Is not an impossible task —No, not even
The most difficult task.So says my soul to my mind.
```APR 2399. These prayers were given in Legian, Bali, Indonesia — 5 January 2004.↩
To be a supremely chosen instrument
Of GodHas to be the aim
Of each and every God-seeker. ```Nothing forever remains the same.
This darkest night of my mindShall pass —
I know, I know. ```I do not pray to God
To weaken my enemies.I pray to God
To illumine them. ```God wants me to build
A special HeavenFor me and my oneness-heart-friends
Here on earthAnd nowhere else.
```No heart
Is too weakTo receive Love
From God. ```No life
Is too insignificantTo love
And serve God. ```The mind’s proudest verdict:
God does not knowWhat the mind does.
```The heart’s humblest opinion:
God not only knowsWhat the heart does
In every detail,But also inspires the heart
To do everythingLovingly, soulfully
And self-givingly. ```My heart-breath
Secretly and sacredly treasuresMy sleepless love of God
And my breathless service to God. ```My Lord Supreme
Is not at all interestedIn listening to my life’s
Worthless and useless stories,But He is extremely eager
To hear my heart-songsAnd also extremely eager
To watch my life’sSurrender-dance.
```I use my vision-eye
When I am inThe inner world.
```APR 2410. These prayers were given in Legian, Bali, Indonesia — 6 January 2004.↩
I use my mission-heart
When I am inThe outer world.
```My Lord,
Please, please, pleaseDo not allow
My gratitude-heart-flowerEver to fade!
```When I most sincerely pray,
My Lord says to me,“My child,
You are, indeed,My Beauty’s child.”
```During my very deep meditation,
God comes to me and says,“My child,
You are, indeed,My Duty’s hero-warrior.”
```Love and serve.
Love God the Creator;Serve God the Creation.
Your life-breathIn God’s Heart-World
Will never cease. ```I am eagerly waiting for the day
When my God-love,My God-devotion
And my God-surrenderWill be in full bloom.
```My new inner name
```My new outer name
```To God,
Nothing is more importantThan my tearful heart
And my blissful eyes. ```To increase my love of God
Every dayIs the only way for me
To live divinely on earth.```
APR 2420. These prayers were given in Legian, Bali, Indonesia — 7 January 2004.↩
My mind and I —
When we depend on each other,We miserably fail.
```My heart and I —
When we depend on each other,We invariably succeed.
```My God-obedience
Is my God-givenGolden flute-melody-life.
```My God-disobedience
Is the thunder-drum-soundCherished by the hostile forces.
```My ego-mind
Tries to overruleMy soul’s solemn
Judgement-light-utterancesIn vain.
```My Master reveals
The unseen God to meAt the very right moment.
```I must seriously take care
Of my inner healthAnd my outer life.
```The Tears of my Lord’s
Compassion-EyeStrengthen my life
And lengthen my breath. ```My love, my devotion
And my surrender —God has taken them
As His confidants.```
APR 2429. These prayers were given in Legian, Bali, Indonesia — 8 January 2004.↩
My Lord,
Do make meYour selfless slave
To make me really happyIn this lifetime.
```We all must discover
The secret and sacred magnitudeOf each divine thought.
```God is ready to discuss with me,
Not about my past,Not about my future,
But about today. ```My real homeland
IsMy God-aspiration-heart.
```My Lord,
Do give me another chance!I am ready for the climb.
This time I shall not fail You. ```Long, long ago
You lost God.You are now
Rediscovering Him.God is helping you.
```In the spiritual life,
Every day, every hour,Every minute
I must long forGod’s inner Guidance
And God’s outer Guidance. ```God’s Compassion-Eye
Blessingfully teaches meHow to cry.
```APR 2437. These prayers were given in Legian, Bali, Indonesia — 9 January 2004.↩
God’s Forgiveness-Heart
Blessingfully teaches meHow to smile.
```I make no mistake
When I tell the worldThat I am all God’s.
I make no mistakeWhen I tell the world
That God is all mine. ```My Lord says to me,
“My child,You are totally mistaken.
You must sayThat you are all God
And I am all you, only you.” ```With every single breath,
My heart and IAre rising towards
Our Lord Beloved Supreme. ```At long last
I am able to enterInto my life’s
Beauty-fragrance-inundated horizon. ```Transcendence and expansion
Work togetherHappily and proudly.
```When I offer
My life’s power-of-attorneyTo my Lord Supreme,
He immediately embraces meLovingly, powerfully and self-givingly.
```A sleepless self-giver-seeker
To humankindHas no time for himself.
```During my deep meditation,
When God-ecstasy appears,My inefficiency-life
Immediately disappears. ```From this moment on,
My Lord shall take His seatInside my stupidity-flooded mind.
```APR 2447. These prayers were given in Legian, Bali, Indonesia — 10 January 2004.↩
My Lord Supreme
Never says ‘no’To me,
But I do say ‘no’To Him.
```My Lord Supreme
Never doubts me,But I do doubt Him.
```My Lord Supreme
Never insists —But I do.
```Where do I live?
I live in betweenMy life’s eagerness-heart
And my life’s intensity-breathTo fulfil my Lord Beloved Supreme.
I have nothing to do with you.I shall see you no more.
```Every day my Lord Supreme
Most seriously examinesMy mind-purity-capacities.
```Every day my Beloved Supreme
Most affectionately feedsAll my necessities.
Dominate my life.Aspiration
Elevates my heart. ```Every morning
And every eveningI wash my Supreme Lord’s Feet
With my devotion-heart-tears,And then I kiss His Feet
Self-givingly. ```Determination
Of the utmost strengthIs needed
For God-realisation.```
APR 2457. These prayers were given in Legian, Bali, Indonesia — 11 January 2004.↩
I do not want to be
A book-knowledge-smartMan.
```I want to be
A heart-wisdom-smartSeeker.
```We all must be
Very, very careful.Doubt can at any moment plunder
All our divine qualities. ```Faith-flower-fragrance
Is exquisite. ```I must make
My God-dedication-stridesLonger than the longest.
```The mind gets tired
Right afterA very short prayer.
```The heart does not get tired
Even afterA very long meditation.
```The cyclone-violences
In various parts of the worldCan be stopped
By soulful prayersAnd powerful meditations.
```We need a failure-ignoring
And self-doubt-shunning aspirationTo arrive
At our destined Goal. ```Today
My God-worship-shrine-heartIs exceedingly happy and excited,
For soonMy Lord will arrive.
```My Lord is telling me
That all my God-dreamsWill definitely become
Reality-blossomsAt His choice Hour.
```A true seeker
Is a Heaven-inspiredGod-messenger
On earth.```
APR 2469. These prayers were given in Legian, Bali, Indonesia — 12 January 2004.↩
God’s invisible blows
AwakenMy life.
```God’s visible blows
ExpediteMy Godward journey.
```From:Sri Chinmoy,My Christmas-New Year-Vacation Aspiration-Prayers, part 29, Agni Press, 2004
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/apr_29