inspiration-mind,Aspiration-heart and dedication-life.
```If I worship God's Feet,
Love God's HeartAnd serve God's Eye,
Only thenMy God-realisation-impossibility
Surrenders to me. ```My God-surrendered life
Is heading towards HeavenTo receive from God
His Infinity's Bliss. ```My deep ignorance-friendship
Is truly a great shockFor my Beloved Supreme.
```I call it
My devotion-heart.God calls it
His own living Body.```
APR 137. These prayers were given in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil — 25 December 1999.↩
Man's home in God's Heart
Is transient.God's Home in man's heart
Is permanent. ```Without a devotion-ticket,
God does not allow any seekerTo participate
In His Cosmic Game. ```God loves everything of me,
Save and exceptMy indifference.
```What I desperately need
Is a lion-roaringDevotional life.
I am a desire-boatWithout a boatman.
```My meditation has taught me
How to escapeFrom the desire-mind-prison.
```As it is true
That I am not God,Even so, it is quite true
That I love God only. ```My unconditional
God-surrender-lifeIs a high jump
Into Infinity's Immortality. ```A self-loving man
Is a half man and a half animal.A God-loving man
Is not only a full manBut also a half God.
```The greatness-mind
Of the Father HeavenI wish to see.
The goodness-heartOf the Mother Earth
I wish to become.```
APR 147. These prayers were given in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil — 26 December 1999.↩
O God-seeker, be careful!
Your sacred compassion-heartMay be nothing other than
Your secret attachment-life. ```My Lord Beloved Supreme
Tells meThat everything I need
Is within the limitless orbitOf my love divine.
```No oneness-heart-love
Can ever be foundInside the mind's abysmal abyss.
```My mind's sincere God-acceptance
And God-surrenderAre, indeed, two great surprises
For my God-lovingAnd God-surrendering heart.
```No tremendous zeal
Of a seeker's heart,No true God-satisfaction-
Never! ```Alas, alas!
My mind's surrenderTo God's Will
Is unthinkably overdue. ```I am absolutely sure
That my God-faithShall stand the test of time.
```May all God-seekers,
God-dreamers and God-loversBe peace and bliss-melodies
To the aspiring world. ```O my desire-beggar-mind,
Step back from the public eye,Step back from the spotlight.
Lo and behold,God's boundless Pride-Heart
Is beckoning you. ```I have made my sleepless
And breathless commitmentOnly to my Lord Beloved Supreme.
```APR 157. These prayers were given in Curtiba, Brazil — 27 December 1999.↩
My crying and smiling heart
Is a very important memberOf God's immediate Family.
```My hopes are no match
For God's continuouslyTorrential Blessings
Upon my devoted headAnd surrendered life.
```God's Pride in me is unlimited
When He sees even a partial deathOf my ego-life.
```At long last
My heart has come to learnHow to implore and invoke
My Lord's express Presence. ```My inspiration-mind breathes
The breath of the earth.My aspiration-heart breathes
The breath of Heaven.I breathe the Breath
Of my Absolute Lord Supreme. ```My life of constant God-obedience
Entirely depends on the intensity-heartOf my love for God.
```I am
My mind's proud achievement.My surrender-heart is
A most sublime achievement of God. ```What I desperately need
Is a God-sanctified heartAnd not a computerised mind.
```Alas, my disobedience-mind
Has completely muddled and pollutedThe most charming
And the most peaceful pondOf my heart.
```My oneness-heart
Is God's infinite Breath.God's Sadness-Eye
Is my immediate death. ```My Lord,
Out of Your infinite Bounty,You have allowed me
To be a frequent visitorTo Your Forgiveness-Heart.
```APR 168. These prayers were given in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil — 30 December 1999.↩
My Lord,
The human in meWants to need countless things.
The divine in meWants to need You only.
```My Lord,
When I obey You cheerfully,I immediately become
The full Bloom of Heaven. ```O my mind,
You are such a fool!You are forcing
Our Lord Beloved SupremeTo please you in your own way.
```Alas, every day
We are squandering our Lord'sBlessing-flooded opportunities.
```We must smile
With our God-ordained commitmentsLong before we can shine
With our enlightenments. ```What is my self-doubt,
If not a formidable rivalOf my Lord's faith in me?
```The aspiring heart knows
That there is a way outOf every dark mind-corner.
```God tells me that
My God-service-happinessCan easily equal
God's Heaven-Happiness. ```My Lord,
You can do anything You want toExcept one thing:
You cannot escape my surrender-life.```
APR 177. These prayers were given in Curtiba, Brazil — 31 December 1999.↩
God wants me to climb
Every day without failMy life's spiritual progress-staircase.
```My Lord,
May my inspiration-eyesAnd my aspiration-heart
Every day long for a newness-dawn. ```My Supreme is telling me
That one disobedience-momentCan give birth
To lifelong misery. ```God is extremely happy with me
And extremely proud of meEven when I offer Him
My belated gratitude-heart. ```I want my heart
To be God's sleeplessVictory-drummer.
```All the disciplines of the mind
Have to be tightenedIf we truly want to expedite
Our Godward journey. ```My heart-home belongs
To God alone.I shall not allow anybody
To trespass. ```Every day my heart and I
Write a book of devotionWith my devotional songs.
My God the PrideEvery day publishes it.
```I must never, never
Spin out ofMy God-Compassion-obedience-orbit.
```My Lord Supreme,
Here and nowDo give me the capacity
To love You and need You only.```
APR 187. These prayers were given in Curtiba, Brazil — 1 January 2000.↩
I am so ashamed of my mind.
It specialises in doubtingMy Lord Beloved Supreme.
```My Lord Beloved Supreme,
Long before I prayerfullyAnd soulfully
Touched the dust of Your Feet,You had firmly caught my heart.
```My Lord,
With Your LoveI become a fulness-heart.
Without Your LoveI become Eternity's nothingness itself.
```My aspiring heart
Accepts everything divineInfinitely faster than
My unaspiring mind can reject. ```At long last
I have come to learnThat my loneliness-life
Is, indeed,My heart-destruction-blow.
```My Lord tells me that
My heart's soulful smileIs my love divine in action.
```We must never allow
Our God-manifestation-dreamsTo gather dust.
```Every day God wants
My God-searching mindAnd my God-crying heart
To communicate. ```My happiness-heart paves
The clearest and brightest roadTo my God-Destination.
```Today God has given me
A new name:An ever-blazing enthusiasm-sun.
```APR 197. These prayers were given in Curtiba, Brazil — 2 January 2000.↩
The desiring mind
Does not need God.The aspiring heart needs God,
But it is too impatient to waitFor God's blessingful Arrival.
```May my God-fulfilment-promise-boat
Sleeplessly sailIn my heart-river.
```Paradise is where
God asks my heart to cry,And I ask God's Eye to smile.
```May my heart be
An ever-blossomingPurity-temple-flower.
```O my mind, can you not see
That your prayerful and soulful attentionTo our Lord Supreme
Is overdue? ```A minute out of
My Beloved Lord's BoatIs a well-deserved, lifelong punishment.
```I call it
My God-obedience-heart.God calls it
His Sweetness-Fondness-Nest. ```God wanted me, God wants me
And God will forever want meTo be His lion-roaring Power-Life.
```My divinity's heart
Lives far beyondThe sea of time.
```APR 206. These prayers were given in Curtiba, Brazil — 3 January 2000.↩
My life loves the beauty
Of the finite.My heart enjoys the fragrance
Of the Infinite. ```When life knocked
At my door,Joy accompanied my life.
When death shall knockAt my door,
Peace shall accompany my death. ```God's Forgiveness-Heart
Perhaps has time to waste,But not God's Justice-Eye-
Never! ```God Himself cradles
My devotion-heartIn His Power-Blessing-Arms.
```Mine is the life
Of sleepless and breathless surrender.God's is the Heart
Of priceless and tireless Satisfaction. ```May my mind always remain empty
Of freedom.May my heart be always full
Of God-surrenderAnd God-oneness-freedom.
```A universe of book knowledge
Cannot quench even an iotaOf the heart's thirst for God.
```I must trumpet
My soul-The ignorance-challenger
And ignorance-conqueror. ```My mind,
The impossibility-sower,Must finally surrender
To my heart,The God-manifestation-fulfilment-grower.
```My aspiring heart prays and prays,
But it does not expectPrayer-results
The way my desiring mindAlways does.
```APR 216. These prayers were given in Curtiba, Brazil — 4 January 2000.↩
No enthusiasm-light,
No progress-delight.No progress-delight,
No God-satisfaction.No God-satisfaction,
Life is death itselfFor a God-seeker.
```God appears before me
And nears meAnd finally enters into my heart
To see if my heart's streaming tearsAre fed.
```My God-gratitude
And my God-surrenderAre two divine seeds
That God Himself has sownInside my aspiring heart-garden.
```Prayer is a drop
That flows into the meditation-ocean.Meditation is a drop
That flows into the contemplation-ocean.Contemplation is a drop
That flows into the God-realisation-ocean. ```God does not want
His Justice-LightForever to sleep
Because He does not wantHis beautiful world
To meet with destruction. ```Only a fully awakened heart
Can make a God-climbingProgress-delight-journey.
```My Lord Supreme wants me to take
My morning beauty-walkNot only in my heart-garden
But also in every heart-garden. ```My sleepless and breathless
God-devotion-heartIs a fountain-ecstasy
In my Lord's Heart. ```Only a heart that is blessed
By God's Compassion-EyeCan wipe away
The mind's frustration-tears. ```My Supreme, my Supreme,
You are killing YourselfTo please me.
The least I can doIs give You a sweet smile
From my heart.```
APR 226. These prayers were given in Curtiba, Brazil — 5 January 2000.↩
My Lord, I beg of You,
Do not delay any more.May Your Heart-Sun break through
My thick mind-clouds. ```My Lord Beloved,
Day in and day outYou try so hard to make me happy.
Can I not tryTo do the same for You,
At least once in a while? ```I need a sincerity-mind
And an intensity-heartDesperately
To be worthy of my Lord'sInfinite Affection.
```My only desire
Is to desire You,My Beloved Lord Supreme,
And nothing else and nobody elseIn this incarnation.
```My Lord, from now on
And for the rest of my life,I shall need only
The Compassion-BeautyOf Your Eye
And the Satisfaction-FragranceOf Your Heart.
Why is it so difficultEither for us to conquer
Our doubting mindsOr to allow God to conquer
Our doubting mindsOnce and for all?
```God loves to enjoy
My simplicity-mindAnd not my stupidity-mind.
```A purity-heart
God treasures infinitely moreThan we can ever imagine.
```God runs infinitely faster
Than the speed of lightTo reach me
When He sees that my heartHas a burning need for Him.
```From:Sri Chinmoy,My Christmas-New Year-Vacation Aspiration-Prayers, part 2, Agni Press, 2000
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